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Se trata del primer libro publicado en español que reúne las traducciones de artpiculos y capítulos de autores anglosajones referentes en la temática interdisciplinaria junto con los aportes de autores nacionales. Se constituye en un... more
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      InterdisciplinarityTransdisciplinarityPhilosophy of TransdisciplinarityInterdisciplinary Higher Education
El objetivo de este ensayo es plantear una ecología de saberes entre los principios de la complejidad y los paradigmas considerados como tradicionales. En primera instancia se ofrece una perspectiva de lo que se entiende por complejidad,... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceComplexity TheoryTransdisciplinarityPhilosophy of Transdisciplinarity
In the article conceptual and methodological difficulties in realizing sustainable development issue and finding ways to solve it are analysed. The statement of need to create and apply new scientific approaches and new scientific tools... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentTransdisciplinarityApplied TransdisciplinaritySustainable Human Development
Trans-Disciplinary Communications requires translating from disciplinary or inter-disciplinary semiotic systems to a common semiotic system, as is the case of Natural Language semiotic systems. This translation needs communicational... more
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      TransdisciplinarityApplied TransdisciplinarityTRANSDISCIPLINARY STUDIESTransdisciplinary Practice
The South African people continuously engage in social actions characterised by intolerance, pointing to frustrations and disillusionment in a post-apartheid era. A need to find creative ways to engage diverse communities to work together... more
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      Practical theologyCommunity DevelopmentTheology and DevelopmentTransdisciplinary Practice
From restorative justice literature in general. two conceptions of restorative justice processing can be discerned. The one is a modest conception based on individual (dispositional) theories of crime and the other is an expansive view... more
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      Social PsychologyCriminal LawCriminal JusticePeace and Conflict Studies
This article explores the concept of transdisciplinarity as a cultural endeavor. It centers on the concept of transdisciplinary hermeneutics, as a form of contextualizing science in the framework of cultural ideas, subjective experiences... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of ScienceEducation
Design, delivery and improvement processes in healthcare is of great challenge due to increasing pressures on healthcare systems alongside inherent complexities, resulting in limited benefits or unforeseen consequences. A recent Systems... more
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      Design MethodsSystems EngineeringLean DesignQuality Improvement
Can academia be a place where engage our creativity and experience the joy of inquiry? I reflect on my educational experiences as a starting point for an exploration of the way that education can be a joyful process if framed as an... more
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      EducationHumanitiesSocial SciencesTransformative Learning
In a profession enmeshed with theoretical, intellectual, and emotional complexities, asking secondary subject specialist educators to teach outside a comfort zone of words, equations, practice and expertise, is risky. This research... more
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      Teacher EducationArts Education and PedagogySTEM EducationTransdisciplinary Practice
Transdisciplinarity is an important new development in the social sciences. While a lot is being written on its roots and theoretical dimensions there is considerably less on how to actually engage in transdisciplinary inquiry. In this... more
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      ManagementPsychologyPhilosophyTeaching and Learning
INTRODUCCIÓN El proyecto Abordaje Participativo de Problemas Ambientales en Malvín Norte, tuvo como meta principal contribuir a la búsqueda de soluciones y compromisos para proyectar medidas a corto, mediano y largo plazo en torno a la... more
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      Participatory Action ResearchTransdisciplinarityApplied TransdisciplinarityTRANSDISCIPLINARY STUDIES
Die Lausitz hat einen Strukturbruch hinter und einen Strukturwandel vor sich. Der wirtschaftliche Umbau nach der deutschen Vereinigung hat nicht viel von der Industrie, die vor allem auf Braunkohle setzte, übrig gelassen. Tausende... more
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      TransformationTransdisciplinarityApplied TransdisciplinarityCivic Engagement
In this paper, I will examine the need for a transdisciplinary model of doctoral design education as a part of an overall cross-disciplinary design education. In doing so, I will narrow down cross-disciplinary design education and... more
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      DesignSocial Research Methods and MethodologyDesign educationResearch Methodology
This chapter considers the intellectual benefits and challenges of transdisciplinarity for educational linguistics. Building on earlier work about the nature of educational linguistics, Halliday's notion of theme in transdisciplines is... more
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      EducationSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch Methodology
This document is the ABSTRACTS PROCEEDINGS Of the special track RESEARCH, EDUCATION, and TRAN-DISCIPLINARY COMMUNICATION: RETDC 2022, which virtual presentations were held in the context of The 13th International Multi-Conference on... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyEducational ResearchTransdisciplinarityApplied Transdisciplinarity
Systems and complexity theories are transversal approaches that provide a new way of thinking as a response to the traditional reductionist approach that emerged with modernity. Complexity and transdisciplinarity are particularly relevant... more
