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Book Description Bringing together disciplines such as news translation, media studies, linguistics and financial discourse, this book addresses the issue of English-Greek idiom translation in the news press. It adopts a novel... more
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      JournalismTranslation StudiesNews TranslationIdioms
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German and Lithuanian Idioms with Gastronomic Components The topic originates from L. Feuerbach's quote " Man is what he eats ". It allows the assumption that idioms with gastronomic components could reveal relevant aspects of the... more
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The problem of international relations is a burning issue of modern global society. In this article I suggest that comparative analysis of idioms with a 'heart' component and culture stereotypes of international relations given in jokes... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsMetaphorPhraseologyGrammar
Κάνοντας χρήση δύο γλωσσολογικών κριτηρίων (Εξοικείωσης/Familiarity και Διαφάνειας/Transparency) των Nippold & Rudzinski (1993), προσπαθήσαμε να εντοπίσουμε και να καταγράψουμε τους Ιδιωματισμούς της Ε.Ν.Γ. (από Νοήματα που συγκεντρώσαμε... more
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      Sign LanguagesIdioms
The origins of many everyday phrases are unknown to most, but this doesn’t prevent us from using them freely in our everyday language. Idioms tell us much about how language interacts with culture and how it evolves. Gareth Carrol... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLearning and TeachingApplied LinguisticsProfessional Development
Статья посвящена функционированию идиом в произведениях немецкого писателя Эриха Кестнера, представителя литературного направления «Новая вещественность». Рассмотрены основные функции фразеологизмов, установ-лен ряд закономерностей,... more
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      PhraseologyOccasionalismText AnalysisIdioms
Polish-Russian Idioms
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      Teaching and LearningLearning and TeachingStylisticsRussian Language
The constructional literature has encouraged us to see words as constructions (both constructions and words combine syntactic, phonological and pragmatic conventions) and constructions as words (constructions license phrasal signs that... more
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      Formal syntaxCognitive LinguisticsLexical SemanticsConstruction Grammar
This paper deals with the variation of idioms from sport which are used to talk about competition in business, e.g. a level playing field. In business English textbooks they are listed in one form, whereas corpus data show that they occur... more
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      Business EnglishCorpus LinguisticsIdiomsTextbook Analysis
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      Translation StudiesIdioms
Enrique Cabrejas nos relata de modo llano su experiencia personal con un descubrimiento extraordinario. El 21 de Abril de 2012 consiguió lo que parecía imposible: descifrar la escritura ibérica. Un hito sin precedentes en la historia de... more
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      Collocation and Idioms in English ArabicAbout Idioms in English LanguageIdiomsTranslation of English Idioms
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Metaphorical or allegorical in nature and deeply embedded in Chinese culture, yànyǔ 諺語 ‘proverbs’ are fundamentally a colloquial form of idiomatic expressions. Yànyǔ consist of complete sentences with different types of predicate; some... more
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      FolkloreChinese StudiesSociolinguisticsSinology
Idiomatic expressions are linguistic expressions, grammatical forms, phrases or words that possess a figurative meaning which cannot be predicted from the individual components or literal meanings of the constituent parts (Fraser, 1970;... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsIdiomsCollocation and idiomatic expressions
The  study  deals  with  the  most  useful  Turkish  emotive  idioms  with  the  meaning  ‘joy’  and  their  main  semantic  groups.  It  is  shown  that  above‑... more
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      Teaching Turkish As A Foreign LanguageTurkish LanguageIdioms
Despite widespread agreement on the significance of Rom 1.16-17, agreement on its meaning has been elusive. This study focuses on one disputed phrase, ἐκ πίστεως εἰς πίστιν, suggesting that it should be read, in the light of Greek idiom,... more
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      RomansFaithPauline TheologyIdioms
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      French languageFrench linguisticsIdiomsIdiomatic Expressions
Colouring Meaning. Collocation and connotation in figurative language by Gill Philip SCL focuses on the use of corpora throughout language study, the development of a quantitative approach to linguistics, the design and use of new tools... more
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      CreativityCorpus LinguisticsMetaphorProsody-Semantics/Pragmatics
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsLexicologySpanish
In response to the bewildering variety of terms and definitions suggested in idiom research, this paper offers specific characteristics and a definition of idiom as a tool for identifying and studying idioms in Biblical Hebrew. The... more
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      IdiomsHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Fondare biblioteche è come costruire ancora granai pubblici, ammassare riserve Contro un inverno dello spirito che da molti indizi, mio malgrado vedo venire."
