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      Tax reformTax PolicyPapersTax Burden
Tax Saving Mutual Fund Schemes were established with the objective of inviting Indian Tax assessees into the stock market-oriented investment. Tax saving mutual fund is an avenue which offers an investor the opportunity to avail tax... more
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ROA, leverage, ukuran perusahaan, kompensasi rugi fiskal, kepemilikan institusional, dan risiko perusahaan terhadap penghindaran pajak. Penghindaran pajak merupakan variabel dependen... more
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      Literature ReviewBook ReviewsPapersReview
This paper examines the difference in the net present values (NPV's) of North sea oil projects obtained using discounted cashflow methods based on the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and a Modern Asset Pricing (MAP) method... more
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We explore the determinants of MNE subsidiaries decisions to set-up own R&D laboratories drawing on evidence from UK regions. In this context, we also test for the interaction between firm's internal and external environments. We... more
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      Regional policyStrategic ManagementPapersNew Economic Geography
This study was carried out to examine the impact of informal financial institutions (IFIs) on poverty reduction in Konshisha local government area of Benue State, Nigeria. A total of 220 questionnaires were administered to households in... more
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ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement:
A primer
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      Political EconomyEducationPapers
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and three anonymous referees for helpful comments.
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      EconomicsEconomic GrowthPapersTrade Policy
An increasing amount of research now relates to full-time higher education students who work part-time during their study. However, little is known about this issue in the Irish context, despite the fact that the latter provides an... more
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      Higher EducationEconomic GrowthPapersPart Time Work
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      Industrial RelationsApplied EconomicsUnited KingdomPapers
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The development of any country depends mainly on the quality of education imparted at various levels. Hence, ensuring the quality of both education and of the people who impart education i.e. teachers is very important. What we should aim... more
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      EducationNew MediaEducational TechnologyTeacher Education
Management should have suitable planning for all resource in his authority, nevertheless will have problem in estimating need and directing resource. In fact, planning is process that organization has combined all activities and trying... more
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The Employment and Human Resources Development Operational Programme is a key element of the National Development Plan. Its emphasis on employment growth, access to employment, addressing skills and labour market shortages and promoting... more
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Visoko obrazovanje, prema Okvirnom zakonu o visokom obrazovanju u BiH, je obrazovanje nakon srednje škole koje vodi do međunarodno priznatog stepena visokog obrazovanja. Pristup visokom obrazovanju imaju svi oni koji su završili... more
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Топосы иного мира в «Житии Василия Нового» Toposes of another world in "the Life of Basil the Younger" [Elektronnyi resurs]. Jazyk i tekst [Language and Text], 2016, vol «Житие Василия Нового», усвоенное в переводе... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsScience EducationPapers
The concept of sustainable development as defined in ecological terms can be extended to apply to culture by recognising parallels between the concepts of natural and cultural capital. This paper reviews the definitions of both these... more
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      EconomicsSustainable DevelopmentCultural CapitalPapers
The structure of the conclusion sections in Research Papers (RPs) is of significance in academic writing. The conclusion section in spite of providing an outline of the article, states other essential components, such as recommendations,... more
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      Movement analysisResearchPersianPapers
The article is devoted to long-term strategic directions that will help the Moldovan oil refining industry maintain stable development. Factors and conditions that influence the production structure of an oil refining company are studied.... more
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    • Papers
In this study, I will find out the behavior of Customer buying power on the preference of book quality purposes. KIBF 15th book air at Karachi will be held on 5th December 2019 to 9th December 2019. All Publisher, Booksellers A lots of... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementCustomer BehaviourPapersRaw materials
—This work presents the numerical simulation and analysis of the turbulent flow over a two-dimensional channel with a backward-facing step. The computational simulation performed in this study is based on the Reynolds equations using a... more
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      EngineeringManuscript StudiesHeat TransferResearch
Sebuah buku yang membahas model-model pendekatan dalam Studi Keislaman karya Dr. Zakiyuddin Baidhawy, M. Ag
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Laporan Akhir
"Formula Excel"
