Visual Anthropology
Recent papers in Visual Anthropology
Background: Refractive errors are the second most common reason of blindness in India after cataract. It accounts for 33.3% of cases of childhood blindness. The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of refractive error and... more
In this article, I offer a critique of the notions of decolonial and indigenous scholarship by conceptualising ondeursigbaarheid as analytic through which to think the complexity of the visual as a source. Ondeursigbaarheid emphasises... more
La vista y lo que percibimos ver son dos elementos clave para una reflexion sobre la vision desde la antropologia. Al analizar desde una optica interdisciplinar las relaciones entre imagen y cultura, hemos hecho hincapie en como vemos y... more
This article analyzes what we call the ‘post-ethnographic’ condition of visuality. The point of departure of this study is the unproductive status of contemporary art’s ethnographic gaze, once the discourse of decoloniality has been... more
Hannes Gasser, viajero y fotógrafo austríaco (*1933) publicó el libro titulado "Indianer, du musst sterben", una extensa crónica visual de su visita a los territorios de los pueblos Laulapiti, Kamaiura, Txukai, Aura, Txucarramae y Juruna... more
En los últimos años, la estabilización de juegos clasificados como slow, clicker o idler supuso una novedad en la oferta videolúdica. Esas transformaciones pueden ser abordadas desde una perspectiva semiótica y atendiendo al... more
In this paper, through my curatorial experiences of four major exhibitions that I curated between 2021 and 2023, I would like to share with you my ideas of “How can the Powerhouse Museum, a museum of applied arts and science, shape the... more
Passado algum tempo da proclamação do regime republicano em Portugal (1910) e da Lei da Separação do Estado das Igrejas, publicada em 1911, o Estatuto Orgânico das Missões Católicas Portuguesas na África e Timor (1926) retoma a estreita... more
This article demonstrates how new media technologies remediate traditional cinematic modes of stardom, specifically in and through small towns in India. Through two case studies, it explores registers of stardom that have emerged through... more
The article deals with the interpretation of miniatures in illustrated medieval chronicles. Two case studies are taken as examples: Radziwill Chronicle of the late 15th century illuminated with miniatures that still preserve archaic... more
Congreso "IMAGEN Y PRÁCTICA DEL PODER EN LA ANTIGÜEDAD: ESPACIOS PÚBLICOS Y PRIVADOS" (organizado por el Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ICCA-UAM, a 28-29 noviembre de 2024)
The paper considers the way Rudolpf Sohm and Adolf von Harnack debated each other over 1 Clement as evidence of the institutionalisation of early Christianity and the rise of early Catholicism. Moving beyond their treatment, it considers... more
Whereas European countries received more than a million refugees in 2015 alone, the United States admitted just over a half million that year and only 25,782 in 2019, following limits placed by the Trump administration. The rhetoric... more
Wnioskodawcy, przystępując do przygotowywania koncepcji projektu (Fijałkowska 2018), który jest złożonym przedsięwzięciem obejmującym wiele etapów (Torończak 2011), stoją przed wyzwaniem zaprezentowania spójnego planu upowszechniania... more
In this article, I offer an examination of the use of sound in 'Demartinian' documentaries—that is, documentaries influenced by the research conducted by Italian anthropologist Ernesto De Martino in isolated areas of the Italian South... more
The article explores and discusses the doctoral research's creative, digital, and visual representation through the "RADICANT 003" virtual reality experience. Grounded in visual methods and the arts sciences, the article outlines its... more
Los últimos 30 años fueron testigo del avance de un nuevo espacio geográfico, el espacio virtual. En este territorio convergen las tradicionales tecnologías de las palabras y las nuevas narrativas digitales. En las sociedades donde la... more
Resumo: O presente trabalho de final de disciplina "Comunicação, Imagem e Perspectivismo Ameríndio" visa explanar considerações preponderantes acerca dos temas de cinemas indígenas abordados a partir do prisma teórico do perspectivismo... more
Coletânea de diversos autores sobre o Carnaval na cidade do Recife
Articulamos o tema da recuperação pessoal (recovery) com conceitos de saúde e doença de Georges Canguilhem e Donald Winnicott, em diálogo com registros autobiográficos de Patricia Deegan, pesquisadora e ativista do movimento do recovery.... more
Статията разглежда най-основните пътища, по които в българската книжнина след Освобождението /1878 г./ до днес се натрупва информация за чумните и холерните епидемии в Османската империя. Дейността на мнозина български медици, етнолози,... more
Newsletter of the International Institute for the Study of Nomadic Civilizations
This study explores the significant contributions of traditional Manipuri dance (Jagoi) and Pung drumming to the socio-cultural development of Manipur, a northeastern state of India. Manipuri dance, characterized by its lyrical grace,... more
This OPEN ACCESS book is freely available for download from punctum books via this link: Burning Diagrams in Anthropology examines the use of diagrams... more
This article is an introduction to the issue’s special theme on “Mountain Jews: Identity, Multilingualism, and History of Studying the Group”, featuring contributions by Dmitriy Sen’, Vladimir Kolesov, Svetlana Amosova, Arusyak Agababyan,... more
The article is devoted to the forms of Mountain Jewish identity. It is based on the materials of the Derbent community of Mountain Jews. The Derbent community is one of the largest Mountain Jewish communities. Mountain Jews have retained... more
Habsburg Imperial Image-Space: Negotiating Belonging Through Photography1 by Martin Rohde and Herbert Justnik This article examines the visualization of Hutsuls in German-Austrian, Ukrainian, Polish and Russophile ethnographic texts,... more
Целта на студията е да се анализират общотеоретичните проблеми на възникването, развитието и състоянието на психотерапията. Разгледани са възгледите за същността на психотерапията в хронологичен ред, започвайки от Древността, през... more
با خواندن این قصّه پرغصّه کوتاه، متوجّه میشوید که فقر در کشور بزرگ ایران، در سال 1392، یعنی زمانی که حسن روحانی با بستن قرارداد برجام، تنها یک قلمش این بود که 150 میلیارد دلار آزاد شود؛ ولی خامنه ای نگذاشت یک دلار آن از گلوی ملت پایین... more
Este texto toma como base una serie de charlas mantenidas en 2024 con el artista Carey (José Luis Carrasco Reyes), en múltiples visitas a su casa-estudio ubicada en el sur de la ciudad de México. Aunque se toma en cuenta lo hablado con el... more
This research studied and analysed the creation of content, styles, types, meaning and interpretation of surrealistic advertisements. The study compared the surrealism of fine art and advertisements, their similarities and differences of... more
В статье на основе широкого круга статистических материалов определена полиэтническая структура населения Саратовской губернии, выделены основные вехи формирования этнической карты региона. Использование разнообразных архивных документов... more
Research on the labour market insertion of young migrants has largely centered on the reltionships between education, unemployment, and occupational attainment across different ethnic groups. Meanwhile, youth studies have explored the... more
Trampantojos a los divino. Devociones pintadas en el Barroco giennense.