Western Star: Driver's Manual
Western Star: Driver's Manual
Western Star: Driver's Manual
Driver’s Manual
STI-444-6 (6/15)
Printed in U.S.A.
compliance with federal and local jurisdictional regu- Place de Ville Tower C, 330 Sparks Street, Ot-
lations. Components including, but not limited to, tawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0N5.
tires, cab/sleeper side extenders, chassis fairings,
bumper, hood, vehicle speed limiters, and idle reduc- For additional road safety information, please visit
tion timers are specifically designed and manufac- the Road Safety website at: www.tc.gc.ca/
tured to exacting standards for regulatory fuel effi- roadsafety.
ciency and greenhouse gas emissions compliance. It
is important that these components are always re-
placed with components that meet or exceed the per-
formance of the originally installed components.
06/28/2011 f602081
1. Certification Label
2. Noise Emission Label
Fig. 1.2, Label Locations
Vehicle Identification
06/28/2011 f080175
06/28/2011 f080174
Vehicle Identification
06/28/2011 f080172
For a driver performed Parked Regeneration, vehicle must be equipped with a dash mounted Regeneration Switch.
02/20/2009 f080156
Table 1.1, Applicable Emissions System Based on Build Date and EPA Regulations
Vehicle Identification
DPF Regen Needed Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)
regeneration is needed.
If flashing, regenerate as soon as
possible. Engine derate possible.
Hot Exhaust Hot exhaust can cause fire.
Keep flammables and people away
from exhaust.
11/30/2010 f080162
Vehicle Identification
02/20/2012 f080179
Vehicle Access
Door Locks and Handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1
Grab Handles and Access Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2
Back-of-Cab Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5
Hood Opening and Closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7
Vehicle Access
To lock either door from outside the cab, insert the Key Fob Programming
key in the lock and turn it one-quarter turn towards
the rear of the vehicle. Turn the key back to the origi- A maximum of four fobs can be programmed to work
nal position to remove it. If the door is closed, it will on one vehicle. Whenever a new fob will be used, all
now be locked. If the door is open, close the door existing fobs must be reprogrammed at the same
firmly. time. Any existing fobs that were previously pro-
grammed will no longer work on the vehicle unless
To lock either door from inside the cab, push the lock they are all reprogrammed at the same time.
button down. Pull the lock button up to unlock the
door from the inside. 1. Remove the passenger-side electrical access
panel, located next to the glove box. See
To open either door from inside the cab, pull the lock Fig. 2.3.
button up, then pull the interior door latch out and
push the door outwards. 2. Locate the 2-wire connector in the area between
the auxiliary and main power distribution mod-
Remote Keyless Entry ules (PDMs) with circuit 443* and ground.
Remote keyless entry is optional on Western Star NOTE: If the 2-wire connector cannot be lo-
vehicles. The remote entry key fob can be used to cated, the connector may be hanging below the
unlock the doors from outside the cab. PDM. In this case, remove the heater cover
panel, which is located below the fuse panel.
To unlock both doors, press the unlock button. To
lock both doors, press the lock button. See Fig. 2.2. 3. Use a short length of wire or a paperclip to short
the two terminals together three times within five
4. Wait three seconds.
Vehicle Access
Vehicle Access
2 3 4 5
2 4 5
08/17/2011 f720392
1. Lower Door Handle 4. Door Latch
2. Door Lock Button 5. Sidewall Grab Handle
3. Upper Door Grab
Fig. 2.4, Driver-Side Cab Access (vehicles built before
November 7, 2011)
Vehicle Access
2 3 4
08/17/2011 f720393
1. A-Pillar Grab Handle 4. Door Lock Button
2. Door Latch 5. Lower Door Grab
3. Upper Door Grab Handle 1
Handle 6. Sidewall Grab Handle
Fig. 2.6, Passenger-Side Cab Access (vehicles built
before November 7, 2011)
6. Place your left foot on the top step, then move 08/17/2011 f720728
your left hand to the A-pillar grab handle. 1. Sidewall Grab Handle 4. Upper Door Pocket
2. Door Latch 5. Lower Door Pocket
7. Step into the cab with your left foot first. 3. A-Pillar Grab Handle
Exiting the Passenger’s Side Fig. 2.7, Passenger-Side Cab Access (vehicles built
November 7, 2011 and later)
IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to exit the cab
while carrying any items in your hands. Place 2. Place your left foot on the top step.
them in an accessible location on the seat or 3. Move your left hand to the sidewall grab handle.
cab floor and make sure they will not get in your
way as you exit, then retrieve them after you 4. Move your right foot to the bottom step.
have exited the cab. 5. Move your right hand to the lower door pocket or
grab handle.
CAUTION 6. Step to the ground with your left foot first.
Always face in when exiting the cab. Do not at- Entering the Driver’s Side, Right-
tempt to exit with your back to the cab, as you
would going down a flight of stairs. It is easier to Hand-Drive Vehicles
slip or lose your balance. If you slip when exiting 1. Open the driver-side door, and place anything
in this way, there is a greater likelihood of per- that you are carrying in the cab.
sonal injury.
2. Grasp the sidewall grab handle with your left
1. Grasp the A-pillar grab handle with both hands, hand.
then place your right foot on the top step while
facing inward. See Fig. 2.6 or Fig. 2.7.
Vehicle Access
3. Grasp the lower door pocket or grab handle with 3. Grasp the lower door pocket or grab handle with
your right hand. your left hand.
4. Place your left foot on the bottom step. 4. Place your right foot on the bottom step.
5. Place your right foot on the top step. 5. Place your left foot on the top step and move
your left hand to the A-pillar grab handle.
6. Move your right hand to the steering wheel or
A-pillar grab handle, if equipped. 6. Place your right foot on the top step, then move
your right hand to the A-pillar grab handle.
7. Step into the cab with your left foot first, and
grasp the steering wheel with your left hand. 7. Step into the cab with your right foot first.
Exiting the Driver’s Side, Right-Hand- Exiting the Passenger’s Side, Right-
Drive Vehicles Hand-Drive Vehicles
IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to exit the cab IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to exit the cab
while carrying any items in your hands. Place while carrying any items in your hands. Place
them in an accessible location on the seat or them in an accessible location on the seat or
cab floor and make sure they will not get in your cab floor and make sure they will not get in your
way as you exit, then retrieve them after you way as you exit, then retrieve them after you
have exited the cab. have exited the cab.
Always face in when exiting the cab. Do not at- Always face in when exiting the cab. Do not at-
tempt to exit with your back to the cab, as you tempt to exit with your back to the cab, as you
would going down a flight of stairs. It is easier to would going down a flight of stairs. It is easier to
slip or lose your balance. If you slip when exiting slip or lose your balance. If you slip when exiting
in this way, there is a greater likelihood of per- in this way, there is a greater likelihood of per-
sonal injury. sonal injury.
1. Grasp the steering wheel with both hands, place 1. Grasp the A-pillar grab handle with both hands,
your right foot on the top step, and stand on the then place your left foot on the top step while
threshold, facing into the cab. standing up from the seat facing inward.
2. Grasp the sidewall grab handle with your left 2. Place your right foot on the top step.
3. Move your right hand to the sidewall grab
3. Move your left foot to the bottom step. handle.
4. Move your right hand to the lower door pocket or 4. Move your right foot to the bottom step.
grab handle.
5. Move your left hand to the lower door pocket or
5. Step to the ground with your right foot first. grab handle.
6. Step to the ground with your left foot first.
Entering the Passenger’s Side, Right-
Hand-Drive Vehicles Back-of-Cab Access
1. Open the passenger-side door and place any-
thing that you are carrying in the cab. When trailer air and electrical connections cannot be
reached conveniently from the ground, Federal Motor
2. Grasp the sidewall grab handle with your right Carrier Safety Regulations require that tractors have
hand. adequate back-of-cab access. Grab handles are typi-
cally located on the backwall of the cab or sleeper, or
on the inside of the cab extender, if equipped. See
Vehicle Access
Follow these rules for back-of-cab access. Failing
to follow these rules could lead to a fall, and pos-
sible personal injury.
Never step on any exterior part unless it has a
slip-resistant surface meant for safe stepping. If
the surface is movable, such as a battery box
cover with a slip-resistant surface, be certain it is 3
firmly secured.
Be careful not to trip on items such as chains or
air lines in the back-of-cab area.
Always follow safety procedures for back-of-cab
access, maintaining three-point contact—both
hands and one foot, or both feet and one hand—
whenever moving around, and always face in to-
ward the deck plate when climbing up or down.
Wet or dirty shoes, steps, or grab rails greatly 1
increase the chance of slipping or falling. If your
shoes or the contact areas are wet or dirty, clean
and dry them as much as possible before ac- 09/24/2007 f602335
cessing the back of cab area, and be especially 1. Steps 3. Deck Plate
careful when climbing or standing on the vehicle. 2. Grab Handle
Never jump onto, or off of, a vehicle; doing so Fig. 2.8, Back-of-Cab Access
creates a very high likelihood of a fall and per-
sonal injury. 1. Facing the deck plate, grasp the grab handle
IMPORTANT: Climb onto, and down from, be- with both hands. Reach up as far as is comfort-
hind the cab while facing in toward the vehicle,
as you would on a ladder. Do not climb up or 2. Place one foot on the bottom step and pull your-
down facing out away from the vehicle. self up.
3. Place your other foot on the top step.
Accessing Back-of-Cab Area
4. Move your lower hand to a higher position on the
grab handle.
5. Step onto the deck plate.
External surfaces of the exhaust system remain
hot after the engine has been shut down. When Exiting Back-of-Cab Area
accessing the back of the cab or sleeper, do not
touch any part of the exhaust system other than 1. Face the center of the vehicle and grasp the
the exhaust-mounted grab handle, if equipped, or sidewall grab handle with both hands.
severe burns could occur. 2. Place one foot at a time on the top step.
Vehicle Access
3. Move your upper hand to a lower position on the Closing the Hood
grab handle.
1. Grasp and lift the grab handle to tilt the hood
4. Move one foot to the bottom step. toward the closed position.
5. Step to the ground with your upper foot first. 2. As the hood goes over center, put one foot on
the bumper step and slowly lower the hood with
Hood Opening and Closing both hands on the grab handle. See Fig. 2.9.
The hood can be raised to a full-open position. A IMPORTANT: Make sure that both latches are
spring helps you to raise the hood, and to lower it to fully engaged before operating the vehicle.
the operating position. In the operating position, the
3. Make sure the hood is flush with the cowl, then
hood is secured to the cab-mounted cowl by a hold-
secure the hood by engaging both hood hold-
down latch on each side.
down latches.
Opening the Hood
1. Release both hood hold-down latches by pulling
the ends outward.
Do not let the hood free-fall to the full-open posi-
tion. To do so could cause damage to the hood
or hood springs.
2. Using the bumper step for leverage, slowly tilt
the hood with both hands on the grab handle.
See Fig. 2.9.
03/22/2001 f880526
Warning and Indicator Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1
Standard Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3
Optional Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6
Overhead Instrument Panel, Optional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8
Flashes on and off whenever the outside left-turn signal lights are
Left-Turn Arrow
Flashes on and off whenever the outside right-turn signal lights are
Right-Turn Arrow
Daytime Running Lights Indicates the daytime running lights are on.
Unfastened Seat Belt Illuminates with the ignition ON and the driver seat belt unfastened.
WATER Indicates that the fuel may contain water. The driver must drain
IN FUEL Water In Fuel
any water collected in the fuel/water separator.
Fuel Filter Restriction Indicates the fuel filter has been clogged and requires service.
WAIT Illuminates when starting the engine during cold conditions. Wait
TO START Wait To Start
until the lamp goes out before turning the ignition key to START.
TRANS Check Transmission Indicates an undesirable transmission condition.
SPIN Wheel Spin Indicates that the ATC function is engaged.
Engine Protection System fault type) if the condition does not improve. Bring
the vehicle to a stop on the side of the road before
the engine shuts down.
Some vehicles may have a shutdown-override
When the red STOP engine lamp illuminates, switch, which may be used to momentarily override
most engines are programmed to shut down au- the shutdown sequence. See Chapter 10 for detailed
tomatically within 30 seconds. The driver must information regarding the shutdown process.
immediately move the vehicle to a safe location IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to restart the en-
at the side of the road to prevent causing a haz-
gine while the vehicle is moving. Bring the ve-
ardous situation that could cause bodily injury,
property damage, or severe damage to the en- hicle to a safe stop, then restart the engine.
gine. To restart the engine, turn the ignition switch to OFF,
The STOP engine lamp illuminates when the engine leave it there a few seconds, then turn the switch to
protection system is activated. On some engines, the START. The engine will run for a short period and
engine protection system will derate the engine, al- shut down again if the condition does not improve.
lowing it to run at lower rpm and slower vehicle
speed. Drive the vehicle to a safe location or to a Standard Instruments
service facility.
Standard instruments are present on every vehicle.
On other engines, the engine protection system will They are listed here in alphabetical order, to make
shut down the engine. It will first derate the engine, the information easier to find.
then shut it down completely 30 to 60 seconds after
the indicator illuminates (depending on the critical
05/14/2001 f610537
Fuel/Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Air pressure gauges (Fig. 3.4) register the pressure
in the primary and secondary air systems. Normal
Gauge, EPA10 and Newer pressure with the engine running is 100 to 120 psi
The fuel and DEF levels are measured in a dual pur- (689 to 827 kPa) in both systems.
pose fuel/DEF gauge. See Fig. 3.3.
05/14/2001 f610556
11/09/2009 f611046
Fig. 3.4, Air Pressure Gauge (reservoir A shown)
1. Diesel Fuel Level Indicator
2. DEF Symbol A low air pressure warning lamp and audible warn-
3. DEF Level Indicator ing, connected to both the primary and secondary
4. Low DEF Warning Lamp (activates below 10% systems, activate when air pressure in either system
drops below a minimum pressure of 65 to 75 psi
5. Low Fuel Warning Lamp (activates at 1/8 tank of
fuel) (448 to 517 kPa).
When the engine is started, the warning lamp and
Fig. 3.3, Fuel/DEF Gauge, EPA10 and Newer Vehicles
audible warning remain on until air pressure in both
The diesel fuel level is indicated at the top of the systems exceeds minimum pressure.
gauge, with a low-fuel warning lamp that illuminates
when the diesel fuel level registers 1/8th of capacity. Speedometer
The DEF level is indicated in the lightbar on the Three speedometer face options are available. The
lower portion of the gauge. There is a low DEF level U.S. version of the speedometer (Fig. 3.5) registers
warning lamp that illuminates amber when the DEF speed in both miles per hour (mph) and kilometers
level reaches 10% of capacity. See Chapter 11 for per hour (km/h), with mph in larger numbers.
details of the DEF gauge functions. The metric version of the speedometer face reverses
this arrangement, with km/h in larger numbers. The
Primary and Secondary Air Pressure metric-only version, installed on vehicles bound for
Gauges Australia, shows km/h exclusively.
WARNING Tachometer
The tachometer (see Fig. 3.6) indicates engine
If air pressure falls below minimum pressure, the speed in revolutions per minute (rpm) and serves as
braking ability of the vehicle will be limited. Slow a guide for shifting the transmission and keeping the
the vehicle down and bring it to a gradual stop. engine in the appropriate rpm range. For low idle and
Do not attempt to move the vehicle until air pres- rated rpm, see the engine identification plate.
sure has risen above the minimum level. Moving
a vehicle without adequate braking power could Voltmeter
cause an accident resulting in property damage,
personal injury, or death. The voltmeter (see Fig. 3.7) indicates the vehicle
charging system voltage when the engine is running
12 14
10 16
07/01/2003 f610666
Optional Instruments
Optional instruments are not found on every vehicle.
They are listed here in alphabetical order, to make
the information easier to find.
02/12/2015 f090514
05/14/2001 f610551
05/14/2001 f610552
05/14/2001 f610549
The ammeter (Fig. 3.10) gauge displays current flow-
ing to and from the battery. When the batteries are Fig. 3.11, Tractor Application Air Gauge
charging, the meter needle moves to the positive
side of the gauge. When the batteries are being dis- Application Air Pressure Gauge
charged, the needle moves to the negative side. A
consistent negative reading when the engine is run- The application air pressure gauge (Fig. 3.11) regis-
ning indicates a possible problem with the charging ters the air pressure being used to apply the brakes,
system. and should be used for reference only. The gauge
will not register until the foot pedal is depressed or
Air Intake Maximum Restriction Values (inH2O) the hand brake lever is applied.
EPA07 and
Pre-EPA07 GHG14
Engine Make EPA10
Engines Engines
Detroit 20 22 18
Drive Axle Oil Temperature Gauges • Detroit Diesel engines: 200 to 230°F (93 to
NOTICE Under heavy loads, such as when climbing steep
grades, temperatures that exceed the normal oil tem-
A sudden increase in oil temperature that is not perature range for a short period are not unusual. If
caused by a load increase may indicate mechani- the temperature returns to normal when the load de-
cal failure. Bring the vehicle to a safe stop and creases, there is no problem.
investigate the cause to prevent further damage.
Do not operate the vehicle until the cause has
been determined and corrected.
During normal operation, drive axle oil temperature
gauges (Fig. 3.12) should read between 160 and
220°F (71 and 104°C).
05/11/2001 f610533
REAR Fig. 3.13, Engine Oil Temperature Gauge
Turbocharger Boost Pressure Gauge
04/16/2013 f610547 The turbocharger boost pressure gauge (Fig. 3.14)
measures the pressure in the intake manifold, in ex-
Fig. 3.12, Rear Drive Axle Oil Temperature Gauge cess of atmospheric pressure, being created by the
Under heavy loads, such as when climbing steep
grades, temperatures that exceed the normal oil tem-
perature range for a short period are not unusual. If
the temperature returns to normal when the load de-
creases, there is no problem.
Driver Controls
Control Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1
Ignition Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1
Lighting Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3
Horn Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5
Powertrain Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6
Windshield Wiper Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11
Brake Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11
Adjustable Steering Column Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12
Suspension/Trailer Connection Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.13
Climate Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.13
Seat Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.14
Driver Controls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
16 17 18 19
11 12 13 14 15 f610499
1. Headlights 8. Wipers On/Intermittent 15. Suspension Height
2. Dash Lights 9. Wipers High/Low 16. Engine Brake
3. Clearance Lights 10. Windshield Washer 17. Engine Brake Speed
4. Trailer Clearance Lights 11. Interaxle Lock 18. Engine Brake Speed
5. Driving Lights 12. Differential Lock 19. Blank
6. Backup Lights (sometimes labeled 13. Lift Axle 20. Parking Brake Control Valve
Hook Up Lights) 14. Fifth Wheel Slide Control 21. Trailer Air Supply Valve
7. Fog Lights
Fig. 4.1, Lower Dash Control Panel
Driver Controls
1 2 3 4 5 6
8 9 10 11
10/30/2006 f610560a
1. Cruise Control On/Off 4. Engine Fan 8. Mirror Defog
2. Cruise Control Set/Decelerate 5. Engine Diagnosis (EPA07 only) 9. Driver-Side Mirror Adjust
Resume/Accelerate 6. Idle Speed 10. Passenger-Side Mirror Adjust
3. Request/Inhibit Regen 7. DataStar 11. Power Window
Fig. 4.2, Upper Dash Control Panel
Driver Controls
Driver Controls
1 2 3 4 5
9 8 7 6
08/22/2011 f545815
1. Headlights Switch 5. Backup Lights Switch (sometimes 7. Trailer Clearance Lights Switch
2. Tractor Clearance Lights Switch labeled Hook Up Lights) 8. Sleeper Lights Switch
3. Driving Lights Switch 6. Headlight Interrupt Switch 9. Dash Lights Switch
4. Fog Lights Switch
Fig. 4.6, Exterior and Interior Light Switches
Driver Controls
Dash Lights
4 The dash lights switch is operated by pushing the
3 upper half of the switch and holding to obtain the
brightness desired. Pushing and holding the lower
half of the switch will dim the dash lights.
