Disney’s Moana is one of the most beloved animated musical franchises out there. Moana first set sail in 2016, introducing the world to the rich and vibrant culture of Polynesia. Set in the Polynesian island of Motunui, the animated movie follows Moana as she bravely voyages through the depths of Oceania along with Maui, an ancient demigod, in search of Te Fiti’s heart. With some unforgettable songs documenting their daring adventures, stunning animations, and a strong original screenplay tying it all together, Moana was an instant hit, winning over both critics and fans. The film earned a hefty $687 million at the global box-office, and in its release year, inspiring Disney to expand the franchise further.
In 2017, Disney released the Blu-ray version of Moana, featuring a bonus short film titled Gone Fishing. Fans can now stream this charming short on Disney+ Hotstar, along with the original Moana movie. For those who love to sing along, Disney also released a Moana Sing-Along version on Disney+ Hotstar in 2022, offering a more interactive viewing experience.
In early 2024, Disney delighted fans by announcing Moana 2 as part of their lineup for the year. Initially planned as a TV series, the project was reimagined as a feature film. Moana 2 follows Moana and Maui on another grand adventure as they sail the ocean to uncover the lost island of Motufetu. Released in cinemas across India on November 29, 2024, the sequel has been exceeding box-office expectations.
But the excitement doesn’t stop there! The Moana franchise is set to expand even further with a live-action remake slated for release in 2026. Polynesian actor Dwayne Johnson will reprise his iconic role as Maui, starring alongside Australian newcomer Catherine Laga'aia, who takes on the titular role of Moana. Moana (2026) is already generating a lot of buzz from fans who can’t wait to see the beloved movie come to life with real human characters.
How to watch the Moana movies in order
It’s actually very easy to watch all the Moana movies in order, as their release order aligns perfectly with the chronological timeline. Here are the movies in release order:
- Moana
- Moana 2
- Moana (2026)
Where to watch all the Moana movies online
Check out JustWatch’s streaming guide below to find out where to watch all the Moana movies and short-films streaming online in India.