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In today's period of the invasive figuring, the Internet has turned into the principle method of information correspondence. In such a situation, giving security to information turns into a mind boggling assignment. In Elliptic bend... more
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      Elliptic curvesECCAttacksDiffie-Hellman-DSA
Kriptoloji ve Kriptografi alanında Türkçe kaynağın yetersizliği nedeniyle, literatür taraması yardımıyla yazılmış bu dönem projesini faydalanmak isteyen herkese sunuyorum.
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      AlgorithmsKriptografiKriptolojiRSA ALGORITHM
Advanced Image Steganography is used to develop a secure path for sending or receiving secret text messages. Using Chaff and Winnow& AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption technique, the text message is encrypted and sent to... more
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      Network SteganographyImage Processing and steganographyImage SteganographyImage Encryption
Cryptography is derived from a Greek word which means the art of protecting information by converting it into an unreadable format. In order to prevent some unwanted users or people to get access to the data cryptography is needed. RSA is... more
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    • Diffie-Hellman-DSA
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    • Diffie-Hellman-DSA
Kriptografi merupakan sebuah ilmu sekaligus seni untuk menjaga kerahasiaan pesan agar tetap aman. Kriptografi dengan algoritma kunci publik dapat digunakan pada digital signature dengan beberapa persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi. Digital... more
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      Digital SignatureEncryptionInformation System SecurityCrptography
In this paper, we propose a non-commutative keyexchange scheme which generalizes the classical ElGamal Cipher to polycyclic groups. We describe the criteria for groups which would provide good candidates for such cryptosystems, we also... more
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      Group TheoryNon-commutative GeometryPublic key cryptographyDecision Problem
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      Random Oracle ModelDiffie-Hellman-DSASignature SchemePublic Key
Security is one of the vital concerns especially in the current period with an extensive rise in the usage of the internet. So, an effective text encryption algorithm is of greater need for achieving an immense amount of privacy. In this... more
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      CryptographyText Encryption & Decryption AlgorithmEncryption AlgorithmsAdvanced Encryption Standards
A brief look into the history around the treatment of encryption as a munition, regulated by governments like guns and missiles etc. Diffie and Hellman are discussed, as some thoughts on when information becomes a weapon, when math is a... more
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      History Of ComputingCryptographyPlatform Studiesscience and technology studies (STS)
wireless sensor network (WSN) is an unmistakable innovation for a long while. In most genuine applications, the immense measure of information assembled utilizing sensors are required to be put away and be made accessible for whenever,... more
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      Computer ScienceHealth CareVirtual CommunityWireless Sensor Networks
Most common public key cryptosystems and public key exchange protocols presently in use, such as the RSA algorithm, Diffie-Hellman, and elliptic curve methods are number theory based and hence depend on the structure of abelian groups.... more
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      Number TheoryApplied MathematicsGroup TheoryDiffie-Hellman-DSA
In the present paper, a new protocol for authentication and key distribution is proposed. The new protocol has the aim to achieve a comparable performance with the Kerberos protocol and overcome its drawbacks. For authentication of the... more
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      CMSClock synchronizationDiffie-Hellman-DSAKey Distribution
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      Number TheoryApplied MathematicsGroup TheoryDiffie-Hellman-DSA
Bluetooth is a technology for connecting devices wirelessly to achieve data transfer at the rate of 720 kbps within a range of 10 to 100 meters. In existing authentication procedure for Bluetooth networks, four levels of key generation... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmAuthenticationComputer Applications
We propose a robust proactive threshold signature scheme, a multisignature scheme and a blind signature scheme which work in any Gap Diffie-Hellman (GDH) group (where the Computational Diffie-Hellman problem is hard but the Decisional... more
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      MathematicsComputer SciencePublic key cryptographyBlind Signature
We propose a robust proactive threshold signature scheme, a multisignature scheme and a blind signature scheme which work in any Gap Diffie-Hellman (GDH) group (where the Computational Diffie-Hellman problem is hard but the Decisional... more
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      Public key cryptographyBlind SignatureThreshold SignatureDiffie-Hellman-DSA
In today's period of the invasive figuring, the Internet has turned into the principle method of information correspondence. In such a situation, giving security to information turns into a mind boggling assignment. In Elliptic bend... more
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      Elliptic curvesECCAttacksDiffie-Hellman-DSA
We propose and analyze two efficient signature schemes whose security is tightly related to the Diffie-Hellman problems in the random oracle model. The security of our first scheme relies on the hardness of the computational... more
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      Number TheoryPure MathematicsOracleProvable Security
Abstract: Cryptography is derived from a Greek word which means the art of protecting information by converting it into an unreadable format. In order to prevent some unwanted users or people to get access to the data cryptography is... more
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A publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) scheme is a verifiable secret sharing scheme with the special property that anyone is able to verify the shares whether they are correctly distributed by a dealer. PVSS plays an important role... more
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      Applied MathematicsStatisticsElectronic VotingCryptography
Smart grid (SG) communication has recently received significant attentions to facilitate intelligent and distributed electric power transmission systems. However, communication trust and security issues still present practical concerns to... more
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      Security RequirementsSecurity AnalysisRandom access memoryInterdisciplinary Engineering
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    • Diffie-Hellman-DSA
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      EngineeringCryptographyMathematical SciencesElsevier