05/07/2001 1 f610493
1. Tilt/Telescopic Steering Column Lever Overhead Console Lights
2. Hazard Warning Light Tab
3. Turn Signal Lever In cabs with an overhead console, there is an op-
4. High-Beam Headlight Switch tional overhead light assembly containing a diffuse
5. Electric Horn dome light and clear reading lights.
6. Trailer Brake Hand Control Valve Lever
Fig. 4.7, Steering Column-Mounted Controls
Rear Dome Light
The standard rear dome light is installed on the back
When the high-beam headlights are on, a blue light of the cab above the rear window.
illuminates on the lightbar.
Driver Controls
07/22/2011 f545803
08/02/2011 f610852a
07/22/2011 f545804
Driver Controls
08/22/2011 f545817
07/22/2011 f545802
On/Off Switch
Press the upper half of the cruise control on/off
Fig. 4.12, Interaxle Lock Switch switch to activate it. See Fig. 4.14.
Leave the control in the UNLOCK position for normal
highway operation. When a spinning or slipping ac-
tion occurs at any of the drive wheels, press the
upper half of the switch to LOCK the differential and
prevent the wheels from spinning.
Do not shift into LOCK while the rear wheels are CONTROL
spinning. Come to a halt before engaging to pre- RES/ACCEL
vent damage to the interaxle and main differen-
Do not permit rear wheels to spin freely for more
than ten seconds when traction is lost. Shift into 07/15/2011 f545790
LOCK to prevent damage to the interaxle and
main differentials. 1. Cruise Control On/Off Switch
2. Cruise Control Set/Resume Switch
Lift Axle Switch Fig. 4.14, Cruise Control Switches
The lift axle switch controls the lift axle operation.
NOTE: Cruise control is canceled if the brake or
See Fig. 4.13. Pushing the upper half of the switch
will lower the lift axle. clutch pedal is depressed, or engine speed
drops below 1200 rpm.
Driver Controls
Set/Decelerate/Resume/Accelerate Switch
The set/decelerate/resume/accelerate switch can
only be used when cruise control has been activated.
See Fig. 4.14.
Press the upper half of the switch momentarily to set
the cruise speed (with the engine running at the de- HIGH
sired speed). Press and hold the upper half of the ENGINE
switch to decelerate slowly. Release the switch when
the desired speed is reached.
Press the lower half of the switch momentarily to re-
sume the previously set cruise speed. Press the
lower half of the switch and hold to accelerate slowly.
Release the switch when the desired speed is 07/15/2011 f545791
achieved. 1. Engine Brake On/Off
2. Engine Brake Intensity Switch
NOTICE Fig. 4.15, Engine Brake Switches
When the cruise control is engaged, do not at-
tempt to shift gears without using the clutch Engine Diagnostic Switch (EPA07
pedal. Failure to follow this precaution will result vehicles)
in a temporarily uncontrolled increase in engine
speed. Transmission damage and gear stripping The engine diagnostic switch is used to signal the
could result. engine ECM to flash codes on the indicator light.
Press the upper half of the switch once to activate it.
Engine Brake Switches See Fig. 4.16.
Driver Controls
08/22/2011 f545818
07/18/2011 f545792
Fig. 4.17, Engine Fan Switch
Fig. 4.18, Exhaust Brake Switch
Exhaust Brake Switch
NOTE: See Chapter 10 for detailed information
about exhaust brake operation.
An exhaust brake is an optional auxiliary braking sys-
tem that assists but does not replace the service
brake system on vehicles with Cummins engines.
The exhaust brake may be used in conjunction with IDLE
the service brakes in off-highway and mountain driv- SPEED
ing as well as in traffic or high-speed highway driv-
ing. Exhaust brakes are not intended for use as the
primary braking system during vehicle operation.
To turn the exhaust brake on, press the upper half of
the rocker switch. See Fig. 4.18. 08/22/2011 f545820
The exhaust brake turns itself off automatically. In Fig. 4.19, Idle Speed Switch (Cummins engines)
addition, depressing the accelerator or clutch pedal
deactivates the exhaust brake. The ABS, when ac- 2. Press the PTO switch. See Fig. 4.20. When the
tive, also deactivates the exhaust brake. light is steadily illuminated, the PTO is engaged
and ready to operate. In stationary mode, the
Idle Speed Switch vehicle must remain in neutral with the parking
brake set.
The idle speed switch may be installed on vehicles
with Cummins engines to change the idle speed of 3. To activate the mobile mode, shift from neutral to
the engine. See Fig. 4.19. reverse, 1st, or 2nd gear. The clutch will open
and the PTO will disengage for a moment.
Power Takeoff Controls 4. Touch the accelerator pedal to close the clutch
Engine power takeoffs (PTO) are devices used to tap and engage the PTO in mobile mode. The PTO
into engine power to run auxiliary devices, such as may be operated with the transmission in re-
hydraulic pumps that power additional equipment. verse, neutral, 1st, or 2nd gear only.
The following instructions are general guidelines for NOTE: Do not attempt to change gears while
operating a PTO. the vehicle is moving. The transmission will ig-
1. Set the parking brake and put the transmission in nore the request.
Driver Controls
R 4
To end the mobile mode, bring the vehicle to a
stop. The clutch will open and shut down power 1 SHIFT
to the PTO. LOW 8
6. To resume stationary mode, shift to neutral. The EATON FULLER
PTO will engage.
7. To end stationary mode, press the dash switch. 07/20/2011 f611129
When the light in the switch goes out, power to 1. Upshift/Downshift Buttons
the PTO is shut off. 2. Service Needed Indicator
3. PTO Activation Button
Transmission Controls 4. Reverse Mode Button
5. Neutral Button
Manual Transmissions 6. Drive Mode Button
7. Manual Mode Selector
NOTE: See Chapter 14 for complete manual 8. Low Mode Button
transmission operating instructions.
Fig. 4.21, Shift Selection Module, UltraShift and
if equipped, the transmission range control and split- AutoShift Transmissions
ter valves are attached to the gear shift knob.
The current gear is displayed on the gear indicator.
To operate a range-shift transmission, move the shift
At the start of a shift, the current gear continues to
knob through all the low-range gear positions and
display until the transmission has been pulled into
then pull the range-preselection lever up to move into
neutral. As the transmission is synchronizing for the
the high-range ratios. Use the same shift knob posi-
new (target) gear, the gear indicator flashes the num-
tions in both the low and high ranges.
ber of the target gear. When the shift is complete,
Dependent on the transmission model, some ratios the gear indicator displays the new gear, without
can be split using the splitter-control button (located flashing.
on the side of the shift knob).
Allison Automatic Transmissions
Eaton Automated Transmissions
NOTE: See Chapter 15 for complete automatic
NOTE: See Chapter 15 for complete automated transmission operating instructions.
transmission operating instructions.
HD-series automatic transmissions have six forward
speeds and one reverse speed. These transmissions
Driver Controls
have electronic shift controls that can be pro- To turn the windshield wipers on at a constant speed,
grammed to allow the use of different numbers of press the upper half of the ON–WIPER–INT DELAY
geared speeds. See Fig. 4.22. switch. Press the upper half of the HIGH/LOW switch
to select high speed; press the lower of the HIGH/
LOW switch to select low speed.
To turn the windshield wipers off, move the ON–
WIPER–INT DELAY switch to the middle (WIPER)
1 To turn the windshield wipers on intermittently, press
the lower half of the ON–WIPER–INT DELAY switch.
The default intermittent interval is six seconds.
The interval can be changed by turning the wipers off
for a specific period of time, then pressing the lower
half of the ON-WIPER-INT DELAY switch again to
activate the desired interval. See Table 4.1 for
Brake Controls
NOTE: See Chapter 12 for detailed information
about brake systems.
Driver Controls
03/10/99 f610291
1. Trailer Air Supply Valve (red knob)
2. Parking Brake Control Valve (yellow knob)
Fig. 4.24, Brake Valve Knobs
Driver Controls
07/22/2011 f545805
07/22/2011 f545806
Fig. 4.26, Air-Suspension Dump Switch
Fig. 4.27, Fifth Wheel Slide Control Switch
NOTICE Climate Controls
Never exhaust air from the suspension while NOTE: See Chapter 5 for detailed climate con-
driving. When the air is exhausted, the suspen- trol panel operating instructions.
Driver Controls
The climate control panel allows you to control the • Isolator: This feature reduces the amount of
heating, ventilating, defrosting, and air conditioning road shock by isolating the occupant from the
functions. Western Star vehicles have several heater motion of the vehicle, and allowing the upper
and air conditioner options. seat to move in a simple pendulum motion. A
lockout feature is used whenever the isolator is
Options for the cab include:
not desired.
• heater only
• Height Adjustment: This adjustment moves
• heater and air conditioner the entire seat up or down. The adjustment is
either manually- or air-controlled, depending on
• heater and air conditioner with automatic tem- the make of the seat.
perature control (ATC)
• Bottom Cushion Angle (fore-and-aft bottom
Options for a sleeper unit include: cushion height): This adjustment enables the
• no heater or air conditioner occupant to raise or lower the front or back of
the bottom cushion. This adjustment is easier
• heater only to perform when all weight is removed from the
• heater and air conditioner seat.
• heater and air conditioner with ATC • Fore-and-Aft Seat Slide (seat track adjust-
ment): This adjustment moves the entire seat
The ATC feature automatically controls the heating forward or backward on its track.
and cooling system to maintain the cab and sleeper
air temperature close to the temperature set by the • Seat Tilt: This adjustment allows the seat as-
user. The ATC adjusts the air temperature blown sembly (back and bottom cushions) to tilt for-
through the air outlets to maintain the selected tem- ward or backward.
perature. • Headrest Adjustment: This adjustment
changes the angle of the upper part of the
Seat Controls backrest to provide head and upper back
NOTE: See Chapter 6 for detailed information
about seat controls and adjustments.
Keep hands, tools, and other objects away from
the scissor points under the seats. Failure to do
so could cause personal injury.
The following is a description of adjustments that can
be made to various Western Star seats. Not all seats
have all of the adjustments listed below. See
Fig. 4.28.
• Backrest Tilt: This adjustment enables the
backrest to pivot forward or backward.
• Lumbar Support: Lumbar support changes
the shape of the backrest to give more or less
support to the occupant’s lumbar (lower back)
area. This adjustment is either mechanical or
air controlled, depending on make and model
of the seat.
Driver Controls
3 4
6 7
10/26/2000 f910149a
1. Backrest Tilt 5. Bottom Cushion Angle (fore-and- 7. Seat Tilt
2. Lumbar Support aft cushion height) 8. Headrest Adjustment
3. Isolator 6. Fore-and-Aft Seat Slide (seat
4. Height Adjustment track adjustment)
Fig. 4.28, General Seat Adjustments
Climate Controls
Climate Control Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1
Cab Climate Control Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1
Sleeper Climate Control Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4
Climate Controls
Climate Control Options On vehicles equipped with ATC, the AUTO setting on
the fan switch places the heater and air conditioner
The climate control panel allows you to control the system in the automatic fan speed control mode.
heating, ventilating, defrosting, and air conditioning When the fan switch is set to AUTO, the fan speed
functions. Western Star vehicles have several heater will vary as necessary to maintain the temperature
and air conditioner options. set by the user.
Options for the cab include: Temperature Control Switch
• heater only To select the desired temperature:
• heater and air conditioner • Vehicles Without ATC: Turn the switch to the
• heater and air conditioner with automatic tem- left (counterclockwise) for cool air, or to the
perature control (ATC) right (clockwise) for hot air.
Options for a sleeper unit include: • Vehicles With ATC: Press and release the right
side of the temperature up/down switch to in-
• no heater or air conditioner crease the temperature to the desired setting.
• heater only Press and release the left side of the tempera-
ture up/down switch to decrease the tempera-
• heater and air conditioner ture to the desired setting. Press and hold the
• heater and air conditioner with ATC temperature up/down switch to change the de-
sired temperature in large increments.
The ATC feature automatically controls the heating
and cooling system to maintain the cab and sleeper Mode Control Switch
air temperature close to the temperature set by the
user. The ATC adjusts the air temperature blown The mode control switch allows the driver to control
through the air outlets to maintain the selected tem- the flow of air through the face outlets, the floor out-
perature. lets, the defrost (windshield) outlets, or a combination
of these outlets to provide six air selection modes.
See Fig. 5.3.
Cab Climate Control Panels
• Face Mode (using recirculating air): Directs all
The standard cab climate control panel has a fan airflow through the face or instrument panel
switch, a temperature control switch, and a mode outlets, using recirculated air.
control switch that allows the driver to control heat-
ing, cooling, defrosting, and ventilating. The control • Face Mode (using fresh air): Directs all airflow
panel may also be equipped with an optional A/C through the face or instrument panel outlets,
switch and/or an optional BUNK switch. See Fig. 5.1. using fresh air.
Vehicles equipped with ATC have an LED display. • Bi-Level Mode: Directs the airflow equally to
See Fig. 5.2. the face outlets and the floor outlets.
• Floor Mode: Directs all airflow through the floor
Controls outlets.
Fan Switch • Floor/Defrost Mode: Directs the airflow equally
to the floor outlets and the defrost outlets.
The fan switch activates the fan, which forces fresh
air or recirculated air through the air outlets. The fan • Defrost Mode: Directs all airflow through the
switch has four fan speed settings and an off posi- defrost outlets.
tion. See Fig. 5.1.
NOTE: The face mode using recirculating air is
To operate the fan switch, turn the fan switch clock- the only mode that recirculates the air in the
wise to increase airflow; turn the fan switch counter- cab. All other modes draw in fresh air from out-
clockwise to decrease airflow. side the vehicle.
Climate Controls
2 3 4
02/10/2003 7 6 5 f610640
1. Fan Off Position 4. Mode Control Switch 6. Bunk Switch
2. Fan Switch 5. Air Conditioner Switch 7. Indicator
3. Temperature Control Switch
Fig. 5.1, Cab Climate Control Panel, No ATC
6 5 4
12/13/2002 f610628
1. Fan Off Position 3. Mode Control Switch 5. Temperature Up/Down Switch
2. LED Display 4. Bunk Switch (optional) 6. Fan Switch
Climate Controls
Recirculation Mode
Climate Controls
dehumidify the air entering the cab and to re- Temperature Control Switch
move the moisture from the windshield.
To select the desired temperature, turn the switch to
the left (counterclockwise) for cool air, or to the right
Sleeper Climate Control Panels (clockwise) for hot air.
The standard sleeper climate control panel has a fan Air Conditioner (A/C) Switch
switch, a temperature control switch, and a power
switch that allow you to control the heating and air The air conditioner cools and dehumidifies the air
conditioning functions in the sleeper. A vehicle with inside the sleeper. Press the optional A/C switch to
an air conditioner has an air conditioner switch on turn the air conditioner on or off.
the control panel. See Fig. 5.4.
Vehicles with ATC have button controls instead of
Controls, Vehicles With ATC
switch controls. See Fig. 5.5. The controls for the sleeper heater and air condi-
tioner are located on the right side of the ATC
Controls, Vehicles Without ATC sleeper control panel. See Fig. 5.5.
Power Switch and Indicator Power Switch and Indicator
The power switch is used to turn the sleeper heater
Turn the sleeper heater and air conditioner on by
and air conditioner on and off. When the heater or air
pressing the ON button. The current set temperature
conditioner is on, the indicator illuminates.
is displayed for five seconds, after which it returns to
the time display. When the heater or air conditioner
Fan Switch is on, the indicator illuminates. To turn the sleeper
The fan switch controls the fan speed and forces air heater and air conditioner off, press the OFF button.
through the air outlets. The fan switch has three
speed settings and an off position. See Fig. 5.4. Fan Switch
To operate the fan switch, turn the switch clockwise To operate the fan switch, press the fan up or fan
to increase airflow; turn the fan switch counterclock- down button repeatedly to incrementally increase or
wise to decrease airflow. decrease the fan speed. Press either button for at
1 2 3
5 4 f610642
1. Fan Switch 3. Indicator 5. Air Conditioner Switch
2. Power Switch 4. Temperature Control Switch
Climate Controls
2 3 4 5
10 9 8
01/14/2003 f610629
1. Alarm Button 6. Temperature Up Button
2. Time Button 7. Temperature Down Button
3. Fan Up Button 8. Automatic Fan Button
4. Heater and Air Conditioner On Button 9. Fan Down Button
5. Heater and Air Conditioner Off Button 10. Display Button
Fig. 5.5, Sleeper Climate Control Panel With ATC
least two seconds to continuously increase or de- perature. The temperature setting is displayed on the
crease the fan speed. The fan speed setting is dis- sleeper control panel. The display returns to the time
played on the sleeper control panel in 10 percent display five seconds after a temperature up/down
increments. When the highest or lowest fan speed is button is pressed and released.
selected, HI or LO is displayed. The display returns
The temperature units can be changed from °F to °C
to the time display five seconds after a fan up/down
or from °C to °F by pressing the temperature up and
button is pressed and released.
temperature down buttons simultaneously. Changing
In the ATC mode, fan speed is determined by the the temperature units on the ATC sleeper control
system as required. The fan speed is based on the panel will also change the temperature units on the
difference between the set point temperature and the ATC cab control panel.
actual sleeper cab temperature. The greater the dif-
ference, the greater the fan speed. The AUTO fan Auto Button
function is disabled when either the fan up or fan
Press the AUTO button to enable automatic control
down button is pressed.
of the fan speed. The display will show the current
Temperature Control Switch set temperature for five seconds, then return to the
time display. When in the automatic mode, the fan
Temperature is displayed with a three-digit annotation speed can vary to maintain the temperature set by
and can be displayed either in degrees Celsius or the user. When automatic control is turned on, the
degrees Fahrenheit. A capital "C" or "F" is displayed indicator above the AUTO button illuminates.
for the appropriate temperature scale.
Alarm Button
To select the desired temperature, press the tem-
perature up or temperature down button repeatedly Momentarily press the ALARM button to turn the
to incrementally increase or decrease the set tem- alarm on and to illuminate the alarm indicator above
perature. Press either button for at least two seconds the ALARM button. Momentarily press the button
to continuously increase or decrease the set tem- again to deactivate the alarm.
Climate Controls
When pressing the ALARM button, the display shows be off. All clock functions, including the alarm, will
the alarm time setting for five seconds before return- continue to work internally.
ing to the current time display. If the ALARM button
is pressed and held down continuously for more than Temperature Slave Mode Feature
one second, the alarm time setting can be viewed
The temperature slave mode allows the set tempera-
without changing the state of the alarm indicator. If
ture of the cab heater and air conditioner to be auto-
either the SET+ or SET– buttons are pressed simul-
matically tied to the sleeper heater and air condi-
taneously with the ALARM button held down, the
tioner. In this mode, the set temperature in the
alarm time setting will increase or decrease. When
vehicle will be the same whether the set temperature
the ALARM button is released after changing the
is changed on the cab climate control panel or the
alarm time, the alarm will be turned on and the indi-
sleeper climate control panel. To enable the tempera-
cator will be illuminated. When the ALARM is sound-
ture slave mode, press the SET+ and SET– buttons
ing, press the ALARM button to turn the alarm off
simultaneously. The display will read S–ON when the
and to reset the alarm for the next 24-hour cycle.
temperature slave mode is enabled.
