DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q2 - W5-JLMT

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: JOSEPHINE LOUISE M. TAN Learning Area: MAPEH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: DECEMBER 5 to 9, 2022 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Holiday: Feast of the Immaculate Demonstrates understanding of
shapes, space, colors, and the shapes, space, colors, and the shapes, space, colors, and the Conception of Mary shapes, space, colors, and the
principles of emphasis, principles of emphasis, principles of emphasis, harmony principles of emphasis,
harmony and contrast in digital harmony and contrast in digital and contrast in digital painting harmony and contrast in digital
painting and poster design painting and poster design and poster design using new painting and poster design
using new technologies. using new technologies. technologies. using new technologies.
B. Performance Standard Applies concepts on the use of Applies concepts on the use of Applies concepts on the use of Applies concepts on the use of
software in creating digital software in creating digital software in creating digital software in creating digital
paintings and graphics design. paintings and graphic design. paintings and graphic design. paintings and graphic design.
C. Learning Competencies Realizes that art processes, Appreciates the elements and Applies skills in layouting and Creates an
(write the LC Code) elements and principles still principles applied in lay outing photo editing using new advertisement/commercial or
apply even with the use of A6PR-IIf technologies(Hardware and announcement poster
technologies Software) in making a poster A6PL-IIh
II. CONTENT Digital painting graphic Design Digital Painting Graphic Digital Painting Graphic Digital Painting Graphic
Design(Poster) Design(Poster) Design(Poster)


A. References
1. TG/CG pages Enjoying life Through Music, Enjoying Life trhough Music, Enjoying Life trhough Music,
Arts, Physical Education and Arts, Physical education and Arts, Physical education and
Health 6 by Marissa C. Pascual, Health 6 pp. 54-58 Health 6 pp. 55-61
Irene Feliz S. Reyes, Ma. Elvira
M. Garcia. Mignon C. Artuz
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Projector, Powerpoint Enjoying Life Through Music,
presentation, netbook, gadgets Arts ,Physical Education and
Health 6
4. Materials downloaded K to 12 basic education k To 12 Curriculum Guide 6 p.
from LRMDS curriculum Guide 6, p57 for 50
Health, p. 50 for Arts p.
B. Other Learning Materials Powerpoint, cellphones, Projector, Powerpoint Powerpoint presentation, LCD
computers, netbook presentation, netbook, gadgets, projector Laptop/netbook,PC
coupon bond, paint, brushes
A. Reviewing previous Checking of pupils’ homework. What was the most attractive What is MS Publisher? What is MS Publisher?
lesson and presenting What are the different poster you have ever seen? What are the uses of MS What features are used in MS
new lesson elements and principles of art? Explain what it looks like and Publisher learned yesterday? Publisher?
why you like it? Did you brimng the materials I What are the uses of MS
ask you? Publisher?

B. Establishing a purpose Did you bring your gadgets Show a sample of poster Call on a learner to open the Have you seen flyers or
for the lesson children? laptop and proceed to MS advertisement posted in any
Who are your favourite artists? Publisher. wall or open area in your
Why did you like them? Allow also other learners to locality?
What do we call it? What open their gadgets. What do you usually read or see
elements do you see in this in it?
Original File Submitted and
Formatted by DepEd Club
Member - visit
depedclub.com for more
C. Presenting Teacher discuss the activities to Show another sample of a Present to them a product you Present them varied pictures of
examples/instances of de done by the pupils using poster, let them study the wanted to sell. Let them create sample
the lesson their gadgets. elements and principles used its advertisement poster. advertisement/commercial or
Direction: Title, save, display their poster announcement poster.
Create your own digital painting and say something about it. Let them study and describe it
similar with the masters
( Van Gogh, Amorsolo, Tadao
Cern, Etc)using GIMP
D. Discussing new concepts Hands On activity of the pupils. What is a poster? How did you come up with your Allow the learners to observe
and practicing new skills output? the poster sample shown to
#1 What elements and principles What skills did you applied? them.
are used in lay outing this Why do advertisers create an
poster? attractive poster?
. What do they apply the art
Why are posters principles of emphasis?

