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      SociologyApplied EthicsEnvironmental EthicsScience and Society
Martin Kemp (551) argues that while “what a scientist (or artist, author, composer…) looks like should not matter to us,” it is a fact of modern society that we as a culture are compulsive in our need to closely scrutinize the outward... more
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    • Science and Society
A lo largo de la historia, la libertad de investigación siempre ha sido vulnerable, ya que tanto la ciencia en general como los científicos en particular, han sido objeto de persecución y de presiones políticas y religiosas que han... more
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    • Science and Society
Recent statements of the responsibilities of scientists have strengthened the responsibilities of scientists towards the societies in which they pursue their research. Scientists are now expected to do more than treat their experimental... more
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      Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)Science, Technology and SocietyScience and valuesScience and Society
Sustainability perspectives require non-standard scientific and political reasoning, now more than ever. The lexicons of ecology and political economy articulate epistemic catego- ries and imaginaries in which humans and environments are... more
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      Political EcologyEcologyPhilosophy of LifeScience and Society
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      Social ChangeSocial PolicySocial SciencesPolicy making
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      Social ChangeSocial PolicySocial SciencesPolicy making
Through this paper, it is the author's intention to present Merton's (Robert King Merton) scientific norms (CUDOS), which the author finds to be representative of the positivist framework of ideal-type science activity, in the perspective... more
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      MarxismPositivismScience and SocietyRobert K. Merton
Values and Objectivity: A Discussion Following Longino Question of the role played by values in science and their effects on objectivity of scientific knowledge has been at the focus of heated and unresolved debates for decades. While... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceEducationValuesObjectivity
Although more than a million academic papers have been posted on Facebook, there is little detailed research about which fields or cross-field issues are involved and whether there are field or public interest relationships between... more
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      Social MediaSocial impactFacebook StudiesResearch Impact
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      History of ScienceScience and ReligionScience and Society
In his review of my book, La conquista islámica de la península ibérica y la tergiversación del pasado: del catastrofismo al negacionismo (Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2013), K. B. Wolf reveals a baffling misunderstanding of Ignacio Olagüe and... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociology of ReligionHistorical Sociology
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      Public Understanding Of ScienceScience and SocietyScientific Culture
FP7-PEOPLE-2010 IRSES Marie Curie Irses Institutions organizing the Workshop within the EPSEI Consortium: gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom) Chinese Research Academy of Environmental... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of Religion
Die folgenden Thesen entstanden im Kontext der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Ur- und Fruhgeschichte e. V. (DGUF): „Schafft sich die Offentlichkeit eine andere Archaologie? Analysen einer Machtverschiebung“ im Mai 2015 in... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyScience Communication
Based primarily on a systematic review of the relevant literature between 2000 and 2017, this article reflects on the state of journalism about science in developing countries, with a focus on its issues, challenges and implications for... more
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      Development StudiesScience CommunicationPublic Understanding Of ScienceMedia Arts and Sciences
In 2016 the research group Social Studies of Science, Education and Communication (COMESE) of the Institute of Research on Population and Social Policy of the National Research Council of Italy, together with a multidisciplinary community... more
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      EducationCurriculum StudiesScience and SocietyParticipatory Methodologies
We outline the perspective of ‘critical neuroscience’: a stance of informed critique pertaining to neuroscientific methods, practices, concepts, discursive effects, formative backstories, and societal impacts. Critical neuroscience brings... more
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      Critical TheoryNeuroscienceNeuropsychologyPhilosophy of Science
(translation of / traduction de "Tübinger Thesen zur Archäologie") The Tübingen theses on archaeology grew from the annual meeting of the German Society for Pre & Proto-history: „Does the public create itself a different archaeology?... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyScience Communication
Die Tübinger Thesen zur Archäologie entstanden im Kontext der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte e. V. (DGUF): "Schafft sich die Öffentlichkeit eine andere Archäologie? Analysen einer Machtverschiebung" im... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyScience Communication
Based primarily on a systematic review of the relevant literature between 2000 and 2017, this article reflects on the state of journalism about science in developing countries, with a focus on its issues, challenges and implications for... more
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      Development StudiesScience CommunicationPublic Understanding Of ScienceMedia Arts and Sciences
Sommario E’ sempre più diffusa l'idea di una scienza "pura" che indaga le "verità ultime” dell'uomo e dell'universo. Questa tendenza è proporzionale e funzionale ai processi di mercificazione e spettacolarizzazione dell'attività... more
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      PhysicsQuantum PhysicsEconomicsEpistemology
Olexander Gabovich, Vоlоdymyr Kuznetsov, Nadezhda Semenova. Kyiv: Editing House “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” ISBN 978-966-518-675-5 (In Ukrainian with Abstract and Content in English) Certain principle aspects of the fundamental science state... more
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      SociologyRussian StudiesInformation ScienceConstitutional Law
In his famous 1959 lecture The Two Cultures, British scientist and novelist C.P. Snow lamented the apparent split of the "intellectual life of the whole Western society" into "two polar groups…. Literary intellectuals at one pole-at the... more
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      J. R. R. TolkienScience and Society
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference "New Perspectives in Science Education (Florence, Italy, 21-22 March 2019).
