MAPEH 10 PE L1 With Blanks
MAPEH 10 PE L1 With Blanks
MAPEH 10 PE L1 With Blanks
Quarter 3: Active Recreation (Street and Hip-hop Sam” and his crew the Electric Boogaloos. It is based on
Dances) the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to
cause a jerk in a dancer’s body.
Street Dance or Breakin’ came from the great Popping forces parts of your body outwards, similar
superstar James Brown and his signature move called “The to an explosion within parts of your body. Popping also
Good Foot” contracts muscles, but it is followed by relaxation that gives it
Street Dance refers to dance styles that have evolved the jerking appearance of popping.
outside of dance studios. It is performed in streets, dance 3. Locking
parties, parks, school yards, or in any available space. It is Locking or campbellocking, was created by Don
often improvisational and social in nature, encouraging Campbellock in 1969 in Los Angeles, California. It
interaction and contact with spectators and other dancers. was popularized by his crew, The Lockers. Locking
A full street dance is a collection of various similar can be identified by its distinctive stops. It is usually
dance moves and styles put together into one practice and performed by stopping the fast movement that you
regarded as the same dance. are doing, locking your body into a position, holding
Hip- hop is a cultural movement best known for its it, and then continuing at the same speed as before.
impact on music in the form of the musical genre of the same In locking, dancers hold their positions longer. The
name. It has its origins in the Bronx, in New York City, lock is the primary move used in locking. It is similar
during the 1970s, mostly among African Americans and some to a freeze or a sudden pause. A locker’s dancing is
influence of Latin Americans. Hip-hop culture is composed of characterized by frequently locking in place and after
the pillars such as DJ-ing, rapping, breakdancing, and graffiti a brief freeze moving again.
art. 4. Krumping
Hip- hop Dance, on the other hand, refers to street Krumping is a form of dancing that originated in
dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop music or that the African-American community of South
have evolved as part of hip-hop culture. Hip-hop music Central Los Angeles, California and is a relatively
incorporates a number of iconic elements, most notably DJing new form of the “Urban” Black dance
and rapping, along with things like beat boxing, sampling, and
movement. It is free, expressive and highly
juggling beats on turntables.
energetic. Most people paint their faces in
STREET AND HIP-HOP DANCE STYLES different designs. Krumping is a dance style to
release anger. It is reported that gang riots in the
1. B- Boying United States decreased because of krumping
B- Boying, also called breakdancing, is a style of style.
street dance and the first hip-hop dance style that 5. Tutting
originated among Black and Puerto Rican youths in It is a creative way of making geometric shapes
New York City during the early 1970s. A practitioner forming right angle using your body parts. The style was
of this dance is called a b-boy, b-girl, or breaker originally practiced by young funk dancers. It is derived from
Although the term breakdance is frequently used to the positions people were drawn in during the days of the
refer to the dance, b-boying and breaking are the original Ancient Egyptians. It is the positions seen in these portraits
terms. that have been adopted by dancers today. Tutting is still a
greatly respected move and King Tut aka Mark Benson is
Four Movements: widely acclaimed for pioneering the style.
Toprock footwork-oriented steps performed while 6. Shuffling
standing up The Melbourne Shuffle (also known as Rocking or
Downrock footwork performed with both hands and feet simply The Shuffle)is a rave and club dance that originated in
on the floor the late 1980s in the underground rave music scene in
Freezes stylish poses done on your hands Melbourne, Australia. The basic movements of the dance are a
Power comprise full-body spins and rotations that fast heel-and-toe action with a style suitable for various types
Moves give the illusion of defying gravity of electronic music. Some variants incorporate arm
movements. People who dance the shuffle are often referred
2. Popping to as rockers, due in part to the popularity of shuffling to rock
music in the early 1990s.
7. Waacking conclusions of thousands of scientific studies and references
Waacking is an African American form of street about longevity. One of the important conclusions of this
dance originating from the 1970’s disco era of extensive review is this: “Researchers estimate that 30% of
the underground club scenes in Los Angeles and longevity is due to heredity and that 70% is the consequence
New York City. Waacking consists of stylized of our beliefs, attitudes, coping skills and lifestyle”.
Adopting and maintaining a healthy and balanced
posing and fast synchronized arm movements
lifestyle is our own responsibility. By maintaining a balanced
to the beat of the music. Today, waacking is a
lifestyle, we are increasing our chances of living a significantly
popular element of hip hop dance. longer, better, and happier life.
A Balanced Lifestyle is the cornerstone of your
Health Benefits of Dancing well-being, and it encompasses elements such as developing
Dancing as a recreational activity can be a way to and maintaining good physical health and fitness, maintaining
stay fit for people of all ages, shapes, and sizes. It has a a good level of energy and vitality, having the ability to
wide range of physical and mental benefits including: express your creativity, enjoying emotional and psychological
stability, entertaining harmonious relationships, feeling and
improved condition of your heart and lungs expressing your love toward people and life, acquiring
increased muscular strength, endurance, and motor effective stress management strategies and coping skills,
fitness achieving financial stability, as well as developing a sense of
increased aerobic fitness purpose and meaning in life.
improved muscle tone and strength In order to be able to take meaningful actions and
weight management make effective changes to your lifestyle and improve your
stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis health and well-being significantly, it may be very useful to
look at the different elements that define your lifestyle. This
better coordination, agility, and flexibility
will allow you to set pertinent and reasonable goals and adopt
improved balance and spatial awareness
more effective strategies specific to each element.
increased physical confidence Lifestyle is often defined by the following six
improved mental functions components: physical, mental, emotional, social, financial
improved general and psychological well-being and spiritual. These elements are all interrelated. We can say
greater self-confidence and self-esteem that we enjoy a truly balanced lifestyle when we are balanced
better social skills with respect to all six components. Negligence or imbalance
in any one of these affects all the others. The good news is
Our lifestyle is the way we live. It is composed of a that improvement in one element will also have a positive
variety of elements and habits: what we eat, what we drink, effect on all the others.
our level of exercise, how well we sleep, how well we manage
stress and adapt to stressful situations, our behavior and how Reference:
we interact with people, not forgetting our sense of belonging Muyot, F.R. (2018). MAPEH on the Go 10 K to 12 Edition.
and purpose in life. It is also affected by how we think and Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House, Inc.
how we see life in general and by our attitude and the choices
we make when confronted with the changes and challenges of
A balanced lifestyle is the way in which we live and
reflects that the different elements of our life are in the right
amount and proportion. Adopting a balanced lifestyle is of
growing importance because it has immediate and long-term
effects on our health and well-being. This is confirmed by
many recent studies, which clearly show that conditions such
as heart diseases, stroke, cancer, diabetes, as well as many
other chronic diseases may be preventable and even reversible
by changing our diet and adopting new attitudes and lifestyle.
A balanced lifestyle will have positive effects on our
longevity as well. In his exceptional book, Defy Aging,
Michael Brickey, (PhD) has reviewed and put together the