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Hydrodynamic and water quality models provide a tool for environmental management and infrastructure planning in Darwin Harbour, a tropical estuary located in northern Australia. These models are relied upon by both private industry and... more
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    • Hydrodynamic Modeling
Bangladesh is situated at the confluence of GBM basins, with 90% of the basin area locating outside the country. Future climate change will lead to intense, prolonged, and frequent floods in Bangladesh. An integrated flood risk assessment... more
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      EngineeringGeographyEarth SciencesClimate Change
The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) delta is one of the most dynamic tide dominated delta in the world. The flow generated in the upper catchment of the GBM basins is passing through the estuarine systems of the GBM delta. The particular... more
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      Coastal ProcessesRiver HydraulicsHydrodynamic ModelingCoastal hydrodynamics
A field study of the tidal currents, cohesive sediment dynamics and transport of organic carbon in a highly vegetated mangrove swamp was carried out at Middle Creek, Cairns, Australia. The interaction of tidal currents and the vegetation... more
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    • Hydrodynamic Modeling
Floods are natural disaster; they cause the losses and damages to lives, properties and the nature. The main objective of this study is to integrate science of meteorology, hydrology and hydraulics by using an appropriate and effective... more
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      Flood modellingHydrodynamic Modeling
Flood hazard causes great loss to lives and properties leading to disturbance in human society. Flood is the single most hydrometeorological hazard causing substantial losses. To gain better understanding of the flood phenomena especially... more
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      GeoinformaticsHydrodynamic Modeling
From a human history perspective, the intrinsic characteristics of estuaries have made them preferable sites of occupation and, consequently, intense areas of development. A direct consequence of human occupation of these coastal areas is... more
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      Coastal ManagementCoastal ProcessesWater qualityModeling
One of the most significant environmental problems of Thermaikos Gulf is the occasional formation of extended eutrophication phenomena (red tides, mucilaginous aggregates). Herein, we investigate the contribution of hydrodynamic processes... more
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      Environmental MonitoringEutrophicationEnvironmental Management, Planning and MonitoringOcean Circulation
We critically analyzed a set of ecological models that are used to assess the impact of hydropower dams on water quality and habitat suitability for biological communities. After a literature search, we developed an integrated conceptual... more
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      Water Quality ModelingHydrodynamic ModelingHabitat suitability modellingIntegrated Model
In this paper, we present the setup, calibration, testing, and application of an advanced 3-D coastal circulation model to investigate the contribution of hydrodynamic processes on the formation of eutrophication events in Thermaikos... more
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      OceanographyEnvironmental MonitoringPhysical OceanographyRiver Hydraulics
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
Surma is a mountainous river, originating at Manipur hills of India enters Bangladesh through Sylhet district. Due to its location near the foothills of Himalaya, this region has a large rate of precipitation. As a result, the river... more
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      BangladeshHydrodynamic ModelingFlash FloodFlash flooding
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      Hydrodynamic ModelingCirculating Fluidized Bed
En el presente trabajo presentamos un modelo hidrodinámico 3D del Humedal del Rio Cruces en la Región de Los Ríos, Chile. Este humedal es uno de los mas grandes de Chile, está protegido por la convención RAMSAR y soporta una diversidad... more
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      WetlandsHydrodynamic ModelingRamsar siteMOHID model
A three-dimensional model has been modified to describe the complex interactions between hydrodynamics, sediment dynamics and biological parameters in the presence of Zostera noltei. The model treats seagrass leafs as flexible blades that... more
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      ModellingCoastal ErosionSediment transportHydrodynamic Modeling
In this paper we present the setup, calibration, and validation of an advanced 3-D ocean circulation model to further seek the potential for operational forecasting applications and investigate the coastal hydrodynamic processes in... more
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      Numerical ModelingNumerical ModellingCoastal ModelingBlack Sea
Hydro-geology (hydro- meaning water, and -geology meaning the study of the Earth) is the area of geology that deals with the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of the Earth's crust (commonly in aquifers). The... more
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      Hydrodynamics (Physics)GroundwaterGroundwater ContaminationHydrodynamic Instability
The paper presents the structure and application of a regional scale operational modelling tool for the West Iberian coast. The forecasting suite includes nested hydrodynamic models forced with up-to-date meteorological forecast data and... more
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      Hydrodynamics (Physics)Coastal ProcessesNumerical ModellingHydrodynamic Modeling
Please cite this article in press as: Marín, V.H., et al., Modeling suspended solids in a Northern Chilean Patagonia glacier-fed fjord: GLOF scenarios under climate change conditions. Ecol. Model. (2012), https://dx.