Edited by Pixel, published by Filodiritto Editore.
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      RoboticsHealth SciencesChemistry EducationTeaching Methodology
DALLA RAZIONALITÀ ALLA RAGIONEVOLEZZA SCIENTIFICA: DELIBERARE NELL'INCERTEZZA 1. Nomologia e razionalità: un primo specchio tra scienza e diritto
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      Science and SocietyScience and LawLinking science and policy
An analysis of the ways in which digital health innovations are being co-produced by mainstreaming of artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and cyber-physical systems (CPS) in healthcare. CPS blurs the boundaries... more
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      RoboticsCultural StudiesArtificial IntelligenceSystems Science
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      Participatory Action ResearchAgroecologySocial MovementSocial Movements (Political Science)
Die folgenden Thesen entstanden im Kontext der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Ur- und Fruhgeschichte e. V. (DGUF): „Schafft sich die Offentlichkeit eine andere Archaologie? Analysen einer Machtverschiebung“ im Mai 2015 in... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyScience Communication
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      Political SciencePublic EngagementScience and SocietyResearch and Innovation
In the information society and in the complexity that is one of the distinctive features of modernity, the public role of experts has increased considerably. Engineers, doctors, jurists or politicians are increasingly called upon to talk... more
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      Social TheoryScience CommunicationSociology of SciencePublic Communication of Science and Technology
Nicholas Maxwell is not afraid of big ideas. As the title suggests, this book covers several sweeping topics: aside from those in the title, Maxwell discusses the methodology of social science, interdisciplinarity, quantum mechanics, and... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceMethodologyKarl Popper
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      VirologyScience and SocietyHistory of virology
Arts et Savoirs [En ligne], 7 | 2016, mis en ligne le 06 décembre 2016
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      Popularisation of ScienceScience and Society
This article describes how a research institute went about reviewing the relationship between its members and external research partners in engaging in collaborative research. A systematization of experiences (SE) process was implemented... more
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      AgricultureScience and SocietySustainabilitySystematization of Experiences
«Elon Musk è per certi versi rappresentativo dei tempi che viviamo, anche negli aspetti controversi. Quel che temo è che dietro alle sue imprese, a fronte di una disponibilità incredibile di risorse, non ci siano idee davvero nuove.... more
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      Science and SocietyElon Musk
Wissenschaftsreflexion: eine neue interdisziplinäre Perspektive auf die Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Wissenschaften sowie auf die praktischen Auswirkungen von wissenschaftlicher Forschung und Erkenntnis. Die Wissenschaften sehen... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceApplied EthicsHistory of Science
Abstract The term scientific literacy arises due to the need of the scientific community to see that the population validated its scientific and technological production. The construct Scientific literacy has been subject to diverse... more
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      Qualitative ResearchScientific LiteracyScience and SocietySocial Environment
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      History of Science and TechnologyScience CommunicationHistory of TechnologyEnvironmental History
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      CreativityMotivation (Psychology)Inquiry Based LearningScience and Society
Lectio praecursoria aate-ja oppihistorian väitöskirjaan Tieteen keinoin yhteiskunnallisen oikeudenmukaisuuden puolesta -Edvard Westermarck ja sukupuolta, seksuaalisuutta ja avioliittoa koskevat lainuudistusvaatimukset Oulun yliopistossa... more
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      History of IdeasHistory of ScienceGender and SexualityScience and Society
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      Science, Technology and SocietyUses of research and analysis by public policy advocacy organizationsResearch FundingResearch Policy
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      ExpertiseSociology of ExpertiseScience, Technology and SocietyPolitics of Science
Resumen: el objetivo de este artículo es analizar el papel de las prácticas vocacionales en la ciencia. En particular, se analiza el caso de Amelia Larguía, quien intervino en los debates y discusiones en torno a un conjunto de piezas... more
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      AnthropologyHistory of MuseumsDissemination of Scientific Research & Technological InnovationHistory of Archeology
ch, CH); Vittorino Andreoli (Psichiatra e scrittore); Massimo Cacciari (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano); Elisabetta Belloni (Segretario Generale Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale); Stefano... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceBioethicsDocumentationSocial Perception
Junho 2014

Comunicação no 2º Congresso de Comunicação de Ciência SciCom PT, 2014, Porto
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      Science CommunicationScience, Technology and SocietyPublic Communication of Science and TechnologyScience and Society
Long-term ecological research (LTER), addressing problems that encompass decadal or longer time frames, began as a formal term and program in the United States in 1980. While longterm ecological studies and observation began as early as... more
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      SociologyApplied EthicsTraditional Ecological KnowledgeEnvironmental Ethics
Die folgenden Thesen entstanden im Kontext der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Ur- und Fruhgeschichte e. V. (DGUF): „Schafft sich die Offentlichkeit eine andere Archaologie? Analysen einer Machtverschiebung“ im Mai 2015 in... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyScience Communication
This paper investigates the dimensions of trust and the role of information sources and channels in developing differentiated forms of science communication. The discussions from two public consultations carried out in Italy and Slovakia... more
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      Science CommunicationTrustPublic Understanding Of ScienceScience and Society