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      PapersReportMicrosoft Excel
Kada je u pitanju samo određivanje korupcije/ koruptivnog ponašanja, u literaturi postoje različiti pristupi ovom određenju. Nama je najbliže određenje autora Amundsena (2000.) u kojem on identifikuje pet glavnih oblika korupcije i... more
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Sürekli form kağıtları arasında olan kantar fişi, bireyselden çok işletmeler tarafından kullanılan kağıt türlerindendir. Yük taşıyan büyük araçların trafik kurallarına uyması ve oluşabilecek kazaların engellenmesi açısından Ulaştırma... more
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paling sedikitnya 60% dari sekitar 108 juta m3 air tanah dari dataran tinggi sekitar bandung yang masuk ke Cekungan Bandung berasal dari Wilayah Bandung Utara. Tidak dapat disangkal bahwa fungsi Kawasan Bandung Utara yaitu sebagai kawasan... more
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The first writing that began in China was carved out of turtle shell, according to the Chinese Ambassador to Papua New Guinea Zhengjun Li, with whom I conversed during the relaunch of the 2005 National Literature Competition in Port... more
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This paper compares the performance of Black-Scholes with an artificial neural network (ANN) in pricing European style call options on the FTSE 100 index. It is the first extensive study of the performance of ANNs in pricing UK options,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceNeural NetworkPapersArtificial Neural Networks
No abstract is available for this item. ... To our knowledge, this item is not available for download. To find whether it is available, there are three options: 1. Check below under "Related research" whether another version of... more
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      BusinessEconomicsPapersEconomies of Scale
Gender inequality remains a major barrier to human development. Girls and women have made major strides since 1990, but they have not yet gained gender equity. In this paper, we review ways to measure and monitor gender inequality,... more
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      Political ParticipationHuman DevelopmentPolicy AnalysisGender Equity
Olive stones wastes were used to prepare cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). Transmission electron microscopy images showed that the prepared nanocrystals had width and length of about 5–7 nm and 174–234 nm,... more
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      PapersSurface CoatingsOliver StoneNanocrystalline Cellulose
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A4 numaralı kağıt fiyatı değişken olmakla birlikte fiyatları belirleyen ana faktör, numaralama yapılan fotokopi kağıdının kalitesi ve nasıl numaralama yapıldığına göre değişim göstermektedir. Numaralanacak a4 fotokopi kağıdı kalitesi en... more
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      Industrial OrganizationProductionApplied EconomicsProduct innovation
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Foaie de prezenta colectiva lunara
pontaj lunar
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      PapersRomanianPolicy Papers
Pembahasan mengenai proses dan produk investasi yang digunakan pada pasar sekunder beserta teori dan implementasinya di Indonesia. Dikerjakan oleh Kelompok 2 dari kelas AK-43-02.
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      PapersInvestmentTugas kuliah
Determino las estrategias que debiera tenerse en cuenta para planificar, estructurar y finalmente escribir un articulo o "paper" de Ciencias Sociales conforme a la Asociacion Americana de Psicologia (APA) Sexta Edicion. Se... more
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      PhilosophySocial SciencesLearning StylesPapers
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      Economic GrowthPapers
Training and development (T&D) is important for survival of every organization. It plays a strategic role to achieve the current as well as future goals of the organization. The core objective of the research was to explore the impact of... more
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Investigacao operacional
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A short analysis on the Oedipus Complex within Macbeth. The paper offers quick analysis of how Lady Macbeth functions as a mother figure to Macbeth.
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      PsychoanalysisLiterary CriticismPapersMacbeth
The novel's, The Divine Wind, the setting is during the World War II in an Australian town of Broome. The characters in the novel delve to address the different relationships that are found in the society. One of the themes that are... more
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Aplikasi diet control merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang menawarkan fasilitas kesehatan yang dikhususkan bagi orang yang mengalami masalah dengan berat badan. Tujuan utama dari aplikasi diet control adalah menurunkan berat badan berlebih... more
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Use of manufactured feeds in aquaculture in Bangladesh has grown formulated feeds and 0.3-0.4 million tones of farm-made feeds were produced in 2012, and growth is projected to increase substantially over the medium term. This working... more
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List of Freshwater Fishes for Papua New Guinea
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Bahasa ialah salah satu yang dibutuhkan untuk berkomunikasi secara verbal. Di dunia, bahasa memiliki berbagai macam jenis, apalagi di Indonesia. Bahkan dari setiap jenis bahasa, masih dibagi lagi menjadi beberapa jenis yang dibedakan... more
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Surat izin untuk tidak mengikuti proses perkuliahan karena urusan keluarga
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