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      Information SystemsHuman Computer InteractionDesignTheory
This is the first refereed article that presents the life and work of JP Hully, a British modernist that worked with Gane furniture manufacturers in Bristol. His design life and tenure at Gane overlapped with that of Marcel Breuer. Both... more
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      DesignArtFurniture DesignBritish art
In Baudrillard's words, the consumption society needs objects in order to be. This situation opens the way for all abstract-concrete assets in social life to be perceived as an object open to consumption. Consumption, in the words of... more
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      DesignSpace DesignAlienationVisuality
The ubiquitous sameness of urban greenways prompts questions on generative design grammar and syntax, whether creative, critical rethinking at that level might be lacking. However the design syntax of urban greenways is not explicitly... more
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      DesignLandscape ArchitectureDesign ResearchSustainable Design
The paper presents a few examples of designed and constructed bridges which were inspired by quite strange prototypes from nature and even the history or the philosophy. It shows how it is important to establish a good cooperation between... more
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      DesignArchitectureBIM-technologyStructural Designs in Bridges
Stüssy is an internationally renowned fashion label which encapsulates the surf wear trend originating in Orange County, California, and which has largely been adopted by the streetwear and hip-hop scenes.
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      MarketingEnglish LiteratureArt HistoryDesign
How can one walk the line between some sort of financial sustainability and the production of design work t hat critically challenges accepted power structures and discourse? How can one organise a design practice t hat creates space for... more
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      DesignDesign ResearchDesign CulturePrecarity
ÖZET Bu çalışmada tasarımı yapılan şasi üzerine iki çeşit kabin tasarımı yapılmıştır. Tasarım süreçleri esnasında MARTOY dikkate alınmış ve bütün düzenlemeler buna göre yapılmıştır. Bilgisayar ortamında tasarıma başlanmadan önce farklı... more
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      DesignIndustrial DesignGraphic DesignAerodynamics
Sustainable design is a phrase commonly used in the realms of design practice and yet the definition of the same remains quite fuzzy, thus providing the motivation for this research. The paper looks at contemporary sustainable design... more
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      DesignLandscape ArchitectureEcological EconomicsEnvironmental Design
This dissertation discusses the role of designing adaptive kinetic patterns in architecture, architectural surfaces have been covered by patterns long time ago, and the problem is how kinetic adaptive patterns will be designed for... more
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      DesignArchitectureDesign PatternsSolar
This article explores the personal garments present in the probate inventories of 83 individuals that lived in the city of Valencia and its hinterland during the long fourteenth century. The paper explores the differences between both... more
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      Economic HistoryArt HistoryDesignMedieval Studies
Dalla Rivoluzione industriale a oggi, la prima storia completa del design. Uno dei piu grandi fenomeni culturali e socio-economici dell'eta contemporanea, visto nei suoi aspetti piu specifici: la progettazione, la produzione, il consumo e... more
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      DesignProduct DesignCultureStoria
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    • Design
RON DOUD'S life reads like a film, but with a tragic ending. Doud grew up and studied interior design at Seattle, graduating in 1970. Decades before Grunge rock, Seattle did have an active counter-culture in the 1960s but for young Doud... more
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      DesignHIV/AIDSNew York historyInterior Design
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      DesignIndustrial DesignGraphic Design
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      DesignArchitectural TheoryCinema Studies
Il cinema di Alberto Grifi, regista e sperimentatore: breve panoramica sul cinema sperimentale italiano, Grifi e la lotta alle forme del potere attraverso il cinema e gli altri media, la documentazione della lotta antipsichiatrica degli... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesSocial MovementsCommunication
Stratejinin oluşumundan gerçekleşmesine kadar olan sürece ışık tutan bu kitap, akıcı ve anlaşılır içeriği ile hem öğrenciler, hem öğretim görevlileri hem de ilgi duyan herkes için bir rehber niteliğinde olacaktır.
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryInformation TechnologyEntrepreneurial Economics
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      American StudiesArt HistoryDesign
Market globalization has brought us not only new opportunities, but also new challenges. The theme of innovation has become a mandatory topic for all industries -it has become a focal point for the enterprise, society and the world. The... more
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      DesignManufacturingProduct DesignStrategic Planning
Parametric Design is a computer based design approach that treats the geometric properties of the design as variables. The dimensions, angles and geometric properties (like curvature) remain malleable as the design progresses. Although at... more
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      DesignArchitectureFashion TheoryIndustrial Design
Lecture notes (Part-1)_Design for Aeronautical Engineering. For 2nd year Aeronautical Engineering students. Instructor - Dr Nickolay Zosimovych. USW, 2016.