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      Climate ChangeGlacial geology and climate changeOcean ModelingHydrodynamic Modeling
A hydrodynamic model for Khor Al-Zubair and Shatt Al-Basrah canal was introduced by using the Mike11 routine. The model was run for two months, March and April of 2018 with Δt=40 sec and Δx=300 m. Model calibration and validation were... more
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    • Hydrodynamic Modeling
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      Hydrodynamic ModelingModflowRadial Collector Wells
The knowledge of the influence of the hydrological regime of river basins on submarine sedimentary processes in deltaic systems may have wider implications from the point of view of global climate change. Under this consideration, the... more
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    • Hydrodynamic Modeling
No Brasil, a Baía de São Marcos no Estado do Maranhão apresenta um alto potencial energético para o aproveitamento elétrico das correntes de maré, tendo sido cogitada para instalação de Parques de Conversores de Energia Hidrocinética... more
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      Renewable EnergyMarine Renewable EnergyTidal Stream EnergyNumerical Modelling
The construction of numerical hydrodynamic models is an important task for offshore renewable energy development, in particular for tidal current farms. An accurate understanding of the spatial variation in resource is necessary for... more
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      OceanographyOcean EnergyHydrodynamic ModelingTidal Currents
The main objectives of this work are the presentation of a hydro-biogeochemical model for the Tagus estuary and the study of the interaction between tides and river discharge. Special emphasis will be given to hydrographic, fine sediment... more
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      Ecological ModellingEstuarine EcologyHydrodynamic Modeling
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      Environmental ScienceWater qualityKineticsWater Quality Modeling
The cut-cell finite volume method in hydrodynamic models have become more popular in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). By representing the model boundary as a polygon cutting through grid cells, we expect a better representation of flow... more
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      Fluid DynamicsNumerical ModellingHydrodynamic ModelingOscillations
Bangladesh is situated at the confluence of GBM basins, with 90% of the basin area locating outside the country. Future climate change will lead to intense, prolonged, and frequent floods in Bangladesh. An integrated flood risk assessment... more
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      EngineeringGeographyEarth SciencesClimate Change
The currently prevalent practice in hydrodynamic research is to assess radial wells by constructing a hydrodynamic model. Numerical modeling codes tended to limit the possibility of realistically representing the structural... more
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      Water SupplyHydrodynamic ModelingRadial Collector Wells
The impoundment of rivers by large dams is the biggest direct anthropogenic impact on the hydrological cycle. However, dams can help solving eutrophication in estuaries by controlling flow pulses, which in turn might enhance the advection... more
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      Hydrodynamics (Physics)Hydrodynamic ModelingImpact of dams on the Mekong RiverLagrangian stochastic dispersion modeling
We used two-dimensional hydrodynamic models for the assessment of water diversion effects on benthic macroinvertebrates and associated habitat in a montane stream in Yosemite National Park, Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA, USA. We sampled the... more
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      Stream ecologyNational ParksBenthic EcologyBenthic macroinvertebrates
We study the influence of cold fronts on the heat fluxes and thermal structure of a tropical reservoir located in Brazil. The period chosen for this study consisted of 49 days between 28 April 2010 and 15 July 2010 and was defined based... more
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      Remote SensingHydrodynamic ModelingSensoriamento RemotoHeat fluxes
Flood hazard causes great loss to lives and properties leading to disturbance in human society. Flood is the single most hydrometeorological hazard causing substantial losses. To gain better understanding of the flood phenomena especially... more
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      GeoinformaticsMultidisciplinaryCurrent ScienceHydrodynamic Modeling
Nokoué Lake is a complex ecosystem, the understanding of which requires control of physical processes that have occurred. For this, the Surface Water Modeling System (SMS) hydrodynamic model was calibrated and validated on the water depth... more
