Lab 4: Diffraction Gratings and Prisms (3 Lab Periods) : Revised Version
Lab 4: Diffraction Gratings and Prisms (3 Lab Periods) : Revised Version
Lab 4: Diffraction Gratings and Prisms (3 Lab Periods) : Revised Version
Lab 4:
Objectives Calibrate a diffraction grating using a spectral line of known wavelength. With the
calibrated grating, determine the wavelengths of several other spectral lines. De-
termine the chromatic resolving power of the grating. Determine the dispersion
curve (refractive index as a function of wavelength) of a glass prism.
References Hecht, sections 3.5, 5.5, 10.2.8; tables 3.3 and 6.2
We will discuss diffraction gratings in greater detail later in the course. In this laboratory, you
will need to use only two basic grating equations, and you will not need the details of the later
discussion. The first equation should be familiar to you from an introductory Physics course and
describes the angular positions of the principal maxima of order m for light of wavelength λ.
The other, which may not be as familiar, is the equation for the chromatic resolving power Rm in
the diffraction order m when N grooves in the grating are illuminated.
where (Δλ)min is the smallest wavelength difference for which two spectral lines, one of wave-
length λ and the other of wavelength λ + Δλ, will just be resolved. The absolute value insures that
R will be a positive quantity for either sign of Δλ. If Δλ is small, as it will be in this experiment, it
does not matter whether you use λ, λ + Δλ, or the average value in the numerator. For example,
the D lines in sodium vapor are a yellow doublet (λD1 = 589.593 nm and λD2 = 588.996 nm),
whose two components are separated by 0.597 nm. The average wavelength is 589.295 nm.
Thus the minimum resolving power required to distinguish the two components is given by
R = 589.295/0.597 = 987.
(C) LAB SAFETY: Never look through the telescope directly at any line source.
33-353 — Intermediate Optics Lab 4 — Fall 2010
The resolution actually obtained in an instrument, such as a prism or grating spectrometer, may
be limited by many things: the slit width, the quality of the lenses, etc. Even with an infinitely
narrow slit and perfect optics, diffraction by the finite aperture of the dispersive element imposes
a fundamental limitation on the resolving power of the instrument. For a grating oriented per-
pendicular to the beam that is illuminated over its full width, the effective aperture is just the
width of the patterned region of the grating. However, if the collimator or telescope have lenses
of diameter less than the effective aperture of either prism or grating, they will determine the lim-
iting aperture. In this experiment you will control the size of the effective aperture by deliber-
ately inserting a slit of variable width between the collimator and the grating, thus limiting the
width of the illuminated region.
The theoretical resolving power of a transmission grating is given by R = mN, Eq. (4.2), where m
is the order of the principal maximum and N is the total number of grooves in the grating that are
actually illuminated by the source. For example, if a grating has 5,000 lines/cm and you illumi-
nate a 1 cm width, then N = 5,000 and the theoretical resolving power R = mN in 2nd order (m =
2) would be 2×5,000 = 10,000. If you illuminated only a 2 mm width of this grating, the number
of illuminated lines (1,000) would be just about enough to resolve the sodium D lines in first or-
der, and would be more than adequate in second order (mN = 2,000). Note that the resolving
power of a grating is independent of wavelength.
This experiment makes use of the divided-circle spectrometer. Others may have used your spec-
trometer in between lab periods, so you should begin each laboratory period by making the initial
adjustments to the collimator and telescope as described below. Be sure you use the same spec-
trometer, diffraction grating, and prism throughout this experiment. The gratings, prisms, and
spectrometers are labeled. Be sure to record the labels of each. The gratings and prisms may not
be identical; if you make some of your measurements with one and some with another you may
introduce systematic errors into your results.
Direct the telescope at a bright field (e.g., a white image board illuminated by an incandescent
lamp) and focus the eyepiece on the cross-hairs.
Take the spectrometer to a window and look through the telescope at a distant object (or to the
end of a long corridor and look at an object at the opposite end of the corridor). With the rack
and pinion adjustment, move the telescope in and out until the object is in good focus. If these
two adjustments are correct there should be no relative motion of the cross-hairs and the image
of the distant object as you move your eye back-and-forth across the eyepiece. The telescope
now focuses parallel light at the cross-hair plane.