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      DesignStructural Dynamics
Um dos grandes desafios da administração pública é a demanda crescente da população por intervenções e serviços cada vez mais eficazes e inovadores, buscando soluções para os problemas já existentes e antecipando respostas para problemas... more
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      Public AdministrationDesignService DesignPublic Services
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      EngineeringDesign EngineeringDesignOil and gas
In her book, "Indian Classical dance", Kapila Vatsyayan describes dance as the highest order of spiritual discipline, the enactment of which is symbolic of a ritual sacrifice of one's being to a transcendental order. The Natya-Shashtra, a... more
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      DesignStatic AnalysisAutomotive IndustryAutomotive Engineering
Stimuler la creativite demeure un enjeu majeur pour soutenir l’innovation. Depuis les travaux theoriques fondateurs des annees 1950-1960, il existe aujourd’hui un grand nombre d’outils, de methodes, et de guides d’aide au choix diffuses... more
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      EducationDesignComplexityProblem Solving
Design and technology education provides children with opportunities to create solutions to specific needs in innovative ways. This paper reports on research that focused on the language that the children used when they were involved in a... more
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      DesignCreativityResearch MethodologySocial Interaction
This work presents a methodology for discovering structure in design repository databases, toward the ultimate goal of stimulating designers through design-by-analogy. Using a Bayesian model combined with latent semantic analysis (LSA)... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAlgorithmsDesignDatabases
... donning. This system is designed to be embedded in Bio-Suit, a revolutionary space suit concept developed for many years by Prof. Dava ... exploration. I.Bio-SUIT SYSTEM The Bio-Suit System is a project developed by Prof. Dava ...
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      DesignSignal ProcessingFuzzy LogicNeural Network
Стаття присвячена окремим аспектам процесу формування графічної компетентності майбутніх бакалаврів з комп'ютерних наук у системі професійної освіти з орієнтацією на сучасні вимоги ринку праці, потенційних роботодавців та потреби у... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer GraphicsDesignHigher Education
A short essay on possibilities and variety of architectural research. Published in Bulletin České komory architektů [Bulletin of the Czech Chamber of Architects, Prague] XXI, 2014, No. 1, pp. 51–52.
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      EducationDesignArchitectureResearch Methodology
AI symposium on 'Ethics and morality in non-human agents' presentation AAAI-16 Spring Symposium. Slides as pdf. Robot Priest was demonstrated, chasis, costume, hybrid raspberry pi/sermonator. Details of present science around biology... more
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      RoboticsReligionSociologyComputer Science
Research in the broader IT context highlights that there are two main sources for vulnerabilities in IT systems. Firstly, there are technical flaws and architectural vulnerabilities that open back-doors into otherwise safe systems.... more
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      DesignInformation SecurityRequirements EngineeringComputer Security
Con il tema proposto in questo primo numero – l’invo-lucro sensibile e il suo progetto – MD Journal si propone di indagare alcuni aspetti contemporanei del concetto di superficie. Nel design e nell’architettura involucro e rive-stimento... more
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      DesignNew Product DevelopmentOpen Innovation
Motion estimation is the most computationally demanding task in MPEG-4 based video compression techniques. Motion estimation consumes 70% of the computational capability and its hardware realization contributes up to 60%
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      Computer ArchitectureDesignFPGAData Compression
Surat-surat kelengkapan sayembara Ruang Terbuka Hijau
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      DesignInstallation ArtContemporary ArtFine Arts
An important strand of research that is often neglected in the field of affective computing is that of how users respond to simulated displays of emotion. We present an overview of the few studies that have explicitly investigated this... more
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      ReligionCognitive PsychologyArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer Interaction
Design, Diversidade Cultural e Uso Compartilhado: um estudo sobre artefatos para o cuidado com a roupa Design, Cultural Diversity and Shared Use: a study about artefacts for clothing care Vasques, Rosana Aparecida; Mestranda; Universidade... more
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      Cultural StudiesDesignSharing Economy
In the Anthropocene complexity, information and technology play a transcendental role in how we relate to our identity, context and otherness. The already widespread AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) technologies allow to... more
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      Performing ArtsDesignSustainable CommunitiesCommunity Development
An improvement methodology is proposed for the design process in construction projects. Based on concepts and principles of lean production, the methodology considers the design process as a set of three different models-conversion, flow,... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringDesignProject Management
In this paper we explore the role of subjective well-being within the process of making together a personalized assistive device. Through a process of social product adaptation, assistive artifacts become part of occupational therapy and... more
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      EngineeringPsychologyHuman Computer InteractionDesign
This article presents the results achieved within the course ‘Project Work’ and carried out on observatory analysis and research on the technical features and advanced technology used on the Budapest metro line 4. Since a pretty small... more
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      EngineeringDesignArchitectureUrban Design
Outside the Frame: A Critical Analysis of Urban Image Surveys Phoebe Crisman Aided by digital technology, designers and planners are making ever greater use of photographic images to depict and envision proposals for urban change. Yet,... more
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