E. Discussing new concepts Call on a pupil to say something Let the pupils design and Allow the pupils to create a Give some instructions or
and practicing new skills about his/her output. create a poster by using the MS poster informing their standards to follow when
#2 What motivates you to create Publisher schoolmates that there will be making their advertisement/
your output? an upcoming school activity commercial and announcement
regarding waste management poster using software.
Is using technology in your art and not everybody is informed
work essential? Why? about the important details. As
a graphic artist you will make a
poster series for this event. You
will apply emphasis and create
multiple copies of it then
F. Developing mastery (lead Contimuation of hands On Hands on! Hands on activity of the Hands on activity.
to formative assessment Activity. Teacher supervises learners. Teacher supervises
3) Teacher supervises
G. Finding practical You are expert in using MS How can you help your mother
application of concepts Publisher especially in layouting who have an online business
and skills in daily living and photo editing. Your but doesn’t know how to use
mother’s friend is looking for computer?
someone to make the Birthday
Tarp of his son, What can you
do to help her?
H. Making generalization Purpose of a poster How can you create relevant In creating your
and abstractions about Is to communicate a message. posters? advertisement/commercial and
the lesson announcement you should
Posters should be engaging always apply the art principle of
enough to capture their emphasis to stress some
attention because it is a element over others by showing
powerful tool to inform, what you should look at first,
persuade or promote. second, third and so on….think
of the size, shape and color of
Elements and principles used your texts and images and the
are color, shape, form, texture, way you arrange them on your
line, emphasis, harmony and poster illustrates visual weight.

I. Evaluating learning Using Rubrics to evaluate the Use the rubrics in grading the Check(/ Evaluating/Grading the outputs
outputs of the pupils. output of each pupil ) the of the pupils using rubrics.
cri Adva Profici Devel CRITER 5 3 1 box of
te nced ent oping IA your
ri 5 3 1 Releva Very Rele Irrel answer
a nce to relev vant evan I can
D Cam Can Can the ant to t to create
es apply apply apply theme to the the poster
ig desig desig desig the the the using
n n n, n them me me MS
elem eleme eleme e or or or Publish
ents nts nts topic topic topic er
with with with Creati Dem Dem Dem I can
excel great fair vity onstr onst onst create
lent skills skill ate rate rate an
skills origin 3 0f 1 effectiv
Cr Can Can Can ality, 5 com e
ea show show show fluen com pone poster
tiv excel great good cy, pone nts series
ity lent atten atten flexib nts of I can
atten tion tion ility of crea apply
tion to to and crea tivity emphas
to detail detail. elabo tivity isi on
detai s, Imagi ratio my
l the ideas native n poster
ideas mater touch Visual Illustr Illust Illust I can
/ ials, es are Impact ation ratio ratio share
mate meth scatte is n is n is importa
rial / ods red very clear uncl nt
meth are throu clear and ean informa
ods effecti ghtou and quit and tion or
are ve t the very e unre advocat
highl digital realis reali alisti e
y painti tic stic c causes
effec ng. using
tive my
I can
pass my
on time
J. Additional activities for What is a poster?How can you Continue the unfinished work To those who are not yet
application or create relevant posters? finishcontinue at home and
remediation submit tomorrow.


A. No. of learners who Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help
earned 80% in the your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
B. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who earned 80% above
acquired additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons ___ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who ___Yes ___No
continue to require ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
E. Which of my teaching ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I Strategies used that work well:
encountered which my ___ Group collaboration
principal can help me ___ Games
___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Lecture Method
___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their tasks
G. What innovation or __ Unavailable Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD)
localized materials did I __ Additional Clerical works
used/discover which I
wish to share with other
H. Planned Innovations:
__ Localized Videos
__ Making big books from views of the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials
__ Instructional materials

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Noted by:


Teacher I Master Teacher 1 Principal III

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