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This ECI was launched by alumni of EU exchange programmes like Erasmus, EVS and Leonardo da Vinci to enhance these programmes and build grassroots EU democracy. OCS glitches wiped out nearly half of its 12-month signature collection... more
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      DemocracyParticipatory DemocracyEuropean Union PoliticsEuropean Citizens' Initiative
La ICE es un instrumento creado para intentar acercar a los ciudadanos a la toma de decisiones en Europa. Se trata de un mecanismo de democracia directa, participativa y que trata de ser un elemento central en la formación de una... more
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      European Union CitizenshipParticipatory DemocracyDemocracia ParticipativaDemocracy in the European Union
Cet article propose une évaluation de l'initiative citoyenne européenne en tant que nouveau droit politique attaché à la citoyenneté européenne ainsi que des garanties assurant l'exercice effectif de ce droit.
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      European Union CitizenshipEuropean UnionCitizenshipEuropean Citizens' Initiative
This open access book explores how digital tools and social media technologies can contribute to better participation and involvement of EU citizens in European politics. By analyzing selected representative e-participation projects at... more
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      Electronic DemocracyE-votingDemocracy in the European UnionEuropean Citizens' Initiative
Vatandaş katılımına yönelik olarak uluslararası bir nitelik de taşıyan Avrupa Vatandaşlar Girişimi (European Citizens' Initiative) hakkında EUPAN (European Public Administration Network) toplantılarında ele alınan önemli konulardan... more
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      European Union Citizenshipe-KatılımEuropean Citizens' InitiativeCommunity participation and engagement
The ECI was introduced to provide EU citizens with the opportunity to both advance and support policy proposal to the EC. In light of the recent debate on the weaknesses of the ECI as a tool of participatory democracy, this thesis... more
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      European UnionParticipatory DemocracyECICitizen participation
The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), introduced as an instrument for citizens’ democratic participation in the EU, will soon have been in existence for three years. Apart from an express reference in the TFEU, which defines it as a... more
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      European Constitutional LawEuropean Union LawDirect DemocracyNew Models Of Participatory And Direct Democracy
Die Staaten sind zu klein geworden, um globalen Herausforderungen wie die sozialverträgliche Gestaltung des Weltmarktes, Frieden und die Erhaltung der naturlichen Lebensgrundlagen im Alleingang begegnen zu können. Nur eine... more
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      Political ParticipationDemocratic TheoryDemocratizationEuropean Constitutionalism
This paper proposes a research design which allows for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the European citizens' initiative (ECI) – the first EU transnational participatory tool. It provides an analytical framework based... more
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      European StudiesPolitical ParticipationEuropean integrationEuropean Law
While looking for the most innovative aspects of the Treaty of Lisbon, the introduction of the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) can be surely deemed one of them. Labelled as the world's first tool of transnational participatory... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean LawEuropean Union Citizenship
The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) is not what it pretends to be. It is not a citizens’ initiative. It is not direct democracy. It is something very different. It is an agenda setting initiative, which remains subordinated to the... more
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      European integrationDirect DemocracyEuropean Citizens' Initiative
Die Diskussion um das Demokratiedefizit der EU läßt sich auf zwei Alternativen zuspitzen: Man definiert entweder das Problem weg, indem man mit Fritz W. Scharpf behauptet, die eigenständige Legitimität von Verhandlungssystemen... more
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      Social MovementsEuropean StudiesTransnationalismEuropean Constitutionalism
Las instituciones de la democracia representativa enfrentan un proceso de descrédito y desafección que ha conducido a la búsqueda de mecanismos que permitan renovarla, especialmente a través de la “innovación democrática”. Sin embargo, el... more
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      Political ParticipationDemocracyDirect DemocracyPublic Participation In Governance
This commentary, which is the third in a line of posts in ‘EU Law Analysis’ on ECI-cases, focuses on the ECJ’s judgment in Anagnostakis v Commission, which is the first and currently the only ECJ judgment relating to a European Citizens'... more
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      European Union CitizenshipParticipatory DemocracyEuropean Court of JusticeEuropean Citizens' Initiative
Ce chapitre explore les liens, dans le cadre de l'Union européenne, entretenus entre le principe de solidarité et le concept de citoyenneté européenne. La citoyenneté européenne, bâtie à partir des libertés économiques au sein du marché... more
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      Democratic TheoryEuropean Union CitizenshipEuropean UnionDemocracy
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası, yalnızca Anayasa değişiklikleri için referandum düzenlemektedir.
