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      SemioticsTheories of MeaningBiologyBiosemiotics
Meaninglessness is one of the biggest threats of our era. Meaninglessness is not only one of the possible symptoms of depression; meaninglessness as such is a complex experience which can be identified at a micro-dimensional felt sensed... more
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      Existential Phenomenological PsychotherapyPerson-centred TherapyMeaning of LifeExistential Psychology
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      Reading Habits/AttitudesReadingMeaning Making
Making meaning an inquiry and exploration into how we make things by gaining insights into how we buy, use and sell things. How can we change the things we make by changing the way we make things? After the industrial revolutions,... more
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      Meaning MakingDistributed ManufacturingEthical DesignDistributed Participatory Design
This second Volume of the Conceptual Design Notes contains Notes on three matters: • Notes on Meaning and Architecture • Notes on Cinema and Architecture • Sample Exercises. The first two matters are represented each by two items – one... more
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      Art and Design EducationCinema and ArchitectureMeaning Making
Since the claim of this journal issue points out a potential relationship between the (theatrical) notion of “performance” and the notion of “semiotic practices”, rather than to the semiotic notion of “performance” as such, an intended... more
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      SemioticsCognitive SciencePerforming ArtsTheatre Studies
This study expands on sociocultural approaches to meaning making in art museums by exploring the physical aspects of interaction with art in traditional gallery spaces, and in the context of technology use. The notion of 'embodied... more
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      Information TechnologyMuseum learningGestureEmbodied Cognition
Meaning in life is generally not considered to be one of the most central aspects of person-centered and experiential therapies. However, Carl Rogers described how clients found purpose in life by going through a process that helped them... more
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      Person-centred TherapyTherapeutic RelationshipMeaning of LifeExistential Psychology
Based on ethnographic research in a local RCCG congregation, the Jesus House in Midtown, Sweden, this article focuses on the meaning of pastorship to its founding pastor, John, and on the nature of the relationship between John and his... more
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      Sociology of ReligionMigrationPentecostalismMeaning Making
The article proposes a typology of meaninglessness based on the semiotics of Charles S. Peirce: meaningless as indecipherable; as incomprehensible; and as uncanny. Each type is exemplified with reference to anecdotic semiotic experience... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophyCultural SemioticsTheories of Meaning
Appear as Chapter One in C. Hanson, Ed. In Search of Self: Exploring Undergraduate Identity Development. (New Directions for Higher Education Series) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2014.
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      Applied EthicsMeaningMeaning MakingScholarly Personal Narrative
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      Discourse AnalysisCrisis ManagementStorytellingItalian Politics
In this paper I will introduce central terms from the Cybersemiotic paradigm (Søren Brier, 2008), and show how they can successfully be applied to interpretational readings of technoetic artworks. I wish to extend the idea that user... more
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      HermeneuticsLife SciencesConsciousnessMetatheory
Leisure may potentially play a key role in rehabilitation counseling, including psychiatric rehabilitation. Based on recovery and positive psychology frameworks in which meaning-making is a central concept, this study examined the role of... more
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      Mental HealthRecreation & Leisure StudiesCultureMeaning
Hur påverkas vi av massmedia? Hur påverkas du, jag och våra medmänniskor av den information som sprids via massmedia – tidningar, tv, radio, film, annonser på bussar och i tunnelbana, cd-skivor och dvd, internet, etc, etc. – till snart... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesTheories of MeaningDistributed CognitionHermeneutics and Narrative
Transcendence in Resilient American POWs: A Narrative Analysis Cabrini Pak, Ph.D. Director: Dr. William Barbieri, Ph.D. What is it about some American service members that enable them to bounce back from something like a POW... more
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      SpiritualityNarrative AnalysisTranscendenceMeaning Making
Driven by our individual need for contextual-meaning and by our societal need for a shared meaning system, every culture has its own worldview. This article presents a succinct introduction to the nature and function of worldviews and the... more
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      Cultural HistoryScience and ReligionReligion and ScienceMeaning Making
See the link for a "widget" supplied by Bloomsbury, which will give you access to the first chapter. Today, we find ourselves surrounded by numerous reasons to... more
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      Meaning of LifePhilosophy of LoveLiterature and PhilosophyNature
Background.The aim of this study was to investigate the nature of the relationships between healers and their clients in Germany. Methods. An interdisciplinary research team performed semistructured interviews with healers and clients... more
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      ReligionHealth PsychologyMedical AnthropologyEmpathy (Psychology)
"Ο στόχος του συγκεκριμένου βιβλίου –το οποίο αποτελεί μια συλλογική προσπάθεια, και είναι το προϊόν ενός ετήσιου σχεδίου ομαδικής εργασίας (project) με μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές και μεταπτυχιακές φοιτήτριες από το Α.Π.Θ και το Πανεπιστήμιο... more
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      PhilosophyEducationAdult EducationTransformative Learning
This paper reports on a design experiment conducted to explore the construction of meanings by 17 year old students, emerging from their interpretations and uses of algebraic like formalism. The students worked collaboratively in groups... more
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      Educational TechnologyAnimationEngineering EducationLifelong Learning
In de vorige drie nummers van deze jaargang van Speling stonden goedheid, schoonheid en waarheid centraal. Maar hebben het werken aan het goede, het streven naar het schone en het zoeken naar het ware ook iets met elkaar te maken? Vallen... more
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      ReligionSpiritualityConstruction of MeaningMeaning Making
