Seed Technology

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Seed technology is a science about ways to improve the properties of

the genetic and physical from seed, which include activities such as variety
development, assessment and release of varieties, the product of the seeds,
land preparation, storage, testing and certification seed. Therefore, seed
quality is indispensable in agriculture. Quality seed has the sense that the
seed of true and pure varieties, has the quality of genetic, physiological
quality and physical quality in accordance with the highest standards of
quality in its class.
Fruit, seeds and institutions will take place after the first, the events of
interest occur pollination (pollination) and conception (fertilization). The
definition of pollination was the fall of pollen on the stigma (for a closed
group seed plants) or fall pollen directly on the ovule (for the naked seed
plants), while the definition of conception is the marriage (melting into one)
contained in the egg cell bladder inside the ovule institutions with a core
derived from pollen. Seeds are part derived from the ovule and in it contains
a new individual candidates, namely institutions. Seeds will determine the
growth of the plant, because if you choose low quality seeds, then plant
growth can be abnormal. Quality seed will produce quality fruit as well (for
fruit trees). The characteristics of good seeds among others, shiny color, no
defects, shape intact, free of pests and diseases, free from dirt and have high
Seed technology also can not be separated from the fruit. The fruit is an
organ in flowering plants is an advanced development of the ovaries
(ovarian). Fruit usually conceal and protect the seeds. Fruit is the perfect
growth of the ovaries (ovarian). Each ovary contains one or more ovule
(ovulum), each of which contains an egg.

A. Seed (Semen)

Seeds develop from ovule, as a result of fertilization, is located in the

ovule, a generative reproduction device, and within them there are new
embryos or individual candidates. Seedless plants (Spermatophyta) is a
plant that has a part which is referred seeds. Basically the seed plants
characterized by the spring, so often referred to flowering plants
(Anthopyta). The seeds produced by the flowers after pollination and
fertilization events take place. In other words, the seeds can be produced is a
tool for sexual reproduction (generative). In addition, there are also
reproduce asexually (vegetative). Plant seeds were clustered into two
subsidiary divisions, namely open seedless plants (Gymnospermae) and
private seed plants (Angiospermae). Seeds among other functions:
1. Food storage
2. Plant dispersal device
Seeds derived from ovulum (ovule) that are in the ovary, in ovulum
there is embryo sac, and integument ovulum will be seed coat. In the
1. Antipodal nucleus and sinergid
2. Polar nucleus fuse with sperm cells forming the endosperm
3. Network nutrients accumulate starch, protein and fat as a food
ingredient for the growth of the embryo.
4. Egg cell fuse by a sperm to form Zygot.
5. Zygote grows into an embryo.
Three Stages of Seed Development
1. Histodifferentiation=embryogenesis
a. Proembyrofollow fertilization and cell division to formapical and
basal cell
b. Establishment of the precursors or initials for dermal, ground, and
vascular tissues in the plant body.
c. Establishment of apical--basal polarity of the embryo that persists
throughout the life of the plant.
d. Establishment of the root and shoot apical meristems (heart stage)
2. Cell expansion=seed development
Characterized by increase in size and weight of cotyledons and
bulk of storage protein and reserve synthesis occurs during this stage.
Types of reserves can include: proteins, fats/oils and carbohydrates
3. Maturation and drying=dormancy
a. Seed water content declines
b. Embryo is at maximum dry weight
c. Water content can decline to 46% therefore seeds or more
important the embryo must be able to either avoid or tolerate water
limited conditions by: becoming quiescent or dormant and reducing
metabolism to low levels--produce materials (sugars, proteins, etc)
to tolerate desiccation.

