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The International Congress “Truth and lies in fakes and forgeries” is aimed at investigating the problem of “faking” in cultural heritage through an interdisciplinary method. Namely: economical, legal, artistic, philological and... more
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtForgery, Fakery, FraudAuthentication
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      Ancient HistoryIconographyArt HistoryGerman History
German physicist Georg Christoph Lichtenberg once said, “The most dangerous of all falsehoods is a slightly distorted truth.” In our multimedia–driven society, where photographic and video evidence enjoys an epistemologically unique... more
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      Digital InvestigationEvidenceForgery, Fakery, FraudDigital Forensics
In search of specific national traditions nineteenth-century artists and scholars did not shy of manipulating texts and objects or even outright manufacturing them. The essays edited by János Bak, Patrick Geary and Gábor Klaniczay explore... more
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      MedievalismNational IdentityMuseums and IdentityForgery, Fakery, Fraud
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    • Forgery, Fakery, Fraud
It. Falso; Fr. Contrefaçon; Germ. Fälschung, Span. Falsificación. The origin of the word is unknown, although it is attested in English criminal slang by the end of the 18 th century with roughly its modern meaning. The term possibly... more
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      AestheticsForgery, Fakery, FraudCopiesAesthetic Experience
Focusing on the account book of the MP and antiquary Sir Edward Dering (1598–1644), which covers the decade of his life in which he came of age, was knighted, and embarked on an ambitious political and courtly career, this article argues... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesHeraldryAutobiography
NNB 11/13 409 Abb. 8: Moderne Gussfälschung nach einem Sesterz des Vespasian, vgl. RIC II 2 221. Abb. 9: Moderner Guss einer Athener Tetradrachme, vgl. Kroll 8.
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      Renaissance StudiesNumismaticsItalian Renaissance ArtAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
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      Maya ArchaeologyForgery, Fakery, FraudAncient Technology (Archaeology)Mirrors
The paper deals with some linguistic aspects of the spread of fake news in social media communication, an issue which is connected to the sociological concept of post truth and to its impact, among other things, on political propaganda.... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsSocial MediaForgery, Fakery, Fraud
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      ArchaeologyDigital HumanitiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)Greek Epigraphy
This paper examines the relationship between models, replicas and fakes and analyses the role they play in museum collections.
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      Museum StudiesForgery, Fakery, FraudForgeries, fakesCasts, Copies and Replicas
MR 9 08 Echt oder Falsch Zecchino Lehmann Muenzenrevue 9 2008 p153 156 kl
Die mittelalterliche Golddukatenprägung Venedigs
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      Laser SpectroscopyForgery, Fakery, FraudMedieval numismatics
Il valore della copia d'arte in pittura.
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      Visual StudiesArtArt TheoryVisual Culture
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      Historical AnthropologyMicrohistoryForgery, Fakery, FraudHistorical Fiction
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      AfghanistanAlexander the GreatForgery, Fakery, FraudAncient Greek Numismatics
Фальсификация исторических источников и конструирование этнократических мифов. М. 2011: 51-66
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      Forgery, Fakery, FraudFraudForgeryHistorical Falsification
An upper-level undergraduate course taught in the History Department of the University of Utah during the fall 2019 semester.
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      HistoryTechnologyScholarship of Teaching and LearningSocial Sciences
We do not propose to simply expand old definitions of academic fraud to make room for post-production manipulations. Nor do we suggest that they are a lesser evil than traditional misconduct, or that they should be labelled as... more
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      Academic WritingMetricsResearch MisconductForgery, Fakery, Fraud
The Design Politics of the Passport presents an innovative study of the passport and its associated social, political and material practices as a means of uncovering the workings of 'design politics'. It traces the histories,... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesMaterial Culture StudiesCritical design practiceUndocumented Immigration
Convegno organizzato nell’ambito del master biennale di secondo livello “Esperti nelle attività di valutazione e di tutela del patrimonio culturale”, attivo presso l’Università degli Studi Roma Tre, in collaborazione con il Ministero per... more
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      Cultural HeritageArt and ScienceForgery, Fakery, FraudProtection of cultural heritage
The study is Identify and describe the characteristic features of the art marketplace, determine organizational functions and key stages of the development of international art market. Particular attention payed to the economic and legal... more
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      Art Economics and MarketsAsset PricingInternational LawContemporary Art
Using the term parafiction to name situations in which a fiction is temporarily experienced as fact, this essay examines the aesthetics, ethics, and politics of contemporary art that puts viewers through such experiences. Why has this... more
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      Contemporary ArtDeception / Lying (Deception Lying)PostmodernismPerformance and performativity
1. Tagung zum „Einsatz naturwissenschaftlicher
Methoden bei der Fälschungserkennung“ an der
Universität Hannover in Kooperation mit dem Berufsverband
Europäischer Numismatiker – Eine Bilanz
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      Forgery, Fakery, FraudArchaeometallurgyConferencesAncient Coin Forgeries
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografi e.
