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The IDEA Research Lab aims to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration and exploration in the Interior Design field in Saudi Arabia. The identified themes of the IDEA Research Group are directly related to the Saudi Vision 2030 (A vibrant... more
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      Cultural HeritageSustainable DevelopmentInterior DesignSustainable Building Design
Abstract: Internal logic of technologically led consumerist society will function to bring everyone under its world view by using terminologies of democracy and choice in political realm and help and concern in social realm. Definitions... more
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      Social WorkDesignHappiness and Well BeingDesign for Wellbeing
Concerns over the impact of technologies on psychological health have led to a growing interest in ‘digital wellbeing’ and related research within HCI. In order for technologies to better respect psychological needs, designers will need... more
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      Human Computer InteractionHCIWellbeingDesign for Wellbeing
The environment in which patients (need to) reside has a great influence on their wellbeing (Ulrich, 1991). That is why introducing 'Design for Wellbeing' is key in the design of palliative environments. People in the last phase of their... more
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      Palliative CareInterior Design (Architecture)Design for Wellbeing
Many of the Design for Development outcomes which are unsuited to the users and their environment are based on poorly defined needs and preferences. Product designers are trained to take the user perspective into account, but they are not... more
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      EthnographyUser Centred DesignCapability ApproachHappiness and Well Being
Esta pesquisa aborda a leitura em voz alta entre adultos com foco no entretenimento. O projeto foi inspirado na percepção de como os livros infantis se tornam um mediador da interação entre o adulto e a criança. Nesta proposta, intenta-se... more
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      Positive PsychologyPositive DesignMachado de AssisEditorial Design
Digital technologies have now become a means of facilitating and empowering information and communication, having on touch-screen devices a reality that, although still recent, already has a considerable impact in today's society.... more
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      Interaction DesignGraphic DesignIllustrationCommunication Design
Information and communication technology (ICT) plays an indispensable role in development of the tourism industry. However, the role of technology has shifted from backend services for transactions and reservations to front-end... more
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      Positive DesignService DesignEtourismPositive psychology and its application to health, well-being, recovery from illness, and optimal functioning.
Design has turned towards positive psychology, noticing its potential beyond overcoming problems and tracing possibilities to enhance quality of life. As a newly blossoming domain, design for well-being faces with challenges like correct... more
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      Positive PsychologyPositive DesignUser Experience (UX)Women's Health
Resumo: Forças de caráter são traços pessoais que indicam como as pessoas lidam com adversidades. Quando aplicam essas forças no cotidiano, seu bem-estar tende a ser desen-volvido, o que pode ser estimulado através do Design, segundo uma... more
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      Positive DesignDesign for Wellbeing
Today’s public discourse on the design of care centers for the elderly population is increasingly emphasizing the importance of subjective well-being (SWB) and the value that architecture and interior architecture can have in this... more
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      Subjective Well-BeingHappiness and Well BeingInterior ArchitectureDesign for Wellbeing
Abstract This paper presents recommendations for designing activity trackers that can support long-term tracking behaviour. These recommendations are based on a six-month field study exploring activity trackers’ impact on physical... more
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      ArchitectureDesign for Behaviour ChangeDesign for WellbeingActivity trackers
Happiness is one of the major influences in what makes people use products, and what makes those products an important part of daily life. What drives these aspects, some arisen from personal appraisement and some directly related to the... more
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      User Experience (UX)Industrial DesignProduct DesignPleasure
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      Service DesignEtourismDesign for Wellbeing
Water is one of the key nutritional sources for the human body. Its absence causes psychological and physical health problems such as anxiety, headaches and urine problems. Design researchers have previously addressed this problem (i.e.... more
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      Design for WellbeingHydrationDesign for Behavior Change
To improve the well-being of disadvantaged and marginalized populations by product design, deep contextual insight is required. However, literature does not specify which topics to discuss or which questions to ask. To address this issue,... more
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      Capability ApproachDesign for WellbeingDesign for DevelopmentHuman Centered Design for Development
Happiness is one of the major influences in what makes people use products, and what makes those products an important part of daily life. What drives these aspects, some arisen from personal appraisement and some directly related to the... more
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      User Experience (UX)Industrial DesignProduct DesignPleasure
The environment in which patients (need to) reside has a great influence on their wellbeing (Ulrich, 1991). That is why introducing ‘Design for Wellbeing’ is key in the design of palliative environ...
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      SociologyPalliative CareDesign for WellbeingInterior Design ARCHITECTURE
This paper presents recommendations for designing activity trackers that can support long-term tracking behaviour. These recommendations are based on a six-month field study exploring activity trackers’ impact on physical activity (PA)... more
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      Design for Behaviour ChangeDesign for WellbeingActivity trackers