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      Political ParticipationTurkeyReferendumRepresentative Democracy
This Article analyzes the state of democracy in the EU through the study of the European Citizens’ Initiative. The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) represents one of the main ways the European institutions chose during the making of... more
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      SociologyLawEuropean Union CitizenshipEuropean Union
Research on the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) has neglected the crucial role of social movements. This article contributes to the study of mobilization strategies and campaign consequences through two novel arguments: First, in... more
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      Social MovementsEuropean StudiesSocial ActivismAnimal Rights/Liberation
Sommario: 1. Introduzione. -2. Le iniziative popolari inerenti alla legislazione. -3. Verso una normativa innovativa nell'ordinamento europeo. -4. Iniziativa dei cittadini europei: un'iniziativa legislativa sui generis. -4.1. Cosa è, o... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawPublic DeliberationDeliberative Democracy
Although debates on the European public sphere deficit as a hallmark of the European Union's democratic deficit have subsided in recent years, the problem of a perceived gap between the union's citizens and institutions remains pressing.... more
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      European StudiesDemocratic TheoryEuropean Union CitizenshipDeliberative Democracy
This open access book explores how digital tools and social media technologies can contribute to better participation and involvement of EU citizens in European politics. By analyzing selected representative e-participation projects at... more
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      Political ScienceElectronic DemocracyBookDemocracy in the European Union
El 13 de septiembre de 2017 se presentaba la propuesta de la Comisión Europea para la reforma del Reglamento 11/2011 sobre la Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea (COM (2017)482 final), en proceso de toma en consideración por parte del... more
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      European UnionEuropean Union PoliticsParticipación ciudadanaEuropean Citizens' Initiative
"In the next few months the General Court of the European Union will rule on the issue of the admissibility of an European Citizens’ Initiative (hereinafter ECI) rejected on 6th September 2012 by the European Commission. This judgment is... more
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      European Union CitizenshipEuropean Citizens' Initiative
Sommario. 1. Dall'articolo 11 TUE al Regolamento (UE) n. 211 del 16 febbraio 2011: prove di democrazia partecipativa a livello continentale? 2. Le prime iniziative dei cittadini europei.
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      Social MovementsEuropean UnionEuropean Constitutional LawEuropean Union Law
The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) gives citizens of the EU the unique opportunity to directly place their interests right at the heart of European policy-making by asking the European Commission (the Commission) to legislate on a... more
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    • European Citizens' Initiative
"In order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of European Union citizenship under the Maastricht Treaty in 1993, the year 2013 has been designated by the European Commission as the 'European Year of Citizens'. The... more
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionNew Models Of Participatory And Direct DemocracyEuropean Union Politics
Európai polgári kezdeményezések a nemzeti kisebbségek védelmében Az európai polgári kezdeményezés az európai uniós részvételi demokrácia 2012 áprilisá-tól hatályba lépő új eszköze, amelyet a nemzeti alkotmányfejlődés inspirált 1 és a... more
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      European LawEuropean Union CitizenshipEuropean UnionNational minorities
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    • European Citizens' Initiative
The European Union is often criticized for its democratic deficit. This criticism has led to a process of including civil society in European governance through consultations, round table discussions and civil dialogue. These steps of... more
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      European UnionEuropeanizationPOSEuropean Citizens' Initiative
This open access book explores how digital tools and social media technologies can contribute to better participation and involvement of EU citizens in European politics. By analyzing selected representative e-participation projects at... more
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      Electronic DemocracyBookDemocracy in the European UnionEuropean Citizens' Initiative
Throughout much of the 20th century, the political influence of unions relied on strong ties to labour-friendly sister parties. Since the 1990s, however, the coalitions between centre-left parties and unions have deteriorated, forcing... more
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      Social PolicyTrade unionismEuropean UnionDirect Democracy
The Lisbon Treaty introduced the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI), a brand new tool of transnational participatory democracy aiming to bring Europe closer to the people. Five years after the first ECI was lodged, we have yet to see an... more
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      European StudiesDiversityNationalismEuropean Union Citizenship