Based on the presence of the endosperm, the seeds can be divided into:
1. Exalbuminous seed, is the only seed endosperm contains little or none
at all. Plant seeds in Fabaceae, Citrus (contains chlorophyll).
2. Albuminous seed, is seed containing endosperm or perisperm.
Perisperm, persistent nuselus tissue and increasing volume over seed
development. In plants Piperaceae, Nymphaeaceae.
Parts of seed:
1. External
a. Arilus (Seed Coat)
The tissue is growing on the surface of the grains. For example
at Durio zibethinus (durian) arilus thick beefy, beefy white
Nephelium lappaceum, Myristica fragrans (nutmeg) arilus beefy
dry, red, etc.
b. Testa (Seed coat)
Located on the outside of the seed and the seed coat . Derived
from the ovule intergument experience modification for the last
seed formation. Usually the hard outer shell and a strong seed
brown, while the inside slim and webbed. The skin serves to
protect the seed kernels dri drought, mechanical damage and
attacks mold, bacteria and insects. Leather pieces composed:
1) Sarkotesta: the outermost layer
2) Sklerotesta: the middle, thick and hard
3) Endotesta: the innermost layer, a thin membrane and beefy
4) Alae (Wing): A widening of the outer shell , thus forming the
wings. Example: Swietenia macrophylla.
5) Coma (hair or fur): highlighting the cells that form the outer
shell beans fine hairs. Example: seed cotton (Gossypium sp.)
6) Mikropil (Liang Seed): The pores or holes radikula exit when
germination. At the edge mikropil grow into soft white knob
called karankula. Example: castor seeds (Ricinus communis L.)
7) Hilum (Seed swirl): residual sticking place (meeting point)
funicular (umbilical cord) with seeds. Example: long beans
(Vigna sinensis).
8) Raphe (Bone Seed): part of adhesions or funicular to the seed
integument with ovulum. Usually found in seeds originating
from seed will nod (antropus). Example: castor seed (Ricinus
communis L.).
2. Internal
a. Endosperm
The result of the polar core conception and sperm nucleus, and
storage of food and nutrition recommendations for the embryo. In
some plants dicotil, Fabaceae, endosperm disappears when the
embryo maturation. In Nicotiana tabacum, Ricinus communis and

large persistent endosperm. Monokotil plants, endosperm seed

filling 70 % of the biomass.
b. Embryo
The result of development of the zygote will form a new
individual. The embryo consists of:
1) Hypocotyl: aksis bottom part (base) attached to the cotyledons.
2) Radicle: the terminal (tip).
3) Epicotyl: the top of the base.
4) Plumule: the end, that shoots with a pair of leaves.
5) Cotyledons: food reserves, constitute the first leaf and
the first organ to plant photosynthesis.
B. Chemical content of seed
The chemical composition of different seed for each seed , but are
generally classified :
1. Carbohydrate are the main food reserves of seeds, especially cereal
crops speperti on rice, corn, wheat. Seed carbohydrate store will hold.
Carbohydrates contained in amylose and amylopectin seeds are, which
is an important substance for germination. In addition, some specific
seeds containing hemicellulose.
2. Proteins are the main food reserve Leguminosae (soybean). By
liveliness metabolism, grouped over metabolically active proteins
(globulins and albumin) and the non-active (glutelin and prolamin).
Based on the solubility of proteins in seeds are classified into:
a. Albumin: Soluble in water at neutral or slightly acidic conditions
easily coagulation by heat. For example leucosin (cereals), ricin
(rice), legumelin
b. Globulin: Not soluble in water, soluble in saline solution
coagulated relatively more difficult because of the heat. For
example vignin, glycinin (soybean), arachin (kc. ground)
c. Glutelin: Soluble in water, salt solution and ethylalcohol. For
example glutenin
d. Prolamin: Soluble in ethylalcohol 70 -90 % , insoluble in water.
Examples of gliadin (wheat, rye) and zein (corn)
3. Fat is the main food reserves in seeds, eg soya, peanuts, cotton,
sunflower, sesame and others. Seeds with high fat content, storability
lower than carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids especially high.
Unsaturated fatty acids in the seeds : oleic (one double bond) and
linoleic (2 double bonds), saturated fatty acid palmitate (n = 14).
4. Other compounds
a. Tannins
: Generally the seed coat, inhibits the activity of the
enzyme. Examples cacao seeds.

