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In this paper, concept mapping is suggested as a methodological catalyst for organizational learning. Concept mapping, by virtue of its psychological and sociological foundations, offers a way to simultaneously understand complex systems... more
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      Organizational LearningConcept MapUrban And Regional PlanningApplied Economics
We examine the equivalence of two construct-a-concept-map techniques: construct-a-map with created linking phrases (C), and construct-a-map with selected linking phrases (S). The former places few constraints on the respondent and has... more
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      Formative AssessmentConcept MapSCIENCE TEACHINGEvaluation methods
In this study we use concept maps as the tool for examining concepts presented in three high school computer textbooks. All three textbooks were endorsed by Taiwan's Ministry of Education (MOE). The concepts relating to CPU was selected... more
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      EducationConcept MapHigh SchoolConceptual Framework
Objective: To develop a comprehensive conceptual framework of tobacco industry tactics in four countries in South East Asia for the purpose of: (1) generating consensus on key areas of importance and feasibility for regional and cross... more
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      Multidimensional ScalingPublic RelationsConcept MapPublic Health
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      Concept MapPersonality DisorderSocial SystemPhysical examination
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      MarketingProgram EvaluationPsychologyAssessment
With the expansion of successful applications of adaptive techniques for Telecommunications in Education, in particular, for various Web-based Education and Training systems, there is a growing need of creating the respective authoring... more
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      Adaptive HypermediaConcept MapNeural NetworkEducation and Training
This article investigates the previous research and theories of workplace commitment using content analysis and concept mapping. It provides a conceptual model of workplace commitment, integrating the literature on organizational... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentContent AnalysisOrganizational CommitmentConcept Map
Assessment in the context of education is the process of characterizing what a student knows. The reasons to perform assessment are quite varied, ranging from a need to informally understand student learning progress in a course to a need... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceEducationEngineering Education
An investigation of students' knowledge after a traditional advanced high-school course in electromagnetism shows deficiencies of their knowledge in three major areas: ͑1͒ the structure of knowledge-e.g., realizing the importance of... more
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      Concept MapProblem SolvingMathematical SciencesHigh School
Concept maps are an effective way of representing a person’s understanding of a domain of knowledge. Technology can further help by making it easy to construct and modify that representation, to manage large representations for complex... more
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      Concept MapPeer ReviewKnowledge ModelingNot for profit
This study explores four-year elementary education students' understanding of how children learn mathematics through the use of concept maps. Thirteen Canadian and 9 students from Lebanon participated in the study. Over a two-week... more
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      Concept MapElementary Education
Purpose -The purpose of this mixed methods study is to define the core components of a system-wide, acute care program designed to meet the needs of older adults. Design/methodology/approach -Concept mapping methodology (multidimensional... more
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      Multidimensional ScalingConcept MapOrganizational structureElderly People
Contemporary assessment practices in science education have undergone significant changes in recent decades. The basis for these changes and the resulting new assessment practices are the subject of this two-part paper. Part 1 considers... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPhilosophy of ScienceScience EducationConcept Map
In this paper we describe our experiences while exploring alternative approaches to explain social theory in an undergraduate course in Social and Cultural Anthropology. We started out with a keyword-mapping exercise. CmapTools was then... more
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      Social TheoryConcept Map
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      Science EducationBiologyConcept MapCognitive Style
BACKGROUND Inherent problems in the UK construction industry embrace issues such as high levels of wastage and fragmentation, lack of value and investment in research and development (R&D), and poor information flow. These... more
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      ArchitectureEngineering DesignConcept MapConstruction Industry
❒ Ramzi Nasser, Associate Professor,
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      Interpersonal CommunicationTrainingConcept MapProfessional Development
The conceptual card deck is a game for the collaborative construction of concept maps. It was developed at the Conectate al Conocimiento Project of Panama as an easy way to introduce novice mappers to concept maps and propositional... more
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      EngineeringConcept MapTeacher TrainingTree Structure
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      Computer ScienceScholarship of Teaching and LearningEngineering EducationHigher Education
Can concept mapping he used to promote meaningfiil leammg in nurse education? Recent changes m nurse education have led to a desire in nurse educators to promote meanmgful leammg rather than rote leaming of facts A major metacognitive... more
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      NursingCognitionMetacognitionConcept Map
This paper aims at improving serialist students' learning effect by concept mapping. It discusses concept mapping as a learning strategy and its effects in either an accommodatory or a compensatory strategy of the student's style. In... more
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      EngineeringEducationConcept MapCognitive Style Abstract. The CmapTools program, and concept mapping in general, have seen a steady growth in usage in the last few years. With new users come new requirements and needs for the software that we can’t always satisfy. Until... more
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      Computer ScienceConcept MapKnowledge ExchangeData Exchange
Assessment in the context of education is the process of characterizing what a student knows. The reasons to perform assessment are quite varied, ranging from a need to informally understand student learning progress in a course to a need... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceEducationEngineering Education
This article describes the genesis and development of concept mapping as a useful tool for science education. It also offers an overview of the contents of this special issue and comments on the current state of knowledge representation.... more
