The V/H/S franchise is a unique horror anthology series known for its found-footage format and disturbing short stories. Starting in 2012, the films have featured different directors and styles but are loosely connected by the framing device of people discovering horrific footage on VHS tapes.
Here's how you can watch the V/H/S franchise as our guide shows you how and where you can stream them all.
How to watch the V/H/S movies in chronological order
There's no strict narrative order to follow in the V/H/S franchise as each film is an anthology with individual stories. Still, watching the films chronologically gives a sense of how the series has evolved. There have been two spinoff films: SiREN (which follows the segment Amatuer Night from the first V/H/S film and Kids vs. Aliens (which was a film adaptation of Slumber Party Alien Abduction segment of V/H/S 2).
Here are the main seven films:
- V/H/S (2012)
- V/H/S 2 (2013)
- V/H/S: Viral (2014)
- V/H/S:94 (2021)
- V/H/S/99 (2022)
- V/H/S 85 (2023)
- V/H/S Beyond (2024)
SiREN storyline (spinoff)
- V/H/S (2012)
- SiREN (2016)
Kids vs. Aliens storyline (spinoff)
- V/H/S 2 (2013)
- Kids vs. Aliens (2022)
The original film that kickstarted the franchise follows a group of criminals who break into a house to steal a mysterious VHS tape. As they search, they find a collection of tapes, each featuring horrifying footage. The anthology is made up of five shorts, with themes ranging from supernatural creatures to home invasions.
V/H/S 2 continues the format of short horror films found on VHS tapes, this time with even more shocking and bizarre stories. One of the standout segments, "Safe Haven," involves a documentary crew that stumbles upon a deadly cult. Viral shifts its focus to a more modern setting, following the spread of a deadly viral video. While it maintains the anthology format, it experiments with more fantastical elements like dimension-hopping and supernatural curses.
Returning to the format of lost VHS tapes, V/H/S 94 takes place in 1994 and introduces new terrifying stories. This installment is a fan-favorite for its nostalgic tone and gritty, low-budget feel, capturing the eerie aesthetic of early '90s horror.
Set during the late 1990s, V/H/S 99 offers another collection of short horror stories, this time tapping into Y2K fears, underground skate culture, and teen horror.
V/H/S/85 then returns to the 1980s and continues to explore the terrifying possibilities of found-footage horror. With more disturbing and visually striking stories, 85 adds a new layer of nostalgia, reminiscent of 1980s slasher films.
The latest installment, V/H/S Beyond, goes beyond the franchise’s usual settings and instead includes sci-fi horror stories set in outer space.
Coming to the two spinoffs, the first one was SiREN which is based on the popular segment "Amateur Night" from the first V/H/S film. It follows the story of a group of friends who encounter a deadly creature at a bachelor party.
The second one is Kids vs. Aliens which spins off from a segment in V/H/S 2. This film expands on the story of a group of kids who must fend off an alien invasion. It’s lighter on the horror and more geared towards sci-fi and adventure.
Where can you watch the V/H/S movies online?
The list below will give you all the information you need to watch, buy or rent these anthology horrors online in India. This includes every offer for viewers in India today. We'll also show you if any of her best movies are available to watch online for free.