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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan mengenai manajemen program kelas khusus olahraga di SMP Negeri 2 Brebes. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian di lapangan... more
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      Science EducationScience ClassELEKTABILITAS
Este capítulo examina el papel del cine documental militante en la preservación y el análisis crítico de la memoria de la violencia política de extrema derecha durante la Transición española. A través de los documentales Lunes Negro,... more
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      Cinema StudiesResearch on PerpetratorsThe Culture of the Spanish Transition to DemocracyViolence Studies
Quinto episodio / Temporada 1
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    • Series TV
Tercer episodio / Temporada 1
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    • Series TV
Segundo episodio / Temporada 1
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    • Series TV
Primer episodio / Temporada 1
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    • Series TV
Non-linear editing is a film editing technique that occurs within a computer environment. It is a technological improvement on the analog system of film production. Most recent films and television programmes in Nigeria are edited with... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryDevelopment communicationPhotojournalism
This chapter explores the transformative potential of science fiction in relation to queer identities and subjectivities (Gay 2008, Melzer 2006), arguing that speculative genres offer new possibilities to understand the intersections of... more
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      Film StudiesTransgender StudiesFilm and Media StudiesNon-Binary Gender
Guru adalah salah satu komponen pendidikan yang ikut berperan aktif dalam strategis dalam mempelancar proses belajar mengajar di sekolah.Mengingat posisinya yang begitu penting dalam proses belajar mengajar,guru harus memiliki berbagai... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesPendidikan Agama Islam
The Department of Economy, Planning and Environment of the Council of the City of Gold Coast commissioned this study to investigate independent screen production activity and capacity in the City of Gold Coast. The research investigates... more
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      BusinessFilm StudiesTelevision StudiesFilm Analysis
El relato televisivo sobre ETA después del cese de la violencia. Ficción, docuseries y reportajes documentales (2019-2020) Television narratives about ETA after the cessation of violence. Fiction, docuseries and documentary reports... more
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      Television StudiesTelevision genresSeries TVTelevision History
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Almost immediately after his first appearance in comic books in June 1938, Superman began to be adapted to other media. The subsequent decades have brought even more adaptations of the Man of Steel, his friends, family, and enemies in... more
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      American HistoryAmerican StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
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      Television StudiesTelevisionTelevisiónFilm and Television
This chapter is oriented around the Amazon show, Transparent, and its relationship to Jewish historiography. My argument is twofold. First, that Transparent powerfully diagnoses and responds in a politically and ethically sensitive way to... more
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      Queer StudiesPhilosophyAestheticsJewish Studies
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      Television StudiesTelevision genresSeries TVTelevision History
The advancement of technology and the ascent of capitalism have laid the foundation for a heavily corrupted society and a contemporary human disaster. Rule-makers, the top %1 of the %1 of the society, have sought to brainwash the masses,... more
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    • Semiotics
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      Cultural HistoryPhilosophyArtFilm Theory
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    • Exoticism
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      PsychologyHumanitiesManajemen Pendidikan Islam
This content analysis of eight television shows from the 1950s to 2020s across broadcast, cable, and streaming platforms seeks to understand the representation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesDisability StudiesQueer Theory
La representación del periodismo en la ficción seriada del siglo XXI no puede entenderse sin dos obras como The Wire (Bajo escucha) (The Wire, HBO, 2002-2008) y The Newsroom (HBO, 2012-2014). Sin embargo, las aproximaciones académicas a... more
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      Television StudiesTV studiesTelevision AestheticsFilm and Television
The purpose of this research was to investigate the correlation between students' habit in watching English movies and their speaking skill at the English Education Department Students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Bulukumba. The research... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)English language education
Merupakan sebuah film drama Indonesia, yang dirilis di bioskop pada tanggal 30 November 2023 tahun lalu. Film bergenre drama, romantis, komedi ini disutradarai dan ditulis langsung oleh Yandy Laurens yang menceritakan mengenai kisah... more
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      Film ReviewRomantic ComedyAnalisis Film
Merupakan sebuah review dan kritik film "Ketika Berhenti di Sini" yang merupakan syarat tugas akhir mata kuliah filmologi
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    • Film Studies
Pada tanggal 29 Mei 2024, management melaksanakan proses rekrutmen untuk mencari pemeran film dengan genre romantis. Metode yang digunakan dalam rekrutmen ini adalah Assessment Center, dengan serangkaian kegiatan penilaian terhadap para... more
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    • Assessment Center
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    • Assessment Center
This thesis investigates the cultural economy of film distribution set against the backdrop of Philippine independent cinema. <br> <br> Considered as the business centre of filmmaking, film distribution is typically studied... more
