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      Digital DivideInformation SocietyGenderGender Equality
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      ICT for Developmentgender and ICT
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      ICT for Developmentgender and ICTgénero y TIC
In recent years, research into gender differences has established that individual differences in how people problem-solve often cluster by gender. Research also shows that these differences have direct implications for software that aims... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceSoftware Engineering
Ferreira, E. (2017). Gender and ICT: school and gender stereotypes, in SIIE 17 Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa, Lisboa, Portugal, Novembro 9-11 2017, pp. 124-129. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are... more
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    • gender and ICT
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      Information SocietyGenderGender EqualityICT4D
EN -If out of 100 developers only 10 are women, how many developers do we need to find a female hacker? Women are usually less often guided to a career as developer and/or computer scientist; nonetheless they have been contributing to... more
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      gender and ICTHackers
A investigação realizada na Prática de Ensino Supervisionada no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º CEB teve como principal objetivo verificar quais as principais implicações, do ponto de vista comparativo,... more
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    • gender and ICT
The authors analyze the technological dreamscape and construction of gendered identities and gender relations in a Japanese advertising campaign that started in 2016. The campaign is for a virtual assistant (hologram) named Azuma Hikari... more
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      Gender StudiesCommunicationEmotional Support (Social Support)Social Support
This paper discusses a pilot introducing programming as an elective in Norwegian secondary schools. Computing is a male dominated field, in Norway as in other European and Western countries. Despite the male dominance in the field, there... more
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      ICT in EducationFeminist science and technology studiesgender and ICT
Supporting gender equality in the deployment of and access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) involves accepting that gender relations and ICTs within any given community are continuously being shaped by one another.... more
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      Gender StudiesDigital DivideCase Study ResearchICT in Education
ICT is a key sector for developing contemporary economies and it entails an opportunity for increasing the employment rates internationally. Women were traditionally underrepresented; therefore, we need to reinforce their role in the... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and TechnologyWomen and Gender Studiesgender and ICT
To investigate the relationship of gender and new technologies of information and communication becomes crucial with the development of our current society. We conducted a series of research projects aimed at the formulation, analysis... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesSocial SciencesNew Media Art
Sumario Las teorías feministas de la tecnología se constituyen como la expresión teórica de una serie de diversos y controvertidos movimientos sociales y políticos, filosofías y prácticas que tienen como común denominador la oposición y... more
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      Gender StudiesGenderFeminismgender and ICT
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      Gender StudiesInternet StudiesFeminismgender and ICT
This paper explored ICT gender gap in terms of access and usage, focusing on the less developed world, especially Sub-Saharan Africa. The authors used relevant and mostly current and recent online literature sourced from research... more
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      ICT4DICT4DEVThird Worldgender and ICT
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have created new economic and social opportunities all over the world. Their use, however, continues to be governed by existing power relations whereby women frequently experience relative... more
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      Information SocietyGenderGender EqualityICT4D
The digitalization of education systems is presented as a possible way to match the concerns of a knowledge based economy with those of an inclusive information society. To meet this double challenge, education systems are asked to shift... more
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      Gender and educationgender and ICT Digital practices are ever more present in our daily lives, and in particular young peoples’ lives are embedded in online activities. Digital technologies are shaping the way... more
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      ICT in EducationDigital Media & Learninggender and ICTGender Digital Divide
Ferreira, E., Ponte, C., Castro, T. S. (2017). ICT and Gender: Parental Mediation Strategies, in SIIE 17 Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa, Lisboa, Portugal, Novembro 9-11 2017, pp. 135-140. Information and communication... more
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    • gender and ICT
The underrepresentation of women in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector is a challenge despite the existing conducive opportunity for a career in ICT. In this digital era where smartphones are almost synonymous with... more
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      GenderSouth AfricaMobile appsgender and ICT
This study focuses on how Computer Science and Engineering Students (CSESs) of both genders address certain critical issues for gender differences in the field of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). This case study is based on... more
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      Gender Studiesgender and ICTDigital divide, community computing, gender and ICT
Este Simpósio é dedicado ao tema " Género e TIC (Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação) " , visando analisar e discutir as questões de género, no âmbito da utilização das TIC. Para desencadear a discussão, as/os participantes no... more
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    • gender and ICT
The emergent information or network society 1 context offers a range of opportunities for women and girls to enhance their participation across economic, socio-cultural and public-political realms of life, as well as the scope for... more
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      Information SocietyMillenium Development GoalsGenderGender Equality
The lack of clarity of policy and the failure to create a link between policy statement and strategies on gender is a constraint to the promotion of ICTs and gender related issues. As a crucial development component of the revolutionary... more
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      Gendergender and ICTICTs
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      GenderICT4DNetwork SocietyFeminism
