Pre Islamic Poetry
Recent papers in Pre Islamic Poetry
The authors suggest to view the origins of Islam against the background of the 6th century AD Arabian socio-ecological crisis whose model is specified in the paper through the study of cli-matological, seismological, volcanological and... more
Review of a new translation of poems attributed to ʿAntarah ibn Shaddād, including an assessment of the debateable status of his supposed beloved, ʿAblah.
A short thesis on the role of love in Ancient Arabic poetry during Pre - Islamic times.
Chapter in "New Divan" anthology
The days of encrypted forums, shaky hand-held footage and garbled mobile phone recordings are gone. ISIS has crafted a new Jihādi media aesthetic by exploiting the power of social media. The plurality of ISIS media content is such that... more
ينظر البحث للقصيدة الجاهلية بوصفها علامة مستقلة بالمعنى البنيوي، ولكنها، في ذات اللحظة، تعمل بوصفها علامة توصيليّة أيضًا. ومن هنا يتهيأ لها أن تراعي تقاليد النوع الأدبي في الوقت الذي تنفتح فيه على اليومي والحياتي وتولع بالأماكن والشخوص... more
Pre- and early Islamic poetry is fascinating but still enigmatic in many aspects. What did ancient Arabic poets want to achieve? What was their artistic intent? Is their poetry really as conventional and formulaic as has been often... more
The term israʾ, based on the first verse of sura 17, is typically rendered as 'Night Journey'. There is little compelling evidence that this was the original meaning of the Qur'anic text, and medieval lexicographers and exegetes preserved... more
The old qas .ī da in al-Yamāma: a literary and historical study of the qas .ī das of the Bāhila tribe
By collecting responses to significant textiles, the exhibition "Have Poets Left a Patch to Sew?" shared the rich stories, innovation, history and global interconnections of the NSW Riverina (in Australia). These artworks and poems are... more
Reviewed by Claude Gilliot, published in "Arabica", Volume 54, Issue 2, pp. 284 –286.
Medineli yahudi şair Ebû ‘Afek Hz. Peygamber’in Medine’ye geldiği günlerde, yüz yirmi yaşına ulaşmış olan, son derece yaşlı bir adamdır. Ancak Hz. Peygamber’i ve destekçilerini (Ensârı) kendi şehrindeki insanların işlerine müdahale eden,... more
Reviewed by Rudolf Sellheim, published in "Oriens", Volume 36, Issue 1, pp. 327 –331.
يصدر هذا الكتاب عن اهتمام بدراسة البنية الأدبيّة، بجعلها موضوعًا جماليًّا، سعيًا نحو معرفة أكثر وعيًا بالممارسات الشعرية، وتحديدًا بالشعر العربي القديم الذي هو مقوم أساس من مقومات الذات العربيّة، ومكوِّن رئيس من مكونات هويتها. ومن ثم يهدف... more
"Abu Qabus" in the pre-Islamic poetry This article questions the general assumption that the nickname "Abu Qabus", which appears frequently in pre-Islamic poetry, belonged to the last Lakhmid king, al-Nu'man b. al-Mundhir or, for that... more
UNDERSTANDING OF TÂHÂ HUSAYN OF I'JAZ AL QUR'AN (THE STYLİSTİC İNİMİTABİLİTY OF THE QUR’AN) ABSTRACT This article focuses on the understanding of Tâhâ Husayn (1889-1973), a versatile litterateur and academician, of i'jaz of the Qur'an and... more
This qaseeda is alledgedly the first Arabic poem composed by the Shehu in 1772. Some scholars assert that it was his second. Nevertheless it is the consensus of the scholars of the Sakwato tradition that this poem marked the beginning of... more
This paper investigates problems surrounding translating and/or transliterating, examines a case study, and discusses how a poet/lover uses different appellations to purposefully address his beloved, which include the beloved's actual... more
The magnitude of the Arabic language holds back from its being one of the unblemished languages in its brilliance and its reiterated capability to adapt to countless different sciences and knowledge. The Arabic language has reached... more
Jahiliyya and Islamic studies In honour of M.J. Kister Septuagenarian (I)
Jahiliyya and Islamic studies In honour of M.J. Kister Septuagenarian (II)
This essay examines the context, signification and function of despair and wish in pre- and early Islamic poetry. It sheds light on these emotional states in various contexts, as well as the importance of the narrative sequence that leads... more
This paper investigates problems surrounding translating and/or transliterating, examines a case study, and discusses how a poet/lover uses different appellations to purposefully address his beloved, which include the beloved’s actual... more
This work is the translation of five poems which can also be called "Mu'allaqât": the eighth and ninth of the Nine Odes respectively composed by al-A'shâ Maymûn and al-Nâbigha al-Dhubyânî, and commented on by Ibn al-Nahhâs; the tenth of... more
Hiciv (hicâ’) sanatı, Arap edebiyatının ana edebî tarzlarından biridir. Bu türün içerisinde, kusurlar, yenilgiler, budalalıklar, zaaflar, noksanlıklar ve hatalar, tercihen, kabilelerin, hiziplerin, ailelerin, bireylerin yahut bizzat... more
From M. Mir, ed., The Literary Heritage of Classical Islam (Princeton: Darwin Press, 1993), 119-36.
Why Does the Poet Return to the Abandoned Campsite? Iyas Nasser Abstract This article examines the poet’s return to the abandoned campsite of the beloved, one of the most common motifs in the “nasīb” of the pre- and early Islamic qaṣīda.... more
Ḥassân b. Sâbit, özellikle Sadru’l-İslam Döneminde, şiir sahasında gösterdiği üretkenliğiyle hatırlanmaktadır. Hz. Muhammed’in baş şairi olması, onun ismini İslam tarihinin en meşhur şairleri arasına yazdıracaktır. Ḥassân’ın hak edilmiş... more
طه حسين والتحقيق الذي أجراه معه محمد نور يمثل العلمانية المصرية في أوائل القرن العشرين
From The Wave Papers, ed. Joshua Beckman and Heidi Broadhead (Seattle: Wave Books, 2016)
Nasser, Iyas. “The View of Love Poetry’s Impact and Role in Classical Arabic Literature”, Journal Asiatique. Forthcoming (in English). إياس ناصر، «النّظرة إلى وقع الشّعر الغزليّ ودوره في الأدب العربيّ القديم». في العدد القادم من مجلّة... more
Jacques Berque, one of the most eminent historians of the Middle East today, attempts to strike at the core of the central question that all students of the Middle East must ultimately face: Does the Arab world exhibit a... more
A semantic analysis of the Arabic roots n-z-l and w-ḥ-y and their usage in the Qur’an and in pre-Islamic poetry. The thesis showed that while the roots had previously been understood to refer to a single process in the Qur’anic concept of... more
هل عاد الشّاعر إلى أطلال محبوبته قصدًا أو عَرَضًا؟ وقفة عند أظهر المعاني الأدبيّة في قصائد الشّعراء قبل الإسلام ومَن أَعْقَبَهم من المخضرمين The Poet’s Return to the Abandoned Campsite of his Beloved -- A Deliberate or Coincidental Visit?... more
This article analyses the structure of four different versions of the long love poem by Ḥumayd b. Thawr al-Hilālī. The shortest of the four runs to 119 verses, and the longest is 185, each line ending with m as a rhyming letter. This... more