b. Alkaloids
: Complex compound containing N. For example
cofein (coffee), nicotine (tobacco), theobromine (cacao)
c. Glucoside
: reaction between sugars with non-sugar
compounds, crystal. For example saponins (tung seeds), very toxic,
amygdalin (almonds, plums)
d. Fitin : P supply main in the seed. In cereal aleurone layer fitin
contained on, sources P, Mg, and K
e. Growth regulators
1) Gibberellins
: A role in the germination process
2) Cytokines
: A role in germination (growth and
differentiation of cells)
3) Ethylene
: Inhibit or encourage germination
4) Abscisic acid
: Cause dormancy
5) Vitamins
: Vitamin self-sufficient plant
a) Thiamin (a role in cell division for root development)
b) Ascorbic acid (a role in the process of respiration of seeds
for germination)
C. Process of flowering
Flowering process contains a number of important stages, all of which
must be successfully carried out to obtain the final result, namely seeds.
Flowering plants, especially in annual plants is very complex.
Physiologically flowering process is still difficult to understand, this is due
to the lack of available information. During its development, the flowering
process includes several stages and all stages must be passed with a good
harvest in order to produce high. The stages of flowering include :
1. Induksi interest (evocation)
The first stage of flowering, which is a stage when the vegetative
programmed to begin to transform into reproductive meristems. Occurs
in the cell. Increase in the synthesis of nucleic, can be detected
chemically acids and proteins, which are needed in cell division and
2. Flower initiation
It is the stage when morphological change into reproductive buds
begin to form macroscopic detected for the first time. The transition
from vegetative buds into the reproductive buds be detected from
changes in the shape and size of the buds, as well as subsequent
processes that begin to form reproductive organs. Turned out to have a
period of perennials and flowering initiation are very diverse. In
general, the period between the initiation and flowering related to the
growth of which is also influenced by climate. Most tropical and

subtropical plants have flower initiation and anthesis period is very

3. The development towards anthesis flower buds (flower blossom)
Characterized by the differentiation of flower parts. At this stage
there is a process between mikrosporogenesis and megasporogenesis
for refinement and maturation of the reproductive organs of male and
4. Anthesis
It is the stage when the expansion of interest. Usually anthesis
coincided with the maturation of the reproductive organs males and
females, although in reality it is not always the case. There are times
when the reproductive organs, both male and female, cook before the
anthesis, or even long after the anthesis. The flowers reach maturity
dichogamy type of male and female reproductive organs in the same
time it does not.
5. Pollination and fertilization
This stage gives the result of the formation of young fruit. Details
of the process of pollination and fertilization are described in a separate
6. Young fruit development towards maturity of fruit and seeds
This stage begins with the enlargement of the ovaries (ovarian),
which is followed by the development of food reserves (endosperm),
and subsequent embryo development occurred. Enlargement of the fruit
is the effect of the division and cell enlargement, which includes three
stages :
a. The first stage: An increase in thickening of the presence of the
pericarp by cell division.
b. The second stage: The formation and enlargement of the vesicle
aqueous (juice vesicles), usually occurs in fleshy fruits.
c. The third stage: Maturation phase, usually occurring tissue
shrinkage and hardening of endocarp in dried fruits.
D. Fruit (Fructus)
The fruit is a part of the plant, where there are seeds inside the fruit
(except fruit partenokarpi). The establishment of fruits are:
1. Zygote that forms began to grow into an embryo (agency), ovule grows
into a seed and the wall of the ovary, called perikarp, grew into a fleshy
(on stone fruit or drupa) or form a protective layer that is dry and hard
(on fruit Geluk or Nux).
2. Meanwhile, flower petals (sepals), corolla (petals), stamen (stamens)
and pistil (pistil) will fall or it could be survived in part to be a fruit.
This fruit formation continues until the seeds become ripe. In some