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    • Idioms
Introduction The theme of my graduation thesis is an examination of idioms in English and in German. The purpose of this research is threefold: to gain theoretical insight in the analysis of the syntactic and semantic properties of... more
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      IdiomsEnglish Idioms
Ver curso online] Descubre miles de cursos como éste en 1 mailxmail -Cursos para compartir lo que sabes El estudio de los verbos en inglés, y, en concreto, del verbo To Do (verbo Hacer, traducido del inglés [19/02/10]... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsFranceIdiomsIdiomas
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      Language Variation and ChangeGermanic linguisticsGerman LanguageCorpus Linguistics
-Revue des jeunes chercheurs en linguistique de Paris-Sorbonne -Núñez-Lagos 2 Enfin, nous présenterons la valeur symbolique du corps comme une réalité autorisant une double lecture de nos expressions, à deux niveaux référentiels.
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      PragmaticsSemanticsAnthropology of the BodyBody
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      Hebrew BibleAncient HebrewBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Biblical Hebrew
The fact that nowadays English influences other languages, especially their lexicons, is indisputable. Its impact is noticeable -even for those language users who are not linguists -in many fields of lexis, for instance, in those of... more
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      Contrastive AnalysisPhraseologyIdiomsContrastive Linguistics
У овом раду се анализирају фразеосемантичка поља живот и смрт у језику руских бајки из лингвокултуролошког и преводилачког аспекта. Као грађа су послужиле фразеолошке јединице и прецедентни феномени ексцерпирани из бајки А.С. Пушкина и... more
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      Translation StudiesRussian LanguagePhraseologyAlexander Pushkin
A detailed lesson plan on how to teach idioms and develop speaking in teenager classrooms.
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      Teaching English As A Foreign LanguageTeaching speakingIdioms
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A good command of idiomatic or formulaic language is one of the hallmarks of L2 proficiency (e.g., Boers et al. 2006; Bestgen 2017), which is in fact not surprising given the well-documented prevalence of idiomaticity in natural discourse... more
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      Spanish as a Foreign LanguageVocabulary AcquisitionPhraseologyVocabulary Learning Strategies
This article examines the question of whether (or to what extent) equivalence between idiomatic expressions in different languages is possible. As equivalence is understood here in a broad sense to include all linguistic levels and all... more
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      SpanishGerman LanguageEnglishCorpus Linguistics
Chae, Hee-Rahk. 2016. A Comprehensive Syntactic Analysis of Korean [... V ... V] Expressions III: Idiomatic Constructions and Compounds. Korean Journal of Linguistics 41-1, 119-163. This paper is an attempt to achieve the goal of... more
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      SyntaxKorean linguisticsMorphology and SyntaxIdioms
La columna del presente incluye la tercera persona del singular entre paréntesis cuando esta es irregular.
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      German StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsIdioms
This paper presents an exploratory study on large-scale detection of idiomatic expressions in essays written by non-native speakers of English. We describe a computational search procedure for automatic detection of idiom-candidate... more
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      PhraseologyEnglish Language LearningFigurative languageEnglish Language Learners
In translator training, the process of planning and implementing the teaching process and the design of teaching materials should be dynamic and flexible. With the future purpose to design teaching materials for idiom translation, this... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslationIdioms
Българинът в устойчивите словосъчетания на съседните народи. // Studia Philologica Universitatis Velikotarnovensis. Vol. 36/1. Велико Търново: Университетско издателство "Св. св. Кирил и Методий", 2017, стр. 145 - 158.... more
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      Balkan StudiesIdiomsBulgarian LanguageEthnonyms
At present, there is no consensus among sinologists neither on the classification of idiomatic units, nor on the Chinese equivalent for the term ‘idiom’. Despite the more precise and commonly adopted linguistic term ‘common sayings’,... more
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      Chinese StudiesChinese Language and CultureIntertextualityChinese linguistics
The cliché “a picture is worth a thousand words” has been used in connection with everything from directions to the baseball stadium to the anatomy of a flea, but we do not readily think of it in connection with idiom instruction. The... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationLanguage EducationTeaching English as a Second Language
Today's Maldivian proverb comes with thanks to Xavier Romero-Frias, a noted expert in Maldivian culture and folklore, for providing its translation and meaning.
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      Book of PsalmsPragmatics, Speech Acts, Non-verbal CommunicationIdiomsBiblical Hebrew idioms
Dwi Asep Mulyono. 2015. Translation Strategies of Pure Idioms in Veronica Roth’s Divergent. English Study Program, Dian Nuswantoro University. Semarang. Advisor: Achmad Basari Keywords: Translation Strategies, Idiom, Pure idioms,... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryTranslationJournals
CHINESE IDIOM: GUESS THE MEANING BY THE STRUCTURAL PATTERN Idiom is one of the things that learned in Chinese as a foreign language at the intermediate level. However, guess idiom meaning is not easy as idioms can not be translated... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsChinese linguisticsIdiomsChinese Idioms
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      SpanishPragmaticsPsycholinguisticsConceptual Metaphor