Paul Virilio
Recent papers in Paul Virilio
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é oferecer uma pesquisa documental abrangendo diversas considerações sobre as formas do conhecimento humano e suas mutações ao longo da história moderna, quando a cognição humana se depara com elementos... more
"Resumo. Partindo da análise plástica de três objetos, procuramos encontrar a relação entre a prática da constrição do corpo feminino e a domesticação da mulher teorizada por Virilio. Tomando a moda ocidental no que se considera como seu... more
One significant aspect of military interventions is that violence in binary geographies, which have an implied colonial discourse (such as Serbia), often involve the dialectics of construction and erasure, meaning that absence and... more
Paul Virilio's Modernity is logistical. It doesn't directly deal with war, but with everything that makes it possible. Logistics is the preparation for war through the transfer of the nation's poten tial to its armed forces in time of... more
This dialogue foregrounds the interological nature of media ecology as a style of exploration into the human condition. Besides Marshall McLuhan, it also brings Gilles Deleuze, field theory, and the I Ching, et cetera, to bear on media... more
Illegale Partys im öffentlichen Raum gehören im Sommer in Berlin und anderswo zum Alltag. Unter Brücken und auf kleinen und großen Brachen wummern Bässe, es wird getanzt, getrunken, wohl auch gegrillt, jedenfalls ohne behördliche... more
This paper investigates the relationship between self-esteem, body-image and sexual desire within gay men. It looks at the gay male body as a site of ‘performativity’, the body ‘citationality’ quoting the ‘norms’ of gay society in order... more
We are the 99 per cent of the population who are subjected to the system and you are the one per cent who benefit from disproportionately high advantages. The slogan of the indignant is forceful and carries a populism which breaks with... more
En este artículo se pone de manifiesto cómo la concepción occidental (no científica) del tiempo determina nuestra cultura; particularmente, cómo la concepción de tiempo absoluto interviene en los métodos de castigo-reinserción de nuestra... more
The paper inquires, from a philosophical point of view, the Italian writer Guido Morselli’s last novel (1973): Dissipatio H. G. Its main question is if a philosophically understanding of the relation between utopia and dystopia may be... more
lccn 2019032477 (ebook) isbn 9781478005872 (hardcover) isbn 9781478006572 (paperback) isbn 9781478007272 (ebook) Subjects: lcsH: Artificial intelligence-Military applications. | Robotics-Military applications. | Armed Forces and mass... more
Resumen El artículo pretende contribuir al entendimiento de los registros actuales de la subjetividad y los escenarios en que ésta se despliega, por medio de la revisión de la novela Neuromante, de William Gibson, y su articulación con... more
The relationship of architecture to the human body is a centuries-long and complex one, but not always symmetrical. This book opens a space for historians of the visual arts, archaeologists, architects, and digital humanities... more
This thesis investigates the ontological meta-narratives of glitch art and focuses on it as the transition from images with noise, into a site of meaning. In the first chapter I will discuss glitch art as a failure in communication that... more
The author tries to characterize still fresh and recent phenomenon of the postdigital aesthetics. He tries to answer the question: why postdigital artists most often take destruction actions, use imperfection, distortion and errors. He... more
In an era when mainstream photographic artists automatically resort to high resolution and heavyhanded Photoshopping to enhance their artwork, this article presents "photography in a Zen key" as a minor, divergent species of photography... more
Summer semester 2017 HfG Karlsruhe A rogues' gallery of Mexican bandits, bombshells, lotharios, and thieves saturates American popular culture. Remember Speedy Gonzalez? "Mexican Spitfire" Lupe Vélez? The Frito Bandito? Familiar and reassuring—at... more
From ubiquitous surveillance to drone strikes that put “warheads onto foreheads,” we live in a world of globalized, individualized targeting. The perils are great. In The Eye of War, Antoine Bousquet provides both a sweeping historical... more
This article assesses some potential approaches to museums and cities propelled by a theoretical preoccupation with modernity as a condition of speed. Here, one can extrapolate two variants in the writings and interventions of Marinetti,... more
De la mort de l'homme aux politiques de la différence : le lieu de la machine QUESTIONI DI SOGGETTIVAZIONE: FOUCAULT E LA MORTE DELL'UOMO
This paper argues for a sustained revaluation of the concept of ‘globalization’. Developing a poststructural reading, it focuses on the context in which the concept has arisen, and the mechanisms through which it has disseminated. Drawing... more
In measure to the development of projectile weaponry, the conduct of modern war has accorded perception with destruction, marshalling and enfolding human vision into ever more sophisticated sociotechnical assemblages of targeting. Drawing... more
How can anyone talk about the contemporary? The target, the reference, the focus, the ambit moves as one attempts to address it: one moves oneself and not necessarily in lockstep with the contemporary. Some are more contemporary than... more
This article introduces the question of algorithmic catastrophe by reinterpreting Paul Virilio's concept of the original accident. Virilio finds Aristotle’s conflation of the double meaning of accident—as 1) predicate of substance and 2)... more
We live in an age in which “esotericism” has become almost synonymous with “spiritual.” Everything from sex to politics has its occult side; in fact, this imagined esoteric counter-face—hidden yet ubiquitous—is often assumed to actually... more
O livro se articula sob o signo de três pensadores contemporâneos: Henri Bergson, Gilles Deleuze e Paul Virilio. Esses artigos, muito mais do que textos escritos para esclarecer determinados aspectos da obra e do pensamento daqueles... more
An analysis of spatial question (configuration and representation) in contemporary cinema (digital and non-digital) starting from a Woody Vasulka's essay.
Computer animation and remediation in The Matrix: painting, comics, anime, photogaprhy and cinema mix together to shape new spaces and new bodies. A case study to investigate some transformations of visual language in hybrid and digital... more
During the troubled sixties, in countries like France, England or Japan, there was a significant proliferation of teams of architects, sociologists and urban planners that proposed radical architectural visions. Among them, Architecture... more
Full book available online (open access): Fabian Kröger widmet sich in diesem Beitrag der Frage, ob die Machine Vision-Systeme autonomer Autos Blicke werfen... more
Giriş Genetik alanında meydana gelen devrimsel değişimler, biyopolitik teknolojilerin faz değiştirerek "gen-politik" içinde konumlanmasına neden olmuştur. Bu çalışmada, bütün canlıların temel "bilgi" bileşenlerine ait mesajları taşıyan... more
Analysis of virtual reality as fantasy and as a historical symptom. Enthusiasm conjuration, a concept developed by Derrida, is applied to technology to understand our ambivalent relationship to the concept of the Real. This text develops... more
Resumen: Como homenaje a Adolfo Bioy Casares En referencia a 'La invención de Morel': “He discutido con su autor los pormenores de su trama, la he releído; no me parece una imprecisión o una hipérbole calificarla de perfecta”. Jorge... more
Ekologia w krótkim czasie zyskała rzesze zwolenników na całym świecie, stała się nie tylko nieodłącznym składnikiem intelektualnego krajobrazu i elementem codziennej praktyki, ale również doskonałym produktem marketingowym. Jednak... more
99 pb., 978 0 95752 955 7. Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics is reprinted in the Reader. Page references are given in the main text as AR and MV, respectively.
"Natychmiast! To szalony refren współczesności" 1 -te słowa dobrze oddają istotę diagnozy współczesności, którą podaje Paul Virilio budując dromologię (od gr. dromosbieg, tor wyścigowy 2 ), quasi-naukę o prędkości. Świat... more