Reader Response
Recent papers in Reader Response
Paris, Honoré Champion, coll. "Nouvelle Bibliothèque du Moyen Âge", 2014
Matt 1:17 indicates that Jesus' genealogy is formed by three series of fourteen generations; however, this total number of generations does not match the preceding list in Matt 1:2-16. Interpreters have proposed multiple ways to... more
In the spring of 1944, the Yiddish poet and partisan Avrom Sutzkever was airlifted into the unoccupied Soviet Union. With him he brought more than new information about the Holocaust. He brought a distinct approach to witnessing, one that... more
The last twenty years have seen a growing interest in the ethical value and ethical significance of literature. Some argue that literary works have moral affects on their readers while some others claim that literature can be approached... more
Suspendus aux lèvres d’un conteur, incapables d’interrompre la lecture d’un roman, captivés par un film haletant, nous faisons tous l’expérience quotidienne de ce plaisir apparemment paradoxal que nous tirons de notre insatisfaction... more
This thesis explores the ethical impact of literary narrative fictions on the reader. It does so by focusing mainly on the reading experience since one of the main claims of the thesis is that literary narrative fictions are co-products... more
RESUMO Este artigo trata das possibilidades de personalização características das tecnologias digitais, que se estendem aos livros, cujo projeto gráfico pode, muitas vezes, ser alterado pelos usuários. As questões que encaminham o texto... more
Avete appena ricevuto un libro in regalo? Natale o compleanno che sia... oppure state per andare in libreria a comprare un libro? O, peggio, siete su Internet e state esplorando i vari siti che vendono libri on line per acquistarne uno?... more
Visit my website See more students' responses to reading. When we work with creative reading responses, it doesn't matter if the student has read every page or if she liked... more
Perceptions of black representations in literature and other visual mediums as positive or negative continuously cause consternation and debate (Fleetwood, 2011). Because African American children are literacy participants and consumers,... more
Review by Ros Ballaster, Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 37: 544–545.
In Reading as Interaction, Nathalie Schwering argues that the activity of reading turns fiction into a physiological reality: reading fiction can produce real emotions in readers, and these emotions can bias readers’ moral judgments of... more
Following Wolfgang Iser’s studies, literary criticism could no longer avoid a confrontation with the phenomenology of the act of reading. This has led the analysis of a literary text towards new researches regarding the reader’s response... more
Dit artikel doet verslag van een verkennend onderzoek naar wat vo-leerlingen zelf zouden willen bespreken als zij over verhalen praten op school. Daarnaast is onderzocht wat leerlingen daadwerkelijk bespreken over verhalen, als zij zelf... more
"This essay is a study of the Old English word swifeth as it is used in the much talked of Riddle 12. Although it is not a hapax legomenon, as it occurs five other times in the entire Anglo=Saxon corpus, its use here is a curious one,... more
This article is an account of fieldwork carried out in a school in East Sussex, in the south of England, with a group of 10-and 11-year-old children, to discover whether they perceive social class in a selection of children's fantasy... more
On the often overlooked irony in Jorge Luis Borges’ “The Library of Babel” (which is not the exhaustion of possible expression) and “Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote” (which is not a death-of-the-author-birth-of-the-reader allegory).... more
Because online digital writing has become an important means of text production, this paper argues that the core concept of genetic criticism, ‘avant-texte’, should be kept up-to-date with the new medium and environment. It will show how... more
As a nature parable, THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD involves players in a dreamlike gameworld in which their unconscious desires for an ecological sustainable Utopia and a romantic imagery of nature are evoked, exposed to... more
The article provides teachers with explicit support for planning and implementing interactive read-aloud for social justice that is responsive to the needs of their own students. The authors present how to choose appropriate high-quality... more
The objective of this article is twofold. In the first part, I discuss two issues central to any theoretical inquiry into mental imagery: embodiment and consciousness. I do so against the backdrop of second-generation cognitive science,... more
Abstract: The marks left by readers in their personal copies of Charlotte Smith’s Elegiac Sonnets provide traces of how manuscript engages print, and readers materially engage writers, in the Romantic period. Surveying 152 copies of... more
A paper discussing the differing opinions on what denotes a piece of writing as being "literary", from a New Criticism perspective and that of reader-response theory. John Donne's 'Holy Sonnet XIV' and B. S. Johnson's 'A Few Selected... more
The purpose of this article is to discuss the theoretical, educational and creative aspects of an alternate history creative writing project with young adults, based on Terry Pratchett’s fantasy novel Nation (2008). First, we focus on the... more
This article explores the complex nature of the literature classroom by drawing on the cognitive linguistic framework Text World Theory to examine the teacher’s role as facilitator and mediator of reading. Specifically, the article looks... more
[Proofs; please cite published version.] While it is often assumed that fictions must be informative or morally improving in order to be of any real benefit to us, certain texts defy this assumption by functioning as training grounds for... more
Cognitive Futures in the Arts and Humanities Conference, 1-4 July 2018, University of Kent.
This paper details a multimodal practice of response and transmediation, called a Thought Chronicle, which I employ in my undergraduate work with preservice teachers. I position this intervention in relation to the theoretical discourses... more
Objects do not simply appear in L'Éducation sentimentale; they reappear. The memory of the reader is solicited in order to establish links between different occurrences of the same object, or closely related objects reappearing within a... more
SUMMARY When approaching a new field of study, in this case, video games, one of the first tasks is to analyze the existing and governing theories. Such approach provides two very strong claims which are decidedly different – ludology and... more
Sylvia Plath enhanced the reading experience by connecting words and images from one Ariel (The Restored Edition) poem to the next, creating a seamless flow for the reader. First published by TAMSEN blog, January 2016.
Évènement éditorial à sa parution en 1935, l’ouvrage de Carrel a été depuis cité par les mouvances les plus radicales, de Sayyid Qutb à Jean-Marie Le Pen. Qu’est-ce qui motive un prix Nobel de médecine à s’attaquer à des problèmes de... more
Using participatory action research, the first researcher functioned as co-teacher in a fifth-grade class in a large northeastern city public school. The researcher and classroom teacher guided 28 students working in book clubs to compose... more
A text is incomplete till it has readers. Emma gives crucial importance to the readers by allowing their perceptions to prosper in an independent way.
Cutting against the grain of much contemporary thought about biblical interpretation, this conversation-starting article prompts reflection on the significant influence of language and culture upon interpreters themselves. This essay... more
The term ‘conversion narrative’ lacks proper definition and can be understood more broadly than is often the case, underlining its fictive nature. I show this by reading William Blake’s Milton a Poem as a conversion narrative, exploring... more
The reason for Hamlet’s hesitancy has been long one of the controversial issues among Shakespeareans. Different historical, psychological, and political interpretations all drawn out of one text, all about one character, and all incapable... more
Les essais réunis dans ce volume interrogent aussi bien le temps des œuvres que le temps à l’œuvre, c’est-à-dire sa formulation narrative mais également son pouvoir d’érosion et de genèse qui affecte les hommes, les livres qu’ils écrivent... more
This article examines John 21 by means of Wayne Booths reading strategy of conduction. As a later redactional addition, ch. 21 casts a different understanding upon the preceding narrative of chs. 1-20 through the implied author's... more