To set the snooze function, press any button on the
To disable the temperature slave mode, press the
control panel, except the ALARM button, when the
SET+ and SET– buttons simultaneously. The display
alarm is sounding. The alarm will sound again after
will read S–OFF indicating that the temperature slave
seven minutes. The alarm indicator flashes when the
mode is disabled. When disabled, the temperatures
snooze function is set.
for the cab and sleeper can be changed indepen-
To cancel the snooze function, press the ALARM but- dently for separate temperature control. If you wish
ton. This will also reset the alarm for the next 24- to maintain a temperature in the sleeper that is differ-
hour cycle. ent than the temperature in the front of the cab, it is
recommended that a curtain be used between the
Time Button sleeper and the front of the cab.
The clock controls are located on the left side of the Turning on the Sleeper Air Conditioner
ATC sleeper control panel under the display. The dis-
play will show the clock time as the default mode. When the Cab Air Conditioner is Off
Press the TIME button to display the current time. If The sleeper ATC control panel can turn on the air
the TIME button is held down and either the SET+ or conditioner even if the cab HVAC unit is turned off
SET– buttons are pressed simultaneously with the but the engine is running. By pressing the ON button,
TIME button, the clock setting will increase or de- the ATC sleeper control panel will turn on the cab
crease. unit and the bunk indicator light on the cab control
panel will be illuminated. If cooling is needed in the
Display Button sleeper, the cab HVAC unit will switch on to a low
blower fan setting and the A/C compressor clutch will
Press the DISP button to allow the display and illumi- engage. If cooling is no longer required in the
nation of the control panel to scroll through three illu- sleeper or if heat is needed, the cab unit fan and the
mination levels: bright, dim, and off. If you want the compressor clutch will be turned off after a five-
alarm, time, or temperature setting to be displayed minute delay.
when the display is in the off mode, press the
ALARM, TIME, or temperature up/down buttons to Accessory Heaters
display the corresponding display for five seconds.
After five seconds, the display will turn off. If the Optional accessary heaters are available from the
alarm sounds while in the display off mode, the cur- factory in several configurations. Familiarize yourself
rent time will be displayed simultaneously. The dis- with the equipment on your specific vehicle, and fol-
play will remain on for five minutes, then turn off. low the manufacturer’s operating and maintenance
When the vehicle ignition is not powered, the sleeper
climate control panel is in a power-saving mode and
the display and illumination of the control panel will
Climate Controls
Do not operate fuel-operated heaters in an area
where flammable vapors, including gasoline or
diesel fumes, are present, such as at filling sta-
tions and tank farms. Turn off a fuel-operated
heater and allow it shut down completely before
entering an area where flammable gases or liq-
uids are present. Heaters continue to operate for
up to three minutes after being turned off.
Failure to observe these precautions could cause
an explosion or fire, resulting in serious property
damage, and personal injury or death.
Seats and Restraints
Seats, General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1
Western Star High-Back Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2
Bostrom Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3
National Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4
ABTS Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4
Seat Belts and Tether Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5
Sleeper Compartment Restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.9
Seats and Restraints
3 4
6 7
10/26/2000 f910149a
1. Backrest Tilt 5. Bottom Cushion Angle (fore-and- 7. Seat Tilt
2. Lumbar Support aft cushion height) 8. Headrest Adjustment
3. Isolator 6. Fore-and-Aft Seat Slide (seat
4. Height Adjustment track adjustment)
Seats and Restraints
• Seat Tilt allows the seat assembly (back and Backrest Tilt
bottom cushions) to tilt forward or backward.
To tilt the backrest, lean forward slightly to remove
• Headrest Adjustment changes the angle of the pressure from the cushion, then turn the knob for-
upper part of the backrest to provide head and ward or rearward to achieve the desired position.
upper back support.
Lumbar Support
Western Star High-Back Seat To adjust the lumbar support, use the lumbar support
See Fig. 6.2 for seat adjustment controls. Not all switches on the side of the seat.
models of the seat have all the adjustments listed
2 4 10
3 9
5 8
07/18/2007 f910576
NOTE: Not all models of the seat have all the adjustment controls shown.
1. Rear Cushion Height Adjustment 4. Bottom Cushion Extension Handle 8. Shock Absorber Lever
Knob 5. Fore/Aft Seat Slide Lever 9. Height Adjustment Switch
2. Fore/Aft Isolator 6. Backrest Tilt Knob 10 Lumbar Support Switches
3. Front Cushion Height Adjustment 7. Heater Button
Seats and Restraints
Height Adjustment ate with the key in accessory mode. Optimized Idle
may also turn seat heating off to reduce stress on
To raise or lower the height of the seat, use the the batteries.
height adjustment switch on the side of the seat.
Fore/Aft Isolator
To engage the isolator, turn the isolator knob rear-
ward to the unlocked position. Turn the isolator knob
5 2
forward to the locked position when the isolator fea-
ture is not desired. 3
12/03/2010 f910131a
Shock Absorber 1. Backrest Tilt Lever
To adjust the amount of damping the shock absorber 2. Lumbar Support Switches (LSO models)
3. Height Adjustment Switch
provides, move the lever up to increase damping; 4. Bottom Cushion Tilt Knob
move the lever down to decrease damping. 5. Isolator and Fore/Aft Seat Slide Lever
6. Lumbar Support Knob (non-LSO models)
Front Cushion Height
Fig. 6.3, Bostrom Seat Adjustment Controls
To adjust the height of the front of the cushion, re-
move your weight from the seat, then turn the adjust- Backrest Tilt
ment knob toward the front of the seat (clockwise) to
increase cushion height. To lower the cushion height, To tilt the backrest, lean forward slightly to remove
turn the adjustment knob toward the rear of the seat pressure from the cushion and hold the backrest tilt
(counterclockwise). lever rearward. Lean forward or backward slowly to
the desired position and release the lever to lock the
Rear Cushion Height backrest in place.
To adjust the height of the rear of the seat cushion, Lumbar Support
remove your weight from the seat and turn the rear
cushion adjustment knob to one of three positions. To increase lumbar support on luxury seat option
(LSO) models, press the plus sign on the lumbar
Heater support switch. To decrease lumbar support, press
the minus sign on the switch.
To turn on the heat option, press the button. To turn
off the heat option, press the button again. If the ve- To increase lumbar support on non-LSO models, ro-
hicle has Optimized Idle, seat heating will not oper- tate the lumbar support knob forward. To decrease
lumbar support, rotate the knob rearward.
Seats and Restraints
Height Adjustment
To raise the seat, press the upper portion of the
height adjustment switch. To lower the seat, press
the lower portion of the switch.
Seats and Restraints
Track Adjustment
To adjust the fore-and-aft position of the entire seat,
lift the track adjustment handle and slide the seat to
the desired position.
10 Pull up the isolator control handle to lock out the iso-
lation movement.
Lumbar Adjustment
Push the middle rocker switch to adjust the lower
lumbar bag. Push the forward switch to adjust the
upper lumbar bag.
Seat Height Adjustment
Push the seat height adjustment switch to raise or
lower the seat suspension.
Seats and Restraints
Seats and Restraints
01/18/95 f910004a
03/11/2010 f910620
A. Disengaged B. Engaged
Before activating the Komfort Latch or the Slid-
Fig. 6.6, Komfort Latch
ing Komfort Latch, make sure the amount of
slack in the shoulder strap is set as described
below. Excess slack in the shoulder strap re-
duces the effectiveness of the seat belt, and in-
creases the risk of injury or death in an accident.
5. Position the shoulder strap diagonally across
your chest with the adjustable D-loop bracket (if
equipped). The shoulder strap must be centered
on your shoulder and chest, away from your face
and neck. See Fig. 6.9. If desired, engage the
Komfort Latch or Sliding Komfort Latch as fol-
If equipped with a Sliding Komfort Latch, make
sure that the shoulder strap is snug against your
chest. Without loosening the shoulder strap,
push the Sliding Komfort Latch switch to the
"ON" position. See Fig. 6.7. To activate the latch
lean forward until you hear a click. This will allow
for approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) of slack be-
11/18/2010 f910621a tween your chest and the shoulder harness.
Once engaged, the latch will allow you to lean
Fig. 6.7, Sliding Komfort Latch
forward about 5 inches (13 cm) without having to
step. If the problem continues, replace the seat reset the latch. Leaning forward more than 5
belt. inches (13 cm) will disengage the Sliding Kom-
fort Latch, requiring it to be reset.
4. Snug the seat belt to your waist.
If equipped with a Komfort Latch, pull on the
shoulder strap to lessen the pressure of the strap
Seats and Restraints
01/06/95 f910006a
01/06/95 f910048a
A. 1 Inch (2.5 cm) Maximum 01/18/95 f910049a
Fig. 6.10, Adjusting Shoulder Harness Clearance, Fig. 6.12, Releasing the Three-Point Seat Belt
Komfort Latch
NOTE: Neither the Komfort Latch nor the Sliding
6. Unbuckle the seat belt and release the Komfort Komfort Latch need to be manually released in
Latch or the Sliding Komfort Latch as follows. an emergency situation. Each will release by
If equipped with a Sliding Komfort Latch, un- itself under rough road or other abnormal condi-
buckle the seat belt (Fig. 6.12), then tug on the tions. Make sure the seat belt is completely re-
shoulder belt to release the Sliding Komfort tracted when it is not in use.
Latch, or press the Sliding Komfort latch to the
"OFF" position, then unbuckle the seat belt.
Seats and Restraints
Seats and Restraints
08/18/2011 f910472
A. Pull on the loose end to shorten the belt.
1. Belt 3. Release Buckle
2. Connector
Fig. 6.13, Bunk Restraint Adjustment
Cab and Sleeper Features
Windows and Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1
Cab Amenities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2
Sleeper Amenities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3
Cab and Sleeper Features
08/18/2011 f545813
08/18/2011 f545814
Down-View Mirror
An optional down-view mirror may be installed on the
door frame to allow the driver a view of the area ad-
jacent to the side of the cab. See Fig. 7.3.
The windows in both doors are normally operated by 08/18/2011 f602461
window cranks.
1. Down-View Mirror (passenger side shown)
Power windows are optional, and may be installed on
one or both sides. Power window switches (POWER Fig. 7.3, Down-View Mirror
Cab and Sleeper Features
WINDOW) may be located on the door, or on the To activate the cigar lighter, push in the element
dash control panel. knob. It will pop out when heated. Grasp the element
knob and pull it out of the socket.
To raise the window, press the upper half of the
switch. To lower the window, press the lower half of To remove the ash tray, push down on the center
the switch. See Fig. 7.4. bar, and swing outwards. To install the ash tray, in-
sert in the opening then swing upwards until the bar
snaps into place.
Cup Holders
Single and dual cup holders are optional, and are
located below the right-hand dash control panel.
1 1 2
03/21/2001 f610481
1. Fuse/Relay Panel 3. Glove Box
2. Fuse/Relay Panel
Cab and Sleeper Features
Sleeper Door
The sleeper door is not intended for entry or exit.
The door is intended only as a convenient means to
3 stow or remove personal belongings in the sleeper
03/21/2001 f610480 area. To open the sleeper door, reach behind the
1. Double Reading Lamp (optional) latch cover at the rear upper corner, locate the flat
2. Storage Bin handle, and push down.
3. Single Reading Lamp (optional) IMPORTANT: The sleeper doors are two-stage
Fig. 7.7, Overhead Console Area latching. When closing the doors, ensure that
they are completely latched to prevent wind
Sleeper Amenities noise and water intrusion.
Western Star sleepers are available with many op-
tional features. The following are some of those
Cab and Sleeper Features
4 2
1 3
05/14/2001 f610564
The air vent is operated using a simple, over-center
latch. The vent will open in two directions. Push the
knob firmly forward or back to open. The center posi-
tion is closed.
Electrical System
Vehicle Power Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1
Battery Disconnect Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2
Battery Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3
Electrical System
08/17/2011 f545811
1. MEGA Fuse Location (EPA07 and earlier vehicles)
2. Powertrain PDM (EPA10 and newer vehicles)
3. PNDB (EPA10 and newer vehicles)
Fig. 8.1, PDM Locations
Electrical System
Electrical System
Battery Access
The batteries on a Western Star vehicle may be lo-
cated in a variety of locations, including under the
passenger seat, under the cab, behind the cab, or
under the sleeper bunk, if equipped. Some vehicles
may have two batteries in the step compartments on
both sides of the vehicle.
05/13/2009 f545527
06/01/2001 f610529
Engine Starting, Operation,
and Shutdown
Engine Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1
Engine Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1
Engine Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3
Engine Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3
Engine Starting, Operation, and Shutdown
NOTE: The engine electronics supply the cor- IMPORTANT: Depending upon local jurisdic-
rect amount of fuel for starting the engine. Ac- tional emissions guidelines, vehicles that are
celerator pedal pressure is unnecessary and domiciled outside of the U.S. and Canada may
could interfere with engine starting. not have engines and/or emissions aftertreat-
ment systems that are compliant with EPA07,
5. Turn the ignition key to the START position. Re- EPA10, or GHG14 regulations.
lease the key the moment the engine starts.
6. Apply load gradually during the warm-up period.
Engine Starting, Operation, and Shutdown
Engine Starting, Operation, and Shutdown
• to improve cab heating while idling in an ex- Hard water (with high levels of calcium and magne-
tremely cold ambient temperature; sium ions) encourages formation of silica gel. Do not
use softened water as the salt used to artificially
• when the ambient temperature remains below soften it is corrosive. Most engine manufacturers pre-
-22°F (-30°C) and the engine is unable to fer the use of distilled or de-ionized water to reduce
maintain a running coolant temperature of the potential and severity of silicate dropouts.
175°F (80°C) during normal over-the-road op-
eration. Never exceed a 60/40 antifreeze-to-water ratio. If the
level is low, add a 50/50 antifreeze solution to main-
tain solution concentrations. Note that checking the
Engine Starting, Operation, and Shutdown
Optional Engine Systems
Engine Protection—Warning and Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1
Engine Idle Limiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1
Cruise Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2
Auxiliary Braking Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3
Power Takeoff (PTO) Governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5
Optional Engine Systems
Engine Protection—Warning Do not operate the vehicle further until the problem
causing the shutdown has been corrected.
and Shutdown
The driver should be familiar with the vehicle warning
system in order to bring the vehicle to a safe stop if
the engine malfunctions. If the driver doesn’t under- CHECK STOP
stand how the warning system works, an engine
shutdown could occur.
The engine will begin a warning and shutdown pro- 1 2 3
cess if the engine coolant temperature, coolant level, 07/09/2009 f611036
engine oil pressure, or exhaust aftertreatment system 1. Malfunction Indicator 2. CHECK Engine Lamp
(ATS) reach preset levels. On some engines, the en- Lamp (MIL) 3. STOP Engine Lamp
gine will also begin the warning and shutdown pro-
Fig. 10.1, Engine Warning Lights
cess when the engine oil temperature or the intake
air temperature reach preset levels. Detroit Diesel Some vehicles may have a shutdown-override
engines will begin the warning and shutdown process switch, which can be used to momentarily override
if water is detected in the fuel. the shutdown sequence. This switch resets the shut-
See the engine manufacturer’s operation manual for down timer, restoring power to the level before the
specific details for your vehicle. derate for another 30 or 60 seconds (depending on
the critical fault type). The switch must be pressed
See Chapter 11 for the warning and shutdown again after five seconds to obtain a subsequent
modes associated with the ATS. override.
Electronic engine protection is programmable as an In WARNING mode, the amber CHECK engine lamp
option, and can be specified as one of the following will flash and a buzzer will sound. The engine elec-
modes: DERATE and SHUTDOWN (factory default), tronics log the event for diagnostic purposes. The
WARNING, or OFF. CHECK engine lamp will go out if the problem stops.
In OFF mode, the individual sensor indicator lamps
WARNING will illuminate if a problem exists, but no shutdown
action will be started and the event will not be re-
When the red STOP engine or engine protection
light illuminates, most engines are programmed
to shut down automatically within 30 seconds.
The driver must immediately move the vehicle to Engine Idle Limiting
a safe location at the side of the road to prevent
causing a hazardous situation that could cause Idle Shutdown Timer
bodily injury, property damage, or severe damage This feature is an optional 1- to 100-minute idle shut-
to the engine. down system. Its purpose is to conserve fuel by
In DERATE and SHUTDOWN mode, the red STOP eliminating excessive idling and allowing a turbo-
engine lamp will illuminate when the problem is seri- charger cool-down period. Idle shutdown timing and
ous enough to reduce power or speed. See parameters are programmable. See the engine
Fig. 10.1. Engine power will ramp down, then the manufacturer’s operation manual for specific details
engine will shut down if the problem continues. The for your vehicle.
driver has 30 or 60 seconds (depending on the criti-
cal fault type) after the STOP engine lamp illumi- California Engine Idle Limit
nates to move the vehicle safely off the road. If the
In order to meet the California Air Resources Board
vehicle cannot be moved to a safe location within
(CARB) engine idle limiting standard, vehicles are
that time, the engine can be restarted by turning the
equipped with an engine idle shutdown feature. The
ignition switch OFF for at least five seconds, then
automatic shutdown feature is required on all
back ON. Repeat this action until the vehicle is safely
off the road.
Optional Engine Systems
Optional Engine Systems
Depress the clutch pedal (manual transmissions property damage. Service brakes are the primary
only). vehicle braking system.
NOTE: To resume the preselected cruise speed, Two dash-mounted switches (Fig. 10.3) control the
increase vehicle speed to above minimum engine brake:
cruise control speed and momentarily press the • The on/off switch (ENGINE BRAKE), is used to
lower half of the Set/Resume/Accelerate/ turn the engine brake on and off.
Decelerate switch. Cruise will return to the last
• The engine brake intensity switch (HIGH/MED/
speed selected.
LOW or, in some cases, HIGH/LOW) controls
2. Press the lower half of the on/off switch. the amount of engine braking. When the en-
gine brake is on, a status bar illuminates on
Auxiliary Braking Applications the intensity switch, indicating the current set-
Engine Brake Since the engine brake is most effective at rated en-
Each engine manufacturer uses a specific engine gine speed, gear selection is very important. Gearing
brake for their engine. Regardless of the manufac- down the vehicle within the limits of the rated engine
turer, the engine brake is operated with the principles speed makes the engine brake more effective. Rec-
outlined in this chapter. Refer to the engine manufac- ommended engine braking speed is above 1800 rpm
turer’s operation manual for details of their particular and below the rated speed.
engine brake product.
To avoid injury from loss of vehicle control, do M
not activate the engine brake system under the
following conditions:
• on wet or slippery pavement, unless the MED
vehicle is equipped with antilock braking
system (ABS) and you have had prior expe-
rience driving under these conditions;
• when driving without a trailer or pulling an
empty trailer;
07/15/2011 f545791
• if the tractor drive wheels begin to lock, or
there is fishtail motion after the engine Fig. 10.3, Engine Brake Switches
brake is activated.
