Jan Van Eyck
Recent papers in Jan Van Eyck
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Refers to: Stephan Kemperdick and Friso Lammertse, The road to Van Eyck, Rotterdam: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, 2012
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"In his De visione Dei, Nicholas of Cusa addresses two aspects of divine vision: my desire to see God and God’s capacity to see me. The latter aspect is distinguished by absolute power: God’s gaze is all-seeing. To explain this peculiar... more
La Fuente de la Gracia es sin duda una de las obras de referencia para acercarnos a los mecanismos de propagación del arte de Jan van Eyck, pero de la cual sin embargo se desconocen con certeza casi todos los detalles. La reciente... more
This paper presents a brief interpretation of the infrared reflectography of the Ince Hall Virgin and Child housed in the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. In particular, the work's pentimenti, additive painting technique and... more
Die Kunst Jan van Eycks markiert mit ihrer neuartigen Öltechnik, ihrer präzisen Beobachtung der sichtbaren Welt und ihrem hohen ästhetischen wie intellektuellen Reflexionsniveau nicht allein die »Geburtsstunde« der niederländischen... more
The VERONA (Van Eyck Research in OpeN Access) research project gives open access to high resolution scientific image data from the oeuvre of the pioneer of Flemish painting, Jan van Eyck (ca. 1390-1441). The project is carried out by the... more
Presentation of the famous and impressive Book of Hours/Psalter/Missal originally realised and miniated for the Duke Jean de Berry, and the main questions around it: timeframe, patrons, miniature artists, the role of Jan Van Eyck and his... more
Jan van Eyck’s Arnolfini Marriage Portrait of 1434 still poses fundamental questions. An overlooked account explained the groom’s left hand holding his bride’s right hand as a secular, legal morganatic marriage with a bride of lower... more
SUMARIO - VALERIA RIEDEMANN L., “Amazonomaquia y Pintura Funeraria. A propósito de dos sarcófagos etruscos de Tarquinia” - SONIA MARTÍNEZ MORENO, “La presencia del espejo en la pintura del Renacimiento y del Barroco: un acercamiento a... more
E n E l c u a d r o q u E J a n va n E y c k (1390-1441) pintó en 1434 para el rico mercader Giovanni Arnolfini, los objetos que rodean a la pareja han sido tan cuidadosamente dispuestos y tan detalladamente representados que producen en... more
This is a reassessment of the Ghent altarpiece in the context of the upcoming third edition of The Gospel of John Restored and Translated, to be published in seven or eight volumes by Editores Volcán Barú, as providing clues that the... more
Essay comparing the two painting of Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata accredited to Jan van Eyck. Based on my research, and the research of experts in the field, I believe that the painting placed in the Johnson Gallery is... more
In: Handelingen Koninklijke Geschied- en Oudheidkundige Kring van Kortrijk 77 (2012), p. 107-119.
A comparison and contrast between two of the popular portraits by Jan Van Eyck.
Elisabeth Dhanens concluded her 1972 article on the presentation of the Ghent Altarpiece with the reflection that 'some aspect of the altarpiece's display has changed in almost every generation', and that 'historical logic suggests that... more
Het Lam Gods. Kunst, Geschiedenis, Wetenschap en Religie Deel I (KUNST)GESCHIEDENIS De Opdrachtgevers 'Een adellijk altaarstuk. Een sociaal-historische studie van de ontstaanscontext van het Lam Godsretabel' 1. Een uitzonderlijk... more
The article looks at the inscription on the frame and at the possible original function of the portrait.
The unusual representation of the patron of this painting, chancellor Nicolas Rolin, draws attention to the position of Rolin in society, the image he held of himself as a man of state as well as the image he aimed to put forward.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Jan van Eyck did not invent oil painting, but he was among the first to use the medium for the depiction of human skin.
A bibliography of the Ghent Altarpiece, painted by Hubert and Jan van Eyck
Dominique Deneffe and Jeroen Reyniers, The Ghent Altarpiece. A Bibliography, Contributions to the Study of the Flemish Primitives, 15, Brussels (KIK-IRPA), 2020.
Dominique Deneffe and Jeroen Reyniers, The Ghent Altarpiece. A Bibliography, Contributions to the Study of the Flemish Primitives, 15, Brussels (KIK-IRPA), 2020.
This book explores in depth the painting in the Netherlands throughout the ages, up to the present day. It offers a complete panorama extending from the early Middle Ages to the most recent trends, reflecting the growth and development of... more
What happens when we look at a canonical painting from the perspective of its non-human occupant? This article explores that question through the case of the dog in Jan van Eyck's "Arnolfini Portrait." Not only is the dog in The Arnolfini... more
The extant works of Hugo van der Goes frustrated attempts among early historians of Netherlandish painting to organize the artist's career according to a chronology. The survival of a biographical document attesting to his madness... more
This article offers the first analysis of the Rolin Madonna (ca. 1435) in relation to Jan van Eyck’s trip to Castile and Granada (1429). The space and the architectural typology in the painting reveal Hispanic influences which are only... more
Susan Frances Jones, Bart Fransen, Christina Currie and Geert van der Snickt, ‘Jan van Eyck’s Portrait of Margaret van Eyck: new imaging by the VERONA Project (Van Eyck Research in OpeN Access)’, La Ciencia y el Arte VII. Ciencias... more
-La Virgen del Canciller Rolin, Jan Van Eyck
-Madonna Sixtina, Rafael Sanzio
-La Sagrada Familia con Santa Catalina, San Sebastián y un donante, Sebastiano del Piombo
-Virgen de Port Lligat, Salvador Dali
-Madonna Sixtina, Rafael Sanzio
-La Sagrada Familia con Santa Catalina, San Sebastián y un donante, Sebastiano del Piombo
-Virgen de Port Lligat, Salvador Dali