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Abstrak Salah satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam upaya peningkatan daya saing produk dalam negeri adalah dengan meningkatkan kemampuan dan kapasitas SDM, memanfaatkan IPTEK serta meningkatkan kerjasama antar stakeholder. Rendahnya... more
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      Science and Technology ParkInovasi Pemerintah Daerahsistem inovasi daerah
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      ArchitectureScience and Technology ParkTechnopark
This report is about the Organizational Structure, Internal Business Process and Current Clients with a short brief about the service that are being provided to the clients by Digicon.
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorMarketingBusiness Administration
The functioning of science and technology parks ought to be based on a business model, which should specify not only the way of action, but also describe how the park plans to make a profit, create the value and meet the needs of... more
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      Business ModelsScience and Technology Park
本文以台南科學園區特定區的空間發展計劃形構所牽動的政治社會過程為例,探究地方利益實踐之空間格局以及成長聯盟如何在不同的作用力下產生轉化,以及地方政府透過怎樣的空... more
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      Urban PoliticsLocal Government and Local DevelopmentUrban SociologyUrban And Regional Planning
In 2014 in the framework of Trade Promotion and Quality Infrastructure program of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development supported by Ministry of Economy of Armenia, Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) was offered to... more
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      Management of InnovationEnterpreneurshipScience and Technology ParkBusiness Clusters
In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Not only do they educate and train students but they also create new ideas and knowledge for the short-term contemporary issues as well as... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipInformation TechnologyEconomics
This design was created base on requirement of education facilities and entertainment park that can evolve potention of a primacy at Deli Serdang Regency. Tobacco Deli as one of endemic plantation in this area was choosen to be a primacy... more
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The aim of the article is to design a science and technology park in Ethiopia as well as the opportunities of the development of new technology use in Ethiopia. The first section reviews the origins and definitions of science and... more
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    • Science and Technology Park
The most urgent problems of our times – concerning innovation management processes – are complex and turbulent in nature. In this article we define the vucability approach to innovation management. The VUCA refers to volatile (V),... more
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      Management of InnovationRegional developmentFutures Studies and ForesightEcosystem Modelling
Esta dissertação trata do tema Governança dos Ativos de Conhecimento em ambientes de inovação e teve como fundamentos revisão de literatura e pesquisa exploratória. Sua motivação principal foi a necessidade de compreender com maior... more
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      Knowlwdge ManagementScience and Technology ParkGovernança CorporativaParques Tecnológicos
This study reviews the shifting trend of universities in society from teaching to research and development, innovation, entrepreneurship, and recently to facilitate an entrepreneurial society by promoting entrepreneurial culture and... more
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      PatentsVenture CapitalTechnology CommercializationStartups
This paper presents an appropriate model for Science and Technology Parks (STPs) with a view to helping policy makers and STP managers implement and manage STPs. The authors reorganize and prioritize the Cabral-Dahab Science Park... more
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      Innovation PolicyIncubation Centers and Clusters for InnovationScience, technology and Innovation PolicyScience and Technology Park
This is an empirical study of a major issue of territorial competition in Taiwan in the 1990’s - the spatial formation of the southern science-based industrial park - from the perspective of the political economy. It explores the... more
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      Economic GeographyRegional and Local GovernanceLocal DevelopmentUrban Sociology
In Turkey, most university administrators and academic staff members are not yet fully aware of intellectual property rights (IPRs). Researchers often have difficulty in licensing opportunities that can provide additional revenue streams... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipManagementEngineering
Science and technology parks (STPs) have been playing an increasingly influential role in the stimulation and growth of the knowledge economy. However, the spread of STPs faces relevant challenges, such as the development of robust... more
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    • Science and Technology Park
The United Kingdom Science and Technology Parks Survey (UKSTP Survey) is a new survey conducted by Aston Business School to provide a means to measuring the levels and types of cooperatives and coopetitive innovation activities among... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomicsEntrepreneurial EconomicsKnowledge Management
This paper seeks to provide a conceptual framework for the designing of an entrepreneurial mentoring program to effectively commercialise technological innovations. This research was undertaken by telephone interviews with key decision... more
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      MentoringIncubation Centers and Clusters for InnovationTechnopreneurshipScience and Technology Park
High-technology parks have been instrumental for propelling regional development and acclaimed as the panacea for curing regional decline since industrial restructuring after the 1980s in Taiwan. This paper aims to explore the... more
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      Economic GeographyTechnological InnovationGlobal Production NetworksIndustrial Clusters
Objetivos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo a avaliação do estágio de desenvolvimento de parques tecnológicos do estado do Rio Grande do Sul a partir do Modelo Amaral de Gestão de Ambientes de Inovação (Amaral's Model for Innovation... more
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      Management of InnovationScience and Technology Park
Abstract This paper is intended as an opening of a dialog on how to apply platform thinking in the development of innovation environments. It will brie y describe a new STP (Science and Technology Park) concept called 3GSP (Third... more
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      SerendipityInnovation EnvironmentsScience and Technology ParkPlatform design
This paper is intended as an opening of a dialog on how to apply platform thinking in the development of innovation environments. It will briefly describe a new STP (Science and Technology Park) concept called 3GSP (Third Generation... more
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      Management of InnovationSerendipityInnovation EnvironmentsScience and Technology Park
The creative economy has become a key element in generating ideas, products and services being an evolving concept based on creative assets, which modifies the profile of industry and global market, from the partnership between creativity... more
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      Design InnovationEcosystemsScience and Technology ParkInnovation Ecosystems
Based on a report from the 2017-2018 Global Competitiveness Index, Indonesia's competitiveness ranks 31 out of 137 countries. This reflects the small amount of the Government budget allocated for research and innovation which is only 0.1%... more