Whenever vehicle braking is required on good road WARNING
conditions, the engine brake may be used in con-
junction with the service brakes. There is no time The engine brake must be disengaged when
limit for operation of the engine brake. However, an shifting gears using the clutch pedal. If the en-
engine brake does not provide the precise control of, gine brake is engaged when the transmission is
and is not a substitute for, service brakes. in neutral, the braking power of the engine brake
can stall the engine, which could result in loss of
WARNING vehicle control, possibly causing personal injury
and property damage.
Usage of the engine brake as the primary braking "Control speed" is the speed at which the engine
system can cause unpredictable stopping dis- brake performs 100 percent of the required downhill
tances, that could result in personal injury or braking, resulting in a constant speed of descent.
Optional Engine Systems
The control speed varies, depending on vehicle dash switch to maintain constant speed of de-
weight and the downhill grade. scent. Grade descent speed should be such that
the service brakes are used infrequently and re-
For faster descent, select a higher gear than that
main cool, thus retaining their effectiveness.
used for control speed. Service brakes must then be
used intermittently to prevent engine overspeed and 4. For maximum retarding, maintain the top gov-
to maintain desired vehicle speed. erned speed of the engine through the appropri-
For slower descent, select a lower gear, being care- ate selection of gears. When shifting gears, the
ful not to overspeed the engine. Occasional deactiva- engine brake will disengage when the clutch
tion of the engine brake may be necessary to main- pedal is depressed, then engage when the clutch
tain the designated road speed under these pedal is released.
conditions. 5. To cancel the engine brake application, press the
If the engine is equipped with both cruise control and lower half of the on/off switch.
an engine brake, the engine brake can operate auto-
matically while cruise control is activated. The maxi- Exhaust Brake
mum amount of braking is selected with the dash An exhaust brake is an optional auxiliary braking sys-
switches. When the vehicle returns to the set cruise tem that assists but does not replace the service
speed, the engine brake will turn off. brake system on vehicles with Cummins engines.
The engine brake will only operate when the accel- Exhaust brakes are not intended for use as the pri-
erator and clutch pedals are fully released. mary braking system during vehicle operation.
Vehicles equipped with ABS have the ability to turn The exhaust brake is controlled by a dash-mounted
the engine brake off if wheel slip is detected. The rocker switch. See Fig. 10.4.
engine brake will automatically turn back on once
wheel slip is no longer detected.
Optional Engine Systems
Exhaust Brake Operation • The exhaust brake retards the vehicle with
a smooth braking effect.
WARNING • During a descent, the tachometer usually
shows a drop in rpm, depending on the
Do not use the exhaust brake when driving on grade and the vehicle load.
slippery or low-traction road surfaces. Failure to
• Depending on the grade and vehicle load,
follow this precaution could result in a loss of
vehicle control and possible personal injury or the retarding force of the exhaust brake
property damage. may be noticeable.
Emissions and Fuel
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Consumption Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1
EPA-Regulated Emissions Aftertreatment Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1
Diesel Exhaust Fluid and Tank, EPA10 and Newer Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3
Emissions and Fuel Efficiency
Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Engine lube oil must have a sulfated ash
level less than 1.0 wt %; currently referred
and Fuel Consumption to as CJ-4 oil.
Standards IMPORTANT: Using non-specification fuels or
oils can lead to shortened diesel particulate filter
Vehicles and/or engines manufactured after Decem-
ber 31, 2006 and domiciled in the U.S. or Canada (DPF) cleaning or replacement intervals. For
are required to meet all EPA and NHTSA regulations example, using CJ-4+ oil with 1.3% sulfated ash
effective as of the vehicle build date. Engines manu- (30% more ash content) may result in the need
factured between January 1, 2007 and December 31, for DPF cleaning or replacement 20 to 30%
2009 meet EPA07 requirements. Engines manufac- sooner than would normally be required.
tured between January 1, 2010 and December 31,
2012 meet EPA10 requirements. IMPORTANT: See the engine manufacturer’s
operation manual for complete details and op-
Model year 2013 and later vehicles meet additional eration of the ATS.
requirements as specified by NHTSA and EPA 2014
fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emission stan- EPA07 Engines
dards (GHG14). These vehicles are equipped with
components that increase fuel efficiency and reduce Engines built between January 1, 2007 and Decem-
GHG emissions. Components may include, but are ber 31, 2009 are required to meet EPA07 guidelines
not limited to, low-rolling resistance tires; aerody- for reduced exhaust emissions of particulate matter
namic devices such as hood, cab/sleeper extenders, and nitrogen oxides (NOx). NOx is limited to just
and fuel tank fairings; vehicle speed limiter; and idle over 1 gram per brake horsepower hour (g/bhp-hr),
shutdown timer. If replacement of any drag-reducing and particulate matter cannot exceed 0.01 g/bhp-hr.
component is required, the replacement component The EPA07 ATS varies according to engine manufac-
must meet or exceed the drag reduction performance turer and vehicle configuration, but the exhaust muf-
of the originally installed component in order to main- fler is replaced by an aftertreatment device (ATD).
tain compliance with GHG14. Inside the ATD, the exhaust first passes over the die-
sel oxidation catalyst (DOC), then passes through
EPA-Regulated Emissions the diesel particulate filter (DPF), which traps soot
Aftertreatment Systems particles. The soot is burned to ash during a process
called regeneration (regen).
IMPORTANT: Depending on local jurisdictional
guidelines, vehicles that are domiciled outside of EPA10 and Newer Engines
the U.S. and Canada may not have emissions
The EPA mandates that all engines built after De-
aftertreatment systems (ATS) that are compliant cember 31, 2009 must reduce the level of emissions
with EPA regulations. exhausted by the engine to the following levels:
• Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) – 0.2 g/bhp-hr
• Particulate Matter (PM) – .01 g/bhp-hr
Follow these guidelines for engines that comply
To meet EPA guidelines, engines that are compliant
with EPA07 or newer regulations, or damage may
with EPA10 and newer regulations use an ATS that
occur to the aftertreatment device (ATD) and the
has, in addition to a DOC/DPF device like that used
warranty may be compromised.
in an EPA07 ATD, a Selective Catalytic Reduction
• Use ultralow-sulfur diesel with 15 ppm sul- (SCR) devide to reduce NOx downstream of the en-
fur content or less. gine. After exhaust gases leave the DPF, a controlled
quantity of diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) is injected into
• Do not use fuel blended with used engine
the exhaust stream. In the presence of heat, DEF is
lube oil or kerosene. converted to ammonia gas, which reacts with NOx in
the selective catalyst chamber to yield nitrogen and
water vapor, which exit through the tailpipe.
Emissions and Fuel Efficiency
The harder an engine works, the better it disposes of
soot. If the exhaust temperature is high enough, a
process called passive regeneration (regen) occurs
as the vehicle is driven normally. However, if the en-
gine isn’t running hot enough, the electronic controls
may initiate an active regen, whereby extra fuel is
injected into the exhaust stream to superheat and
reduce the soot trapped in the DPF to ash. Active
regen happens only when the vehicle is moving
above a certain speed, determined by the engine
manufacturer. See your engine operation manual for
complete details. Both active and passive regen hap-
pen automatically, without driver input. 08/02/2011 f610852a
Emissions and Fuel Efficiency
anything else that may be damaged or injured by Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
prolonged exposure to high heat.
A steadily illuminated yellow malfunction indicator
To initiate a parked regen, perform the following lamp (MIL) indicates an engine fault that affects the
steps. emissions. See Fig. 11.5.
1. Park the vehicle away from all flammable materi-
als, put the transmission in neutral, and set the DPF Lamp
parking brake. When soot accumulates in the DPF and the DPF sta-
2. Start and warm the engine until the coolant tem- tus lamp illuminates, see Fig. 11.6, perform a parked
perature is at least 150°F (66°C). regen or bring the vehicle up to highway speed to
increase the load (thus starting an active regen).
3. Press and hold the regen switch for five sec-
onds. The engine will increase rpm and initiate If the DPF status lamp blinks while the CHECK en-
the regen process. As the regen process is initi- gine lamp is illuminated, initiate a parked regen im-
ated, engine rpm increases and the HEST lamp mediately in order to prevent an engine derate.
illuminates to indicate extremely high exhaust If the red STOP engine lamp illuminates with the
temperatures. blinking DPF lamp and the CHECK engine lamp,
IMPORTANT: The driver must remain with the begin a parked regen in order to prevent an engine
shutdown. Park the vehicle and perform a parked
vehicle during the entire regen cycle.
4. The regen cycle will finish after 20 to 60 minutes,
at which time engine idle speed drops to normal High Exhaust System Temperature
and the vehicle can be driven normally. The (HEST) Lamp
HEST lamp is extinguished when vehicle speed
exceeds 5 mph (8 km/h) or the system has Slow (10-second) flashing of the high exhaust sys-
cooled to normal operating temperature. tem temperature (HEST) lamp indicates that a
parked regen is in progress, and the engine’s high
5. To stop a parked regen at any time during the idle speed is being controlled by the engine software,
process: not the vehicle driver.
• depress the clutch pedal, brake pedal, or Steady illumination of the HEST lamp alerts the
accelerator pedal; driver of high exhaust temperature during the regen
• press and hold the regen inhibit switch until process if the vehicle speed is below 5 mph (8 km/
idle returns to normal; h), or during a parked regen. See Fig. 11.7.
Emissions and Fuel Efficiency
DPF Regen Needed Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)
regeneration is needed.
If flashing, regenerate as soon as
possible. Engine derate possible.
Hot Exhaust Hot exhaust can cause fire.
Keep flammables and people away
from exhaust.
DEF Refill Needed Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) level is
low. Engine derate likely.
Refill tank with certified DEF.
11/30/2010 f080161
and close to odorless (it may have a slightly pungent Pre-2013 DEF supply lines are electrically-heated
odor similar to ammonia). It is nontoxic, nonflam- and are purged when the engine is shut down; com-
mable, and biodegradable. It is mildly corrosive to plete purging of the DEF lines requires approximately
aluminum, but does not affect the strength or struc- five minutes after the engine is shut down.
ture of the aluminum.
DEF supply lines with engine model year 2013 and
White crystals may be noticeable around compo- newer are designed to survive freezing conditions
nents that come into contact with DEF. The crystals while containing DEF, so purging is not required.
are easily removed with water.
DEF consumption varies depending on ambient con- DEF Tank
ditions and vehicle application. Engines that are compliant with EPA10 and newer
regulations are equipped with a DEF tank located on
Freezing Conditions the driver’s side of the vehicle behind the battery box
DEF freezes to slush at around 12°F (-11°C). It is not or forward of the fuel tank. See Fig. 11.8. The DEF
damaged or destroyed if frozen, and is fully usable tank has a 19 mm filler neck inlet that prevents the
when thawed. The DEF in the tank is allowed to hose from a diesel outlet from being inserted, and
freeze while a vehicle is non-operational. At start-up, has a blue cap for easy identification.
normal operation of the vehicle is not inhibited if the
DEF is frozen; an immersion heater with engine cool-
ant flowing through it warms the DEF once the en-
gine is running, allowing the SCR system to operate.
Emissions and Fuel Efficiency
For a driver performed Parked Regeneration, vehicle must be equipped with a dash mounted Regeneration Switch.
06/29/2009 f080147
Fig. 11.5, Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Fig. 11.6, Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Status Lamp
Fuel/DEF Gauge DEF in the tank. The DEF light bar illuminates as fol-
The diesel fuel and DEF levels are measured in a
dual-purpose gauge. See Fig. 11.9. • Four bars illuminated green—Between 75%
and 100% full
Fuel level is indicated at the top of the gauge. Below
the fuel level, a low fuel warning lamp illuminates • Three bars illuminated green—Between 50%
amber when the fuel level drops below 1/8th of the and 75% full
capacity. • Two bars illuminated green—Between 25%
The lower portion of the gauge has a DEF warning and 50% full
lamp that illuminates amber when the DEF tank is • One bar illuminated green—Between approxi-
near empty, and a lightbar that indicates the level of mately 10% and 25% full
Emissions and Fuel Efficiency
DEF Empty
When the DEF level reads empty, the following
lamps notify the drive. See Fig. 11.11.
• One bar of the DEF level indicator flashes
red—DEF empty, refill DEF.
09/25/2006 f610816a • The DEF warning lamp flashes amber.
Fig. 11.7, High Exhaust System Temperature (HEST) • The MIL lamp illuminates.
Pre-2013 Detroit engines: Power is limited, with a 55
mph (90 km/h) speed limit.
Cummins and 2013 Detroit engines: Power is limited
with progressively harsher engine power limits
When the DEF level is low, the following lamps notify • Detroit engines: Engine power is limited with
the driver. See Fig. 11.10. Refill the DEF tank in progressively harsher limits applied. If the fault
order to cancel the warning sequence.
Emissions and Fuel Efficiency
1 E F E F E F
11/08/2010 f611037
A. Green bars—DEF level indicators C. One bar flashing red—DEF empty, refill DEF
B. One bar illuminated amber—DEF very low, refill DEF
1. Low Fuel Warning Lamp 2. DEF Warning Lamp
Fig. 11.9, Fuel/DEF Gauge
Emissions and Fuel Efficiency
11/08/2010 f470540a
NOTE: STOP engine light and MIL illuminate, engine
power is limited, speed limit of 5 mph (8 km/h)
A. DEF Warning Lamp (flashing)
B. DEF Lightbar (one bar flashing red)
Fig. 11.12, DEF Empty and Ignored Warning
Brake Systems
Air Brake System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1
Meritor WABCO® Antilock Braking System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3
Roll-Stability Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5
Brake Systems
Air Brake System the rear brake chambers (on which the axle
load has been greatly reduced) receive reduced
General Information, Brake System (proportional) air pressure, while the front axle
A dual air brake system consists of two independent
brake chambers receive full (normal) air pres-
air systems that use a single set of brake controls. sure. This results in a different brake pedal
Each system has its own reservoirs, plumbing, and "feel," as the pedal seems to require more travel
brake chambers. The primary system operates the and/or effort to slow or stop the vehicle. How-
service brakes on the rear axle; the secondary sys- ever, the air brake proportioning system actually
tem operates the service brakes on the front axle. improves vehicle control when the tractor is in
Service brake signals from both systems are sent to bobtail mode. When the tractor is towing a
the trailer. trailer, the rear brake chambers will receive full
(normal) application air pressure.
Brake System Operation
NOTE: If equipped with main and auxiliary
transmissions, do not shift both transmissions
WARNING into neutral while the vehicle is rolling. Shifting
Do not operate the vehicle with the front brakes both transmissions back into gear would be diffi-
backed off or disconnected. Backing off or dis- cult while the vehicle is rolling.
connecting the front brakes will not improve ve- On tractor-trailer vehicles, if both the primary and
hicle handling and may lead to loss of vehicle secondary systems become inoperative, the trailer
control, resulting in property damage or personal service brakes or spring parking brakes will automati-
injury. cally apply when air pressure drops below 35 to 45
Before driving your vehicle, allow time for the air psi (241 to 310 kPa). The tractor spring parking
compressor to build up a minimum of 100 psi (690 brakes will automatically apply when air pressure
kPa) pressure in both the primary and secondary drops below 20 to 30 psi (138 to 207 kPa). On
systems. Monitor the air pressure system by observ- straight trucks, spring parking brakes will apply when
ing the dual system air pressure gauge and the low- air pressure drops below 20 to 30 psi (138 to 207
air-pressure warning light and buzzer. The warning kPa). Do not wait for the brakes to apply automati-
light and buzzer shut off when air pressure in both cally. When the warning light and buzzer first come
systems reaches 64 to 76 psi (441 to 524 kPa). on, immediately bring the vehicle to a safe stop. Be-
fore continuing operation of the vehicle, correct the
IMPORTANT: Before driving the vehicle, secure cause of the air loss.
all loose items in the cab so that they will not fly
forward during a full brake application. Make WARNING
sure all passengers are wearing seat belts.
During normal brake stops, depress the foot brake If a trailer or combination vehicle is not equipped
control pedal until braking action slows down the ve- with spring parking brakes, do not park it by pull-
hicle. Increase or decrease the pressure on the ing out only the trailer air supply valve knob.
pedal so that the vehicle comes to a smooth, safe This would apply only the trailer service brakes.
stop. Apply the spring parking brakes if the vehicle is If air were to bleed from the trailer brake system,
to be parked. the trailer brakes would release, possibly causing
an unattended runaway vehicle.
When parking a vehicle attached to a trailer that
does not have spring parking brakes, apply the trac-
tor parking brakes. Chock the trailer tires before dis- WARNING
connecting the vehicle from the trailer.
Do not use the trailer service brakes for parking;
IMPORTANT: An air brake proportioning system they are not designed for this purpose. If air
may be used in tractor air brake systems when bleeds out of the trailer air tank during parking,
the vehicle is not equipped with antilock braking the vehicle could roll, causing serious personal
system (ABS). When operating in bobtail mode, injury or property damage.
Brake Systems
Never apply the service and spring parking
brakes simultaneously. To do so transmits exces-
sive input force to the brake components, which
could damage or cause eventual failure of brake 6
actuating components.
Do not use the spring parking brakes if the ser-
vice brakes are hot, such as after descending a
steep grade. To do so could damage the brakes.
Allow hot brakes to cool before using the spring
parking brakes.
Do not use the spring parking brakes during
freezing temperatures if the service brakes are 4
wet. To do so could cause them to freeze. If the 3
brakes are wet, drive the vehicle in low gear and
lightly apply the brakes to heat and dry them.
05/07/2001 1 f610493
Brake Controls 1. Tilt/Telescopic Steering Column Lever
2. Four-Way Hazard Flasher
The trailer brake lever is used for applying the trailer 3. Turn Signal Lever
brakes without applying the truck or tractor service 4. Headlight Dimmer Switch
brakes. It is usually mounted on the steering column. 5. Electric Horn
See Fig. 12.1. The valve can be partially or fully ap- 6. Trailer Brake Control Lever
plied, but in any partially on position it will be overrid-
Fig. 12.1, Trailer Brake Control Lever
den by a full application of the service brake pedal.
Moving the lever clockwise (down) applies the trailer
brakes, while moving it counterclockwise (up) re-
leases the trailer brakes. The lever will remain in the 1
selected position until it is manually moved.
The red octagonal-shaped knob actuates the trailer
air supply valve. See Fig. 12.2. After the vehicle’s air
hoses are connected to a trailer and the pressure in
both air systems is at least 65 psi (448 kPa), the
trailer air supply valve must be pushed in. It should
stay in to charge the trailer air supply system and to 03/10/99 f610291
release the trailer spring parking brakes. 1. Trailer Air-Supply-Valve Knob
Pull the trailer air supply valve out before disconnect- 2. Parking-Brake-Valve Knob
ing a trailer or when operating a vehicle without a Fig. 12.2, Brake Valve Knobs
trailer. If pressure in both air systems drops to 35 to
45 psi (241 to 310 kPa), the trailer air supply valve If the trailer is not equipped with spring parking
automatically pops out, exhausting the trailer air sup- brakes, pulling out the parking brake valve applies
ply, and applying the trailer service or spring parking the tractor spring parking brakes and the trailer ser-
brakes. vice brakes. When the tractor and trailer parking
The yellow diamond-shaped knob actuates the park- brakes (or trailer service brakes) are both applied,
ing brake valve. See Fig. 12.2. Pulling out the park- the trailer brakes are released by pushing in the
ing brake valve applies both the tractor and trailer trailer air supply valve, leaving the tractor parking
spring parking brakes and automatically causes the brakes applied. Air pressure in the primary or sec-
trailer air supply valve to pop out. ondary reservoir must be at least 65 psi (448 kPa)
Brake Systems
before the tractor spring parking brakes, or the trailer secondary air system will continue to operate the
service or spring parking brakes, can be released. front brakes and the trailer brakes (if equipped).
