Gloria Anzaldua
Recent papers in Gloria Anzaldua
Page 1. Page 2. PACHANGAS Page 3. Page 4. PACHANGAS Borderlands Music, US Politics, and Transnational Marketing BY MARGARET E. DORSEY UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS, AUSTIN Page 5. COPYRIGHT © 2006 ...
In this paper, I interpret Balmy Alley’s Mission Makeover Mural as a site of remembrance and resistance to the erasure and displacement of Chicana/o in the Mission District of SF. Completed in 2012 by Lucia Ippolito, the mural is a... more
This paper is a case study of a Chicana former migrant in her first year of college through CAMP (College Assistance Migrant Program), and how she negotiated the challenges of family, romance, and the desire to reach her goals. Through... more
Words on a Hyphenated Existence lays bare my psychic-wounds, those which have healed long ago, and those still festering. It is a tome on my identity in process, a liberatory praxis through writings which have been carefully excavated and... more
Contrasts Richard Rodriguez's conception of biological mestizaje with the conscious, transformative vision of Anzaldúa. Considers race in the Americas.
La crítica ha definido a "Atravesando fronteras/Crossing Borders" utilizando diversas características genéricas o la ha descripto como multigenérica, de composición textual plural y desarticulada, reflejo de su producción por parte de un... more
Compulsory state-sanctioned schooling continues to be constructed as the “great equalizer,” and accordingly education research as a benevolent contributor to this material and ideological project of education. Following a... more
Pesquisa financiada com bolsa de estudos no país pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (FAPEAM/PROPG/Edital 010/2015) e bolsa de doutorado sanduíche no exterior pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível... more
Across space, time, and texts, I have engaged in contemplative dialogue with the writings of four writers-Black feminist poet Audre Lorde; Chicana poet Gloria Anzaldúa; artist, activist, and community healer Tricia Hersey; and novelist... more
Utilizing performative writing and personal narrative, this poetic essay dives into the personal and collective trauma of the massacre at Pulse nightclub in Orlando. As part of a special issue on Pulse, the co-authors (re)perform the... more
This article draws on a study with preservice art educators to offer theoretical perspectives on sociocultural narrative pedagogy. Informed by the work of Chicana feminist scholar Gloria Anzaldúa, the authors identify three major... more
Explains why Democrats and Republicans succeed and fail with Mexican American voters.
Fall/Winter 2009-2010 49 tA C eh ed r iC k toC FEATURES: Modernity's Moderns and History's Hemi/spheres OF INDIANS AND MODERNITY IN GLORIA ANzALDúA'S BoRdeRlAndS/lA fRonteRA the new MeStIzA Tace Hedrick University of... more
This article examines Gloria Anzaldúa’s critical appropriation of Mexican philosophical sources, especially in the writing of Borderlands/La Frontera. We argue that Anzaldúa effectively contributed to la filosofía de lo mexicano by... more
This article draws on a study with preservice art educators to offer theoretical perspectives on sociocultural narrative pedagogy. Informed by the work of Chicana feminist scholar Gloria Anzaldúa, the authors identify three major... more
O ciborgue é constantemente utilizado para representar as complexas e constantes transformações identitárias que constituem a humanidade pósmoderna. Esperamos refletir acerca da problemática proposta por Octavia Butler acerca do corpo... more
Contemporary anti-Islamic discourses in Australia construct Islam as an uncivilised belief system and its Muslim followers as homogenous unassimilable Others. Within these discourses, the diversity among Muslim women has been... more
Considerando Implicação, Subjetividade e Gosto como modos de localização, na esteira do que propusera Haraway acerca de saberes localizados, o resumo traz a discussão de uma possível política de escrita em que as sucessivas tentativas de... more
In this article, I critique two conceptions from the history of academic philosophy regarding academic philosophers as shamans, deriving more community-responsible criteria for any future versions. The first conception, drawing on Mircea... more
A er what seemed like the most challenging year of college, I walked into the UCLA store and headed to the section of books. I was browsing in the Latina/o section and saw Anzaldúa's Borderlands/La ontera (1987)-the cover caught my... more
Invitation made by the CAC Brétigny on the occasion of the exhibition Sâr Dubnotal Link to the online publication:... more
Many of my first students at Anzaldúa’s alma mater read Borderlands/La Frontera and concluded that Anzaldúa was not a philosopher. Hostile comments suggested that Anzaldúa’s intimately personal and poetic ways of writing were not... more
Drawing on my own work as a forensics educator, I foreground Anzaldúa’s work to highlight how Borderlands theory can resist tacit performance expectations that marginalize students. I begin by discussing the prevalence of competitive... more
O Grupo de Estudos Feministas em Política e Educação (GIRA) organizou, em 2017, uma formação semanal a distância, com duração de 05 meses, intitulada “Pensamento Lésbico Contemporâneo”. O curso propôs estudar 25 autoras lésbicas de... more
The Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy's (SAAP's) Committee on Inter-American Relations presented me and my co-author, Mariana Alessandri, with the 2020 Inter-American Philosophy Award for our paper--"La Mexicana en la... more
Oigo el llorido del mar, el respire del aire,
my heart surges to the beat of the sea.