seedy fruit, the fruit growth is generally proportional to the number of

fertilized ovule.
3. Fruit wall, made up from flower ovary wall development, known as
perikarp (pericarpium). This Perikarp often develop further, so that it
can be divided into two or more layers. Which on the outside is called
the outer wall, eksokarp (exocarpium), or epikarp (epicarpium), which
is in the wall called in or endokarp (endocarpium), as well as the middle
layer (can be several layers) is called the middle wall or mesocarp
4. In some fruits, especially single fruit that comes from the fruit will sink,
sometimes parts of another flower (eg: jewelry tube flowers, petals,
crown, or pollen) united with the ovary and co- evolving form of fruit.
If the parts are a major part of the fruit, the fruit called false fruit. That
is why it becomes important to study the structure of interest, in relation
to understanding how a kind of fruit is formed.
Based on the degree of violence perikarpium (fruit wall) fruit
differentiated into two types, namely dry fruit and fleshy fruit. In fleshy
fruit, perikarpium, which is derived from the ovary wall differentiated into
epikarpium, mesokarpium and endokarpium. Endokarpium usually hard and
contains stone cells. In the dried fruit, perikarpium often have
sklerenkimatis tissue. Other fruit classification based on the level of the fruit
's ability to open (broke) or not at the time of cooking. Dried fruits are
further divided into pieces not break (indehiscens) and the break
(dehiscens). Indehiscens fruit contains one seed, so as to disperse the seeds
of this fruit does not need to break up, included in this group is the fruit type
of rice, brackets and hardware. The fruits are generally not single fleshy
break (open) when ripe. One of the exceptions is the nutmeg (Myristica).
Perikarpium be differentiated into 3 morphologically distinct parts
namely eksokarpium, mesokarpium and endokarpium. Eksokarpium and
endokarpium an outer epidermis and the ovary wall. Ovary wall surrounds
the ovary where the seeds produced. Vascular tissue varies for each type of
fruit and found in perikarpium. Perikarpium structures show wide variation
for each type of fruit. There are 2 types perikarpiu , namely parenkematic,
the fleshy fruit and sklerenkimatic on dried fruit.
Fruits that develop from a single ovary or are a part of the fused ovaries
of a flower with a single pistil are known as simple fruits. Simple fruits are
further subdivided as dry or fleshy fruits. Fruits are broadly classified into
three main types:
1. Simple Fruits
a. Dry Dehiscent

1) Follicle, it is formed from a single carpel and is a unilocular

fruit. The ripened ovary splits just once to release the seeds.
Examples: Columbine, Milkweed
2) Capsule, it is composed of more than one carpel, which splits
into sections corresponding to the number of carpels.
Examples: Brazil nut, Poppy
3) Silique, it consists of two fused carpels, which splits into two
or four valves to release seeds. The valves remain connected
at the top leaving a persistent partition. Examples: Radish
seed, Cardamine impatiens
4) Legumes, developing from a single carpel, these fruits open
along its seams on either side to release the seeds. They are
generally referred to as pods. Examples: Sweet pea, Beans,
Peanut, Runner Bean
b. Dry Indehiscent
1) Achene, it is a dry, one-seeded fruit that is attached to the
ovary wall with a stalk. They do not open at maturity and are
monocarpellate. Examples: Buttercup, Buckwheat, Cannabis
2) Samara, a single-seeded fruit which is contained within
flattened wing like structure formed from papery fibrous
tissue. It is a type of winged achene. Examples: Elms,
Hoptree, Bushwillows, Maples, Ashes
3) Caryopsis, it is a dry one-seeded fruit that is formed from a
single carpel. The pericarp or the ovary wall is attached
to/fused with the seed. Examples: Wheat, Oats, Rice, Corn,
Barley, Rye
4) Nut, it is a dry, hard fruit that does not split at maturity to
release the seed. It develops from more than one carpel and
has a tough woody wall. Examples: Hazelnuts, Chestnuts,
Acorns, Walnuts
c. Fleshy
1) Berries, it contains a fleshy mesocarp and endocarp with a
thin exocarp. The ovary wall becomes completely fleshy
when matured. Skin can be thin and tender, or thin and tough.
Examples: Kiwifruit, Grape, Cranberry, Blueberry, Tomatoes,
2) Hesperidiums, a modified berry which has a tough leathery
rind that contain oils. The carpels are separated out by fibrous
partitions. Examples: Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit
3) Pepo, they are fleshy one-celled berry which have many
seeds. It has a thick rind with a fleshy ovary wall.
Examples: Pumpkin, Gourd, Cucumber, Melon






