Sugar industry
Recent papers in Sugar industry
IB f(;Ltsgo\v, 19()()), 3~)'1. op. cit. in note r(), II, no. :{c!,.'!-t. op. cit. in note I b. VL no :2 T~)~. I04 DEREK W. HALL AND DOREEN HUNTER The mansion of Stenhouse was built in IG22 by Sir \Villiam Bruce, second son of Sir... more
Sugar (raw and processed) is consumed in considerable amount in Pakistan annually. In this study, thirteen locally marketed raw and processed sugar brands have been analyzed for phosphate and sulphate contents. Analyses have been carried... more
By employing sugar as a social metaphor, whether in narrative foreground or as backdrop, Caribbean writers confronted the oppressive histories and dark human institutions that arose together with the region’s sugar economy. This... more
Rice syrup was produced from ten varieties of locally available rice in Nigeria. Flours of malted and unmalted rice from different varieties were treated with a combination of starch hydrolyzing enzymes (Amyloglucosidase, Bacterial... more
As many new certification systems for commodities have been established over the past decade, scholars have devoted sustained attention to the ways that these multi-stakeholder governance initiatives have transformed the industries in... more
The strategies required to develop contract farming in the Egyptian sugar industry were examined by applying the Strength-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) approach in combination with an analytic hierarchy process. Data were... more
Aujourd'hui décrié pour ses effets sur la santé, le sucre est omniprésent dans notre alimentation, mais cela n'a pas toujours été le cas. En retraçant son histoire, Walvin démontre à quel point son influence politique, économique et... more
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Australians were possessed by two obsessions – the fear of the ›yellow peril‹ and the desire for a white society. The fear of the ›yellow peril‹ found expression in science and politics as... more
This study aims to assess the potential for developing Aren plantation on degraded land as a LAMA and a NAMA which are managed by GIZ. It will assess the performance of both sugar and bio-etahanol –as product derivatives from Aren sap- in... more
বাংলা Sugar Industry From very ancient times Bangladesh has been growing sugarcane for making gud or sukker or khandeswari. Such sweeteners are also produced from date and palm juice. Bengal was well known for quality sugar in the 16th... more
Aims: Carbohydrate stands out among the various classes of food synthesized by plants. It has the highest proportion in cassava tuber which is a staple root crop in many developing countries, especially in West Africa. This research is... more
This Article will examine the international sugar trade industry and the implementation of sustainable development practices to improve labor standards, establish fair trade, and enhance energy efficiency, as well as explore the impetus... more
An edited version of this paper was published in the Philippine Law Journal, Volume 93, No. 2 (April 2020) The Philippines is the 8th largest sugar producing country in the world, but not a major player in the international sugar trade... more
Con el aumento del uso de plaguicidas de forma permanente en los monocultivos extensivos tales como la caña de azúcar, crecen los efectos negativos sobre las poblaciones en los alrededores y sobre el medio ambiente. Con ello, también se... more
The paper discusses the improvement of Total Quality Management in sugar (process) industry by the application of quality tools. With the surge in global competitive environment, it is becoming essential for pertinent industry to produce... more
In the boiling house of sugar factories, the process manager may conduct the process through different ways due to the batch mode of operation of vacuum pans, the need for cutting over materials among pans to achieve the required crystal... more
Natural sugar sweeteners have been in the human diet for thousands of years in the form of honey, fruit, cane, and beet sugar, and even molasses. During the twentieth century most homes just saw sucrose, a disaccharide with an even 50/50... more
There are varies type of industries are working all over the world for creating varies types of products. The sugar industry is one of the industries in which possess to food industry category. As a raw material of the sugar industry, it... more
The sugar ceramic from the towns of Machico and Funchal. Historical and archaeological data to the Portuguese and sugar production technology research. The present paper mulls over the sugar ceramic question, considering several... more
Today the demand of energy is increasing tremendously, but available energy lacks in supply. Hence, there is no option for proper and efficient utilization and conservation of energy. In this paper, the main stress is given on energy... more
晚清臺灣的砂糖貿易,由於消費偏好,逐漸出現安平糖大多輸往華中以北, 而打狗糖進口至日本的現象。過去以來,卻較少注意糖出口地的差異,是否也讓 臺南和打狗的糖商有不同的異族觀和國際觀,進而對於日本領有臺灣有不一樣的 因應和經營策略。特別是1870 年代之後,這一群親自到日本、香港進行跨國貿易 的打狗商人,對於晚清臺灣商業文化所進行的改造及其歷史意義。其次,領臺初 期,一直面臨漢人武裝抗日,而必須鞏固政權的臺灣總督府,與曾經親身體驗明... more
CITA: Jemio, Ana Sofía (2012): ““FOTIA, sus sindicatos y afiliados”. Una aproximación a los marcos discursivos y propuestas programáticas de la clase obrera azucarera tucumana en 1963”, en CD III Jornadas Internacionales de Problemas... more
Industrial sector plays very important role in global energy consumption. Sugar industries are one of the most energy consuming industries. Increasing trend in setting up of new sugar industries and capacity enhancement of existing sugar... more
Dirt collected with sugarcane is processed and separated from the juice in the sugar factory by filtration equipment for return to the cane fields. New technologies over the past decade have enabled performance improvements to be obtained... more
The paper is about investigation on high A-molasses purity conducted at kagera sugar limited. It helps the sugar technologists to improve boiling house recovery.
Given the role of entrepreneurship in developing the advanced industrial countries and developing countries are also seeking to prove a broad new wave of entrepreneurial organizations that are needed to achieve this important role and... more
This is an update of Frank Blackburn’s comprehensive book Sugar-cane, which was published by Longman in 1984. I was asked to act as the editor in April 1998, and undertook the task of approaching several possible collaborators for... more
En el siglo XIX la economía de Puerto Rico atravesó por dos fases inversas. Creció mucho más que en épocas previas fruto de reformas que fomentaron el establecimiento de la plantación esclavista, pero esto ocurrió a la vez que se prohibía... more
Stimulants: circulation and euphoria thematizes the impact of stimulants like tobacco, coffee, sugar and cocoa, in the social body, both as a means of increasing productivity and labour power and as an avenue for a novel experience of... more
The book includes different contributions of economic and social historians who reconstruct the history of the Piaggio family and business. The essays cover a long history of two centuries: from the Genoa in the first half of the... more