On trailers not equipped with spring parking brakes, Secondary Air System
chock the trailer tires before disconnecting the truck
or tractor. Loss of air pressure in the secondary air system
causes the front axle brakes to become inoperative.
When parking a truck or tractor with a trailer (combi- The primary air system will continue to operate the
nation vehicle), and the trailer is not equipped with rear service brakes and the trailer brakes (if
spring parking brakes, apply the truck or tractor equipped).
spring parking brakes.
Do not release the spring parking brakes and Meritor WABCO® Antilock
then drive the vehicle. There would be no means
of stopping the vehicle, which could result in se- Braking System
rious personal injury or vehicle damage. Before
The Meritor WABCO Antilock Braking System (ABS)
releasing the spring parking brakes, make the
is an electronic wheel speed monitoring and control
connection to a towing vehicle or chock the tires.
system that works with the standard air brake sys-
After correcting the brake system problem, uncage tem. ABS passively monitors vehicle wheel speed at
the spring parking brakes before resuming normal all times, and controls wheel speed during emer-
vehicle operation. gency stops or wheel lock situations.
Primary Air Brake System IMPORTANT: For proper ABS system operation,
do not change tire sizes. The sizes of the tires
Loss of air pressure in the primary air system causes installed during production are programmed into
the rear service brakes to become inoperative. The the electronic control unit. Installing different
Brake Systems
sized tires could result in a reduced braking patibility will result in the illumination of the trailer
force, leading to longer stopping distances. ABS lamp during vehicle start-up and fault detection.
See Fig. 12.3.
ABS includes signal-generating tone wheels and sen-
sors located in the wheel hubs of each sensed
wheel. The sensors transmit vehicle wheel speed
information to an electronic control unit (located be- SPIN
hind the center dash). The control unit’s main circuit
interprets the speed sensor signals and calculates
wheel speed, wheel retardation, and a vehicle refer-
ence speed. If the calculations indicate wheel lockup,
the main circuit signals the appropriate modulator
valve to reduce braking pressure. During emergency
2 3
braking, the modulator valve alternately reduces, in-
creases, or maintains air pressure supply in the 07/15/2011 f610752
brake chamber to prevent front and rear wheel
1. ATC Warning Light 3. Trailer ABS Warning
lockup. 2. Tractor ABS Warning Light
The Meritor WABCO ABS combines one front-axle Light
control channel with one rear-axle control channel to Fig. 12.3, ABS Dash Lights
form one control circuit. For example, the sensor and
modulator valve on the left-front axle form a control The trailer ABS lamp will not illuminate unless a com-
circuit with the sensor and modulator valve on the patible trailer is connected to the tractor. The dash-
right-rear axle. If, during vehicle operation, the safety mounted lamp will operate as follows when a com-
circuit senses a failure in any part of the ABS, the patible trailer is properly connected to the tractor:
tractor ABS warning lamp illuminates and the control
circuit where the failure occurred is switched to nor- • When the ignition key is turned to the ON posi-
mal braking action. The remaining control circuit will tion, the trailer ABS lamp will illuminate mo-
retain the ABS effect. Even if the ABS is completely mentarily, then turn off.
inoperative, normal braking ability is maintained. An • If the lamp illuminates momentarily during ve-
exception would be if a modulator valve (or combina- hicle operation, then shuts off, a fault was de-
tion modulator valve) is damaged and inoperative. As tected and corrected.
these components are an integral part of the air
brake system, normal braking may be impaired or • If the lamp illuminates and stays on during ve-
inoperative. hicle operation, there is a fault with the trailer
ABS. Repair the trailer ABS system immedi-
Although the ABS improves vehicle control during ately to ensure full antilock braking capability.
emergency braking situations, the driver still has the
responsibility to change driving styles depending on IMPORTANT: If a compatible trailer is con-
existing traffic and road conditions. For example, the nected, and the lamp is not illuminating momen-
ABS cannot prevent an accident if the driver is tarily when the ignition key is turned to the ON
speeding or following too closely. position, it is possible that the lamp is burnt out.
During emergency or reduced-traction stops, fully
depress the brake pedal until the vehicle comes to a Automatic Traction Control
safe stop. Do not pump the brake pedal. With the Vehicles with electronic engines and ABS may have
brake pedal fully depressed, the ABS will control all Automatic Traction Control (ATC). On these vehicles,
wheels to provide steering control and a reduced the ATC system automatically limits wheel spin dur-
braking distance. ing reduced-traction situations. In normal braking ap-
plications, the standard air brake system is in effect.
ABS, Trailer Compatibility
If the vehicle has ATC, there will be a momentary-
The Meritor WABCO ABS is designed to communi- contact rocker switch on the dash labeled Deep Mud
cate with a trailer ABS, if they are compatible. Com- and Snow with an ATC icon. See Fig. 12.4. Pressing
Brake Systems
the switch will temporarily allow more drive wheel warning lights go out if all of the tractor’s ABS com-
spin. Pressing the switch again will cycle the system ponents are working.
back to normal operation.
IMPORTANT: If any of the ABS warning lights
do not work as described above, or come on
while driving, repair the ABS immediately to en-
sure full antilock braking capability.
Roll-Stability Control
The roll-stability control system automatically reduces
engine power, applies the engine brake, and/or ap-
plies the tractor and trailer brakes when the accelera-
tion sensor detects that the vehicle is at risk of rolling
over. The control can intervene even before an advi-
sory message is displayed.
A decal (Fig. 12.5) on the auxiliary dash panel, and
an amber-colored dash indicator light (Fig. 12.6), in-
dicate that the vehicle is equipped with the roll-
05/15/2001 f610494 stability system components.
Fig. 12.4, Deep Mud and Snow Switch The dash indicator light illuminates whenever the roll-
stability control system intervenes. See Fig. 12.6.
An additional solenoid valve is installed. During
reduced-traction situations, the ATC solenoid valve NOTE: The roll-stability control indicator is lo-
controls air pressure to the modulator valves and cated on the lightbar in place of the standard
they in turn increase, hold, or reduce pressure to the WHEEL SPIN indicator.
appropriate brake chambers to provide better traction
whenever wheel spin occurs.
When the ATC system is in the NORMAL mode, it SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS
will apply gentle braking to the spinning wheel, to
feed power to the wheel(s) with better traction. If lamp indicates traction
both wheels are spinning, the system will signal the OR roll control event.
engine to reduce power. Follow instructions in
driver’s manual.
NOTICE 24−01204−000
07/11/2003 f080125
The deep snow and mud option is intended to be
used under specific slippery conditions that re- Fig. 12.5, Roll-Stability Decal
quire momentary increased wheel spin. Using
this option for an extended period of time may
damage the vehicle brake system. WARNING
ATC includes a deep snow and mud option to in- The Roll Stability Control system is intended only
crease available traction on extra soft surfaces like as an aid for a conscientious and alert driver.
snow, mud, or gravel. The activation of the deep Carefully read the information in this manual to
snow and mud option is indicated by a flashing understand this system and its limitations. The
WHEEL SPIN lamp. Roll Stability Control system is not a substitute
After the ignition switch is turned on, the tractor ABS for safe driving procedures. Failure to drive
lamp and the WHEEL SPIN indicator lamp come on safely, and use the system properly, could result
for about three seconds. After three seconds, the in personal injury and/or death and property
Brake Systems
06/26/2003 f602128
Steering System
Power Steering System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1
Steering System
Power Steering System ing wheel spokes should be at the 3 o’clock and 9
o’clock positions or within 10 degrees of these posi-
The power steering system includes the integral tions. See Fig. 13.1.
power steering gear, hydraulic hoses, power steering
pump, reservoir, steering wheel and column, and
other components. Some models are also equipped
with a separate hydraulic power cylinder on the right
side of the front axle, or a right-hand slave gear.
The power steering pump, driven by the engine, pro- 10 10
vides the power assist for the steering system. If the
engine is not running, there is no power assist. If the
power-assist feature does not work due to hydraulic
1 2
fluid loss, steering pump damage, or some other
cause, bring the vehicle to a safe stop. Do not drive
the vehicle until the cause of the problem has been
corrected. 10 10
06/06/2003 f461970
Driving the vehicle without the power-assist fea-
ture of the steering system requires much greater 1. 9 o’Clock 2. 3 o’Clock
effort, especially in sharp turns or at low speeds, Fig. 13.1, Steering Wheel Centered
which could result in an accident and possible
Never steam clean or high-pressure wash the
steering gear. Internal damage to gear seals, and
ultimately the steering gear, can result.
Drivers should carefully use the power available with
a power steering system. If the front tires become
lodged in a deep chuckhole or rut, drive the vehicle
out instead of using the steering system to lift the
tires out of the hole.
Avoid turning the tires when they are against a
curb, as this places a heavy load on steering
components and could damage them.
An optional power steering fluid cooler mounted in
front of the radiator or behind the cab is available.
Certain applications may limit or require the use of a
power steering fluid cooler.
Manual Transmissions and
Eaton® Fuller® Transmission Operation Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.1
Eaton Fuller Splitter and Range-Shift Transmissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.1
Eaton Fuller Deep Reduction Transmissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.4
Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.7
Manual Transmissions and Clutch
Manual Transmissions and Clutch
Eaton Fuller 13-Speed Splitter and 5. Upshift from LOW (or 1st gear) through 4th gear,
double-clutching when moving the gear shift
Range-Shift Transmissions lever, and accelerating to 80 percent of engine
Eaton Fuller 13-speed transmissions have thirteen governed speed.
forward speeds and two reverse speeds. Each trans- 6. While in 4th gear, pull the range-preselection
mission consists of a 5-speed front section and a lever up into high range and move the splitter-
3-speed auxiliary section. The auxiliary section con- control button to the low (rearward) position.
tains low- and high-range ratios, plus a splitter gear. Double-clutch into 5th gear, engage the clutch,
See Fig. 14.1 for the shift pattern. and accelerate.
7. Upshift progressively through the high range
Hi 5 5 7 7 1
R Dir OD Dir OD gears.
Lo 1 3
To shift from 5th direct to 5th overdrive (or 5th
underdrive to 5th direct on RT model transmis-
A sions), move the splitter-control button to the
N high position, then immediately release the ac-
celerator. Press and release the clutch pedal,
6 6 8 8 then, accelerate again.
2 4 C D
Continue upshifting through the shift pattern.
03/13/96 f260044a Double-clutch when moving the gear shift lever
A. High Range C. High (forward) (6th to 7th, etc.); single-clutch during split shifts
B. Low Range D. Low (rearward) (6th direct to 6th overdrive, etc.).
1. Splitter Control Button
Fig. 14.1, Eaton Fuller 13-Speed Transmission Shift
Pattern IMPORTANT: Never use the clutch brake when
downshifting, or as a brake to slow the vehicle.
LOW gear is used only as a starting gear; it is never
used with the transmission in high range. The other 1. To downshift from 8th overdrive to 8th direct (or
four ratios are used once in the low range and once 8th direct to 8th underdrive on RT model trans-
again in the high range. missions), move the splitter-control button to the
low position, then immediately release the accel-
High range gear ratios can be split by using the erator. Press and release the clutch pedal, then
splitter-control button with the underdrive ratio (RT accelerate once the transmission has shifted.
models), or overdrive ratio (RTO models). Low range
gear ratios cannot be split. 2. Start the downshift from 8th direct to 7th over-
drive by moving the splitter-control button to the
Upshifting high position, then double-clutch into 7th gear.
1. Put the transmission in neutral. Start the engine 3. Downshift progressively through each of the high
and bring the air system pressure up to 100 to range gears, alternating the procedures in steps
120 psi (689 to 827 kPa). 1 and 2 above until reaching 5th direct.
2. Position the range-preselection lever down, in 4. When in 5th direct and ready for the downshift to
low range. 4th, push the range-preselection lever down and
move the splitter-control button to the high posi-
3. Make sure the splitter-control button is in the low tion. Double-clutch into 4th gear, engage the
(rearward) position. See Fig. 14.1. clutch, and accelerate.
4. To start the vehicle moving, press the clutch 5. Continue downshifting from 4th gear to 1st gear,
pedal to the floor, shift into LOW or 1st gear, as conditions require.
then engage the clutch with the engine at or near
idle speed. Accelerate to 80 percent of engine
governed speed.
Manual Transmissions and Clutch
Eaton Fuller 18-Speed Splitter and drive (rearward) position (Fig. 14.2). Double-
clutch into 1st gear.
Range-Shift Transmissions
Continue upshifting through the shift pattern.
Eaton Fuller 18-speed transmissions have eighteen Double-clutch when moving the gear shift lever
forward speeds and four reverse speeds. Each trans- (1st to 2nd to 3rd to 4th); single-clutch during
mission consists of a 5-speed front section and a split shifts (1st direct to 1st overdrive, etc.).
4-speed auxiliary section. The auxiliary section con-
tains low- and high-range ratios, plus a splitter gear. 5. When in 4th overdrive, use the range-
See Fig. 14.2. preselection lever and the splitter-control button
to upshift to 5th gear.
1 While in 4th gear, pull the range-preselection
5 5 7 7 lever up into high range and move the splitter-
Dir OD Dir OD
R 1 1 3 3 control button to the low position. Double-clutch
Dir OD Dir OD
into 5th gear, engage the clutch, and accelerate.
N 6. Upshift progressively through the high range
6 6 8 8
Dir OD Dir OD B
2 2 4 4 To shift from 5th direct to 5th overdrive (or 5th
Dir OD
Dir OD Dir OD underdrive to 5th direct on RT model transmis-
C D sions), move the splitter-control button to the
03/13/96 f260157a
high position, then immediately release the ac-
A. High Range C. Overdrive (forward) celerator. Press and release the clutch pedal,
B. Low Range D. Direct Drive (rearward) and accelerate.
1. Splitter Control Button
Continue upshifting through the shift pattern.
Fig. 14.2, Eaton Fuller 18-Speed Transmission Shift Double-clutch when moving the gear shift lever
Pattern (6th to 7th, etc.); single-clutch during split shifts
(6th direct to 6th overdrive, etc.).
LOW gear in the front section is used only as a start-
ing gear; it is never used when the transmission is in Downshifting
high range. LOW gear can be split, to provide both a
direct and an overdrive ratio. IMPORTANT: Never use the clutch brake when
downshifting, or as a brake to slow the vehicle.
1. To downshift from 8th overdrive to 8th direct (or
1. Put the transmission in neutral. Start the engine 8th direct to 8th underdrive on RT model trans-
and bring the air system pressure up to 100 to missions), move the splitter-control button to the
120 psi (689 to 827 kPa). low position, then immediately release the accel-
2. Position the range-preselection lever down, in erator. Press and release the clutch pedal, then
low range and make sure the splitter-control but- accelerate once the transmission has shifted.
ton is in the low position. See Fig. 14.2. 2. Start the downshift from 8th direct to 7th over-
3. To start the vehicle moving, press the clutch drive by moving the splitter-control button to the
pedal to the floor, shift into LOW, then engage high position, then immediately double-clutch into
the clutch with the engine at or near idle speed. 7th gear.
To shift from LOW direct to LOW overdrive, 3. Downshift progressively through each of the high
move the splitter-control button into the overdrive range gears, alternating the procedures in steps
(forward) position, then immediately release the 1 and 2 above until reaching 5th direct.
accelerator. Press and release the clutch pedal,
and accelerate. 4. When in 4th overdrive, push the range-
preselection lever down and move the splitter-
4. Upshift from LOW overdrive to 1st direct by first control button to the high position. Double-clutch
moving the splitter-control button into the direct
Manual Transmissions and Clutch
through into 4th gear, engage the clutch, and 4. Upshift progressively from 1st gear through 5th
accelerate. gear, double-clutching when moving the gear
shift lever.
5. Continue downshifting from 4th overdrive to 4th
direct, then 4th direct to 3rd overdrive, etc. 5. When in 5th gear and ready to move to 6th gear,
Double-clutch when moving the gear shift lever pull the range-preselection lever up into the high
(4th to 3th, etc.); single-clutch during split shifts range. Double-clutch into 6th gear, engage the
(4th direct to 3rd overdrive, etc.). clutch, and accelerate.
Eaton Fuller 10-Speed Range-Shift NOTE: If after attempting to shift into the high
range the transmission remains in neutral, the
Transmissions range synchronizer protection device may be
Eaton Fuller 10-speed transmissions have ten selec- activated. Move the gear shift lever to neutral to
tive, evenly-spaced forward ratios. Each transmission allow the range shift to complete, then shift back
consists of a 5-speed front section, and a 2-speed into gear.
auxiliary section. The ten forward speeds are ob-
6. Upshift progressively through the high range
tained by twice using a 5-speed shift pattern: the first
gears, double-clutching when moving the gear
time in low range, the second time in high range.
shift lever and accelerating to 80 percent of en-
See Fig. 14.3 for the shift patterns, noting that the
4th/9th and the 5th/10th shift positions in the RT (di- gine governed speed.
rect ratio) transmissions are directly opposite in the
RTO (overdrive ratio) transmissions.
IMPORTANT: Never use the clutch brake when
A B downshifting, or as a brake to slow the vehicle.
Hi 7 9 Hi 7 10
Lo 2 4 Lo 2 5 1. Downshift progressively through each of the high
range gears, double-clutching between shifts.
N N 2. When in 5th gear and ready to move to 4th gear,
push the range-preselection lever down into the
6 8 10 D 6 8 9 low range. Double-clutch into 4th gear, engage
1 3 5 1 3 4 the clutch, and accelerate.
03/13/96 f260043a
3. Downshift progressively through the low range
A. RT Transmissions C. High Range gears, double-clutching when moving the gear
B. RTO Transmissions D. Low Range shift lever, as conditions require.
Fig. 14.3, Eaton Fuller 10-Speed RT and RTO
Transmissions Shift Patterns Eaton Fuller Deep Reduction
Upshifting Transmissions
1. Put the transmission in neutral. Start the engine General Information
and bring the air system pressure up to 100 to
120 psi (689 to 827 kPa). Eaton Fuller 10-speed deep reduction transmissions
have a 5-speed front section, and a 2-speed auxiliary
2. Position the range-preselection lever down, in section, with a deep reduction gear. The low-low,
low range. deep reduction gear is used only when operating
3. To start the vehicle moving, press the clutch under adverse conditions. Low gear in the front sec-
pedal to the floor; shift into 1st gear, then engage tion is used only for rough, off-highway conditions, as
the clutch with the engine at or near idle speed. a starting ratio. The remaining four forward positions
Accelerate to 80 percent of engine governed are used once in the low range and once in the high
speed. range. See Fig. 14.4 for the shift pattern, noting that
the 3rd/7th and 4th/8th shift positions in RT-LL trans-
missions are opposite of the RTO-LL transmissions.