The research focuses on the effects of the heated campaign against the ratification of the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria in terms of gender-based violence. Since the internet played a key role in this stormy anti-gender backlash in... more
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      Gender StudiesICT PolicyWomen's RightsHate Speech
The underrepresentation of women in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector is a challenge despite the existing conducive opportunity for a career in ICT. In this digital era where smartphones are almost synonymous with... more
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      EngineeringGenderSouth AfricaMobile apps
ICT/technologies are increasingly pervasive and embedded in everyday things and objects, constituting a relevant aspect of social identities. Furthermore ICT use continues to be a highly gendered area of life in all socioeconomic and... more
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    • gender and ICT
IT for Change and the Centre for Advocacy and Research 2 worked with Vimochana 3 at the Daughters of Fire -India Court of Women on Dowry and Related Forms of Violence to explore how the questions of gender and violence intertwine in the... more
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      New MediaInformation SocietyGenderICT4D
Recent developments of new information and communication technologies, as well as feminisms, are essential for understanding the major changes in our societies today. Feminist research of technology, traditionally, has been focused on... more
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      Human Computer InteractionGender StudiesWomen and Gender Studiesgender and ICT
On 31st of August 2001, a UK women’s online portal ( has been terminated, leaving behind three other UK competitors to fight over the niche market. was published by IPC Media a global publisher with expertise in women’s... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminismGender and DesignDesign and Feminist Thought
A investigação realizada na Prática de Ensino Supervisionada no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º CEB teve como principal objetivo verificar quais as principais implicações, do ponto de vista comparativo,... more
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      Sociologygender and ICT
Information and communication technologies (ICT) are increasingly pervasive and embedded in everyday objects, significantly constituting social identities. In particular, ICT continues to be highly gendered in all socioeconomic and... more
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      Information SystemsEducationGenderICT
ABSTRACT A trend, where voluntary groups teach children and youth basic computer coding skills, has spread throughout the world. Afterschool clubs invite children to create games in visual programming environments. The activities... more
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      ICT in EducationFeminist science and technology studiesgender and ICT
The underrepresentation of women in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector is a challenge despite the existing conducive opportunity for a career in ICT. In this digital era where smartphones are almost synonymous with... more
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      EngineeringGenderSouth AfricaMobile apps
Este Simpósio é dedicado ao tema “Género e TIC (Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação) ”, visando analisar e discutir as questões de género, no âmbito da utilização das TIC. Para desencadear a discussão, as/os participantes no... more
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    • gender and ICT
Este Simpósio é dedicado ao tema " Género e TIC (Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação) " , visando analisar e discutir as questões de género, no âmbito da utilização das TIC. Para desencadear a discussão, as/os... more
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    • gender and ICT
ICT/technologies are increasingly pervasive and embedded in everyday things and objects, constituting a relevant aspect of social identities. Furthermore ICT use continues to be a highly gendered area of life in all socioeconomic and... more
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    • gender and ICT
Resumo As tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) estão cada vez mais presentes e incorporadas nos objetos do quotidiano, constituindo um aspeto relevante das identidades sociais. No entanto, dados de diversas investigações... more
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    • gender and ICT
Lynch J 2009, Gender and the Study of Information Technology: Ongoing Challenges (A report from the GaIT Project), ANSN Snapshot of Research, Australian National Schools Network, 2009, No 1. In this ANSN Snapshot from Research, Dr Lynch... more
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      Gender and educationgender and ICTComputing Education
Use of ICT in rural governance is an emerging phenomenon in India. In the present paper, citing various grass root realities and incidents, the author establishes a correlation between the existing gender gaps and gender discriminations... more
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    • gender and ICT
With the emergence of Information and Communication technologies and third wave feminism, new opportunities for women involved in ICT have been emphasized with critical optimism. Feminists of technology have approached gender and... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesICTgender and ICT
Supporting gender equality in the deployment of and access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) involves accepting that gender relations and ICTs within any given community are continuously being shaped by one another.... more
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      GeographyInformation TechnologyGender StudiesDigital Divide
Este Simpósio é dedicado ao tema “Género e TIC (Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação) ”, visando analisar e discutir as questões de género, no âmbito da utilização das TIC. Para desencadear a discussão, as/os participantes no... more
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    • gender and ICT
The digitalization of education systems is presented as a possible way to match the concerns of a knowledge based economy with those of an inclusive information society. To meet this double challenge, education systems are asked to shift... more
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      Gender and educationgender and ICT
Use of ICT in rural governance is an emerging phenomenon in India. In the present paper, citing various grass root realities and incidents, the author establishes a correlation between the existing gender gaps and gender discriminations... more
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      Community Informaticsgender and ICTCase StudyGender Gap
Use of ICT in rural governance is an emerging phenomenon in India. In the present paper, citing various grass root realities and incidents, the author establishes a correlation between the existing gender gaps and gender discriminations... more
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      gender and ICTCase StudyGender GapE Governance
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    • gender and ICT
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      SociologyGender StudiesSocial SciencesNew Media Art