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      Archaeology19th Century (History)Forgery, Fakery, FraudArt Market
Today, standing in situ or displayed in museums, are several classical and post-classical copies of works of art. In contrast, fakes are usually locked away in museum stores. This dichotomy sparks a reflection on the authenticity attached... more
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryAuthenticityForgery, Fakery, Fraud
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      Forensic ScienceForgery, Fakery, Fraud
Elek Benedek (1859 –1929) published a multi-volume collection of folktales and legends entitled „Magyar mese- és mondavilág” (’Hungarian Folktales and Legends’) between 1894 and 1896 adjusted to the contemporary national commemoration... more
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      AuthenticityFolktalesForgery, Fakery, FraudTextual Criticism and Editing
F For Fake (1972), que no Brasil ganhou o título Verdades e men- tiras e em Portugal foi exibido como F de fraude, é o último filme lançado em vida por Orson Welles. Talvez possa ser considerado como o seu testamento. É um filme seminal... more
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      Forgery, Fakery, FraudDocumentary FilmOrson WellesMockumentary
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      Medieval HistoryNarrativeMedieval StudiesHistoriography
Charles Ponzi 1893 yılında henüz 15 yaşında iken geldiği Amerika’da kısa yoldan zengin olma yollarını aramaya başladı. 1900’lü yılların başına gelindiğinde, Uluslararası Posta Birliği’ne üye olan ülkelerde değişimi yapılabilen geri... more
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      Fraud Detection And PreventionForgery, Fakery, FraudFraudPonzi Finance
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      Forgery, Fakery, FraudHistory of Hungarian LanguageLiterary Forgery
«Papà, a che serve la storia?»: questa era la domanda che quasi 80 anni fa Marc Bloch poneva all'apertura di Apologia della storia, un libro che ha segnato generazioni di lettori. Oggi, di fronte a un tempo radicalmente diverso dal... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryMedieval HistoryResearch Methodology
This article revisits the Belgium restorer Jef Van der Veken.
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      Forgery, Fakery, FraudEarly Netherlandish PaintingRestoration and Conservation of Wooden Panel
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      Medieval HistoryNationalismForgery, Fakery, Fraud
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      Jesuit historyForgery, Fakery, FraudSpanish Colonial PeruHoax Literature
This article evaluates the creation myth of the pizza margherita as presented by those texts which presume to describe its history, as well as an alternative possibility for the story’s genesis. It begins with a description of the... more
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      Forgery, Fakery, FraudItalyFakeloreFood Myths
A signature is considered as an individual and identifying mark made by a person and is often used to authenticate or identify any document. Therefore it becomes necessary in some matters to ensure that a particular signature is genuine... more
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      Forgery, Fakery, FraudSignature VerificationHandwritten Signature Verification
2016. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 61: 41-58.
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      ArchaeologyHoraceLatin EpigraphyForgery, Fakery, Fraud
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    • Forgery, Fakery, Fraud
This paper is an unpublished review of David W. Daniels, Is the “World’s Oldest Bible” a Fake? Ontario, CA: Chick Publications, 2017.

I do not recommend this book.
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      Conspiracy TheoriesForgery, Fakery, FraudReligious FundamentalismNew Testament Textual Criticism
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      Latin LiteratureAnonymityForgery, Fakery, FraudForgeries, fakes
Pillole per comprendere il problema dell'Italian sounding che colpisce gran parte delle produzioni agroalimentari italiane tramite la contraffazione estera.
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      International BusinessInternational LawForgery, Fakery, FraudFood Security
Profitable Growth -The need to remain competitive compels investment in Analytics and the tools to improve insight into financial, economic, environmental and market information. The goal? -more informed and responsive decisions.
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      BusinessInformation SystemsComputer ScienceMachine Learning
Täuschung und Betrug in der Wissenschaft, sowie Fragen rund um die Begriffe „Original“ und „Fälschung“ mit repräsentativem Beispiel die Fälschungen des Konstantinos Simonides sind die thematischen Schwerpunkte rund um die sich das... more
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      Early Modern HistoryModern Greek literatureModern GreeceModern Greek History
There has been a long tradition of imitation in the calligraphic and painting traditions in East Asia but, it is arguable, the history of forgeries is just as long. And sometimes it seems that the same masters who created some of the... more
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      HistorySilk Road StudiesForgery, Fakery, FraudCentral Asia
In this paper we study the characteristics of the most spectacular archaeological hoax carried out in Spain in recent decades: the epigraphic findings from Iruña-Veleia, noting both the most unique traits as those which it has in common... more
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      PhilologyBasque StudiesBasque linguisticsLatin Epigraphy
Neue Untersuchungen zum zählebigsten Dokument des modernen Antisemitismus. Unter dem Titel »Protokolle der Weisen von Zion« ist eine Schrift bekannt, die die Juden bezichtigt, auf konspirativ-subversive Weise nach der Weltherrschaft zu... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Forgery, Fakery, FraudConspiracy TheoryHistory of Antisemitism
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      Art HistoryHistory of SculptureSculptureHistory of Art
Estudios sobre falsificación documental y literaria antigua With this volume dedicated to the ancient forgery of documents and literature, we are proud to introduce a new series, entitled De Falsa et Vera Historia, aimed at bringing... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Latin EpigraphyClassical philologyForgery, Fakery, Fraud