Marxism and Ecology
Recent papers in Marxism and Ecology
qui a Bergamo siamo in stato d'assedio ma la vita continua. Stanno sbocciando i bulbi di tulipano che ho comprato ad Amsterdam a ottobre. E si fanno lezioni in videoconferenza. Meglio di niente per salvare l'anno scolastico. In allegato... more
A análise de obras de Marx, desde os Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos de 1844 até cartas escritas no início dos anos de 1880, demonstra mudanças e continuidades na formação teórica e política desse pensador. Essa dinâmica, por sua vez,... more
O debate ambiental a partir da Ciência Econômica é dominado por formulações que se desenvolvem em torno das relações entre tecnologia, produção e consumo. Há, porém, um campo de reflexões relativamente autônomo cuja plataforma principal... more
€ 17,00 Q uando nel 1932 furono pubblicati gli appunti che il giovane Marx aveva preso un secolo prima a Parigi dalle sue letture di economisti e di filosofi, questo evento editoriale fu salutato con grande entusiasmo. Una cosa curiosa,... more
Mills writes: G. A. Cohen's influential ‘technological determinist’ reading of Marx's theory of history rests in part on an interpretation of Marx's use of ‘material’ whose idiosyncrasy has been insufficiently noticed. Cohen takes... more
This is a final draft of the article published in Environmental Ethics 11 (Fall 1989): 243-258. This assessment of the Promethean dimension of Marx's thought is accurate, but though it mentions Marx's more dialectical side and its... more
Maoism refers to an ensemble of revolutionary ideas and practices inspired by the life and work of the Chinese political leader and philosopher Mao Tse-tung (1893Tse-tung ( -1976. Broadly, these ideas and practices seek to deploy... more
¿Afronta actualmente el capitalismo el “fin de la naturaleza barata”? Si así es, ¿qué podría significar esto y cuáles con las implicaciones para el futuro? Estamos, de hecho, siendo testigos del fin de la naturaleza barata en un sentido... more
€ 17,00 Q uando nel 1932 furono pubblicati gli appunti che il giovane Marx aveva preso un secolo prima a Parigi dalle sue letture di economisti e di filosofi, questo evento editoriale fu salutato con grande entusiasmo. Una cosa curiosa,... more
Le dérèglement climatique nous aurait fait entrer dans « l’Anthropocène », définie comme cette ère géologique où, depuis l’industrialisation, l’espèce humaine serait devenue la force écologique majeure, notamment avec ses émissions de gaz... more
The most original and shocking interpretation of Lucretius in the last 40 years. Thomas Nail argues convincingly and systematically that Lucretius was not an atomist, but a thinker of kinetic flux. In doing so, he completely overthrows... more
Beyond European Civilization is the sequel to Nihilism Incorporated, a work in which I described how European civilization came to embody a nihilistic world-orientation and to conquer the world, and how, through the expansion of... more
The Popular Anthropocene limits our thinking about possible answers — and the stories they’re embedded in — before we can really get started. By asking us to return to view of environmental problems premised on “humans” against “nature,”... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
El texto que se presenta aquí es un extracto de la traducción realizada por Daniel Piedra Herrera del artículo «Nature and the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism» publicado en Review, XXVI, 2, 2003, 97. El artículo publicado en los... more
O pdf completo foi liberado recentemente para download gratuito e está em outro arquivo, nesse mesmo perfil. Este excerto traz apenas Capa, Sumário, Apresentação e Prefácio. A versão física pode ser comprada diretamente com a... more
Em parceria com a Consequência Editora, liberamos agora o pdf completo para download gratuito. A venda do livro físico ainda continua no site da editora e em:... more
The global ecological crisis is the greatest challenge humanity has ever had to confront, and humanity is failing. The triumph of the neo-liberal agenda, together with a debauched ‘scientism’, has reduced nature and people to nothing but... more
keynote speech for work panel #2 “How to integrate praxeological thinking with Jason Moore’s ‘double internality’ of Man and Nature: A panel on the ‘philosophy’ of the HKWM”, presented at the XXIV International InkriT-Conference
€ 17,00 Q uando nel 1932 furono pubblicati gli appunti che il giovane Marx aveva preso un secolo prima a Parigi dalle sue letture di economisti e di filosofi, questo evento editoriale fu salutato con grande entusiasmo. Una cosa curiosa,... more
What is the relationship between Foucault’s concept of biopower and Deleuze’s concept of control? Despite the similarities between these two concepts, there is not a single scholarly article that solely thematizes this question, nor a... more
Conclusion to Forces of Production, Climate Change and Canadian Fossil Capitalism. 2021. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill
Simandan D (2009) Industrialization, In R Kitchin & N Thrift, (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography , Oxford: Elsevier, volume 5, pp. 419-425. ABSTRACT: This article (1) defines industrialisation and indicates ways in... more
The purpose of this article is to deepen analyses of life production relations that are of central concern to the feminist global political economy frameworks around which this special issue is organized. While the original approach... more
There is a common belief that genuine awareness and acceptance of the existence of anthropogenic climate change (as opposed to either ignorance or denial) automatically leads one to develop political and moral positions which advocate for... more
In his 200th year of birth, Marx's critique of capitalism has been associated with various current problems. It is therefore interesting to compare Marx's radical critique of capitalism in the 19th-century with contemporary theories that... more
Metabolic rift theory has been accused of assuming an untenable ontological dualism between nature and society. In response, two of its leading advocates, John Bellamy Foster and Andreas Malm, have tried to argue that the approach is not... more
O artigo é um comentário crítico ao texto de John Bellamy Foster publicado no número mais recente da Revista da SEP. Procuro apontar as virtudes, as insuficiências e as mistificações do texto. As reflexões trazidas por Foster permitem... more
This article proposes a new theoretical framework to study the dialectic of capital and nature over the longue duree of world capitalism. The author proposes that today's global ecological crisis has its roots in the transition to... more
The rise of the Anthropocene has created confusion in environmental politics, a field traditionally hopeful that a return to some socionatural stability was both possible and desirable. Paradoxically, while life in a warmer planet... more
Les 1er et 2 décembre 2012, le Parti de Gauche organisait à Paris des "Assises pour l'écosocialisme". En vue des Assises, un projet de Manifeste en 18 thèses a été rédigé. Faisant preuve d’ouverture, les organisateurs ont eu la bonne idée... more
Does capitalism today face the "end of cheap nature"? If so, what could this mean, and what are the implications for the future? We are indeed witnessing the end of cheap nature in a historically specific sense. Rather than view the end... more
O objetivo é propor uma construção teórica (fundada em Marx e em elevado nível de abstração) suficientemente ampla e consistente para, com as devidas mediações, ser utilizada nos mais variados temas relacionados ao consumo (porém, mais... more
Wall Street produit et organise la nature. Si la théorie sociale cherche aujourd’hui à s’amender en tenant compte des enjeux environnementaux, elle dépasse rarement le dualisme typiquement moderne de la Nature et de la Société. Dialoguant... more
The theory of metabolic rift is among the most dynamic perspectives in critical environmental studies today. This essay argues that the problem with the metabolic rift perspective is not that it goes too far, but that it does not go far... more
Ce texte est basé sur une série d’exposés présentés soit au séminaire (UCL- SPED 3220) “Analyse intégrée et comparative des processus et problèmes de développement en rapport avec la population et l’environnement”, animé par les... more
This is a review of The
In this episode of Sikh Archives, we are joined by Pritam Singh who is a scholar and professor of Economics at Oxford Brookes University where his main areas of teaching interest and expertise are development economics, environmental... more