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      Creative WritingSociologyPsychologyMusic
This report presents findings from a literature review and survey undertaken as part of the SHAPE-ID Horizon 2020 project (, which addresses the challenge of improving interdisciplinary research (IDR) and... more
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      HumanitiesDigital HumanitiesInterdisciplinarityTransdisciplinarity
Aim/Purpose: The year 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the first official definition of the term “transdisciplinarity.” This paper focuses on a critical analysis of the development of modern transdisciplinarity since its inception.... more
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      EducationScience EducationHigher EducationEducational Research
It is becoming increasingly apparent that creativity and imagination are key to envisioning alternatives to the problems of postnormal times. At the same time, educational institutions all over the globe are still mired in assumptions... more
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      Creative WritingHistorySociologyCultural Studies
This essay proposes an alternative approach to the literature review, presenting it as a creative process of construction and self-reflection within an ecology of ideas. The transdisciplinary literature review is an opportunity to situate... more
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      Creative WritingSociologyCultural StudiesSocial Theory
This report presents emerging findings from a literature review being undertaken as part of the SHAPE-ID Horizon 2020 project (, which addresses the challenge of improving interdisciplinary research (IDR) and... more
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      InterdisciplinarityTransdisciplinarityInterdisciplinary Higher EducationInterdisciplinary research (Social Sciences)
New cohorts being recruited now for January 2021 and May 2021 starts for a unique distance Ed.D. through Antioch University. I'm associated, helped to design and taught the first Social Philosophy and History of Ed class in May 2020. Any... more
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      Environmental EducationParticipatory Action ResearchCritical PedagogyTransdisciplinarity
When we have the ability to destroy Earth's carrying capacity and equilibrium, do we not equally have the ability to repair them and put them — and ourselves — back in balance again? The article argues that we can and should, but that... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCultural StudiesEnvironmental ScienceEducation
Gregory Bateson was a thinker beyond disciplines, contributing not only to specific disciplines ranging from Communication to Family Therapy to Ecology, but also helping us to think about the nature of inquiry, thought and disciplinary... more
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      SociologyPsychologySocial PsychologyAnthropology
In its Part A, the Bio-Info-Digital Universe (toy-)Model (BIDUM) offers a couple of potential valid updates for the Standard model (SM) of particle physics: (1) The [(2+1)+1] Included Middle Principle and Logic ([(2+1)+1]IMP and... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsQuantum ComputingPhysics
The article interrogates time and presents the results of an ethnographic study in a railway station in the suburbs of Paris. More in particular, it analyses the interactions of some of the passengers with `Texel', an experimental... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindAestheticsArt History
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      Practical theologyCommunity DevelopmentTheology and DevelopmentTransdisciplinary Practice
After Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico experienced the second-largest blackout in modern history, with parts of the island left without power for up to 18 months. Because the problems of Maria are multifold, this case study and review... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationAction research (Methodology)Resilience (Sustainability)Latin American Environmental History
What is feminist transdisciplinary research? Why is it important? How do we do it? Through nineteen contributions from leading international feminist scholars, this book provides new insights into activating transdisciplinary feminist... more
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      Feminist TheoryInterdisciplinarityFeminist PhilosophyFeminist Disability Studies
A poster exhibition of artists’ works and a film program was realized from June 8 to June 13, 2014 at the 20th World Congress of Soil Science, (20WCSS) in Jeju, Korea as an empirical exercise in transdisciplinary integration. By... more
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      Soil ScienceTransdisciplinarityEnvironmental ArtConferences and Seminars
Aim/Purpose: The Covid-19 pandemic has created many adverse effects. It overloads the healthcare system, causes deaths, and angers some at anti-covid restrictions. This study examines the feasibility of using technical and technological... more
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      Climate ChangeSystems ThinkingTransdisciplinarityApplied Transdisciplinarity
We present a thematic art project in a suburb of Stockholm as a means to generate problem areas in focus for a research project on multimodal communication and democratic decision-making. Through art we play with different techniques and... more
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      Artistic ResearchE-GovernmentMemory WorkTransdisciplinary Practice
Although the value of cross-disciplinary teams is widely accepted, relatively little attention has been given to the work that precedes addressing a team's objective or stated problem, that is, the work required to negotiate their various... more
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      TransdisciplinarityLiminalityTransdisciplinary DesignLiminal Space
Panarchistic Architecture: Building Wildland Urban-Interface Resilience to Wildfire through Design Thinking, Practice, and Building Codes Modelled on Ecological Systems Theory - Method in ebook format.
