Experiment 112-8: Grating and Prism Spectrometer
Experiment 112-8: Grating and Prism Spectrometer
Experiment 112-8: Grating and Prism Spectrometer
= (8.2)
where A is the apex angle of the prism and D is the angle of minimum deviation for the spectral
Propagation of Errors: The normal rules for addition/subtraction and multiplication/division
apply to Equations (8.1) and (8.2). However, since they both contain trigonometric functions, its
necessary to work out a technique for propagating the measurement errors through them. Consult
3.2.5 on page 12 of the Laboratory Companion to see how it can be done.
Physics, Volume 2 by Halliday, Resnick, & Krane, pp. 981986
ibid., pp. 890893
Spectrometer Experiment 112-8
The objectives of the experiment are (1) to use a grating spectrometer to determine the
wavelengths of the visible lines in the sodium spectrum and (2) to use a prism spectrometer to
determine the index of refraction of the glass from which the prism is made at the wavelengths of
the visible lines in the sodium spectrum.
1. Preliminary Setup
A diagram showing the basic parts of a spectrometer is shown in Figure 8.1. Light enters the col-
limator through a slit at the front of the spectrometer. The collimating lens focuses the light into
a parallel beam, which then passes through either a diffraction grating or a prism placed on the
prism table. After being bent through some angle, the beam of light is then viewed through the
telescope, which can be rotated until the image of the slit is centered on the cross hairs. The an-
gle that the light has been bent through can then be read on the protractor using the vernier scale
attached to the telescope.
Figure 8.1 Parts of a Spectrometer
A. The knob at A is used to clamp the telescope in place so that it cannot be moved. It should
always be loosened when large adjustments to the telescopes position are made.
B. The knob at B is used to finely adjust the position of the telescope. Knob A must be clamped
before the fine adjustments can be made.
C. The knobs at C can be used to level the prism table with respect to the optical axis. Consult
with your lab instructor before attempting this.
D. The knob at D is used to clamp the protractor as well as the prism (and grating) table. It
must be clamped when angular readings are taken with the combination of the protractor and
vernier scales.
E. The knob at E is used to adjust the width of the slit at the front of the collimator. One edge of
the slit remains fixed on the optical axis, the other edge is adjustable.
Spectrometer Experiment 112-8
All the adjustable parts of the spectrometer should move with little effort. Damage to the
spectrometer can occur if you force parts to move. If some part is tight, it is probably because
it is clamped in place. Find the appropriate knob and loosen it.
The initial adjustment of the spectrometer consists of adjustments to the telescope and the
collimator. First, adjust the eyepiece of the telescope so that the cross hairs are sharply focused.
Next, swing the telescope to one side and point it at some distant object. (Take it out into the
hall.) Adjust the telescope lens until the object is as sharply focused as possible and eliminate
parallax between the image and the cross hairs. Once these adjustments have been made they
should not be touched for the rest of the experiment.
Next, place a light in front of the entrance slit of the collimator. View the slit through the
telescope. Adjust the collimator lens until the image of the slit is in the plane of the cross hairs.
You should use parallax focusing to accomplish this.
After these adjustments have been made, the light entering the slit on the front of the col-
limator will be focused into a parallel beam by the collimator lens. It will then be focused on the
cross hairs of the telescope by the objective lens of the telescope. This image of the slit can then
be viewed through the eyepiece.
2. Grating Spectrometer
Mount the diffraction grating holder on the prism/grating table and put the diffraction
grating in place. Loosen the knob D and rotate the table so that the grating is perpendicular
(judged by eye) to the optical axis of the collimator. Tighten knob D to clamp the table in place.
Place the sodium lamp in front of the entrance slit of the collimator. Rotate the telescope
so that it is in line with the collimator axis and view the slit through the telescope.
Vary the slit width while observing it through the telescope. Notice that only one side of the
slit moves. When determining line positions, you should align the cross hairs with the fixed side
of the slit. Start with the slit fairly wide open; you can make the slit wider for faint spectral lines
to make them easier to see.
If you have a problem seeing the cross hairs in the telescope, illuminate them with a light
near the telescope. You will have to experiment with the positioning of the desk lamp so that it is
bright enough to illuminate the cross hairs, but not so bright as to obliterate the spectral lines.
Align the telescope cross hairs with the fixed side of the slit and note the protractor and
vernier scale
Rotate the telescope to the left of the collimator axis and observe the lines in the sodium
spectrum. Choose one easily visible line and align the cross hairs with the fixed side of the slit.
