Squatter Settlements
Recent papers in Squatter Settlements
... Opportunities to secure a regular job and income are of critical importance for integration of the squatter ... [22]Akbar HMD, Minnery JR, Horen BV, Smith P. Community Water Supply for the Urban Poor in ... Article | PDF (144 K) |... more
En questionnant la capacité des acteurs publics à gouverner les squats et les bidonvilles qui persistent dans les régions de Paris et de Madrid, l'ouvrage explique les mécanismes du gouvernement différentiel des illégalismes de logement... more
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Besetzung des sog. Heusnerviertels in Bochum ab 1980. Aus einem studentischen Verlangen nach bezahlbarem Wohnraum und den Forderungen der Bochumer Jugendlichen nach einem Soziokulturellen Zentrum... more
En muchos países de la región se observan dos procesos paralelos. Por un lado, un incremento de lo que podemos denominar la informalidad residencial (el crecimiento de sectores urbanos con falta de acceso a servicios públicos y derechos... more
Pshysical conditions are very important thing for human life. Beacuse our eating, funning, sleeping etc. all of needs are based on adequacy of life conditions. Many children die in these settlements because of some diseases based on... more
Three-quarters of Luanda's one and one quarter million people live in Musseque or peti-urban "bairros". The urban infrastructure, originally designed to serve Luanda's 250,000 Portuguese colonial population is totally inadequate to meet... more
1950’lerde başlayan ve hala devam eden, kırsal kesimlerden kentlere göç olgusu sebebiyle dünya nüfusunun giderek daha büyük bölümü kentlerde yaşamaktadır. Bu dönüşüm yaşamın birçok alanında ciddi değişimlere yol açmıştır. En çok değişime... more
Land tenure security enforces community participation in local governments. Additionally, it promotes community-based organizations (CBO) as social inclusion strategy in the process of urban inclusion due to their influence on local... more
This article puts forward two main arguments. First, it highlights the relation between different phases of neoliberalism in Morocco together with the specific methods and techniques of urban government that were deployed in efforts to... more
Starting from the observation of the paucity of comparisons between Northern and Southern squatting, this chapter analyzes the obstacles to such comparisons and tries to open pathways to develop a comparative research agenda beyond... more
The history of squatting in Paris is animated by a conflict between the autonomous and the institutionalized wings of the squatting movement, mainly between artists, autonomous and Housing Movement activists. This conflict opposes diverse... more
Des politiques de résorption des bidonvilles sont mises en œuvre depuis le début des années 1960 à Madrid. Depuis 1999 notamment, des milliers de familles ont été relogées dans du logement public dans le parc diffus. Pourtant, plus de 10... more
The Bombay slum on screen inevitably tends to focus on Dharavi, one of Asia’s largest squatter settlements and home to more than a million people. In this article, I show how a planetary vision articulated explicitly in aerial views or in... more
La explosión reciente de ocupaciones irregulares de tierras en la ciudad de Montevideo, resulta contradictoria con la imagen de país igualitario e integrado que ha caracterizado al Uruguay en el contexto regional. Este artículo analiza... more
This article looks at the manner in which knowledge of slums in Delhi has been collected, assembled and circulated in two different moments of urban improvement to explore the relationship between calculation and governmentality. Based on... more
Si les expulsions sont loin de constituer un phénomène récent, tout porte à croire qu’elles prennent aujourd’hui une ampleur inédite, dans les pays du Sud comme du Nord, notamment suite à la succession de diverses crises. Des... more
ЗЕМЛИ КАРБАИНОВ Николай Иванович -аспирант факультета социологии Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. «Нахаловки» -так называют незаконные поселения в народе на городских окраинах. Первые «нахаловки» в Улан-Удэ появились в... more
1990'lı yıllarda, Kuzey Amerika ve Batı Avrupa ülkelerinin sosyal konut ve kentsel yenileme politikalarında meydana gelen en önemli deği-şikliklerden biri " Karma Gelirli Konut " stratejisidir. Bu strateji, toplum ekonomik ve sosyal... more
This article investigates the digital networks within informal settlements in Delhi through an ethno-graphic and practice-based research methodology. By studying top-up and media consumption at the ubiquitous phone recharge shop and... more
This article considers the key concepts and topics of research on squatter or informal settlements in developing countries, including post-Soviet ones. During the first period (1950-early 1960s) three main viewpoints dominated in the... more
In cities across the Global South, poor people’s demands for housing have resulted in widespread processes of “autoconstruction.” This concept alludes to a mode of producing the urban peripheries in which residents, in building themselves... more
Н.И. Карбаинов СТРАТЕГИИ ОБОСНОВАНИЯ ПРАВ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ НА ЗЕМ ЛЮ В СИТУАЦИИ ПРАВОВОГО ПЛЮРАЛИЗМА (НА ПРИМ ЕРЕ ЗЕМ ЕЛЬНЫ Х СПОРОВ В г. УЛАН-УДЭ)* Данная статья посвящена проблеме обоснования прав собственности на землю со стороны... more
In precarious environments, such as squatter settlements, sustainability can be achieved as an economic resource. It is important, however, to start with assuring a sense of belonging in the members of the communities. Through observation... more
Opper, A. 2016. Foreword. In H. Johnson. The ‘Dark’ City. 17-26. Johannesburg: CIRCA Gallery. [Introductory essay for a catalogue] This short essay consists of a critical reflection of the the master's thesis of a former student, Harry... more
This paper examines urbanization trends, the growth of Colombo and its present state of development. It looks at the approaches to the planned interventions in the city and demonstrates how a uni-directional urban development has had a... more
The increase in population creates problems on finding equal housing options among different income levels of society for accommodating sufficient housing in the urban structure. When the demand for low-income housing units is not... more
In this article I examine subjective identity transformations among those who take part in programs of participatory governance, particularly the innovative mechanism of municipal resource allocation called the Participatory Budget.... more
Il processo di occupazione degli Immobili Recuperati Autogestiti (da ora, IRA) nella città di Santiago del Cile, nasce come risposta a un bisogno esplicito per diventare un'esperienza che problematizza trasversalmente i campi che investe.... more
“I was amazed to see even on a holiday so much work was going on : recycling of paper, plastic, paint, making soap, shoes and despite the effort that goes in blighting these people’s lives. And so the chemistry is important, it is... more
Aging is a phase which all organisms can/ come across. The concept and/or discourse is about passing timing roads and years. When we talk about aging for people it becomes complex. The cultural concepts and/or discourses are changeable.... more
The immigrants coming to Istanbul for employment built their own dwellings on private and publicly owned land (Karaman, 2013:718). The majority of the houses were located near the industrial areas which were at the city-centers. After the... more
because of inconsistency on the effort of the government, the resettlement program for informal settlers, will never succeed
El artículo explora la forma en que la condición dual de Caracas estableció retos a intelectuales venezolanos, quienes desde la década de 1940 generaron discursos en relación con los problemas planteados por los asentamientos informales
This chapter examines the experiences through which large-scale state violence was greeted with nonconfrontational responses in a single slum in Delhi. It traces how slum residents, denied legal redress through the courts and political... more