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      Ecological DesignDesign ResearchBiomimeticsTransdisciplinarity
Sustainable development as a global challenge brings about several implications not only for society, economy and politics, but also for 21 st century science. 'Transformative science' therefore starts out from real-world problems of... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentTransdisciplinarityURBAN SUSTAINABILITYHappiness and Well Being
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      InterdisciplinarityTransdisciplinarityApplied TransdisciplinarityInterdisciplinary Higher Education
The author's artistic practice as a composer and performer is transdisciplinary. The body as a vector associated with electroacoustic sound, gesture, video, physical space, and technological space, constitute the six founding elements.... more
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      MusicGestureTransdisciplinarityElectroacoustic Music
In the next decade, according the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we are going to see increasing climatic events with compounding and unprecedented economic, social, and political impacts which will affect livelihoods and ways... more
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      Art and Climate ChangeDisaster PreparednessClimate Change CommunicationTransdisciplinary Practice
El  performer,  un  diamante latente- Diario de viaje-Una experiencia transcultural y transdisciplinaria- Música-Teatro-Danza-Marisa Busker- ISBN 9789870254669
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      Music EducationApplied TransdisciplinarityTranscultural StudiesTRANSDISCIPLINARY STUDIES
Sobre Marisa Busker (performer), la Danza Escondida (1998-2002) demostración de trabajo-conferencia práctica (conformación- deconstrucción del cuerpo de performer), el Laboratorio del Performer y el Templo del Valle de la Montaña. Todo un... more
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      Music EducationPerforming ArtsPerformance StudiesTransdisciplinarity
Research design resonates with Denzin & Lincoln argument that ‘[t]here is a pressing need to show how the practise of qualitative research can help change the world in a positive way.’ They suggests that ‘[i]t is necessary to continue to... more
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      Qualitative ResearchIntersectionalityTRANSDISCIPLINARY STUDIES360 Degree Evaluation
This paper will argue that contemporary artists have redefined the boundaries of their disciplines in seeking new channels for expression in electronic environments available to them since the introduction of the Internet, continuing a... more
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      Contemporary ArtContemporary ArtsNew Media Art & Emerging PracticesInternet Art
ABSTRACTS PROCEEDINGS Of the special track RESEARCH, EDUCATION, and TRAN-DISCIPLINARY COMMUNICATION: RETDC 2022 Their virtual presentations were held in the context of The 13th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics... more
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      TransdisciplinarityTransdisciplinary Practice
The main objective of this study is to better understand the challenges of transdisciplinary knowledge production processes and its institutionalisation at universities. Transdisciplinary research is considered a collaborative and... more
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      InterdisciplinarityHigher EducationTransdisciplinarityInterdisciplinary Higher Education Podcast: Interview with Sha Xin Wei about Synthesis @ ASU and fusion research + creation. Recorded 8 November 2019, at Building21 / McGill University, Montreal Quebec Canada. With Ollivier... more
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      Experimental philosophyMedia Arts and SciencesResponsive EnvironmentsArts-Based Research
The D-Scope® is an audiovisual apparatus which creates a system of apparent motion using concrete physical objects lit sequentially. It is, in short, a new medium for creating screen-less animation. According to dictionary definitions,... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryAnimation TheoryTransdisciplinarity
My Foreword to Victoria Martin's excellent new book Transdisciplinarity for Librarians. You really don't have to be a librarian to read it, though--there's lots of great material in there for researchers and for people interested in a... more
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      PhilosophyTeaching and LearningEducationScholarship of Teaching and Learning