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У монографії обґрунтовано теоретичні засади і практичний інструментарій побудови організаційно-економічного механізму мобілізації ресурсного потенціалу торговельних підприємств у системі ціннісно-орієнтованого управління їх діяльністю.... more
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      RetailValues-based managementResource Potential
The principal problems associated with the concept of strategic corporate management is to identify the financial and non-financial value drivers. In Value Based Management theory the main focus was on financial value drivers but today... more
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      FinanceAccountingValue TheoryIntangible assets
A compass is a relatively simple instrument based on a simple concept. With its northward facing needle, it is a consistent and true indicator of physical position as well as desired or intended direction. By placing “moral” in front of... more
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      Values-based managementValues-Based LeadershipEthical Leadership
Context: To remain competitive, innovative and to grow, companies must change from cost-based decision-making to value-based decision-making where the decisions taken maximize software value and support company's overall value creation.... more
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      Project ManagementValue Based Software EngineeringValues-based management
This fully illustrated, downloadable pdf comprises the main (2016) text of Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland: A Research Framework. Significantly, it enables a linear read of the online wiki version, produced as part of the... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesCultural Heritage Conservation
This paper explores some of the underlying principles of the Afro-centric paradigm, encapsulated by humanistic-and communalist principles. Suggestions on how South African Modes of Leadership could be incorporated into the workplace are... more
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      African StudiesLeadershipHuman ValuesValues
The paper presents an approach to the valuation of specific sports businesses – commercial football clubs in the context of social media factors. The authors show specific value definitions from philosophical to financial approaches.... more
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      FinanceEconomics of Football (soccer)Social MediaValues-based management
Appreciation of community connections to place is an emerging domain in heritage practice, establishing inclusive, people-centered approaches that are able to 'hold their own' within the dominant paradigm of expert and State-centered... more
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      Cultural HeritageSocial sciences and valuesCultural Heritage ManagementValues-based management
Robert K. Greenleaf’s servant leadership has become an attractive approach for morally-motivated leaders. However, paradoxes found in servant leadership have the potential to create confusion among those individuals interested in its... more
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      Servant LeadershipValues-based managementEthical Leadership
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      Financial EconomicsBankingIntangible assetsFinancial Analysis
Every human and every company holds values, defined as notions of the desirable, but these remain widely untapped as sources of and drivers for innovation. Our research takes a values-based view on innovation and its management. It... more
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      Future StudiesEthnographyBusiness ModelingManagement of Innovation
In this paper, we explore the 'Preservation/Heritage Values/Management' triptych, and we propose a new method for addressing the values attributed to cultural heritage sites. Combining multidisciplinary and cosmopolitan approaches, we... more
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      African StudiesMulticulturalismTourism ManagementRock Art (Archaeology)
Risk analysis is traditionally accepted as a complex and critical activity in various contexts, such as strategic planning and software development. Given its complexity, several modeling approaches have been proposed to help analysts in... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringInformation ScienceInformation Systems (Business Informatics)
Values based vocabulary is a common language that is used in a value based society. In order to realize a global village that respects the rights of all people from different cultural backgrounds, individuals and communities need to work... more
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      LanguagesSociologyProgramming LanguagesPhilosophy Of Language
This paper explores some of the underlying principles of the Afro-centric paradigm, encapsulated by humanistic-and communalist principles. Suggestions on how South African Modes of Leadership could be incorporated into the workplace are... more
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      African StudiesLeadershipHuman ValuesValues
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      Stakeholder TheoryValues-based managementFootball IndustryCo Creation of Value
The author proves great urgency of applying of value approach in a strategic business man-agement. All factors of corporate value are presented. Also there is different classifications of factors of corporate value which were developed by... more
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      Values-based managementStrategic financial management
Medtronic: Company overview from the supply chain perspective
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      Supply Chain ManagementHealthcareValues-based managementMedical Device
Management upon value is to consolidate occupations around common values so that managers are aware of the individual values of the occupations and act effectively and efficiently in the direction of their organization. It is envisaged... more
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      Values-based managementSchool Principals
Niniejsze opracowanie przedstawia metodologię oraz praktyczne przykłady z zakresu zarządzania wartością przedsiębiorstwa, bazując na sprawozdaniach finansowych firmy z branży tekstylnej. Praca koncentruje się na ocenie projektów... more
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    • Values-based management