Manual Transmissions and Clutch
Manual Transmissions and Clutch
Lo Hi 7 9 8 1 Lo Hi 7 10
R 2 2 4 4 R 2 2 5 5
7 DR Lo DR Lo
4 4
N 3 2 N
5 2
4 1
6 8 10 6 8 9
1 1 3 3 5 5 2 1 1 3 3 4 4
DR Lo DR Lo DR Lo 1 6 7 DR Lo DR Lo DR Lo
03/13/96 f260045a
A. Eaton Fuller RT transmissions shift pattern B. Eaton Fuller RTO transmissions shift pattern
1. High Range 4. High Range 6. Forward for IN
2. Low Range 5. Low Range 7. Rearward for OUT
3. Deep Reduction
Fig. 14.5, Eaton Fuller 15-Speed Model Shift Patterns
R R R R 5 7
1 3 1 3
10-Speed RT LOW 6 8
LOW 2 4 2 4
f260335 f260338 f260339 f260340
R R R 7 10
5 R
15-Speed RTO
1 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 6 8 9
DR DR DR Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo
f260341 f260342 f260343 f260344
R 2 4 R 2 4 R 2 4 R 7
DR DR Lo Lo Lo Lo
15-Speed RT 6
1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 8 10
DR DR DR Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo
f260345 f260346 f260347 f260348
6. Shift upward from low gear (10-speed transmis- double-clutching between shifts, and accelerating
sions) or 4th gear (15-speed transmissions), to to 80 percent of engine governed speed.
the top gear in low range (see Table 14.1),
Manual Transmissions and Clutch
Manual Transmissions and Clutch
Clutch Brake the clutch pedal will also put a constant thrust
load on the release bearing, thinning the bearing
Apply the clutch brake by depressing the clutch lubricant and increasing the wear on the bearing.
pedal all the way to the floor plate. The last part of
pedal travel will compress the clutch brake plates Holding the Vehicle On an Incline
together, stopping the transmission input shaft. The
clutch brake stops the transmission gears from rotat- Always use the vehicle service brakes to prevent the
ing in order to quickly engage a transmission gear vehicle from rolling backwards while stopped on a
after idling in neutral. hill. Slipping the clutch on a hill to maintain vehicle
position will quickly damage the clutch assembly.
NOTICE Coasting
Never apply the clutch brake when making down- Coasting with the clutch pedal depressed and the
shifts or upshifts. If the clutch brake is applied transmission in a low gear can cause high driven
when the vehicle is moving, the clutch brake will disc speed. The clutch speed can be much higher
try to stop or decelerate the vehicle, causing under these conditions than when the engine is driv-
rapid wear of the clutch brake friction discs. Con- ing the clutch. This condition creates a hazardous
siderable heat will be generated, causing damage situation due to the lack of vehicle control and due to
to the release bearings and the transmission the high clutch disc speed. Engaging the clutch
front bearings. under these conditions can cause component dam-
age because of the shock loads to the clutch and
Using the Clutch drivetrain.
Use the clutch pedal only when starting the engine,
launching the vehicle from a stop, or shifting. To WARNING
launch a stationary vehicle, depress the clutch pedal
all the way to the floor plate (see Clutch Brake Always shift into the gear that is correct for the
above) and shift from neutral to a low gear. Slowly traveling speed of the vehicle and engage the
raise your foot until the clutch starts to engage. In clutch. Coasting with the clutch disengaged can
this position the clutch is starting to connect the prevent engagement of the correct transmission
transmission input shaft to the flywheel and is caus- gear which can cause loss of vehicle control,
ing the most heat and wear. Slightly increase the en- possibly resulting in personal injury or property
gine speed and smoothly allow the clutch pedal to damage.
return to the rest position. Do not allow the clutch to High clutch disc speeds while coasting can also
remain in the partially-engaged position any longer cause the clutch facing to be thrown off the disc.
than necessary to obtain a smooth start. Flying debris from the clutch can cause injury to
Double-clutch to shift gears while the vehicle is mov- persons in the cab.
ing. Depress the clutch pedal most of the way in, but
not all the way to the floor plate. Depressing the Clutch Maintenance
clutch pedal to the floor plate will engage the clutch
brake. Shift the transmission into neutral and fully
Checking the Clutch Adjustment
release the clutch pedal. When upshifting, wait for Report erratic clutch operation as soon as possible to
the engine speed to decrease to the road speed. give maintenance personnel a chance to inspect, lu-
When downshifting, increase the engine speed to bricate, and adjust the clutch components. Notice
match the road speed. Fully release the clutch pedal any gradual decrease in the distance the clutch
after completing the shift. pedal moves before resistance is felt.
Riding the clutch while driving is damaging to Operating the vehicle with incorrect free pedal
the clutch because partial clutch engagement could result in clutch damage.
causes slippage and heat. Resting your foot on
Manual Transmissions and Clutch
A correctly adjusted clutch must have about 3/4 inch first or reverse gear from neutral with the clutch
(19 mm) of travel at the top of its stroke before a pedal fully depressed, the clutch pedal is out of ad-
stronger resistance can be felt. See Fig. 14.6. If the justment or the clutch brake is worn and needs to be
free pedal travel is less than this distance, have the replaced.
clutch adjusted.
Lubricating the Clutch Release Bearing
Check the clutch free pedal travel daily and note it in
the driver’s report.
Failure to lubricate the release bearing and link-
age as recommended could result in release
bearing and clutch damage.
On vehicles equipped with a greaseable release
bearing, the release bearing should be lubricated at
regular intervals. See the Western Star Maintenance
Manual for intervals and procedures.
02/09/96 f250306
A. Free Pedal
Fig. 14.6, Clutch Free Pedal Travel
Operating the vehicle with the clutch improperly
adjusted could result in clutch or clutch brake
Automated and Automatic
Eaton® Fuller® Automated Transmissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.1
Allison Automatic Transmissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5
Automated and Automatic Transmissions
The Eaton Fuller UltraShift is a heavy-duty fully auto-
N 5
The shift selection module controls the driving mode,
which includes drive, manual, reverse, or low.
IMPORTANT: In all modes but low, it is possible
to shift manually by pressing the upshift or
downshift selectors as needed. When the en-
gine speed is within 75 rpm of the load-based
shift point for an automatic shift, the transmis-
sion will advance the shift.
Drive Mode
Press the drive mode button (D) on the shift selec-
10/13/2003 f610680
tion module to put the transmission in drive mode.
NOTE: The gear indicator displays the current gear. In
In drive mode, upshifts and downshifts are made by this example, it displays first gear.
the transmission without driver intervention. The
Fig. 15.2, Gear Indicator
transmission will shift automatically when the driver
Automated and Automatic Transmissions
presses the drive mode button (D) and depresses Reverse Mode
the accelerator pedal.
To put the transmission in reverse, press the reverse
If driving conditions require, it is still possible to re- mode button on the shift selection module.
quest a manual shift. The transmission will make the
The UltraShift transmission has two reverse gears:
shift if the engine speed is within 75 rpm of the load-
reverse low and reverse high. The AutoShift trans-
based shift point for that gear.
mission may have multiple reverse gears. To shift
If the vehicle is stopped while in drive mode, the manually between the reverse gears, press the up-
upshift/downshift buttons can be used to change the shift or downshift arrow button until the desired re-
starting gear. This selection becomes the default verse gear is displayed.
starting gear until it is changed by the driver again,
Reverse low is the default reverse gear. When re-
or the vehicle is shut down.
verse low is selected, the letter R displays on the
The transmission controller adapts to the working gear indicator. See Fig. 15.3. When reverse high is
conditions of each vehicle and its driver. After selected, the letter H is displayed.
power-up or a load change, it needs to learn the new
conditions. While learning, it may hold a gear too
long before upshifting. If this occurs, start the upshift
manually. It may take three or four shifts before the
transmission succeeds in learning the new load-
based shift points, but after that it will handle the
shifting automatically.
Automatic skip shifts may occur in drive mode if con-
ditions are appropriate.
Manual Mode
In manual mode, upshifts and downshifts are made
by the driver. This allows the driver to respond to a
wide range of driving conditions, such as blind cor-
10/14/2003 f610681
ners, tight curves, and steep hills.
To change to manual mode, press the manual mode Fig. 15.3, Gear Indicator: Reverse Low Gear
button (MANUAL) on the shift selection module. If
manual mode is selected while the vehicle is moving, IMPORTANT: Under normal conditions, do not
the current gear will be maintained until the driver select reverse with the vehicle moving forward.
requests a shift using the proper upshift/downshift The vehicle must be moving at less than two miles
arrow button. If the manual mode is selected while per hour (3 km/h) before selecting reverse. If reverse
the vehicle is not moving, the starting gear will be is selected when the vehicle is moving faster, an au-
maintained until the driver requests a shift. In down- dible alert will sound and continue sounding at three-
hill situations in particular, the driver must be alert to second intervals until the vehicle slows to the proper
vehicle speed by downshifting and/or using the ser- speed or the driver selects the drive mode.
vice brakes as needed. A shift request will be refused
if the selected gear would cause engine overspeed Low Mode
or excessive lugging.
Low mode should be used to maximize engine brak-
To upshift, press the upshift arrow button on the shift ing and minimize the use of the brake pedal. It is
selection module; to downshift, press the downshift most useful when descending steep hills or when
arrow button. See Fig. 15.1. A shift request will be coming to a stop. Engine speed will be increased by
refused if the selected gear would cause engine 200 rpm and shift points will be offset by 200 rpm.
overspeed or excessive lugging.
To select low mode, press the low mode button
(LOW) on the shift selection module. When in low,
Automated and Automatic Transmissions
IMPORTANT: Always start the engine with the
10/13/2003 f610678
transmission in neutral (N) and the parking
brake set. Fig. 15.4, Gear Indicator: Power Up Dot Display
Do not coast in neutral. Coasting in neutral can
cause an accident, possibly resulting in severe
personal injury or death.
Neutral is always available during operation, what-
ever the vehicle speed. When in neutral, requests to
upshift or downshift are ignored. If the driver selects
drive mode while the vehicle is moving in neutral, the
transmission will shift into the appropriate gear given
the engine speed.
When shifting from neutral, always depress the brake
pedal. If the brake pedal is not depressed, the trans- 10/13/2003 f610679
mission will not shift and an audible alert will sound.
To reset the transmission, select neutral again and Fig. 15.5, Gear Indicator: Neutral
attempt the shift again, this time with the brake pedal
depressed. 3. On vehicles with an AutoShift transmission, de-
press the clutch pedal all the way to the floor.
Before shutting down the engine, return the transmis-
sion to neutral. 4. Apply the service brake and start the engine.
5. On vehicles with an AutoShift transmission, re-
Powering Up
lease the clutch to allow the speed sensor on the
1. With the parking brake set, turn the ignition input shaft to get a reading, then depress the
switch on and allow the shift selection module to clutch pedal again.
power up. The gear indicator will show the dot
display, arranged in a square pattern. All dots in NOTE: When in drive mode, the transmission
the pattern should light up, without gaps or defaults to second gear when starting off. If de-
spaces. See Fig. 15.4. sired, the driver can select to start off in first
gear. No other start gear is available.
2. Wait for the gear indicator to show a solid N. See
Fig. 15.5. When the N is solid (not flashing), the 6. Select the desired mode (drive, manual, low, or
transmission controller is powered up. reverse), then select the desired starting gear.
Automated and Automatic Transmissions
To request a downshift, push the downshift arrow
When starting or stopping on hills and grades, button on the shift selection module. If the gear is
use extra care to prevent the vehicle from rolling available, the transmission will downshift and the
back. A rollback accident could cause death, seri- new gear will display on the gear indicator. If the
ous personal injury, or property damage. gear requested is unavailable, a tone will sound.
7. On a level grade, release the parking and ser- Before starting down a hill, downshift to a speed that
vice brakes. you can control without hard pressure on the service
brakes. Before entering a curve, downshift if neces-
8. Move the vehicle forward by doing one of the sary. This lets you use some power through the
following: curve to help the vehicle be more stable in the turn.
• Vehicles with an UltraShift transmission: It also allows you to regain speed faster as you
depress the accelerator pedal. come out of the curve.
• Vehicles with an AutoShift transmission: NOTE: The AutoShift transmission is able to
release the clutch and depress the accel- perform triple downshifts when the next three
erator pedal. lower gears are available and conditions are
Powering Down
Skip shifts can be performed only in manual mode.
1. On vehicles equipped with an Autoshift transmis- To skip shift, press the downshift button twice or
sion, depress the clutch pedal to the floor. three times. The number of the gear engaged will
2. Bring the vehicle to a halt appear on the gear indicator.
3. Apply the service brakes. For best engine braking, select low mode while mov-
ing. In low, downshifts are performed at higher rpm
4. Select neutral (N) on the shift selection module. than in drive.
When the N on the gear indicator is solid (not
flashing), the transmission controller is ready to IMPORTANT: If the engine is approaching over-
power down. speed, the transmission controller will override
the current gear setting and upshift to prevent
5. Set the parking brake and shut down the engine.
engine damage.
Transmission Diagnostics
To request an upshift, push the upshift arrow button
on the shift selection module. If the gear is available, Clutch Protection Fault, UltraShift
the transmission will upshift and the new gear will Transmissions
display on the gear indicator. If the gear requested is Even though a vehicle with an UltraShift transmission
unavailable, a tone will sound. does not have a clutch pedal, it does have a me-
Upshifts are not available in low mode, except to pre- chanical clutch. As you slowly increase and decrease
vent engine overspeed. engine rpm from a stop, the mechanical clutch is en-
gaging and disengaging, just like slipping the clutch
NOTE: The AutoShift transmission is able to with a manual transmission. Excessive clutch slip-
perform triple upshifts when the next three page creates heat and reduces the life of the clutch.
higher gears are available and conditions are Conditions that can cause clutch damage include:
• Using the accelerator pedal to hold the vehicle
Skip shifts can be performed only in manual mode. on a hill
To skip shift, press the upshift button twice or three
• Starting the vehicle from a stop in a gear that’s
times. The number of the gear engaged will appear
too high
on the gear indicator.
• Overloading the vehicle
Automated and Automatic Transmissions
• Using high idle with the vehicle in gear appear on the gear indicator when the vehicle is re-
The transmission controller is programmed to prevent
clutch damage. When the clutch overheats, the fol- Complete the following steps.
lowing alerts take place:
1. Set the parking brake.
• The TRANS TEMP light comes on
2. Turn off the ignition and wait at least two min-
• The gear indicator displays "C," then "A" utes.
• A warning tone sounds at one-second intervals 3. Depress the brake pedal and release the parking
The alerts continue until the clutch cools, the accel-
erator pedal is released, or the clutch is fully en- 4. On vehicles with an AutoShift transmission, de-
gaged. press the clutch partway to the floor.
5. Select neutral by pressing the neutral button (N)
System Problem
on the shift selection module, then turn on the
In the event of a problem, complete the following ignition key. Do not attempt to start the engine
steps. yet.
1. Note the driving conditions at the time the prob- 6. Release the pressure on the brake pedal slightly.
lem occurred.
7. Once the transmission is in neutral, a solid N will
2. Record the status of the transmission at the time appear on the gear indicator and the vehicle will
of the problem (current mode, current gear, en- start. Apply the service brakes and start the en-
gine speed, etc.). gine.
3. Complete the transmission reset procedure. 8. If the gear indicator continues to display a dash,
contact an authorized Western Star or Eaton ser-
Transmission Reset Procedure vice facility.
In some cases, proper transmission operation can be
restored by resetting the transmission controller. Allison Automatic
1. When it is safe to do so, stop the vehicle. Transmissions
2. Select neutral by pressing the neutral button (N) Refer to the Allison website for additional information
on the shift selection module. (www.allisontransmission.com).
3. Set the parking brake.
General Information, Allison
4. Shut down the engine.
5. Wait at least two minutes.
HD-series automatic transmissions have six forward
6. Restart the engine. speeds and one reverse speed. These transmissions
7. If the problem continues or the transmission have electronic shift controls that can be pro-
doesn’t achieve neutral after power-up, contact grammed to allow the use of different numbers of
an authorized Western Star or Eaton service fa- geared speeds. For instance, the transmission can
cility. be programmed to operate as a 4-speed, 5-speed, or
6-speed unit in the "primary" shift mode. If needed, a
Locked In Gear "secondary" shift mode can be programmed to pro-
vide another shift configuration to optimize vehicle
If the vehicle is shut down while in gear, the trans- use under different operating conditions.
mission may become locked in gear. The transmis-
sion will attempt to get to neutral during the next To activate a secondary shift mode, or other special
power-up if neutral is selected on the shift selection functions programmed into the electronic control unit
module. If neutral can’t be achieved, a dash (–) will (ECU), press the Mode button. See Fig. 15.6.
"MODE ON" is displayed in the indicator panel just
Automated and Automatic Transmissions
above the push buttons. A label just above the Mode sion fluid and will result in severe damage to the
button identifies the special function. transmission.
Do not allow the vehicle to coast in neutral. This
can result in severe transmission damage.
The following tips highlight important operation prin-
2 • Start the engine, then check the digital display
on the shift selector. Under "Select" at the top
of the unit, the display should always show the
"primary" shift mode. Under "Monitor," the cur-
rent gear should be displayed.
• Use reverse to back the vehicle. Completely
stop the vehicle before shifting from a forward
gear to reverse, or from reverse to forward.
There is only one reverse gear.
• Select drive (D) for all normal driving condi-
10/31/94 f600369a tions. The vehicle will start out in 1st gear, and
1. Indicator Panel 2. Mode ID as speed increases, the transmission will up-
shift through each gear automatically. As the
Fig. 15.6, Allison Push Button Shift Selector vehicle slows down, the transmission will
downshift automatically.
NOTE: Each time a button is pressed on the
shift selector, a short beep will be heard. This • The pressure of your foot on the accelerator
indicates that the ECU has received input to pedal influences the automatic shifting. When
change operation. the pedal is fully depressed, the transmission
will automatically upshift near the governed
The HD-series transmission is designed to warn the speed of the engine. A partially depressed
driver of transmission malfunctions. The driver should pedal will cause the upshifts to occur at a
know the extent of the warning system in order to lower engine speed.
safely operate the vehicle.
• Occasionally the road, load, or traffic conditions
Allison Transmission Operation make it desirable to restrict the automatic shift-
ing to a lower range. The lower the gear range,
the greater the engine braking power.
Use the up or down buttons on the shift selec-
Never shift from neutral (N) to drive (D) or re- tor to reach the desired gear. The "SELECT"
verse (R) at engine speeds above idle. The ve- indicator will display your choice, and the
hicle will lurch forward or backward, which could "MONITOR" indicator will show the selected
cause property damage and personal injury. gear once it is reached. In the lower gear
ranges, the transmission will not upshift above
the highest gear selected unless the engine
NOTICE governed speed is exceeded.
The engine should never be operated for more • Use neutral and apply the parking brake when
than thirty seconds at full throttle with the trans- the vehicle is parked with the engine running.
mission in gear and the output stalled. Prolonged
operation of this type will overheat the transmis-
Drive Axles
Drive Axles with Differential Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.1
Interaxle Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.2
Drive Axles
Locking the wheels when the vehicle is traveling
down steep grades or when the wheels are slip-
ping could damage the differential and/or lead to
loss of vehicle control, causing personal injury
and property damage.
Engage the differential lock only when the ve-
hicle is stopped or moving at less than 5 mph (8
km/h). Engaging the differential lock at high
speeds can cause internal axle damage.
07/22/2011 f545803
1. With the engine running, press the upper half of
Fig. 16.1, Forward Drive Axle Differential Lock Switch the differential lock switch to engage the differen-
tial lock.
