Recent papers in Bruges
We are in the screenplay – because we are in Bruges. With the very beginning of this screenplay by Martin McDonagh we dive into its very title. Shots of the city's architecture introduce it to us before we can see any of the characters.... more
After taking possession of the Belgian coastal region in 1914, the Germans installed the Kaiserliche Marinewerft Brügge, thus transforming the newly constructed inner port of Bruges into a spearhead for the naval war theatre. Its... more
Dans le paysage artistique brugeois de la fin du XV e siècle se distingue un peintre au style fortement caractérisé : le Maître de la Légende de sainte Godelieve. S'il apparaît comme archaïsant, c'est qu'il perpétue en réalité une... more
De masterproef voert een prosopografische studie uit naar de dekens van de Brugse librariërsgilde ca. 1450-1500 en sluit aan bij de tentoonstelling Haute Lecture by Colard Mansion. Die gaat indirect over de librariërs en vormt zo een... more
This article undertakes an object-focused study of a single work of art of great material and visual complexity: the Wallace Collection pax. This object stimulates an important discussion on how the making, materials and form of a work of... more
The article looks at the inscription on the frame and at the possible original function of the portrait.
The winners of the jousts of the tournament company 'The White Bear' in Bruges, 1380-1458. An authentic manuscript from the Burgundian period. The manuscript in the Royal Library of Brussels is dated around 1460. It shows the coats of... more
Anthonis de Roovere, poet in Bruges, rhetorician, is discussed in this article which gives an overview of former research and tries to establish his place in Burgundian Flanders and Late Medieval Bruges. In delivers an inventory of his... more
All the Macedonians are familiar with the ancient folktale of 'Silyan the Stork' (Mkd.Latin: Silyan Štrkot, Mkd.Cyrillic: Сиљан Штркот). It is one of the longest (25 pages) and unique Macedonian folktales. It was recorded in the 19th... more
This paper examines the Genuese Patron's of Jan van Eyck and looks at the reception of his lost "Lomellini-Triptych"
This essay was written as an introduction to the 2005 Mewling's Portraits exhibition catalogue and is a short overview on the artist life and work.
This master's thesis on Michelangelo's Bruges Madonna situates the sculpture within the context of early sixteenth-century altarpieces. It examines how Michelangelo created a sculpture that embraces the traditional role of an altarpiece... more
Discusses workshop practices of the Memling workshop in Bruges
Meervoudig lidmaatschap van broederschappen, rederijkerskamers en schuttersgilden in laatmiddeleeuws Brugge (ca. 1460-1530) De opbouw van sociaal kapitaal als de sleutel tot maatschappelijk succes?
Cet article se penche sur quelques familles qui ont contribué à faire de Bruges une « métropole médiévale », un centre industriel, commercial et culturel qui rayonnait dans toute l'Europe. Ce sont toutes des familles appartenant au... more
12/12/12 07:37 8 Jacques DE V ORAGINE, La Légende dorée, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Paris, 2004, pp. 37-40. La sainte aurait été suppliciée en 304, sous le règne de Dioclétien. 9 [DIT WAS GHEDAEN INT JAER M CCCC ENDE LXXX].
Countries, regions and peoples have always needed stories about the history of their own country, region or people. This is how myths, sagas and legends were created. The problem is that we are dealing with history here, but that those... more
Abstract: Focusing on the largely unpublished 'city accounts' ('Stadsrekeningen') of Bruges, this article examines the city's giving of prestigious Baltic beeswax to their lords, the Valois and (later) Habsburg dukes of Burgundy. It sheds... more
The aim of this article is to propose an interpretation of the musical elements of the painting The Fountain of Grace. Art-historical and musicological analysis allow us to conclude that the painter, acting in all likelihood between 1445... more
L’Agneau Mystique. Van Eyck. Art, Histoire, Science et Religion. Danny Praet & Maximiliaan Martens (eds.), © Flammarion, Paris, 2019 ISBN : 978 2081492868 No d’édition : L.01EBUN000761 Dépôt légal : octobre 2019 L’Agneau mystique des... more
Visitare un luogo è un prodotto di consumo, di cui si vende il significato simbolico e l'immagine del luogo. Per questo penso che caratterizzare il territorio del Parco delle Groane con un’immagine naturalistica e culturale sia un fattore... more
This paper is an introduction to the Neolatin poet Janus Lernutius (1545-1619) of Bruges and his 'Kisses' (Basia), with some fragments in a first Dutch poetical translation. The article was published July 2019 in Hermeneus 91.3, pag.... more
Search for Folgbertus and Reginsuint, the tenth century owners of "Felthem" near Bruges.
Northern European and Spanish Paintings before 1600 in the Art Institute of Chicago. A Catalogue of the Collection, by Martha Wolff, Susan Frances Jones, Richard G. Mann and Judith Berg Sobré, with contributions by Ilse Hecht, Peter... more
Due to the exceptional preservation of the historical cityscape in Bruges, numerous roof constructions from the Middle Ages up to the early modern period can still be found in historical buildings. In this catalogue the typology and... more
Bruges-Gand 1510 circa. Sono queste le coordinate che vedono un gruppo di miniatori fiamminghi congegnare, per il mercato internazionale, il singolare manoscritto (BUB, ms. 1140), a noi noto come Offiziolo di Benedetto XIV. L'opera, già... more
Northern European and Spanish Paintings before 1600 in the Art Institute of Chicago. A Catalogue of the Collection, by Martha Wolff, Susan Frances Jones, Richard G. Mann and Judith Berg Sobré, with contributions by Ilse Hecht, Peter... more
The small figure reflected in St George’s shield in Jan van Eyck’s Virgin and Child with Canon Joris van der Paele (Bruges, Groeningemuseum) did not receive any scholarly attention until the mid-twentieth century. Taken to be the artist’s... more
This article examines prostitution in late medieval Sluis, the port suburb of Bruges. It aims to place prostitution in its appropriate social and urban context, within a major port town with a large transient population. By drawing on... more