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      Stakeholder AnalysisSocial Network Analysis (SNA)Technological InnovationTriple Helix
The concept of Science Park dates back to mid-50s and the strategic considerations undertaken at North Carolina, with critical contributions from academia and inestimable state governor support. This newly approach to link University with... more
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      Knowledge ManagementInnovation Ecosystems and Their DynamicsScience and Technology Park
Volume 12 No 3
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      MarketingBusiness and ManagementScience and Technology Park
In recent years, educational technology and innovative programs have been introduced to many education systems. Although these technologies have a great potential to improve teaching, learning and management processes especially at... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipInformation Systems
The article discusses the world experience in the design of technology parks. Its general requirements and models have been studied. Recommendations were made on the organizational model of the architectural and planning solution of... more
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      Science and Technology ParkTechnopolisTechnology and InnovationTechnopark
This paper presents an appropriate model for Science and Technology Parks (STPs) with a view to helping policy makers and STP managers implement and manage STPs. The authors reorganize and prioritize the Cabral-Dahab Science Park... more
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      EconomicsPolitical ScienceInnovation PolicyIncubation Centers and Clusters for Innovation
The study reported in this paper compared the effects of two approaches of blended learning on students’ learning outcomes in courses on intellectual property rights and patents. One group of students followed three weeks of online... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipManagementMarketing
According to the objectives of the paper, the evaluation was checked together with the participants in semi-structured interviews. Two assessments were given to the students: the strategic talent management and the innovation potential... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipPsychological Assessment
The article revises the effects of technology transfer offices (TTOs) on capacity building within the university, from the perspective of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. The objective of the article is to understand clearly... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipPsychologyEnvironmental Science
One of successful ideas in current era in the field of local and national economic development is establishment of science and technology parks and growth centers which their main aim is developing technology and making proper conditions... more
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      Sustainable ArchitectureClean EnergyScience and Technology Park
This study reviews the shifting trend of universities in society from teaching to research and development, innovation, entrepreneurship, and recently to facilitate an entrepreneurial society by promoting entrepreneurial culture and... more
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      EntrepreneurshipPatentsVenture CapitalIncubation Centers and Clusters for Innovation
Information technologies (IT) outsourcing, which means subcontracting of in-house IT activities to external vendors and plays an important role for companies adopting new technologies, has spawned a rich body of studies over decades. In... more
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      IT OutsourcingScience and Technology ParkTransaction Cost TheoryTechnology Development Zone
Knowledge management practices are used in collaborative networks promoting innovation in order to share critical knowledge among network members towards improving organizational results. This paper proposes to explore the channels and... more
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      CollaborationKnowledge sharingCollaborative NetworksScience and Technology Park
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipMarketing
Innovation ecosystems are based on the dynamics of trust relationships between entities that enable technology development and innovation. This study addresses the issue of trust and identity in these environments, inquiring how to design... more
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      Innovation Ecosystems and Their DynamicsTrustCollaborationDesign Research
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      Management of InnovationSerendipityInnovation EnvironmentsScience and Technology Park
Open Innovation promises higher outcomes from innovation processes through collaboration and sharing knowledge and the intellectual assets. Inclusion of suppliers, customers or users, partners, and even competitors in innovative processes... more
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      Open InnovationScience and Technology ParkTechnology Development Zone
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      Triple HelixScience and Technology ParkTechnology parksIntermediary Institutions
Science parks are institutions that support the creation and development of high technology-based companies. They are designed to provide value-added services together with high-quality space and facilities and to promote interaction... more
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      ResearchTeamworkScience and Technology Park
Pierwsza dekada XXI wieku to okres bezprecedensowego rozwoju instytucji otoczenia biznesu w Polsce. W całym kraju powstawały nowe parki technologiczne, inkubatory przedsiębiorczości, centra transferu technologii, fundusze pożyczkowe,... more
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      Inter/intra-organizational Relationships and NetworksOrganizational Network AnalysisIncubation Centers and Clusters for InnovationScience and Technology Park
Nesta apresentação, compartilho idéias iniciais sobre um projeto de pesquisa, ainda em fase embrionária, sobre uma antropologia de parques tecnológicos, como bases empíricas e teóricas para uma discussão sobre a temática do... more
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      Development StudiesAnthropology of ScienceBrazilSTS (Anthropology)
This ethnography examines how newly arising financial configurations of biotech research assemblages in Panama are changing local and global understandings of scientific collaboration and, subsequently, the relations among people,... more
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      Knowledge ManagementAnthropology of ScienceSociology of KnowledgeGlobal Health
This paper presents an appropriate model for Science and Technology Parks (STPs) with a view to helping policy makers and STP managers implement and manage STPs. The authors reorganize and prioritize the Cabral-Dahab Science Park... more
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      Innovation PolicyIncubation Centers and Clusters for InnovationScience and TechnologyOrganizational structure
Full Citation: Khavandkar, E., Theodorakopoulos, N., Hart, M. and Preston, J. (2016). Leading the Diffusion of Intellectual Capital Management Practices in Science Parks, In: H. SHIPTON, P. BUDHWAR, P. SPARROW and A. BROWN, eds., Human... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomic GeographySocial NetworksKnowledge Management
Little attention is paid in the extant academic literature to the question of housing knowledge workers despite the potential mismatches between housing supply and demand. This paper provides an initial examination of housing the... more
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      HousingChinaKnowledge EconomyScience and Technology Park
It is important to ensure and extend that education has modern, rational, scientific and democratic attributes at every level. An education programme has been developed in order to support personal, social and academic development of... more
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      Creative WritingBusinessEntrepreneurshipManagement