Read the protractor and vernier scales. Move the telescope to the other side of the collimator
axis and align the cross hairs on the same spectral line (check to make sure you are using the
fixed side of the slit). Note the scale readings. The left and right deviation angles (relative to the
centre reading) should agree with within 0.1. If they do not, the grating is not perpendicular to
The vernier scale on the spectrometer is calibrated to tenths of a degree. There will be times, however,
when no line on the vernier matches exactly with one on the protractor. If this happens record the decimal part of
the reading as half way between the two vernier lines which most closely align with the protractor scale marks. In
other words, you should be able to estimate the scale readings to the nearest 0.05 degrees.
Spectrometer Experiment 112-8
the axis of the collimator. Correct the orientation of the grating by half of the difference and re-
peat until agreement at the 0.1 level is obtained.
For all the first and second order spectral lines that can be seen on both sides of the col-
limator axis, record the angular positions in a table similar to the one shown. You may have to
adjust the slit width for brighter and/or fainter spectral lines.
m Color
Left scale
Right scale
0 Slit 54.00 54.00
1 Blue-Grn 36.90 71.10 17.10 498 3
1 Green 1 32.30 71.65 19.675 514 3
The deviation angle is calculated by dividing the difference between the left and right
scale readings by two. Use Equation (8.1) to calculate the wavelength of each of the lines. The
spacing d between the slits on the diffraction grating can be calculated from the manufacturer's
specification that the gratings have been ruled with 15,000 lines per inch. Compute the error in
each wavelength value via the methods described in 3.2.5 of the Laboratory Companion.
Look up the reference values for the spectral lines of the sodium spectrum in suitable ref-
erence source like the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. The relative intensity of the lines
should also be given: you probably saw only the brightest of the spectral lines. Can you match
up the reference values with the values you found?
When calculating the error in your wavelength values a relative error of 0.001 in the grat-
ing line spacing d was assumed. This error is a systematic rather than a random error. Are your
calculated wavelengths systematically high or low when compared with the reference values?
3. Prism Spectrometer
Remove the diffrac-
tion grating and the grating
holder from the spectrometer
table. Place a prism on the
table and orient it as shown in
Figure 8.7. Carefully slide the
white circular lid over the
prism to serve as a positioning
jig. Set the telescope to read
the angle of the light that is
reflected off each face of the
prism. The difference be-
tween the scale readings at
points a and b, shown in the
figure, equals twice the apex
angle. Calculate the value of
A. (It should be close to sixty
Figure 8.7 Determination of Apex Angle of Prism
Spectrometer Experiment 112-8
Now, using the positioning jig, rotate the prism on the spectrometer table so that it is ori-
ented as shown in figure 8.8A. You should observe the lines in the sodium spectrum.
Figure 8.8 Determination of Angles of Minimum Deviation
Next, set the prism to obtain the angles of minimum deviation. To do this, rotate the
prism using the positioning jig while you observe the spectrum through the telescope. Rotate the
prism in the direction that reduces the angle at which the light is deviated. You will eventually
come to a point where further rotation of the prism will cause the angle at which the light is de-
viated to increase. Find the position of the prism at which the angle through which the light is
deviated is as small as you can make it.
Position the cross hairs of the telescope on the fixed edge of the slit image for each of the
lines in the spectrum. (If necessary, you can change the slit width to make fainter lines easier to
see.) Record the angular scale readings from the spectrometer.
Reposition the prism on the spectrometer table to orient it as shown in Figure 8 .8B and
repeat the above procedure for this prism orientation. The angle of minimum deviation is half the
difference between the corresponding scale readings on each of the two sides. Find the angle of
minimum deviation for each spectral line.
Use Equation (8.2) to calculate the index of refraction of the glass of which the prism is
made for each of the spectral lines. Use Equation (8.4) to calculate the uncertainty in each of
these indices of refraction. Record all of your data in a table similar to the one shown below.
Left (deg)
Right (deg)
Red 103.85 3.35 50.25 1.644 0.005
Yellow 1 104.10 3.10 50.50 1.646 0.005
The graph in Figure 8.9 (over page) shows the index of refraction of various types of
glass as a function of wavelength. What type(s) of glass have values that come closest to those
you obtained for the glass in the prism in your experiment?
Spectrometer Experiment 112-8
Figure 8.9 Index of Refraction