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Illuminate the slit with an incandescent light source. Rotate the telescope (adjusted as described
above) so as to look into the collimator. Adjust the collimator until the slit is in focus. Light di-
verging from the slit will now emerge from the collimator as a parallel beam.
The plane of the black table should be perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Using a bubble level,
make sure that the spectrometer base is level. Then adjust the black table until it is also level.
For the portions of this laboratory which utilize the grating, fix the grating on the table, directly
over the center of rotation, with the good (ruled) side of the grating facing away from the colli-
mator (i.e. the unruled, plane glass side of the grating facing toward the collimator). For accurate
measurements, it is essential to adjust the spectrometer so that the grating is perpendicular to the
beam from the collimator. A recommended procedure is as follows:
1. Align the telescope with the collimator. Make the slit as narrow as possible, and center
the cross-hairs on the image of the slit. Lock the telescope in place by tightening the
small black knob, located more or less directly below the telescope mount. This defines
the 0° direction.
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2. Unlock the angle scale, by loosening the small black knob on the left side of the spec-
trometer base, and rotate the scale until it reads exactly 45°. Lock the angle scale at 45°.
3. Keeping the angle scale locked, unlock the telescope and rotate it around to the right, un-
til the angle reading is exactly 135°. Lock the telescope at 135°.
4. Keeping both the angle scale and the telescope locked in their current positions, unlock
the black table, using the long knob between the black table and the angle scale.
5. Looking through the telescope, rotate the black table until the good (ruled) side of the
grating reflects an image of the slit into the telescope. When the image of the slit is cen-
tered on the cross hairs, lock the black table in place.
6. Unlock the telescope and swing it back to exactly 45°. Lock the telescope at 45°.
7. Unlock the angle scale and rotate the angle scale back to 0°. Lock the angle scale at 0°.
8. Look through the eyepiece and check to be sure the cross hairs are centered in the image
of the slit. (Fine adjustment of less than 1 minute of arc should be all that is needed.)
(F) Procedure
Using the red line in the Hydrogen spectrum (Balmer-α) as a reference of known wavelength (λ
= 656.28 nm), measure the angles of the first and second-order principal maxima on each side. If
the diffraction grating is properly aligned, the angles for a given wavelength, in a given order of
interference, should be the same on both sides, to within a few minutes or arc. Using these meas-
urements, determine the grating spacing and the number of lines per mm. You should obtain a
result that is close to the nominal value of 600 lines per mm.
Measure the angles of the first and second-order principal maxima of the prominent lines in the
Helium spectrum. Then determine the wavelengths of these lines. You will use these spectral
lines for measurements on a dispersing prism in section d. Check your results for λ against those
in the wavelength tables in the laboratory, or in Table 3.3 in Hecht (p. 70).
Diffraction of light that passes an aperture may limit the resolution of an instrument. However,
the resolution of interest in that situation is the spatial resolution, i.e., the ability of the instru-
ment to resolve two spatially separated objects that are emitting light of the same wavelength. In
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distinction, the resolution of interest in this experiment is the chromatic resolution, i.e., the abil-
ity of the instrument to resolve two different wavelengths emitted by atoms in the same source
(no spatial separation at all).
In this experiment, you introduce a slit between the collimator and the grating that allows you to
vary the width of the beam that illuminates the grating. The number of illuminated lines is then
determined by an aperture that you can control and measure, rather than by elements such as the
collimator whose apertures are either fixed or difficult to measure. The beam through the slit
may be treated in the limit of geometrical optics; diffraction by the slit is not important.
The grating should be perpendicular to the beam from the collimator. Using the Na D lines as the
source, place a variable slit between the collimator and grating and adjust the slit until the two
lines of the doublet are just barely resolved. Then measure the slit width. As you narrow the slit,
you reduce the number of illuminated lines of the grating until the Na D lines are just resolved.
Because you know both λ and Δλ, you can compute the resolving power |λ/Δλ| for this situation.
You can determine the total number of illuminated lines N from the slit width and the number of
lines per unit length of the grating, which you measured earlier.
