Recent papers in Essays
The internet was created for the U.S government to be able to communicate and share information in a more efficient manner. Today the internet serves a lot more than its original purpose. The internet has become a place to express... more
La prosa diaristica dell’autore italiano contemporaneo Guido Ceronetti è presentata attraverso un commento critico e traduzione di una scelta di note che sono stati precedentemente riportati nella trasmissione radiofonica "Diari e... more
This research provides an approach for designing a constructed wetland system for treatment of tin contaminated wastewater from mining catchment. Initially, physico-chemical characteristics and concentration of heavy metals in the soil... more
Anthology of 18 essays as proposed by Fitzgerald to his editor in a letter in the 1930s. Over half of them had never been translated into Spanish.
Students can demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the concepts, principles, and notions of the subjects through an essay. They have multiple sources at their disposal for supporting their point in the essay. It ranges from... more
XXIII World Congress of Philosophy Paper Submission, It was read and discussed on August, 2013 in Athens, Greece. The abstract translation was made by Tomás Koljatic. The original text was written and read in Spanish: Replegados en el... more
Example For Y20 Summit (Indonesian Youth Diplomacy)
For decades the intellectual history of twentieth-century Spain has relied on the French model of the political history of intellectuals, which focuses on their positions with regard to political events and the actions of the nation... more
Arquitectura puede ser definida como un conjunto de conocimientos y habilidades que permiten representar un sueño, una idea, un dibujo a la realidad, transformarlos y construirlos en un elemento real. La persona que lleva acabo estos... more
Ensayo y asociación de imágenes a partir de una fotografía propuesta por el editor del no. 18 de la revista Engawa
Tema: Exilio, alteridad y nación.
A szerző egyik legkorábbi publikációja, mely 1989-ben jelent meg, a frissen alakult Nappali Ház első számában. One of the earliest publications of the author, published in 1989 in the newly established generational cultural journal,... more
De belofte van ongekende mogelijkheden, en tegelijkertijd het besef dat deze veelal onbereikbaar zijn; die dubbelheid karakteriseert onze verhouding tot de horizon. Maar er is nog een tweede dubbelheid in het spel, want de horizon... more
The objective of this paper, which makes use of the concepts of framing from Bernstein’s theory, and habitus from Bourdieu’s theory, is the sociological approach to, and analysis of, the perceptions of postgraduate students of the... more
Las ruinas son el resultado de aquello que el tiempo ha puesto en valor. Con el paso de los años, la arquitectura se despoja de lo prescindible. El tiempo construye. Las ruinas presumen de la esencia constructiva inscrita en su código... more
The Social Values of Christianity
Collection from awarded writings
(full text, book)
Collection from awarded writings
(full text, book)
Notable Essay, The Best American Essays, 2003. From the UMass Writing Program's Text-Wrestling Book: "Like many beach towns, Provincetown, Massachusetts draws tourists, writers, artists, and naturalists—urban people who come looking for... more
This is an essay written while under the influence for a magazine. The topic I was asked to write about was: ' Affirmative Prayer'. As a writing enthusiast who knows more about Roaul Moat and David Sylvian than anything else, it turned... more
Essay/fiction/poetry published in collaboration with the artist for the book Sten Are Sandbeck. Fashion Ghosts (2012), in conjunction with his exhibition by the same title at Trondheim Kunstmuseum, Norway in 2012. Sten Are Sandbeck... more
Language is like air. You realize how important it is only when it is messed up. Then it can kill you. Those working for totalitarian regimes know this better than anyone else: messing with
One language spoken worldwide would lead to better international relations." Discuss.
Trzeci przetłumaczony na język polski zbiór esejów Johna Maxwella Coetzee'ego (sprzed prawie dwudziestu lat) jest niejednorodny nie tylko pod względem tematycznym. Znajdują się tu bowiem zarówno teksty, które czyta się niemal zachłannie,... more
Language is always constructed and communicated through the point of view of the producer; and since research is recorded through language (whether that be in written form or orally) it is therefore also composed from the researcher’s... more
Abstract: The search for footing can be thought of as an essential human experience. Joachim Wittstock’s essays published in the anthology Einen Halt suchen reveal not only the socio-political repercussions of this pursuit but... more
"This paper examines the growth and some of the disputes surrounding “masculinity” as a legitimate category for both social and more traditional scholars seeking to understand Late Antiquity. It shows how investigations of... more
Abordamos neste artigo a ensaística de Giacomo Debenedetti (1901-1967), buscando identificar seus principais temas e preocupações e caracterizar seu estilo. As diversas referências aí presentes não se restringem à literatura e à arte,... more
Presentation given by Georgia Southern faculty member Dolores Rangel at X Coloquio Literario de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Monterrey en Honor de Jorge L. Borges
The words "fact" and "truth" are considered differently among individuals. That is to say that there are people who consider fact and truth as two different concepts, there are those who do not see any difference between them whereas,... more
ABSTRACT Alzheimer's disease or AD is characterised by neurofibrillary knots, or tangles, and beta-amyloid plaques in the brain. Nerve cells waste away and wither and eventually decay and die. AD is a state of atrophy, degeneration,... more
Decision makers often perform pavements repairs without considering the maintenance priority and without utilizing a systematic procedure. These kinds of arbitrary decisions do not usually guarantee the effectiveness of budget... more
#STREATstories is a storytelling project focused on the artistic activities and interventions of a social enterprise that successfully supports homeless and disadvantaged young people in Melbourne's inner city. The project explores an... more
ÖZETÇE : İlköğretim Okullarında “Resimlerle Kompozisyonla Türkçe Öğretimine ilişkin temel veya yardımcı herhangi bir ders kitabı var mı yok mu bilmiyorum. Böyle bir kitabı henüz görmedim. Ne var ki , İngilizce öğretiminde bu türden... more