Secure key distribution is a critical component in secure communications. Finding 'proven secure' practical key distribution systems is one of the major goals in cryptography. The Diffie-Hellman variants, a family of key... more
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      Computer ScienceLawCryptographyDistributed Systems
Failure of the wired equivalent privacy (WEP) protocol largely stimulated the research and development of a security protocols far wireless local area networks. Industry alliances and IEEE responded with WGFi Protected Access (WPA) and... more
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      PrivacyElliptic curvesProtocolsResearch and Development
Let $p$ be a prime and $\vartheta$ an integer of order $t$ in the multiplicative group modulo $p$. In this paper, we continue the study of the distribution of Diffie–Hellman triples $(\vartheta^x, \vartheta^y, \vartheta^{xy})$ by... more
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      Pure MathematicsDiffie-Hellman-DSA
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceCodingPublic key cryptography
The third generation partnership project (3GPP) has addressed the feasibility of interworking and specified the interworking architecture and security architecture for third generation (3G)-wireless local area network (WLAN), it is... more
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      Computer ScienceSecurityUbicompSystem Architecture
This paper presents an off-line anonymous e-cash schemes, that is secure under the strong RSA assumption and the strong Diffie-Hellman (SDH) assumption. A user can withdraw a wallet containing 2 k coins, each of which she can spend... more
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      MathematicsRandom Oracle ModelDiffie-Hellman-DSA
We propose a robust proactive threshold signature scheme, a multisignature scheme and a blind signature scheme which work in any Gap Diffie-Hellman (GDH) group (where the Computational Diffie-Hellman problem is hard but the Decisional... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceBlind SignatureThreshold Signature
Together with rapid growth in mobile applications and cloud computing technology, mobile cloud computing has been introduced to be a potential technology for mobile services. Data violation event makes an end –to– end encryption which is... more
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      Cloud ComputingDiffie-Hellman-DSAProxy Re-EncryptionAES algorithm
wireless sensor network (WSN) is an unmistakable innovation for a long while. In most genuine applications, the immense measure of information assembled utilizing sensors are required to be put away and be made accessible for whenever,... more
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      Computer ScienceHealth CareVirtual CommunityWireless Sensor Networks
... 1055 Page 6. [7] Ms.PGRajeswari, Dr.K.Thilagavathi, “An Efficient Authentication ... [9] K. Kaabneh and H. Al-Bdour, “Key Exchange Protocol in Elliptic Curve Cryptography with No Public Point”, American Journal of Applied Sciences 2... more
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      MathematicsNetwork SecurityMobile CommunicationMobile Ad Hoc Network
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License Newcastle University
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      Computer ScienceBitcoinYakDiffie-Hellman-DSA
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      Computer ScienceDiffie-Hellman-DSAKey DistributionPublic Key
Attempts such as the standard 802.11i, in the domain of wireless communication, have been successful in securing the data-exchange procedures between hosts. However the secure exchange of management frames is yet to be addressed. In this... more
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      Computer ScienceDoS AttackPerformance AnalysisMAC Layer
In this paper, we present an evaluation of possible ARM instruction set extension for Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) over binary finite fields GF(2 m). The use of elliptic curve cryptography is becoming common in embedded domain, where... more
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      Computer ArchitectureEmbedded SystemsPerformance EvaluationPower Consumption
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      Cognitive ScienceSecurity in routing protocolsComputer SoftwareVerification
Recently, it has been proved that computational security can be automatically verified using the Dolev-Yao abstraction. We extend these results by adding a widely used component for cryptographic protocols: Diffie-Hellman exponentiation.... more
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      Computer SecuritySecurity ProtocolDiffie-Hellman-DSA
We analyze a key agreement algorithm realization, not using Diffie-Hellman approach, but using matrix powers and conjugation. Introduced in a theoretical frame by Sakalauskas et. al. in 2007, it is here implemented in J2ME on mobile... more
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      PrivacyCryptographyOPERATING SYSTEMElliptic curves
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      Proof of knowledgeDiffie-Hellman-DSADiscrete LogarithmPublic Key
In this paper, we study the current security standards in multihop WiMAX networks and their security issues. For secured communications, hop-by-hop authentication is necessary for any multihop wireless networks [5][6]. WiMAX multihop... more
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      Network codingWimaxPublic key cryptographyCryptographic Protocols
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      General linear groupBoolean SatisfiabilityFinite FieldDiffie-Hellman-DSA
In the spirit of Diffie Hellman the concept of a protocol algebra is introduced using certain amalgamated free product of Braid group (B) and Thompson group (T ) together with a nilpotent subgroup H of index 2
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      IndexationDiffie-Hellman-DSAPublic Key
FUNCIONES Los objetos fundamentales con los que trata el cálculo son las funciones. Surgen siempre de una cantidad que depende de otra.  Por ejemplo en área de un círculo depende de su radio.  La aceleración vertical a del suelo,... more
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    • Diffie-Hellman-DSA
Most common public key cryptosystems and public key exchange protocols presently in use, such as the RSA algorithm, Diffie-Hellman, and elliptic curve methods are number theory based and hence depend on the structure of abelian groups.... more
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      Number TheoryApplied MathematicsGroup TheoryDiffie-Hellman-DSA
We present a related family of authentication and digital signature protocols based on symmetric cryptographic primitives which perform substantially better than previous constructions. Previously, one-time digital signatures based on... more
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      Computer ScienceOperating SystemsDigital SignatureAuthentication
... 1055 Page 6. [7] Ms.PGRajeswari, Dr.K.Thilagavathi, “An Efficient Authentication ... [9] K. Kaabneh and H. Al-Bdour, “Key Exchange Protocol in Elliptic Curve Cryptography with No Public Point”, American Journal of Applied Sciences 2... more
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      MathematicsNetwork SecurityMobile CommunicationMobile Ad Hoc Network