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    • Hydrodynamic Modeling
Building a numerical model in not an easy task. In addition to its need for verification, it requires special skills and experiences in mathematics, computer programming and may take long period to be ready for operation and prediction.... more
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      Numerical ModelingHeat TransferArtificial Neural NetworksRiver Hydraulics
Building a numerical model in not an easy task. In addition to its need for verification, it requires special skills and experiences in mathematics, computer programming and may take long period to be ready for operation and prediction.... more
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      Numerical ModelingHeat TransferArtificial Neural NetworksRiver Hydraulics
This study investigates use of water quality (WQ) variables, namely total chromium concentration, total iron concentration, and turbidity for predicting suspended sediment concentration (SSC). For this purpose, the artificial neural... more
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      EngineeringNumerical ModelingHeat TransferArtificial Neural Networks
We critically analyzed a set of ecological models that are used to assess the impact of hydropower dams on water quality and habitat suitability for biological communities. After a literature search, we developed an integrated conceptual... more
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      WaterWater Quality ModelingMultidisciplinaryHydrodynamic Modeling
The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) delta is one of the most dynamic tide dominated delta in the world. The flow generated in the upper catchment of the GBM basins is passing through the estuarine systems of the GBM delta. The particular... more
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      Hydrodynamics (Physics)Computational Fluid DynamicsCoastal ProcessesRiver Hydraulics
In this study, we coupled a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model with an ecosystem model and applied it to the shallow complex floodplain wetland of Chini Lake in Malaysia. Our objective was to provide a better understanding of the lake’s... more
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    • Hydrodynamic Modeling
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      HydraulicsRiver EngineeringEcohydraulicsSensitivity Analysis
"The eutrophication phenomenon often leads to undesirable water quality. This paper delineates an unsteady three-dimensional finite difference numerical model for eutrophication dynamics in the coastal waters of Tolo harbour, Hong Kong,... more
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      Water Quality ModelingEutrophicationHydrodynamic ModelingTolo Harbour
Foram avaliados os efeitos de ações antrópicas sobre o sistema costeiro de Ubatuba (SP) através de modelos que descrevem os mecanismos e as reações envolvidas na dispersão de indicadores microbiológicos (coliformes termotolerantes e... more
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      Environmental SciencePhysical OceanographyHydrodynamic Modeling
We quantify the role of zooplankton in nutrient cycles in Lake Kinneret, Israel, using field data and a numerical model. A coupled ecological and hydrodynamic model (Dynamic Reservoir Model (DYRESM)-Computational Aquatic Ecosystem... more
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      Zooplankton ecologyStratificationMultidisciplinaryEcological Modelling
Water renewal in semi-enclosed coastal areas is crucial for the supply of oxygen and seston and for the removal of organic loadings from finfish or shellfish aquaculture sites. Water renewal depends on hydrodynamic processes and can have... more
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      Earth SciencesSea LevelLow FrequencyBiological Sciences
The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) delta is one of the most dynamic tide dominated delta in the world. The flow generated in the upper catchment of the GBM basins is passing through the estuarine systems of the GBM delta. The particular... more
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      Hydrodynamic ModelingHEC-RASGBM Delta
The bed forms in the surf zone can grow as a result of natural morphodynamic instabilities, forced by the wave-induced flow. This work gives a contribution to the dynamics of the formation and evolution the bed forms in surf zone. We use... more
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      Coastal MorphodynamicsCoastal ErosionCoastal and Estuarine Sediment TransportMorphodynamic Modelling
Abstract Large-scale prototype experiments of regulating flow and sediment have been conducted annually in the Yellow River, China since 2002, with large amounts of observed hydrological data being collected during the experiments. In the... more
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      Numerical ModellingFlood modellingHydrodynamic ModelingRoughness coefficient