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      Science EducationConcept MapSCIENCE TEACHINGCurriculum and Pedagogy
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the applicability of using concept maps in organizations where knowledge management is the goal. Design/methodology/approach – Based on the principles stated by Nonaka and Takeuchi about... more
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      Information SystemsKnowledge ManagementConcept MapConcept Mapping
The students of undergraduate expect simple, teaching. But, in many universities, instructors simply follow text books and solve the examples given in it. In such case, students cannot learn anything defined in the syllabus. This method... more
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      Computer ScienceEducationTeacher EducationMathematics Education
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      Science EducationConcept MapHigh SchoolCurriculum and Pedagogy
Mit dem Entstehen der Urbanistik als interdisziplinär angelegter Stadtforschung erfährt auch die Kartografie zusammen mit der Ethnografie eine Verbreitung als raumanalytisches Werkzeug in allen raumbezogenen Forschungsdisziplinen (Glaser... more
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      CartographyCommonsEthnographic Fieldwork (Anthropology)Concept Map
Purpose. To identify the types and mix of technology (hardware and software) provided to post-secondary students with dyslexia under the UK's Disabled Student Allowance (DSA), and to determine the students' satisfaction with, and use of,... more
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      Assistive TechnologyConcept MapDyslexiaDisability
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      Concept MapE Learning Management SystemConcept MappingLearning Objects (Education)
The results of recent studies into the use of the concept mapping heuristic seem to demonstrate that mcaningful learning results through its use in science classrooms. While this underscores the need to use more effective instrIJctional... more
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      Concept MapConcept MappingSCIENCE TEACHINGCurriculum and Pedagogy
The results of recent studies into the use of the concept mapping heuristic seem to demonstrate that mcaningful learning results through its use in science classrooms. While this underscores the need to use more effective instrIJctional... more
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      Concept MapConcept MappingSCIENCE TEACHINGCurriculum and Pedagogy
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      GenderConcept MapMuslim MinoritiesIslamophobia
Published as: Nabitz, U., Severens, P., Brink van den, W., & Jansen, P. (2001).
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      Quality ManagementConcept MapCustomer OrientationBusiness and Management
System thinking is usually investigated by using questionnaires, video analysis, or interviews. Recently, concept-mapping (CM) was suggested as an adequate instrument for analysing students' system thinking. However, there are different... more
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      Science EducationSystems ThinkingConcept MapVideo Analysis
In this pilot study, concept mapping, a methodological approach combining qualitative and quantitative analytic strategies, was used to identify the therapist qualities, competencies, and skills necessary for effective play therapy... more
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      Play TherapyConcept MapPilot study
This study investigated the effectiveness of concept mapping used as a learning strategy with students in English as a Second Language classrooms. Seventy-nine ESL students participated in the study. Variables of interest were studentsÕ... more
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      PsychologyEnglish languageConcept MapSelf Control
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      Concept MapConcept MappingMap useKnowledge Map
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      Concept MapGeological map preparingMapMap Generalization
Bu çalışmanın amacı, yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğrenen C1 düzeyi öğrencilerinin kavram haritaları aracılığıyla okuduğunu anlama becerilerinin geliştirilmesidir. Araştırma kavram haritalama tekniğinin uygulanma sürecini ortaya koymayı... more
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      ReadingConcept MapTeaching of Foreign LanguagesConcept Mapping
Devono essere cambiati i paradigmi di assistenza di Annalisa Silvestro FOCUS "Come infermieri abbiamo progettualità e riteniamo di poter agire per innovare" di Michele Musso Utile agli altri e ad alta occupabilità: una professione che... more
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      SociologyResearch MethodologyConcept MapVocational education and training
Maps were the coincidental locus of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II's most passionate interests: war and art. So far, the focus has been upon the famed conqueror (Fâtih) of Constantinople's interest in, and demand for, European maps without... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of CartographyOttoman StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
ÖZ Öğretim materyalleri, öğrenme-öğretme sürecinin en önemli unsurlanndan birisidir. Bu süreçte temel amaç, bireyin daha yakınından daha somut olandan başka bir ifade ile daha iyi bilinenden hareket ederek öğrenmeyi daha kolay ve daha... more
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      EducationInformation SocietyConcept MapCognitive Map
As wondrous lands are represented as “wastelands” to make way for urban and industrial development in Hawaiʻi, kūpuna or elders and cultural practitioners are currently building a movement across the islands to mobilize moʻolelo (stories... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryCultural HistoryLandscape Ecology
Concept mapping is an important teaching and learning method that can help learners accurately acquire the information they need. A concept map connects how people learn with meaningful learning issues. In nursing, concept maps can be... more
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      NursingLearning and TeachingConcept MapTeaching Methodology
Türkçe: Coğrafi bilgi sistemleri ile çoklu karar destek sistemlerini entegre ederek kurum çalışmaları çerçevesinde amaç odaklı sayım coğrafyası oluşturulabilmesini kolaylaştırmak, alan çalışmalarında coğrafi bilgi sistemlerinin etkin... more
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      Concept MapCluster AnalysisMultiple criteria decision making (MCDM)Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri
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    • Concept Map
What You Understand Is What Your Cognitive Integrates. Scientific research develops, as a native environment, knowledge. This environment consists of two interdependent divisions: theory and technology. First division occurs as a... more
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      Concept MapEducation ResearchKnowledge WorkSocial Development
Die vorliegende Masterarbeit beruht auf einem Kooperationsprojekt zwischen dem Laboratorio di Terminologia des Forlì – Campus und der Terminology Coordination Unit des Europäischen Parlaments, in dessen Rahmen ein einmonatiger... more
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      Asylum LawTerminologyConcept MapLegal Terminology