• a switch to control the differential lock on the
2. If the vehicle is moving, briefly let up on the ac-
middle drive axle.
celerator to relieve torque on the gearing, allow-
• a switch to control the differential lock on the ing the differential to fully lock.
rear drive axle (see Fig. 16.2).
Differential Lock Operation
Be especially careful when driving under slippery
NOTE: On some vehicles, the differential lock
conditions with the differential locked. Though
system is connected through the low speed forward traction is improved, the vehicle can still
range of the transmission. If this system is used, slip sideways, causing possible loss of vehicle
the transmission must be in the low speed control, personal injury, and property damage.
range for the wheels to fully lock. In addition,
3. Drive cautiously and do not exceed 25 mph (40
shifting out of low speed range will also disen-
km/h). When the differential is fully locked, the
gage the differential lock.
Drive Axles
turning radius will increase because the vehicle Interaxle Lock Switch
understeers. See Fig. 16.3.
The interaxle lock switch allows the driver to lock the
drive axles together. See Fig. 16.4.
02/09/96 f350079a
4. Press the lower half of the differential lock switch Fig. 16.4, Interaxle Lock Switch
to disengage the differential lock after leaving
poor road conditions. Interaxle Lock Operation
NOTE: If the differential lock is engaged when
the engine is shut down, the differential lock will NOTICE
The interaxle lock should not be engaged on a
5. If the vehicle is moving, briefly let up on the ac- vehicle with obviously spinning wheels. Engage-
celerator to allow the wheels to fully unlock, then ment at high speed or power can damage the
resume driving at normal speed. axle(s).
1. With the engine running, press the upper half of
Interaxle Lock the interaxle lock switch to engage the interaxle
The interaxle lock (axle lock, interaxle differential lock. Do not wait until traction is lost and the tires
lockout) feature is available on vehicles wth tandem- are spinning before engaging the interaxle lock.
or tridem-drive axles. The interaxle lock causes the 2. If the vehicle is moving, briefly let up on the ac-
drive axle shafts to rotate together, and is recom- celerator until the interaxle lock engages.
mended for use under adverse road conditions
where greater traction is needed.
See the axle manufacturer’s website for more infor-
mation. Do not operate the vehicle continuously with the
When engaged, the interaxle lock essentially makes interaxle locked during extended good road con-
the driveshaft a solid connection between the drive ditions. To do so could result in damage to the
axles. Power entering the forward drive axle is trans- axle gearing and excessive driveline and tire
mitted straight through to the rearmost axle(s). Drive- wear.
line torque is now delivered equally and the drive 3. Proceed over poor road conditions with caution.
axles, and wheels, turn together at the same speed.
The interaxle lock increases drivetrain and tire wear 4. Press the lower half of the interaxle lock switch
and should be used only when improved traction is to disengage the interaxle lock after leaving poor
required. road conditions.
Drive Axles
Fifth Wheels
Fifth Wheels, General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.1
Fifth Wheel Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.1
Fifth Wheel Uncoupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.5
Fifth Wheel Slide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.7
Fifth Wheels
Some fifth wheels may be mounted on sliding
rails. Before attempting to couple a trailer to a
sliding fifth wheel, the slide feature must be
locked to prevent the top plate from sliding rap-
07/22/2011 f545805 idly forward or rearward, causing damage to the
fifth wheel or kingpin.
Fig. 17.1, Air-Suspension Dump Valve
Fifth Wheels
11/02/2010 f310447
2 1. Safety Latch 3. Operating Rod
2. Operating Rod (unlocked)
10/26/2010 f310110a
Fifth Wheels
For a standard fifth wheel plate, the trailer When lockup has occurred, the fifth wheel con-
should contact the fifth wheel approximately 4 to trol handle moves to the locked position. Make
8 inches (10 to 20 cm) behind the fifth wheel sure that the safety latch is down over the lock
pivot. See Fig. 17.4. control handle to hold the control handle in the
locked position (the safety latch will only rotate
For a low-lube fifth wheel plate, the fifth wheel
down if the operating rod is fully retracted in the
must slide freely under the trailer, and the trailer
locked position). See Fig. 17.2 or Fig. 17.3.
should contact the fifth wheel at the pivot. See
Fig. 17.5.
09/10/2010 f311126
A. No gap between trailer B. Kingpin inside lock
and fifth wheel
Fig. 17.6, Coupling Inspection
9. Release the tractor parking brake. Test for king-
pin lockup by slowly inching the tractor forward,
09/10/2010 f311125
pulling on the trailer against the chocks.
A. Adjust trailer height B. Ramps tilted down
10. After lockup is completed, connect the tractor-to-
Fig. 17.5, Trailer Connection Point, Low-Lube Fifth trailer air system lines and the electrical cable to
Wheel Plate the trailer. Take care to prevent dirt or foreign
material from entering the air system lines.
6. With the fifth wheel lock opening aligned with the
trailer kingpin, back the tractor slowly toward the
trailer. After sliding under the trailer, stop to avoid NOTICE
hitting the kingpin too hard, then resume backing
slowly until the fifth wheel locks. Always make sure the connection hanger keeps
the trailer air hoses and electrical cables posi-
For a standard fifth wheel plate, the fifth wheel tioned so that they do not rub on anything. Rub-
must lift the trailer. bing may wear through hoses or cables, resulting
For a low-lube fifth wheel plate, do not lift the in air leaks, or exposed or broken wires, poten-
trailer as this may damage the fifth wheel plate. tially affecting trailer brake or electrical systems.
7. Set the tractor parking brake. 11. Charge the air brake system and check that the
air connections do not leak.
A visual inspection is required by law. Some im-
proper couplings can pass a pull test. Sound is Incorrect fifth wheel lock adjustment could cause
not reliable. Get out of the cab and look. Incor- the trailer to disconnect, possibly resulting in se-
rect coupling could cause the trailer to discon- rious personal injury or death.
nect, possibly resulting in serious personal injury 12. With the trailer tires chocked and the brakes set,
or death. check for clearance between the kingpin and the
8. Perform a coupling inspection, checking that fifth wheel jaws by moving the tractor forward
there is no gap between the bottom of the trailer and backward against the locked kingpin. If slack
and the fifth wheel, and that the kingpin is se- is present, uncouple the trailer and have the fifth
curely locked. See Fig. 17.6.
Fifth Wheels
wheel inspected and adjusted by a certified For a low-lube fifth wheel plate, the fifth wheel
technician. must slide freely under the trailer, and the trailer
should contact the fifth wheel at the pivot. See
Coupling, Jost Fifth Wheel Fig. 17.5.
NOTE: For a tractor equipped with a Fontaine
or Holland fifth wheel, see the heading Cou- 1
pling, Fontaine and Holland Fifth Wheels 2
1. Tilt the ramp down.
2. Open the kingpin locks. See Fig. 17.7.
03/10/99 f610291
Fifth Wheels
09/10/2010 f311127
Fifth Wheels
A 2 C
11/02/2010 f311133
A. Locked Position
B. Unlatched Position (safety indicator rotated towards the rear of the fifth wheel)
C. Lock Position (upper rod resting against casting above slot)
D. Open Position (ready for coupling)
1. Safety Indicator 3. Upper Rod
2. Operating Rod 4. Plate Casting
Fig. 17.10, Holland Kingpin Locking Mechanism
Fifth Wheels
tractor, possibly causing serious personal injury 5. Drive out from under the trailer.
or death.
Air-Activated Kingpin Unlock, Jost Fifth
Preparing the Trailer for Uncoupling Wheels
Before using the air valve to unlock a fifth wheel 1. Verify that both the parking brake and trailer air
kingpin, prepare the trailer as follows. supply knobs are out (see Fig. 17.8), the tractor
1. Set the tractor and trailer parking brakes. and trailer parking brakes are set, and that the
trailer is prepared for uncoupling.
2. Chock the rear trailer tires.
NOTE: If the trailer parking brake is not set, the
3. Lower the trailer landing gear until the weight is air-actuated valve will not activate.
removed from the fifth wheel.
2. Release the tractor parking brake.
4. Disconnect the tractor-to-trailer air lines and elec-
trical cable. Plug the air lines to prevent dirt or 3. Pull and hold the kingpin release valve, then
foreign material from entering the lines. drive forward slowly.
4. After the trailer has slid down the fifth wheel and
Air-Activated Kingpin Unlock, Fontaine pick-up ramps, let go of the kingpin release
and Holland Fifth Wheels valve.
1. Verify that both the parking brake and trailer-air
supply knobs are out (see Fig. 17.8), the tractor Fifth Wheel Slide
and trailer parking brakes are set, and that the
trailer is prepared for uncoupling.
NOTE: If the tractor parking brake is not set, the
air-actuated kingpin-release valve will not acti- Adjust the fifth wheel slide correctly, and do not
vate. overload any tractor axle by incorrectly loading
the trailer. Incorrect slide adjustment or improper
2. Pull and hold the kingpin release valve axle loading could cause erratic steering and
(Fig. 17.11) until the kingpin lock mechanism loss of vehicle control, possibly resulting in seri-
opens and locks in place. ous personal injury or death.
On sliding fifth wheel assemblies, the fifth wheel
plate is attached to rails that allow forward and rear-
ward movement of the fifth wheel in order to opti-
mally distribute the load across the axles. Slots are
evenly spaced along the slide rails, and retractable
wedges are positioned through the slots to hold the
fifth wheel in the desiposition.
The amount of load distribution on the front steering
axle and rear drive axle(s) will have a direct effect on
the steering control of the tractor. Determine the front
and rear axle weights by weighing the tractor on
scales designed for this purpose.
The maximum axle weight ratings are shown on the
10/26/2010 f611102
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS)
Fig. 17.11, Air-Actuated Kingpin Release Valve label or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
(CMVSS) label attached to the driver-side door
3. Let go of the kingpin release valve. frame. The desired load on the axle is no less than
80 percent of the maximum axle weight rating, but in
4. Release the tractor parking brake.
Fifth Wheels
10/26/2010 f310050
07/25/95 f310190 8
1. Locking Wedge 3
2. Slide Release Pull Handle 2
Fifth Wheels
other components. Make sure that the front of For Jost fifth wheels, the mechanism activates as
the trailer will not come in contact with the rear shown in Fig. 17.17.
of the cab or with other components if they ex-
2. Lower the trailer landing gear just enough to re-
tend beyond the rear of the cab.
move the weight from the tractor.
5. Release the tractor parking brake, then slowly
3. Pull the trailer air supply knob to set the trailer
move the tractor forward or backward until the
parking brakes.
fifth wheel is in the desilocation.
4. Slowly move the tractor forward or backward
WARNING until the fifth wheel is in the desilocation.
1. Press the top half of the air-slide switch to en- 1. Locking Wedge 2. Air Cylinder
able the air-slide feature. See Fig. 17.15 Fig. 17.16, Air-Operated Sliding Fifth Wheel, Fontaine
Ensure the locking plungers have released. See
Fig. 17.16.
Fifth Wheels
09/10/2010 f311131
A. Unlocked B. Locked
Fig. 17.17, Jost Sliding Fifth Wheel
Ensure the trailer landing gear does not come in
contact with the tractor frame or other compo-
nents, and that the front of the trailer will not
come in contact with the rear of the cab or other
components if they extend beyond the rear of the
5. Set the tractor parking brake.
Check that the locking wedges have seated in the
slots. Failure to achieve complete lockup may
allow disengagement of the tractor from the
trailer, possibly resulting in serious personal in-
jury or death.
6. Press the lower half of the air-slide switch to dis-
able the air-slide feature. Visually inspect the
locking wedges or plungers to make sure that
they are fully inserted in the slide rail slots. Verify
Trailer Couplings
Air-Suspension Dump Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.1
Premier Trailer Couplings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.1
Trailer Couplings
Trailer Couplings
1 1
3 3
12/08/2010 f311138
A. Premiere 2400 Trailer Coupling B. Premiere 2200 Trailer Coupling
1. Latch Lock 3. Pintle Hook
2. Latch
Fig. 18.2, Premiere 2200 and 2400 Trailer Couplings
Trailer Release 6. While holding the latch in place, release the latch
1. Set the vehicle and trailer parking brakes.
7. Slowly drive the vehicle away from the trailer.
If a trailer or combination vehicle is not equipped
with spring parking brakes, do not park it by pull-
ing out only the trailer air supply valve knob.
This would apply only the trailer service brakes.
If air were to bleed from the trailer brake system,
the trailer brakes would release, possibly causing
an unattended runaway vehicle.
2. Chock the front and rear tires of the trailer.
3. Disconnect the trailer air and electrical lines.
Plug the air lines to keep them free of dirt.
4. Take the weight of the trailer drawbar eye off the
pintle hook.
5. Push the latch lock towards the mounting plate
as far as possible. Then, while holding the latch
lock in this position, pull the top of the latch as
far as possible toward the pintle hook.
Headlight Aiming
Preliminary Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.1
Checking Headlight Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.1
Adjusting Headlight Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.1
Headlight Aiming
Headlight Aiming
1 25
09/02/2011 f545809
A. Measure the distance from the ground to the center of each headlight bulb.
B. Mark where the center of each headlight projection should appear.
1. Screen or Wall 3. Center of Left-Hand Headlight Projection
2. Center of Right-Hand Headlight Projection
Fig. 19.1, Headlight Aiming Screen/Wall
09/12/2011 f545833
1. Low-Beam Angle Upper Limit 3. Low-Beam Angle Lower Limit
2. Ideal Low-Beam Projection
Fig. 19.2, Vertical Low-Beam Headlight Variation Limits
Headlight Aiming
09/14/2011 f545834
02/17/2005 f544577a 1. Horizontal Adjustment Screw
NOTE: The vertical adjustment screws are on top of 2. Vertical Adjustment Screw
each bulb; the horizontal adjustment screws are on the 3. Bezel Mounting Screw
side of each bulb.
Fig. 19.4, Adjustment Screw Locations, Dual Round
Fig. 19.3, Adjustment Screw Locations, Dual Headlights
Rectangular Headlights
Headlight Aiming
08/18/2011 f545810
Vehicle Appearance and
Cab Washing and Polishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.1
Care of Chrome Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.1
Dashboard Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.1
Vinyl Upholstery Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2
Velour Upholstery Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2
Star Gauge Face Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.3
Care of Exterior Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.3
Vehicle Appearance and Care
Vehicle Appearance and Care
To clean the dashboard, instrument panel, and gauge sinks and tiles, are abrasive and must be used with
lens covers, use a cloth dampened with warm soapy caution as they can scratch the vinyl or give it a per-
water. Make certain to wring the cloth out well before manent dull appearance.
cleaning, as excess water will damage the electrical
components. Nail Polish and Nail Polish Remover
Prolonged contact with these substances causes per-
Vinyl Upholstery Cleaning manent damage to vinyl. Careful blotting immediately
To prevent soiling, frequent vacuuming or light brush- after contact minimizes damage. Do not spread the
ing to remove dust and dirt is recommended. Harsh liquid during removal.
cleaning agents can cause permanent damage to
vinyl upholstery. Paint, Shoe Heel Marks
To preserve the upholstery and prevent damage, Paint should be removed immediately. Do not use
carefully review the following sections for recom- paint remover or liquid-type brush cleaner on vinyl.
mended cleaning procedures. Waxing or refinishing An unprinted cloth, dampened with naphtha or tur-
improves soil resistance for all vinyls. Any hard wax, pentine may be used. Use care to prevent contact
such as that used on automobiles, may be used. with parts of the upholstery that are not vinyl.
If stains do not respond to any of the treatments de- Shoe Polish
scribed above, it is sometimes helpful to expose the
vinyl to direct sunlight for up to 30 hours. Mustard, Most shoe polishes contain dyes which penetrate
ball point ink, certain shoe polishes, and dyes often vinyl and stain it permanently. Shoe polish should be
bleach out in direct sunlight, leaving the vinyl undam- wiped off as quickly as possible using naphtha or
aged. lighter fluid. If staining occurs, try the procedure used
for sulfide stains.
Ball Point Ink
Sulfide Stains
Ball point ink can sometimes be removed if rubbed
immediately with a damp cloth, using water or rub- Sulfide compounds, such as those found in eggs and
bing alcohol. If this does not work, try the procedure some canned goods, can stain after prolonged con-
used for sulfide stains. tact with vinyl. Remove these stains by placing a
clean, unprinted piece of cloth over the spotted area
Chewing Gum and pouring a liberal amount of 6 percent hydrogen
peroxide onto the cloth. Allow the saturated cloth to
Harden the gum with an ice cube wrapped in a plas- remain on the spot for 30 to 60 minutes. For stub-
tic bag, then scrape it off with a dull knife. Remove born spots, allow the saturated cloth to remain on the
any remaining traces of gum with an all-purpose light area overnight. Use caution to prevent the solution
oil (peanut butter will also work). Wipe off the gum from seeping into the seams, where it can weaken
and oil substance. the cotton thread.
Dirt Tars, Asphalts, and Creosote
Wash the upholstery with warm water and mild soap, Each of these items stains vinyl after prolonged con-
such as saddle or oil soap. Apply soapy water to a tact. They should be wiped off immediately and the
large area and allow to soak for a few minutes, then area carefully cleaned, using a cloth dampened with
rub briskly with a cloth to remove the dirt. This can naphtha.
be repeated several times, as necessary.
If dirt is deeply imbedded, use a soft bristle brush Velour Upholstery Cleaning
after applying the soap.
To prevent soiling, frequent vacuuming or light brush-
If dirt is extremely difficult to remove, wall-washing ing to remove dust and dirt is recommended. Spot
preparations normally found around the home can be clean with a mild solvent or an upholstery shampoo,
used. Powdered cleaners, such as those used for
Vehicle Appearance and Care
Brush the dry fabric with a soft brush. Sponge with
detergent, and blot. If the fabric is colorfast, dilute a
teaspoon of bleach in one quart (one liter) of cool
water. Apply with a swab, directly on the mildew
stain. Dab repeatedly with clear, cool water, and blot
In An Emergency
Hazard Warning Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.1
Fire Extinguisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.1
Emergency Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.1
Emergency Filter Replacement, DAVCO Fuel/Water Separator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.1
Starting with Jumper Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.2
Towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4
Fire in the Cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.6
In An Emergency
Hazard Warning Lights separator) a spin-on fuel filter element may be sup-
plied in the cab.
The hazard warning light flasher (Fig. 21.1) is typi-
cally part of the multifunction turn signal switch. To WARNING
operate the hazard lights, pull the tab out. All of the
turn signal lights and both of the indicator lights on Use extreme care when placing flares in emer-
the control panel will flash. To cancel the hazard gency situations that involve exposure to flam-
warning lights, push the turn signal control lever ei- mable substances such as fuel. An explosion or
ther up or down, then return the lever to its neutral fire could occur causing serious personal injury.
If there is an emergency while driving, cautiously pull
Western Star vehicles may be equipped with an op- off the road, paying attention to other traffic. Turn on
tional hazard warning light switch located on the the hazard warning lights. Place the flares and reflec-
right-hand dash panel. To operate the hazard lights, tor along the side of the road to alert other drivers
press the upper half of the switch. To cancel the haz- that an emergency situation exists.
ard warning lights, press the lower half of the switch.
Emergency Filter
Replacement, DAVCO Fuel/
Water Separator
If the filter cover on the DAVCO fuel/water separator
is broken, it will not be possible to operate the ve-
hicle. A standard spin-on filter will correct this prob-
Refer to the DAVCO website (www.davcotec.com)
for additional information, .