4) Drupes, fleshy mesocarp with single seed enclosed in a hard

stony endocarp or pit. The pit needs to be broken to reveal the
Examples: Peach, Plum, Coconut
5) Pome, composed of one or more carpels surrounded by
accessory tissue. It has a leathery endocarp surrounded by
fleshy accessory tissue. Examples: Apple, Pear
Multiple Fruits
Fruits that are formed from a cluster of flowers that fuse to form a
single mass are known as multiple fruits. The actual fruit consists of
ripened ovaries of more than one flower which fuse during
inflorescence. In simple words they are fruits of individual flowers that
are closely packed to form a single unit/fruit.
a. Synconus, it is a collective fruit in which the ovaries are hidden
within a hollow receptacle. The fleshy portion of the fruit is formed
by the hollow inside-out (peduncle) inflorescence. Examples: Fig,
b. Sorosis, it is a collective fruit formed from the pistils of many
unisexual flowers of an inflorescence. Examples: Mulberry, Osage
orange, Breadfruit, Cherimoya, Jackfruit
c. Coenocarpium, it is a collective fruit formed from the ovaries,
floral parts and receptacles of many flowers. It has a fleshy
peduncle composed of the axis, the bract, and the perianth.
Example: Pineapple
Aggregate Fruits
Fruits that are formed from a single flower, having several distinct
carpels on one receptacle are aggregate fruits. Simply put, it is a fruit
formed as a result of the fusion of several ovaries of a single flower.
Examples: Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Boysenberry,
Loganberry, Cloudberry, Wineberry
According to the opening, fruits may be classified into:
Opening by valvate
Loculicidal capsule, the fruit dehisces longitudinally through the
locules, as in this violet (Viola) fruit and in Datura.
Opening by lid or cover
A lid comes off from the base of the fruit, following a horizontal line
that runs all the way around the fruit, as in Portulaca (Portulacaceae)
and Anagalis (Primulaceae).
Opening by teeth
This is denticidal (dehiscent by teeth) capsules of jeweled shooting star

Based on the discussion above, can be concluded that :
1. Three stages of seed forming are Histodifferentiation=embryogenesis, Cell
expansion=seed development and Maturation and drying=dormancy
2. Based on the presence of the endosperm, seeds can be divided into
Exalbuminous and albuminous. Parts of seed are External (arilus and
testa) and Internal (endosperm and embryo)
3. Fruits that develop from a single ovary or are a part of the fused ovaries of
a flower with a single pistil are known as simple fruits.
4. Fruits that are formed from a cluster of flowers that fuse to form a single
mass are known as multiple fruits.
5. Fruits that are formed from a single flower, having several distinct carpels
on one receptacle are aggregate fruits.
6. According to the opening, fruits may be classified into: Opening by
valvate, by lid/cover and by teeth
7. The chemical composition of different seed for each seed , but are
generally classified as carbohydrate, proteins, fat, and other compounds
such as tannins, alkaloids, glucoside, fitin, and growth regulators.
8. Flowering process contains a number of important stages, all of which
must be successfully carried out to obtain the final result, namely seeds.
9. The process are induksi interest (evocation), flower initiation, the
development towards anthesis flower buds (flower blossom), anthesis,
pollination and fertilization, and young fruit development towards
maturity of fruit and seeds.

Kenneath R. Robertson 1995. Fruit. Illinois Natural History Survey. University of
Illinois Press.
Leubner, Gerhard 2000. The Seed Biology Place. University of Freiburg.
Sanusi, Ahmad 2009. Pembungaan, Penyerbukan dan Pembuahan Tanaman. Diakses pada tanggal 1 Maret 2014.
Utami, Fitri 2011. Komposisi Kandungan Kimia dalam Benih. Diakses pada tanggal 1 Maret 2014.

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