Make several measurements, with each partner adjusting the slit an equal number of times. If you
use two adjustable slits, one partner can be setting one slit in the spectrometer while the other is
measuring the width of the other slit. Treat each partner’s measurements separately to check for
systematic differences.
Compare your value of R = mN with the value of |λ/Δλ| calculated for the Na doublet. Do this in
both first and second order. Can you observe the Na D lines in third order? If not, explain why.
Technical hint: For the measurement of R, you should have the system carefully adjusted, and
you should use the narrowest possible collimator slit width.
If your spectroscope is still set up with the diffraction grating, carefully remove the grating and
grating holder from the black table, and store them safely in the spectrometer accessories box.
Attach the prism clamp to the black table, using the thumb screws and the appropriate pair of
threaded holes in the black table. Position the prism on the black table such that the base of the
prism is snug up against the prism clamp, and the apex of the prism points away from the clamp,
toward the opposite side of the table.
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Unlock the black table and rotate it such that the apex of the prism points directly toward the col-
limator (i.e. the base of the prism should be approximately perpendicular to the collimator axis).
Illuminate the collimator slit with a Sodium lamp. Lock the black table in this position. If the
prism has been positioned properly, light from the illuminated slit should be reflected more or
less symmetrically from both sides of the prism. With your unaided eye, look for the image of
the slit reflected from each side of the prism. (If you can’t see the reflected image of the slit with
your unaided eye, you will have little hope of being able to find it with the telescope.) When you
have found the reflected image of the slit by eye, use the telescope to make careful measure-
ments of the angle at which the image appears. (For each measurement, read the vernier scale to
the nearest minute of arc.)
Take several repeated measurements of the angle of the reflected image on both side of the
prism. Determine the average and the uncertainty for these two sets of measurements. The apex
angle, α, is half the difference between the angles of the two reflected images. Why is the uncer-
tainty in reading the vernier scale not an adequate estimate of the uncertainty of α?
Hint: Carrying out the following calculations before you come to the lab will save you time.
An expression for the angle of minimum deviation δm for a prism can be derived in terms of the
apex angle and the index of refraction. (See Hecht, Section 5.5.1, and solve equation 5.54 for
δm.) Using this expression, determine δm for a prism whose apex angle is the same as the angle
you measured for your prism, in section (1) above. Do this calculation for a range (about 6) of
the glasses described in Hecht, Table 6.2, p. 270. These refer to the average wavelength of the
Na-D lines. Then measure δm for this wavelength (λ = 589.3 nm). This result should be quite
close to one of the values you have calculated for the various different glasses. If it is, you can be
reasonably certain that you measured δm correctly. This should also suggest the type of glass for
your prism, and hence you can compute the range of δm that you would expect for measurements
at different wavelengths.
Illuminate the spectrometer slit with a Helium lamp. Using the He lines, whose wavelengths you
determined in section b., measure δm for each line and find the corresponding indices of refrac-
tion from the relation
The dispersion curve is a graph of n vs. λ. An empirical formula proposed by Cauchy can be used
to fit the dispersion curve. This formula, a power series expansion of n in the variable 1/λ2, is de-
scribed on p. 85 of Hecht. Retaining only the first two terms of the expansion, we have
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Plot a graph of n vs. λ. Then plot another graph of n vs. 1/λ2 and, by fitting a straight line to the
data, find n0 and K. What are the dimensions of the constant K? Be sure to express it in appropri-
ate units.
For each wavelength, take several measurements of δm and determine the average and the uncer-
tainty of the set. Combine the uncertainties in the α and δm to determine the uncertainty in n.
In a non-dispersive medium, the phase velocity does not depend on wavelength and therefore,
phase and group velocities are equal. In a dispersive medium, however, the phase velocity does
depend on wavelength and can be written in terms of the wavelength-dependent index of refrac-
tion as vp = c/n(λ). In this case, the phase and group velocities will not be equal, and are related
by the expression
Determine an expression for dn/dλ from the Cauchy relation, Eq. (4.4), and calculate the differ-
ence vg – vp for several values of λ in the range of your measurements. Present your results in a
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