In An Emergency
the fuel/water separator from sealing, and an air
leak will result.
7. Ensure that the drain valve is closed.
3 8. Remove the filter grommet from the filter stud, if
5 9. Fill the housing to the top with clean diesel fuel.
10. Install a standard engine spin-on filter (part num-
2 ber FF105 or equivalent) on the filter stud.
11. Install the cover O-ring, clear cover, and the col-
6 lar. Hand-tighten the collar.
12. Install the O-ring in the vent cap, then install and
hand-tighten the vent cap on the fuel/water sepa-
1 rator.
05/05/2009 f470506b
1. Drain Valve 4. Vent Cap 13. Start the engine. When the lubricating oil
2. Lower Housing 5. Collar reaches its normal operating pressure, increase
3. Clear Cover 6. Inlet Port/Check Valve engine speed to high idle for one to two minutes
to purge air from the system.
Fig. 21.2, DAVCO Fuel/Water Separator (Fuel Pro 382
Starting with Jumper Cables
4. Using a DAVCO collar wrench (Fig. 21.3), re-
move the clear cover and collar. WARNING
NOTE: Broken vent cap and collar warranty
claims will not be accepted if any tool other than Batteries release explosive gas. Do not smoke
a DAVCO collar wrench, p/n 380134, 382002, or when working around batteries. Put out all flames
and remove all sources of sparks or intense heat
232007, is used for removal. During installation, in the vicinity of the battery. Do not allow the ve-
the vent cap and collar are to be hand- hicles to touch each other. Do not lean over the
tightened only, not tightened with a wrench. batteries when making connections, and keep all
5. Remove the filter and dispose of it in an environ- other persons away from the batteries. Failure to
mentally acceptable manner. follow these precautions could lead to severe
personal injury as a result of an explosion or
6. Clean all threads and sealing surfaces very thor- acid burns.
oughly. Even a small amount of dirt will prevent
In An Emergency
Make sure both electrical systems are the same POS JUMP
In An Emergency
3 E
+ − −
+ +
− −
+ −
1 −
01/07/2011 f545725
Disconnect jumper cables in the REVERSE order that they were connected.
A. Discharged Battery C. Positive Jumper Cable E. Booster Battery
B. Negative Ground Stud D. Negative Jumper Cable
1. 1st Connection: Positive Jumper Cable to Discharged Battery
2. 2nd Connection: Positive Jumper Cable to Booster Battery
3. 3rd Connection: Negative Jumper Cable to Booster Battery
4. 4th Connection: Negative Jumper Cable to Negative Ground Stud (discharged battery)
Fig. 21.5, Jumper Connections
In An Emergency
In An Emergency
In An Emergency
Pre- and Post-Trip
Periodic Inspections and Maintenance, General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.1
Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.1
Fluids Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2
Pre- and Post-Trip Checklists
Pre- and Post-Trip Checklists
Inspector Date
Pre- and Post-Trip
Inspections and
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.1
Daily Pretrip Inspections and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.1
Weekly Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.9
Monthly Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.12
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
When working on the vehicle, shut down the en- • suspension brackets
gine, set the parking brake, and chock the tires. • axle seats
Before working under the vehicle, always place
jack stands under the frame rails to ensure the • bushings
vehicle can not drop. Failure to follow these 2. Inspect slack adjusters for signs of damage. See
steps could result in serious personal injury or Fig. 23.1, Fig. 23.2, or Fig. 23.3.
Daily Pretrip Inspections and
Maintenance 4
Complete the following inspection and maintenance 6
procedures to ensure that vehicle components are in
good working condition before each trip. A driver that 7
3 8
is familiar with the vehicle and drives it regularly can
perform the daily inspections, then add the weekly
and monthly post-trip inspections as scheduled. 2 9
If the driver does not operate the vehicle on a con-
sistent basis, all daily, weekly, and monthly inspec- 1
tion and maintenance procedures should be per-
formed before the trip. 10
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
4 8 9
10/11/2005 A f421397
A. Rotate the control arm toward the brake chamber
until you can feel it contacting the internal stop.
1. Clevis
2. Slack Adjuster
3. Clevis Pin
4. Manual Adjusting Nut
5. Control Arm
1 10
6. Control-Arm Washers and Nut 01/31/2011 f422530
7. Anchor Strap Slot 1. Grease Fitting (if equipped)
8. Anchor Strap 2. Slack Adjuster Housing
9. Brake Chamber 3. Brake Chamber Pushrod
Fig. 23.2, Haldex Automatic Slack Adjuster 4. Clevis
5. Clevis Pin (large)
• Ensure chamber piston rods are in line 6. Clevis Pin (small)
7. Actuator Rod
with the slack adjusters.
8. Boot
9. Manual Adjusting Nut
Wheel and Tire Inspection 10. Camshaft Splines
Walk around the vehicle and visually inspect each Fig. 23.3, Meritor Automatic Slack Adjuster
wheel and tire assembly.
prior to inspecting the tires and wheel compo-
IMPORTANT: Wheel covers decrease drag force nents.
as a vehicle moves, thereby improving fuel effi-
ciency. If replacement of a wheel cover is nec- NOTE: During wheel cover installation, ensure
essary, the replacement cover must meet or ex- the V-notch in the liner inner retaining ring is
ceed the drag reduction performance of the centered on the valve stem. The inner and outer
originally installed cover in order to maintain retaining rings should be uniformly aligned to
compliance with greenhouse gas and full effi- each other and to the wheel rim. The outer re-
ciency regulations (GHG14). taining ring of the liner is equipped with two
canvas flaps. When installing the face cover,
1. If the vehicle was originally equipped with wheel make sure the cover retaining ring is inserted
covers, ensure all wheel covers are present. In-
between the two canvas flaps on the liner outer
spect wheel covers for damage or wear. Remove
wheel covers from rear drive wheels, if equipped, retaining ring so that the Velcro strips line up
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
between the face cover and the liner. Make cer- Keep compressed air reservoirs and lines dry
tain the detachable view cover is centered on during tire inflation. Use well-maintained inline
the face cover, and the Velcro strips are moisture traps and service them regularly.
pressed firmly in place.
2. Inspect each tire for the following:
• valve stem caps on every tire, screwed on A weekly pressure loss of 4 psi (28 kPa) or more
finger-tight in a tire may indicate damage. The tire should be
inspected and, if necessary, repaired or replaced
• bulges, cracks, cuts, and penetrations by a qualified tire service facility.
• oil contamination (petroleum derivatives will IMPORTANT: The load and cold inflation pres-
soften the rubber and destroy the tire) sure must not exceed the rim or wheel manu-
• tread depth—if tread is less than 4/32 inch facturer’s recommendations, even though the
(3 mm) on any front tire, or less than 2/32 tire may be approved for a higher load inflation.
inch (1.5 mm) on any rear tire, replace the Consult the rim or wheel manufacturer for the
tire correct tire inflation pressure for the vehicle
• debris lodged between duel tire sets load.
IMPORTANT: Low-rolling resistance (LRR) tires 4. Examine each rim and wheel component. Check
minimize wasted energy as a tire rolls, thereby the wheel nuts or rim nuts for indications of
decreasing rolling effort and improving fuel effi- looseness.
ciency. If tire replacement is necessary, replace- 4.1 Remove all dirt and debris from the as-
ment tires must meet or exceed the rolling resis- sembly. Rust streaks or metal build-up
tance of the originally installed tires in order to around stud holes, or out-of-round or worn
maintain compliance with greenhouse gas and stud holes, may be caused by loose wheel
full efficiency regulations (GHG14). nuts.
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
02/09/95 f400001
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
Never operate the engine with the fuel tank shut- Operating the engine with the oil level below the
off valves partially closed. This could damage the minimum fill (or "add") mark or above the maxi-
fuel pump, causing sudden loss of engine power, mum fill (or "full") mark could result in engine
possibly resulting in serious personal injury due damage.
to reduced vehicle control.
3.1 Check the oil level with the vehicle parked
2. Ensure fuel tanks are secured to their mounting on a level surface. See the engine manu-
brackets and that the mounting brackets are se- facturer’s guidelines for engine shutdown
cured to the frame. time requirements prior to checking the oil
If equipped with fuel tank shutoff valves, be sure level.
the valves are fully open.
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
IMPORTANT: On engines that comply with engine after refilling and check the sight
EPA07 or newer regulations, use CJ-4 en- glass again when the engine is at operat-
gine oil with less than 1% sulfated ash. Fail- ing temperature.
ure to use CJ-4 oil may void the warranty on
emission aftertreatment components.
3.2 If the oil level is at or below the minimum 1
fill (or "add") mark on the dipstick, add
enough oil to maintain the level between
the minimum and maximum fill marks. See
the engine operation manual for recom-
mended lubricants.
4. Check the power steering reservoir fluid level.
The power steering fluid level should be between
the MIN COLD mark and the middle mark just
above it. See Fig. 23.8. If needed, fill the reser-
voir with automatic transmission fluid that meets 2
Dexron III or TES-389 specifications. 3
06/06/2001 f500354
1. Surge Tank 2. Filler Cap
Fig. 23.9, Steel Surge Tank
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
09/07/2011 f200745
1. Filler Cap 3. Low Coolant Sensor 2
2. Sight Glass
Fig. 23.10, Plastic Surge Tank
04/12/2010 f545646
2.2 Turn the ignition to the ON position. The
1. Powertrain PDM (PTPDM)
ICU will complete a full gauge sweep and
2. Powernet Distribution Box (PNDB)
bulb check, and the warning buzzer will
sound. Ensure the BRAKE AIR lamp re- Fig. 23.11, Visible Engine Wiring
mains illuminated and the warning buzzer
continues to sound after the gauge sweep 4.1 With the air system fully charged, make
is complete. one full brake application and note the air
pressure reading on the primary air
3. Check air governor cut-in and cut-out pressures. gauge.
3.1 Start the engine and ensure the BRAKE 4.2 Further reduce air pressure using moder-
AIR lamp goes out and the buzzer si- ate brake applications, then run the en-
lences when pressure reaches approxi- gine at governed rpm.
mately 70 psi (483 kPa) in both air reser-
voirs. 4.3 Note the time that the pressure reaches
the previously noted reading on the pri-
The air governor should cut out at ap- mary air gauge, then note the time that
proximately 120 psi (827 kPa). For ve- the air pressure reaches cut-out pressure.
hicles with an optional dryer reservoir
module (DRM), the cut-out pressure is 4.4 If it takes longer than 30 seconds to reach
approximately 130 psi (896 kPa). cut-out pressure after the primary air
gauge passes the previously noted pres-
3.2 With the engine idling, apply the brake
sure (noted after one full brake applica-
pedal several times. The air governor
tion), eliminate any leaks or replace the air
should cut in when pressure in the primary
compressor before operating the vehicle.
air reservoir (top air gauge) reaches ap-
proximately 100 psi (689 kPa). 5. Check air leakage in the system.
4. Check air pressure build-up time.
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
5.1 With the parking brake applied, the trans- 10.1 Turn on the headlights and leave them on.
mission out of gear, and the air system Ensure all equipped gauge bulbs illumi-
fully charged, release the service brakes nate in the dash message center.
and shut down the engine.
10.2 Ensure all equipped driver control
5.2 Wait one minute and note the air pressure switches illuminate.
drop in psi (kPa) per minute from the pri-
10.3 Ensure both turn signal indicator bulbs
mary air reservoir.
illuminate in the dash message center
If the pressure drop exceeds the limits when the turn signal switch is activated.
shown in Table 23.1, eliminate any leaks
before operating the vehicle. 11. Check the operation of all exterior lights. See
Fig. 23.12.
6. Check the air pressure reserve.
With the engine still off, make one full brake ap- 1
plication and observe the pressure drop on the
primary air gauge. If pressure drops more than
25 psi (172 kPa), eliminate any leaks before op-
erating the vehicle.
06/06/2001 f602091
When cleaning windshields and windows, always
stand on the ground or on a secure ladder or 1. Clearance Lights 4. Driving/Fog Lights
2. Turn Signal Light 5. Marker Lights
platform. Use a long-handled window cleaner. Do 3. Headlight
not use the cab steps, tires, fenders, fuel tanks,
engine, or under-hood components to access the Fig. 23.12, Exterior Lights
windshield or windows. Doing so could cause a
fall and result in an injury. 11.1 Activate the high-beam headlights and
hazard warning lights.
7. Inspect the mirrors, window glass, and wind-
shield for cracks or other damage. 11.2 Exit the cab and check that all exterior
lights and reflectors are clean and intact.
8. Ensure that the horn, windshield wipers, and
windshield washers are operating properly. 11.3 Check that the brake lights, taillights,
These devices must be in good working order for headlights, turn signals, marker lights,
safe vehicle operation. identification lights, and clearance lights
are working properly.
9. Ensure the heater and defroster are operating
properly. 12. Inspect the seat belts and tether belts.
10. Check the operation of all interior lights.
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
Air Intake Maximum Restriction Values (inH2O) DAVCO Models: Remove the vent cap
EPA07 and
and open the drain. See Fig. 23.14.
Pre-EPA07 GHG14
Engine Make EPA10 ConMet Models: Check the water level in
Engines Engines
Engines the sight bowl, if so equipped. To drain the
Detroit 20 22 18 water, loosen the valve at the bottom and
Cummins 25 25 25 allow the water to run out. See Fig. 23.15.
Mercedes-Benz 22 22 –
Caterpillar 25 – –
Table 23.2, Air Intake Maximum Restriction Values 6
2.2 4
If air restriction exceeds the maximum al-
lowable value, operate the vehicle for one 3
more day, making sure not to run the en-
gine over rated rpm. Refer to the engine 2
operation manual for more information on
rated rpm for your engine.
2.3 If air restriction exceeds the maximum
value again, replace the air cleaner. For 8
instructions, refer to Group 09 of the 1
Western Star Workshop Manual.
3. If the vehicle is equipped with an Allison auto-
matic transmission, check the automatic trans-
mission fluid level. 10
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
11/30/95 f470167
Do not drive with a drive belt that is visibly worn
or damaged. If it fails, the lack of coolant flow
could rapidly cause damage to engine compo-
1 13
05/05/2009 f470530
6. Inspect the serpentine drive belts for signs of
1. Inlet Port/Check Valve 8. Vent Cap O-Ring glazing, frayed edges, breaks, cracks, or oil con-
2. Lower Housing 9. Vent Cap
3. Bypass Valve 10. Collar
4. Filter Element 11. 120VAC Pre-Heater
5. Spring 12. 12VDC Pre-Heater
6. Cover O-Ring 13. Drain Valve
7. Clear Cover
Fig. 23.14, DAVCO Fuel/Water Separator (Fuel Pro 482
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections and Maintenance
Engine Compartment Inspection and 4.1 Start the engine. With the front tires
straight ahead, turn the steering wheel
Adjustments until motion is observed at the front
IMPORTANT: If replacement of the hood or wheels.
bumper is necessary, the replacement compo- 4.2 Align a reference mark on the steering
nent must meet or exceed the drag reduction wheel to a rule, then slowly turn the steer-
performance of the originally installed item in ing wheel in the opposite direction until
order to maintain compliance with greenhouse motion is again detected at the wheels.
gas and full efficiency regulations (GHG14). 4.3 Measure the lash (free play) at the rim of
1. Inspect the bumper and hood for structural dam- the steering wheel. Excessive lash exists
age, cracks, or wear. if steering wheel movement exceeds 2-1/2
inches (64 mm) with a 20-inch (508-mm)
2. Check the hydraulic clutch reservoir, if equipped. steering wheel, or 2-1/4 inches (57 mm)
If necessary, add DOT 4 brake fluid. with an 18-inch (450-mm) steering wheel.
3. Inspect the radiator and heater hoses, including 4.4 If there is excessive lash, check the steer-
the clamps and support brackets. ing system for wear or incorrect adjust-
3.1 Inspect the radiator and charge air cooler ment before operating the vehicle.
for damage and accumulated debris.
Straighten bent or damaged fins to permit
airflow across all areas of the cores.
NOTE: When traveling through areas of high
insect concentration, it may be necessary to
clean the exterior of the radiator or the
charge air cooler core as often as every 200
miles (320 km).
3.2 Make sure the radiator inlet and outlet
hoses are pliable and are not cracking or
3.3 Make sure the heater hoses are pliable
and are not cracking or ballooning.
3.4 Tighten hose clamps as necessary.
IMPORTANT: Do not overtighten hose
clamps, as hose life can be adversely af-
3.5 Ensure hose support brackets are se-
curely fastened. Make sure hoses are not
located near sources of wear, abrasion, or
high heat.
IMPORTANT: When replacing hoses, install
service-type knitted or braided yarn-reinforced
neoprene hose. Extended-service-life silicone
hoses may also be used. See the Alliance Parts
Catalog at www.alliancebrandparts.com or
contact your Freightliner Dealer.
4. Check the steering wheel for excessive play.
Ignition Switch . . . . . . . . .
Interaxle Lock . . . . . . . . .
. 4.1
Interaxle Lock Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.2 Periodic Inspections and
Interaxle Lock Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.2 Maintenance, General
Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.1
Power Steering System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1
L Steering Wheel Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1
Lighting Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Power Takeoff (PTO) Governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5
Exterior Light Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Powertrain Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6
Interior Light Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Aftertreatment System
Regen Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6
Axle Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6
M Cruise Control Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7
Meritor WABCO® Antilock Engine Brake Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8
Braking System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3 Engine Diagnostic Switch
ABS, Trailer Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4 (EPA07 vehicles) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8
Automatic Traction Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4 Engine Fan Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8
Roll-Stability Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5
Vehicle Power Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1
Power Distribution, EPA10
S and Newer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1
Pre-EPA10 Power
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.1 Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2
Seat Belts and Tether Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 Velour Upholstery Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2
Seat Belt Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 Chewing Gum or Wax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.3
Seat Belt Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 Grease and Oil-Based Stains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.3
Seat Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.14 Mildew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.3
Seats, General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 Sugar and Water-Based
Sleeper Amenities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Stains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.3
Baggage Compartment Vinyl Upholstery Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2
Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Ball Point Ink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2
Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Chewing Gum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2
Remote Engine Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Dirt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2
Sleeper Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Nail Polish and Nail Polish
Sliding Side Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Remover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2
Vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Paint, Shoe Heel Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2
Sleeper Climate Control Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Shoe Polish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2
Accessory Heaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Sulfide Stains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2
Controls, Vehicles With ATC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Tars, Asphalts, and Creosote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2
Controls, Vehicles Without
ATC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4
Sleeper Compartment W
Restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.9 Warning and Indicator Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1
Bunk Restraint Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.9 Engine Protection System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3
Standard Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Weekly Post-Trip Inspections
Coolant Temperature Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.9
Engine Oil Pressure Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Engine Compartment
Fuel/Diesel Exhaust Fluid Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.9
(DEF) Gauge, EPA10 and Western Star High-Back Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2
Newer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Backrest Tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2
Primary and Secondary Air Bottom Cushion Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3
Pressure Gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5
Fore/Aft Isolator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3
Speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5
Fore/Aft Seat Slide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3
Tachometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5
Front Cushion Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3
Voltmeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5
Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3
Star Gauge Face Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.3
Height Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3
Starting with Jumper Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.2
Lumbar Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2
Suspension/Trailer Connection
Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.13 Rear Cushion Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3
Subject Page
Shock Absorber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3
Windows and Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1
Down-View Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1
Power Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1
Windshield Wiper Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11