in the gray haze of the sun
the gulls’ shrill cry of hunger,
the tangy smell of the sea seeping into me.
– Gloria Anzaldúa
my heart surges to the beat of the sea.
in the gray haze of the sun
the gulls’ shrill cry of hunger,
the tangy smell of the sea seeping into me.
– Gloria Anzaldúa
Abstract x Convegno DE/CLINARE
percorsi di sottrazione nelle narrazioni di
movimenti, pratiche, corpi
Ways, means, and strategies of subtraction
in movements, practices, bodies
(Firenze, 8-10 Dec. 2018)
percorsi di sottrazione nelle narrazioni di
movimenti, pratiche, corpi
Ways, means, and strategies of subtraction
in movements, practices, bodies
(Firenze, 8-10 Dec. 2018)
Seminar done in 2016 on Latin Americans. The main focus was about Mexican Americans and their struggle in USA. Two books were used as source to my Seminar, as well as different visions of authors, such as Freud, Gloria, Stuart Hall and... more
Second printing, 2001 © 1996 Duke University Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper o Typeset in Galliard by Tseng Information Systems, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data... more
Lyric Essay anthologized in IMANIMAN: Poets Writing in the Anzaldúan Borderlands, edited by ire'ne lara silva and Dan Vera (San Francisco: Aunt Lute, 2016).
For more than two decades, the vast production of post-structuralist/post-positivist feminist critique and postcolonial feminism thinking within the field of International Relations and more recently on Global Politics have pushed... more
L'Archivio di Genere "Carla Lonzi", il primo progetto in Puglia dedicato alla conservazione e alla condivisione delle questioni di genere, presenta una Giornata di Studi ed eventi sulle nuove prospettive degli archivi e memoria delle... more
A partire dagli studi teorici sui processi di rappresentazione e transcodificazione messi in opera nella sfera materiale, letteraria, culturale e visuale dalla macchina da scrivere, dalla macchina fotografica e da presa, ci si sofferma... more
Spivak’s infamous exclamation that ‘the subaltern cannot speak’ is often criticized for foreclosing the possibility of subaltern speech. This passionate exclamation, while often misinterpreted, confronts the dangerous analyses of... more
Examines the struggle for and necessity of Ethnic Studies in post-secondary schools, as well as the transformation this interdisciplinary field went through to approach these sacred epistemologies from an inclusive and intersectional lens.
Through close readings of Merleau-Ponty and Beauvoir, over the course of this paper I explain how a philosophy that comes to life moves away from “proper” philosophy and consequently is out-of-place and potentially disruptive. I elaborate... more
In this workshop, I use a series of bodymind exercises to demonstrate concepts from the work of Gloria Anzaldúa, showing the significance and power of her call for “spiritual activism,” a fundamental aspect of antiracist feminism that has... more
De que formas a tradução pode ser relacionada ao processo de choque de culturas e à emergência do hibridismo linguístico presente em regiões de fronteira -mais especificamente, no contexto da cultura chicana que tem se desenvolvido de... more