Military cemeteries
Recent papers in Military cemeteries
The First World War was a landmark in modern Balkan history since it created the largest battlefront seen until then in the region, destroyed the Ottoman Empire, strengthened nation states and created millions of refugees. One of the... more
Content: Jarosław Centek – "Bitwa pod Gorlicami, małe Verdun czy operacja tarnowsko-gorlicka. Regionalna polityka historyczna" Piotr Szlanta – "Pierwszowojenny lans. Kajzer Wilhelm II na froncie galicyjskim w maju 1915 roku" Kamil... more
Heritage Guide Melilla Cemetery
Almost none of the more than 800 cemeteries of the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge is described in detail as the Totenburg of Quero, Italy, on the right bank of the Piave river, near the fighting lines of the Ww1st front. This... more
MEMOIRS OF THE HUNGARIAN DIPLOMAT SÁNDOR KISS-NEMESKÉRI OF BULGARIA AND THE BULGARIANS P. Peykovska (Summary) The Hungarian diplomat S. Kiss-Nemeskéri is one the forgotten personalities of the interwar period who had left a... more
Karlín Cemetery. About the archaeological excavation of military and Protestant burial ground from 18th and 19th century Public lecture organized by The Czech Society of Antiquaries in The City of Prague Museum, 12 May 2014 Prezentace... more
Haydarpaşa British Cemetery, which was allocated to Great Britain by the Ottoman Empire for the soldiers who died in the Crimean War, stands out with its central location and magnificent monument. One of the first modern monuments,... more
The purpose of this paper is to highlight a forgotten incident of the First World War and the fate of some of the dead soldiers of the German cruiser SMS Breslau, which sunk in the course of the Battle of Imbros, an island now under... more
The commemoration of the First World War deeply impacted American culture between 1917 and 1945, and incited a contentious debate about the best forms of military memorialization. All kinds of American women participated in commemorations... more
Title of Document: CARRY ON: AMERICAN WOMEN AND THE VETERANIST-COMMEMORATION OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR, 1917-1945 Allison Sarah Finkelstein, Ph.D., 2015 Directed By: Associate Professor Saverio Giovacchini, Department of History The... more
Athenian cemeteries can bring a lot of evidence concerning conflict. At first, there are cemeteries in Athens which have a direct involvement in conflict, namely the Commonwealth War Cemetery and the German War Cemetery. Besides, the... more
BULGARIAN SOLDIERS GRAVES IN GREECE (Abstract) In Greece there are numerous British military cemeteries from World War I, maintained exclusively by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission or CWGC. They also hold a total of 223 graves of... more
In the beginning of World War I, most of the fallen soldiers were buried in field graves, but as it became clear that maintaining those would not be possible, larger war cemeteries were created. During the war, the field graves were... more
Drafts of this paper were circulated from 2012-2019. It evaluates the evidence for the burial site of the Maryland battalion ("Maryland 400"), who suffered 256 casualties during the Revolutionary War Battle of Brooklyn (Battle of Long... more
The U.S. Army’s Quartermaster Corps erected temporary rest houses for the Gold Star Mothers and Widows Pilgrimages at the military cemeteries of the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) in France between 1930 and 1933. The army... more
In the beginning of World War I, most of the fallen soldiers were buried in field graves, but as it became clear that maintaining those would not be possible, larger war cemeteries were created. During the war, the field graves were... more
Three World War I Military Cemeteries in Jaslo. Summary. Jaslo have three cemeteries in which dead soldiers are buried from the era of WW1 (1914 – 1918). Unfortunately, all of these soldiers are neglected. The three cemeteries are... more
Dragana Dziraković, Miroslav Jaćimović (eds), Zbornik radova sa medzunarodne konferencije arhiv, medii i kultura Sećanja u prvom cvetskom ratu, Novi Sad, 29-30 Oktobar 2014, Novi Sad, 2014, pp. 307-327. The Macedonian or Salonika Front... more
Content: • Jan Schubert, Wiedeński architekt Hans Mayr i jego twórczość w latach 1903-1914, • Agnieszka Partridge, Projekt nowego cmentarza ewangelickiego Hansa Mayra w Bielsku-Białej i jego echa w elementach galicyjskich... more
The present text represents a first attempt to present the process of gathering and taking care of the bodies of the dead soldiers on the Macedonian Front following the signing of peace treaties, and the creation in Greece of permanent... more
The U.S. Army’s Quartermaster Corps erected temporary rest houses for the Gold Star Mothers and Widows Pilgrimages at the military cemeteries of the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) in France between 1930 and 1933. The army... more
Riječ je o poglavlju u knjizi u publikaciji Put u vječnost objavljenoj u povodu istoimene izložbe u Klovićevim dvorima u Zagrebu (otvorena od 26. 8. do 6. 11. 2016.). U tekstu se govori o arhitekturi i prostornom uređenju groblja u... more