Rae, Murray A. Architecture and Theology: The Art of Place. Waco, TX: Baylor, 2017. 305 pp. Hardback, $49.95. ISBN 978-1481307635. Review by Jessica J. Schroeder Murray Rae's most recent book, Architecture and Theology: The Art of Place,... more
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      AestheticsTheologyArchitectureSpace and Place
Objective To determine whether purpose in life is associated with reduced stroke incidence among older adults after adjusting for relevant sociodemographic, behavioral, biological, and psychosocial factors. Methods We used... more
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      PsychologyPositive PsychologyHealth PsychologyPsychiatry
Meaning-making is increasingly being studied as a form of adaptive coping with stress both theoretically and in applied contexts such as health, trauma and positive psychology. Its implications for intervention have also been noted (Henry... more
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      Coping StrategiesSelf-EfficacySingaporeStress
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      Visual StudiesPerceptionArt HistoryArt
In the public administration discipline, there have been a number of important studies on leadership. However, here, scholarly inquiry still lags behind related disciplines such as psychology and business administration. This article... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementPsychologyOrganizational Psychology
Lego Serious Play is a creative, imaginative and story-telling based approach that since 2002 has been successfully adopted by businesses ad organisations all around the world. LSP has proved to be an effective solution for team... more
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      ManagementModels of Creativity & of Creative ProcessesInnovation statisticsCollective Intelligence
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      Personality PsychologyPersonalityHuman ValuesValues
There are certain thoughts - intimations - that will seem corny, or laughable, and therefore dismissed - and only seriously absorbed into the changing mind when felt, in the shelter of the quietly moving music of the soul. It is the... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryCultural History
Ancient rhetorical tradition discussed the possible semantic discrepancy between the written words (scripta) and writer’s intention (voluntas). In the case of such discrepancy, the intended meaning of an author was usually preferred to... more
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      ReligionHistorySociologyDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)
During the last few years, the life stories of patients with schizophrenia have received increasing research interest, but a systematic review has not yet been conducted, and many nuances of patients’ life stories have not yet been... more
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      SchizophreniaPsychopathologyMeaning MakingLife Stories
This qualitative study investigated the lived experiences of highly sensitive persons (HSPs) to better understand the way they experience careers. Sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is the underlying personality trait and is present in... more
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      SociologyPersonality PsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
This is my chapter titled "One, two, three... one: The edusemiotic self" (UNCORRECTED PROOF only)-- Ch 4 in JUNG, DELEUZE, AND THE PROBLEMATIC WHOLE (Edited by Roderick Main, Christian McMillan, and David Henderson). Review: ‘Jung,... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophy of EducationSubjectivitiesWord and Image Studies
The Full Hebrew text of my thesis: The Nature of "The Goodness Experience in Nature"; A Phenomenological Inquiry Grounded in Eugene Gendlin’s Ideas מחקר זה החל בזיהוי שסביבות מסוימות "עושות טוב" להרבה אנשים באופן די דומה, ועוסק בתיאור... more
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      PhenomenologySense of PlacePhilosophy of Implicit Experience. Eugene GendlinAnthropology Of Nature
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      Theories of MeaningMeaning of LifeMeaningConstruction of Meaning
There is nowadays extended consensus around the recognition that scientific knowledge is “dependent inextricably on language and language is also central to our ability to think [scientifically]” (Evagorou and Osborne 2010, p. 136).... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsScience EducationArgumentationMetaphor
In comparison to other professions, first responders are at a heightened risk of work-related trauma. Repeated and unpredictable exposure to peri-traumatic distress can cause cumulative negative mental health outcomes, often triggering... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychiatryMental HealthPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Despite the immense stability of the social structure of schooling, recent social, economic, and technological developments are widening the gap between schools and the surrounding societies so much as to challenge the foundations of... more
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      Teaching and LearningTransformative LearningCritical PedagogyLearning and Teaching
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      Cult MoviesMeaning MakingAnalysisChaos
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsPhilologyLanguages
'Spiritual but not religious' (SBNR) has come to be accepted as a personal label without there being clarity about the difference between 'spiritual' and 'religious'. In other contexts, in sociology and psychology of religion and in... more
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      Meaning MakingSpirituality and Health
The chapter reviews the growing field of multimodality in relation to the study of language, text and society. It introduces the concept of multimodality as an increasingly visible phenomenon of communication and it traces the... more
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      Multimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodalityAffordancesSocial Semiotics
Every culture and sub-culture has its own worldview. Composed of scientific and mythic accounts of what’s happening in the cosmic drama of which we are a part, it is passed on as a meta-narrative from one generation to the next and... more
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      Cultural HistorySpiritualityTheories of MeaningScience and Religion
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      Contemporary SpiritualitySpiritualityExistential PsychotherapyConstruction of Meaning
This hyperlink takes you to the complete text of LACAN AND MEANING, Chapter 3: Lacan on Meaning
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychoanalysisGender StudiesPhilosophy
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      CreativityHuman DevelopmentImaginationConcepts
Institutions of higher education often promise to graduate individuals capable not only of excelling in their area of expertise but also qualified as exceptional leaders and citizens. Yet, what are the competencies needed from leaders in... more
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      Systems ThinkingMeaning MakingProblem SolvingWicked Problems