Este libro aborda la valoración de empresas no cotizadas desde una perspectiva práctica, pero dentro del contexto de los fundamentos de la valoración y tomando en consideración los desarrollos más actuales existentes en el mercado y la... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsInternational FinanceValues-based management
The chairman and managing director (CMD) of Coastal Bank Ltd, Mangalore, had received a lot of complaints regarding the process of training needs identification, training evaluation as well as overall coordination of training programmes... more
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    • Values-based management
An opinion of the fundamental requirements in a statement of ethics in business
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      Business EthicsValues-based managementOrganizational PerformanceIntegrity
Değer bazlı sağlık hizmetleri, bireylerin ve toplumların sağlığını iyileştirmek üzere daha düşük maliyetle koordineli, uygun ve etkili bir bakım deneyimi sunma potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu potansiyeli nedeniyle hizmet üretenler,... more
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      ValuesValues-based managementHealtcare
Сейчас высокую значимость имеют исследования, позволяющие оценить экономическую эффективность управления конкретным землепользованием или земельными ресурсами в целом. Ведя разговор об экономических показателях существования земельного... more
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      Land managementValues-based managementLand Rent Review
Value based care, patient safety and patient centred care are emerging as key drivers in healthcare reform in Australia. In reviewing the Australian healthcare design landscape between 2000 and 2015 there is a palpable shift across... more
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      Information SystemsQuality ManagementTeamsPatient Safety
The paper provides qualitative research based evidence on the usage of the concept of intellectual capital as the system providing indicators adding value to knowledge management initiatives within companies in Slovak republic. Data in... more
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      Intellectual CapitalValues-based managementIntellectual Capital and Firm PerformanceIntelektuálny Kapitál
Values and virtues have been the backbone of ancient Indian economy. Religious philosophies of India like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism etc. have been imbibing individual values in the followers which were being practiced in the... more
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      ValuesJAIN PHILOSOPHYValues-based managementValue
The purpose of this phenomenological research was to evaluate the self-reported, lived congruence of specified values among MBA and EMBA students. Three hundred students from the Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town (South... more
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      ValuesAuthenticityValues-based managementWork Values
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      Educational LeadershipEmployee MotivationTransformational LeadershipValues-based management
In this paper we review and discuss some recent attempts at ontological re-engineering of REA in the light of the UFO ontology and the OntoUML language, focusing in particular on different choices concerning the UFO notion of relator. We... more
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      Information SystemsInformation Systems (Business Informatics)OntologyApplied Ontology
Este libro aborda la valoración de empresas no cotizadas desde una perspectiva práctica, pero dentro del contexto de los fundamentos de la valoración y tomando en consideración los desarrollos más actuales existentes en el mercado y la... more
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      Values-based managementValue CreationCompany Valuation Methods
Información del artículo Valoración, gestión de valor y nuevas necesidades de información.
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      Accounting Information SystemsInvestment analysis and valuationValues-based managementRate of return
Məqalədə “dəyər əsaslı səhiyyə” nəzəriyyəsinin mahiyyəti, xarakteristikası, formalaşdırılması yolları araşdırılmış, bu zaman əsas diqqət mövzunun aktuallığının əsaslandırılmasına, problemə dair yanaşmalara yönəldilmişdir. Məqalədə... more
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      Quality of Healthcare ServicesHealthcarePatient-Centered CareValues-based management
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess factors associated with client satisfaction in two mental health outpatient settings in Italy and the US. Sociodemographic and clinical variables, hope, and personality characteristics... more
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      PsychologyHopeValues-based managementClinical Sciences
ABSTRACT 55.06 – Logic of Values-Based Inquiry for Decision-Making © Copyright Daniel Raphael 2020 USA This very brief paper will show readers how to use the simple logic of radical reductionism to simplify highly complex... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInquiry Based LearningEthics of Artificial IntelligenceComputer Programming
In this article, a creative heritage value assessment that was developed on the island of St Christopher (St Kitts), West Indies is discussed and evaluated. A synergetic approach emerged out of a collaboration between local heritage... more
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      Values-based managementCaribean ArchaeologyValues in Cultural Heritage
The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess factors associated with client satisfaction in two mental health outpatient settings in Italy and the US. Sociodemographic and clinical variables, hope, and personality characteristics... more
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      HopeValues-based managementPersonality TraitsClients' Satisfaction
In order to grasp the essence of corporate social responsibility (CSR), one have to take into account expectations that society sets against a company. Globalization and inter- nationalization of markets make firms to operate in different... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityOrganisational Culture And Employee CommitmentValues-based management
Este libro aborda la valoración de empresas no cotizadas desde una perspectiva práctica, pero dentro del contexto de los fundamentos de la valoración y tomando en consideración los desarrollos más actuales existentes en el mercado y la... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsInternational FinanceValues-based management