The European Union is no stranger to being the subject of what many critics have termed a " democratic deficit. " Yet a consensus on the theoretical meaning of this term, and its empirical consequences, seem to miss one another in the... more
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      European UnionDigital DemocracyEU democratic deficitEuropean Citizens' Initiative
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. -2. Il sistema di raccolta firme online e la sua certificazione. -2.1. I requisiti minimi per sostenere una ICE. -2.2. Lo sviluppo delle piattaforme in base alle norme e ai programmi open source. -2.3. La... more
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      European StudiesPublic DeliberationDeliberative DemocracyEuropean Union
Stofnun stjórnsýslufraeða og stjórnmála, Gimli v/Saemundargötu 101 R. Sími 525 5454
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean Union CitizenshipEuropean Politics
The European citizens’ initiative (ECI) "Cohesion policy for the equality of regions and sustainability of regional cultures" has gathered over 1.4 million signatures and has very good chances of becoming the 7th successful ECI in the... more
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      European UnionNational minoritiesEuropean Citizens' Initiative
In this opinion piece published in both Catalan and Spanish I try to summarize the manifold ways in which the European citizens' initiative for national regions would be beneficial for traditional national communities, peoples, and... more
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      European UnionRegionalismEthnopoliticsParadiplomacy
In this opinion piece published in both Catalan and Spanish I try to summarize the manifold ways in which the European citizens' initiative for national regions would be beneficial for traditional national communities, peoples, and... more
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      European UnionRegionalismParadiplomacyEuropean Citizens' Initiative
L'iniziativa dei cittadini europei (ICE), dalla previsione dell'art. 11 del Trattato UE dopo Lisbona al processo di adozione del Regolamento UE: per una nuova prassi democratica post-nazionale?
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      European ConstitutionalismEuropean Union CitizenshipEuropean Union citizenship (Political Science)European Union
The article, analyzing the judgment of the European Court of Justice in the case Balázs-Árpád Izsák e Attila Dabis v. Commission and the Opinion of the AG Bobek in the case Puppinck v. Commission, carries out a reconstruction of the... more
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      European Union CitizenshipEuropean Union LawEuropean Citizens' Initiative
The Citizens Initiative happened between 2014-2015 and it was launched by the Italian branch of the European Federalist Movement. The main proposals are: investing in organic agiruclture, renewable energies,... more
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      European integrationEuropean Union PoliticsEuropean Citizens' Initiative
This work aims to give a contribution on the debate for the adoption of a regulation on administrative procedure of the European Union, focusing in particular on the duty to give reasons as part of the right to good administration. In... more
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      European Union CitizenshipEuropean UnionEuropean Union LawEuropean Citizens' Initiative
European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) is deemed to be one of political tools adjusting EU’s democratic defi cit. Although the ECI has been largely analyzed from a theoretical point of view, the article presents an empirical snapshot of this... more
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      European UnionEuropean ParliamentParticipatory DemocracyEuropean Commission
24 November - Lecture on Popular Initiavtive at Catholic University of Portugal
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      Constitutional LawEuropean LawComparative Constitutional LawEuropean Union Law
The Szekler National Council decided to lodge a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) with the objective of initiating EU legislation concerning the rights of autochthonous people and ethnic groups living in the European Union, and in... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawCohesion PolicyMinority Studies
En el marco del debate sobre el déficit democrático de la UE y del creciente distanciamiento entre ciudadanos e instituciones, la ICE ofrece para aquellas propuestas que cuenten con el apoyo de un millón de europeos la posibilidad de... more
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      Political ParticipationParticipationE ParticipationDemocracy
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza działań podejmowanych w celu urzeczywistnienia traktatowych zapisów dotyczących inicjatywy obywatelskiej w Unii Europejskiej. Prezentacja ich wskazuje na przykładowe formy współdziałania obywateli w... more
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      European Citizens' InitiativeDemocracy Deficit
The European Union is often criticized for its democratic deficit. This criticism has led to a process of including civil society in European governance through consultations, round table discussions and civil dialogue. These steps of... more
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      European UnionEuropeanizationPOSEuropean Citizens' Initiative
One of the European Union (EU) institutions' responses to the alleged "democratic deficit" in the EU is the introduction of the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI). The ECI provides an agenda-setting tool accessible to different advocacy... more
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      European UnionNarrative Policy FrameworkEuropean Citizens' InitiativeDemocracy Deficit