Risk Management
Recent papers in Risk Management
When a doctor makes a wrong, then one person is affected or may be died but when an engineer makes a wrong then huge peoples may be affected or died.So the construction (Civil) management is a very important subject in all over the world... more
As modern business and financial institutions have come to rely more and more on large scale computers for management support, the magnitude of the risks and their potential consequences has increased correspondingly. In addition, large... more
ABSTRACTClaims, being the heartbeat of the workability of insurance, are the most critical contact influencer between the insuring public and the insurer. It serves as a critical path to truth that shapes the policyholders’ ultimate... more
This paper provides an evaluation of safety culture in the construction industry. Safety culture is part of an organisation's culture. The concepts of safety culture and organisational culture are discussed, including the main... more
The duties of Quantity surveyors, who are the construction economists is to support cost-effective of construction spanning through the pre-construction stage to post-construction stage of projects. Despite being recognised as a... more
In both the mountain town of Chamonix, France and the desert city of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, multilingual transnational residents and visitors, from a wide range of backgrounds, vastly outnumber local citizens. Abu Dhabi has a... more
Risk management has reduced vulnerability to floods and droughts globally1,2, yet their impacts are still increasing3. An improved understanding of the causes of changing impacts is therefore needed, but has been hampered by a lack of... more
Processes (management and engineering business processes) used in project lifecycles are very salient instruments for products (goods and services) to do work right the first time and achieve continuous improvement in a proactive and... more
AbstrakPascacovid 19 merupakan suasana baru yang meminta perlakuan baru juga. Pada semua bidangkehidupan dituntut untuk kreatif agar bisa bertahan dan melanjutkan hidup. Dunia usaha baik kecilmaupun besar diuji kreativitasnya. Demikian... more
Contractors are facing an increasing degree of complexity in their construction projects. Due to inadequately prepared project plans, they have been suffering significant losses during the execution of construction projects. One of the... more
All significant construction projects involve the project owner and the contractor, as well as their project managers. Following upon recent research into the multiple principal-agent problem, which was applied to the minimization of... more
The object of research is the risk appetite of an IT project. It is important for the implementation of an IT project to determine the critical values of indicators important for the activity, which predetermines the need to define and... more
Construction industries are exposed to wide array of risks, such as financial, design, and contractual ones, which might have a direct impact on their performance toward achieving the desired objectives. Risk Management is a proactive... more