Arts Education and Pedagogy
Recent papers in Arts Education and Pedagogy
Kinder zeichnen schon sehr lange. Und es ist schwer vorstellbar, dass sie es nicht in jeder Kultur getan haben, die den allgemeinen Gebrauch von Ritzinstrumenten oder Stiften und Formen der bildlichen Repräsentation kannte. Dennoch ist... more
This article discusses an action research project in which critical Disability Studies pedagogy was integrated into two Art Education courses for preservice art teachers. Research participants investigated Disability Studies literature... more
"Welcome to this short publication created to support learning in the creative arts. This is one of a series that address issues for students and tutors in higher education and we believe that other discipline areas would also find... more
O museu será uma porta aberta ou fechada para as comunidades? Poderá o museu servir de ponte entre a cultura local e a cultura global? Que tipo de ponte?
The present study employed population-level educational records from 4 public school student cohorts (n ϭ 112,916; Grades 7-12) in British Columbia (Canada) to examine relationships between music education (any participation, type of... more
This article discusses the results of a one-year study in a physically isolated school community in Queensland, Australia. The decision-making processes in the selection of school subjects became the focus for interviews conducted with... more
This article stems from a story of arts education advocacy in the midst of a bureaucracy that misunderstood the purpose of art education at the launch of a new elementary school. Contemporary visual arts education practices overlap a... more
Chapter in the edited publication "If you are not there, where are you? Mapping the Experience of Absence Seizures Through Art.", co-edited by Henny Dörr and myself.
The current state in the area of visual art creation, characterized by a continuous as well as a radical expansion of its boundaries, sets forth an issue for an analogous diversification in the art teaching field. Within this context,... more
ART3 / časopis Akadémie umení v Banskej Bystrici. Z obsahu: Naši umelci v Abu Dhabí /Horizonty umenia 4/ Tradícia Artoria žije ďalej/ Hra na Ľuda Ondrejova alebo keď sa autor modlí.../ Naturisti a humoristi mladého slovenského sochárstva... more
Communities@Work provides a broad suite of quality community programs of social value and practical benefit. Our vision is for a resilient and socially inclusive community that cares for the well-being of all. Communities@Work's Centre of... more
ART3 / časopis Akadémie umení v Banskej Bystrici. Z obsahu: Adamčiak, opäť!/Zvuky/Kódy/Obrazy –/Bratislavská derniéra/Kovalčíková do Varšavy,Sanitra do Belehradu/Za Jánom Findrom/Svet cimbalu v knižnej podobe/Medzinárodné workshopy na... more
The article was published after my participation at international conference School and museums (Šola in muzeji) which was held in Ptuj, Slovenia, on 15th and 16th of March 2019. Abstract in English: A guided exhibition tour as an... more
invites you to submit abstracts for an online colloquium on 'South African Music Abroad Since 1994: Meanings in Cultural Diplomacy, Exchange and Collaboration'. The colloquium will be hosted virtually (online) on 8-9 July 2022. The... more
Three ways of using art as a peacebuilding tool - for the individual's inner peace, for conflicting groups, for global initiatives.
What if there was a way of thinking about our own teaching as an art practice, and what if our teaching-as-art-practice was the most radical form of expression to ever exist? This book presents an argument for this possibility in two... more
Este libro defiende una educación artística en edades tempranas no cercenada por prejuicio alguno, que pueda llevar a parcializar o enajenar la propia materia o la acción docente. Para ello se desarrollan cuatro cuestiones axiales que... more
One day I noticed the art bin in our fourth grade classroom contained a handful of markers that had been gutted. Not only were the tops missing but the end caps and ink-filled cores as well. A similar thing happened a few years earlier... more
In this essay I examine the racial achievement gap in American education in terms of an impaired psychosocial developmental process. I argue that the well-documented academic underperformance of certain minority groups may stem from the... more
The importance of creativity as an attribute of the 21st Century learner is now widely acknowledged and a global trend across all disciplines. To meet both current and future needs of both students and society a university education must... more
Like adults, children only become interested in being involved in any kind of activities when they find them appealing. However, despite being commonplace, this notion is sometimes dismissed by experts and practitioners during the... more
A historical, political and philosophical approach towards contemporary art education, its social impact and potential.
Il saggio "L'immagine dell'impresa" è stato pubblicato nel 2011 nel catalogo a corredo della mostra documentaria "Qui...dove la terra finisce e il mare comincia. Memoria e immagine dell'impresa", tenutasi a Brindisi nel 2011 a Palazzo... more
Recollections of an Unconventional Pedagogy appeared in Stories of Teaching at Carleton University in which award-winning teachers were invited to contribute. The book, to celebrate Carleton at 75 yrs, was launched at the TLS event:... more
Creative Inquiry frames learning and education as a larger manifestation of the creative impulse rather than as the fundamentally instrumental acquisition, retention, and reproduction of information, or Reproductive Learning. Montuori, A.... more
In our designed culture, every environment, object and picture is analyzed from the viewpoint of colour and light. Colour and light play an important role in social life and culture. This paper springs from an epistemological project... more
A música " O que será " (A flor da pele) de Chico Buarque de Holanda traduz, parcialmente, o que entendo por arte. En-tão, arte seria o: " Que me bole por dentro, Que brota à flor da pele, Que me salta os olhos a me atraiçoar, O que não... more
The battle to maintain the inclusion of drama within the curriculum appears to be never-ending, but targeted strategies and arguments for drama’s inclusion may need to be revisited and recalibrated. The important role of professional... more
Ta książka to nie tylko przewodnik po technikach plastycznych, ale również gruntowne opracowanie pedagogiczne promujące możliwość twórczego działania dziecka
Kulturelle Teilhabe ist in der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte (Artikel 27) als Menschenrecht verankert, gilt jedoch längst nicht für alle. Im Gegenteil: Eine Vielzahl von Menschen wird nicht von öff entlich geförderten... more
Аннотация. Статья анализирует восприятие идей Л.С. Выготского в современной американской педагогике искусства. Автор рассматривает как официальные источники, так и мнения отдельных ученых о роли Выготского в гуманитарном знании США. Также... more
SECAC Conference Paper (2015) Rough Draft
Why do we teach the arts in schools?
That humans are inseparable from the world around them will not surprise anyone, but this only makes it more remarkable that humans are frequently isolated from their surroundings in human-oriented research and development. The result is... more
Humans are inseparable from the world around them. Yet remarkably, time and again, human-oriented research and development treats them as isolated from their surroundings. This is particularly true in the domains of art and design, where... more
Apprendre des langues ne fait pas seulement appel aux aspects formels de la pensée, mais relève également de l'imaginaire et des rêves qui nourrissent les cultures. Les langues partagent avec les enseignements artistiques des traits et... more
Στο: Σταύρος Γρόσδος & Χρυσή Πρασσά (επιμ.), Προτάσεις Τέχνης και Πολιτισμού στην Εκπαίδευση. Πρακτικά Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου. Θεσσαλονίκη, 22-24/11/2019. Θεσσαλονίκη: Περιφερειακή Διεύθυνση Π.Ε. και Δ.Ε. Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας, 249-268.