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      Film StudiesPolitical SciencePhilippine CinemaCultural Economy
In 2017, network Univision won audience share in (2+) television prime time slot; however, Telemundo was the network that exceeded in ratings in the 18-49 and 18-34 age groups, which are the most coveted ones by advertisers. 3 This fact... more
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      Television StudiesFilm and TelevisionMedia InfrastructureLatinos in Television
This article considers photography's role as a visual technology and the consequent effects of expanded frames of knowledge. At the very moment human vision and memory were called into profound doubt, photography provided a mechanical,... more
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Untuk memastikan pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik, dibutuhkan strategi yang tepat dan sesuai dalam proses pembelajaran, maka diharapkan tujuan pembelajaran dan target yang diinginkan oleh guru guna meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran tematik... more
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      DocumentationMathematics EducationData Presentation
The author is interested in how quality improvement management is implemented to improve the quality of student learning at Hidayatus Sholihin Vocational School because there are many student management practices in institutions that are... more
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Creada por John Milius y William J. MacDonald, Roma (2005-2007) supuso un punto de inflexión para las series históricas en televisión. Coincidiendo con el auge de los canales por cable, HBO buscó primar un producto que tratase temas de... more
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Open Access! Here: American films have long preoccupied themselves with the plantation as a site for staging scenes of subjection and problematic dramas of emancipation. They are... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican StudiesSlaveryCinema
ABSTRACT In the light of the scientific discovery of (1) the fractal HOLON/parton structure and function of the units and scale-levels of culture, and (2) the Fractal Systems Metamodel of the mechanisms (processes) of Bio-Cultural... more
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      Complex Systems ScienceScience CommunicationTelevision StudiesCreativity
Penelitian ini menggambarkan tentang peranan kepemimpinan dalam.meningkatkan mutu pendidikan melalui Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah yang diterapkan di MIS Muhammadiyah Bujung Tangaya Kecamatan Bungoro Kabupaten Pangkep dengan rumusan masalah... more
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Brutalist architecture (BA) is most recognisable by its material and monumentality, historically associated with postwar economics and public housing. Popular for its aesthetics, it catered to the appeal of dystopia and an authenticity... more
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      ArchitectureFilm Studies
The rise of technology and information makes it easier for humans to communicate, introducing new aspects about the relationship between individual freedom and technology. Digital technology and social media are very influential in... more
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      SemioticsArtSocial MediaSelf Representation
The paper deals with the reception of Krleža’s last drama which failed disgracefully during its simultaneous premiere in Zagreb, Belgrade, and Ljubljana. In order to uncover the reasons and circumstances of the failure, this review, after... more
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    • Art
Rad se bavi recepcijom posljednje Krležine drame, neslavno propale prilikom praizvedbe istodobno u Beogradu, Zagrebu i Ljubljani. Upravo da bi osvijetlio razloge i okolnosti tog neuspjeha, ogled, nakon analize samoga teksta drame,... more
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    • Art
This article interrogates the relation between memory and creation in Monica Bonvicini's installation and Agnès Varda's film , both involving the adoption of digital technology and the simultaneous appropriation of analog materials. It... more
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      AestheticsMedia StudiesFeminist TheoryInstallation Art
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      Popular CultureHorror FilmFilm and Television
Pese al ímpetu de crítica social que subyace al género distópico, sin duda existen “distopías bellas”: narrativas profundamente ambivalentes por ser tan políticamente horripilantes como estéticamente fascinantes. Tomando como ejemplo... more
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      AestheticsFilm StudiesTelevision StudiesDystopian Literature
Typically, films are suspenseful when they keep us on the edge of our seats, when glimpses of a turning doorknob, a ticking clock, or a looming silhouette quicken our pulses. Exemplified by Alfred Hitchcock’s masterworks and the countless... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm SoundFilm Music And Sound
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In the wake of the unprecedented global events spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, this research aims to explore the profound impact of digital media on the post-pandemic dystopian imagination. Focused specifically on the highly acclaimed... more
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The Hero Program for Indonesia can be considered a successful program because it can inspire various parties besides it also has educational value. Heroes for Indonesia give awards to selected figures because they have selflessly... more
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Program Pahlawan untuk Indonesia dapat dinilai sebagai program yang sukses karena dapat menginspirasi berbagai pihak disamping itu juga memiliki nilai edukasi. Pahlawan untuk Indonesia memberikan penghargaan kepada figur yang terpilih... more
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Film has the potential to be a powerful tool in shaping people's perceptions and attitudes towards mental health issues. This study aims to examine the representation of mental health in films, with a focus on the film 'Dear David'. This... more
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