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In this research, the Gobi and Ghali maps, the two most significant maps concerning Cyprus put forth until now, have been addressed. Based on this, the main purpose of this research is to present the significance, technical dimension,... more
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      SociologyLandHuman SciencesMap
Microperforated films (perforation diameter <200 lm) are an option for achieving the appropriate gaseous composition in modified atmosphere packaging, especially for fresh-cut products. In this project, static techniques were used to... more
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      Food EngineeringCarbon DioxidePackagingFilm
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      GeographyHumanitiesPolitical ScienceGraphic Design
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      Climate ChangeMolecular EvolutionAdaptationBiology
Systemic administration of cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychotomimetic compound from Cannabis sativa, attenuates the cardiovascular and behavioral responses to restraint stress. Although the brain structures related to CBD effects are not... more
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      PharmacologyAnimal BehaviorHRAnxiety
Crop protection seldom takes into account soil heterogeneity at the field scale. Yet, variable site characteristics affect the incidence of pests as well as the efficacy and fate of pesticides in soil. This article reviews crucial... more
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      Environmental SciencePrecision AgricultureNIRSNear Infrared
This paper describes a technique for evaluation the planimetric accuracy of 100,000 scale maps produced by Sudan Survey Department (SSD). The techniques are based on direct observation of ground control points using Trimble 5700 GPS... more
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Ezetimibe, a selective inhibitor of intestinal cholesterol absorption, effectively reduces plasma cholesterol both in monotherapy or combined with a statin. However, its effect on atherosclerosis plaque progression is certainly unknown.... more
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      Flow CytometryBiologyAtherosclerosisCell Adhesion
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      MetabolismCarbon DioxidePackagingPostharvest Physiology
Turkey is located at the Mediterranean at 36°and 42°N latitudes and has a typical Mediterranean climate. The solar energy potential is very high in Turkey. The yearly average solar radiation is 3.6 kW h/m 2 day, and the total yearly... more
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      Neural NetworkOptimizationCitySolar Energy
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      Gene expressionSignal TransductionBiological SciencesNO
The objective of this study was to develop an improved weight-related eating questionnaire (WREQ) that reflects recent advancements in the assessment and understanding of theory-based eating behaviors. A sequential process of measurement... more
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      PsychologyPsychometricsNonparametric StatisticsStructural Equation Modeling
We present a landslide susceptibility model for the Collazzone area, central Italy, and we propose a framework for evaluating the model reliability and prediction skill. The landslide susceptibility model was obtained through discriminant... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyStatistical AnalysisUncertainty
Although yohimbine (YOH) has been available for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction (ED) for longer than Viagra 1 , there is a perception that little is known about the clinical performance of the drug. This review attempts, by... more
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      HRErectile dysfunctionAnxietyNO
The hypothesis that E-selectin on activated endothelial cells could be exploited to selectively target drug delivery systems to tumor vasculature was investigated. HPMA copolymer-doxorubicin (DOX) conjugates displaying the high affinity... more
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      BiomaterialsTargeted Drug DeliveryDrug deliveryApoptosis
This review surveyed recent literature focused on factors that affect myoglobin chemistry, meat color, pigment redox stability, and methodology used to evaluate these properties. The appearance of meat and meat products is a complex topic... more
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      Chemical EngineeringGeneticsMeat ScienceAntimicrobials
The sculptor Richard Long practices a variety of art based largely on taking walks around the countryside. He documents his expeditions by marking his route on a map, taking a representative photograph, or making a word 'poster. I'... more
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      Human GeographyPerceptionArtSense of Place
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Cette these interdisciplinaire traite de l&#39;oeuvre artistique de Christo et Jeanne-Claude. Elle investit la dimension spatiale de la production artistique et la dimension spatiale de la reception esthetique d&#39;un objet d&#39;art... more
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This study examined the effects of location within a package and display time on the incidence of premature browning in patties made from ground beef packaged in a high-oxygen modified atmosphere (80% oxygen and 20% carbon dioxide) or in... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFood ScienceMapModified atmosphere packaging
[ITA] La posizione dell’isola di Ponza, strategica per il controllo delle rotte marittime da e per il porto di Napoli, ha fatto sì che l’interesse Reale si spingesse oltre il semplice controllo del territorio con un presidio militare, ma... more
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      HistoryCartographyIsland StudiesHistory of Cartography
A comparison of two theoretical trends in cartography, Map Design and "semiologie graphique", following the works of Arthur H. Robinson (in the US) and Jacques Bertin (in France). The paper questions their development, respective... more
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      CartographyGraphic DesignHistory of CartographyVisual Semiology
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      Concept MapConcept MappingMap useKnowledge Map
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      Concept MapGeological map preparingMapMap Generalization
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Assessment of soil erosion is expensive and intensively long exercise. A number of parametric models have been developed to forecast soil erosion at drainage basins, yet Universal Soil Loss Equation, popularly known as USLE model is most... more
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      Environmental ScienceSoil ErosionIlwisMap
Object detection performance, as measured on the canonical PASCAL VOC dataset, has plateaued in the last few years. The best-performing methods are complex ensemble systems that typically combine multiple low-level image features with... more
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      VisualizationSupport Vector MachinesImage segmentationFeature Extraction
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      CartographyArchaeologyCultural HeritageDigital Media
The MAP kinase protein family has a critical role in cellular signaling events, with MAP kinase p38α acting in inflammatory processes and being an important drug discovery target. MAP kinase drug design efforts have focused on small... more
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      Molecular BiologyDrug DiscoveryMacromolecular X-Ray CrystallographyCrystal structure
Depuis plus de 20 ans maintenant, l’intermédialité transforme radicalement notre façon de penser les textes, tous médias confondus. Elle a provoqué de nouvelles synergies entre les disciplines, induit de nouveaux partages et emprunts... more
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      IntermedialityGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariIntermedialidadIntermédialité
Applicando la nozione di «lotta sulla geografia», formulata da Edward W. Said, il contributo ricostruisce la fisionomia duplice della Milano descritta nel romanzo di Elio Vittorini "Uomini e no": luogo al contempo apocalittico (se... more
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      Utopian StudiesFascismNovelEdward Said
Recensione da: Gerión 2009, 27, núm. 2, 125-261 Francesca Mattaliano, por su parte, aborda en el capítulo décimo (“Il papiro di Artemidoro tra Eratostene e Strabone”) la importancia del Papiro de Artemidoro en lo que respecta al... more
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      CartographyMaritime HistoryHistory of CartographyMediterranean
Due to their poor preservation state, an early 20th c map series, property of Lesvos General State Archives, has, until recently, been constituting of unexploited cartographic material. Deteriorations included material and geographical... more
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      Urban GeographyCartographyInformation ScienceWeb 2.0
Purpose – The purposes of this study were to measure the relevance status of Index Islamicus, evaluate the semantic correlation between a query and documents and inquire the basis of its rank. Sorting the retrieved results from the most... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingInformation RetrievalIslamic History
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      Primary Health Care NursingMapComplessità
"""""During Mussolini’s fascist regime, the Atlante internazionale del Touring Club Italiano – produced in Milan (1927-1938) and widely recognised far beyond the borders of Italy – included among its plates two maps of European ethnic... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeography
For over twenty years now, intermediality has radically transformed the ways we think about texts across media. It has introduced new synergies between disciplines, new ways of sharing and borrowing methodologically, and it has even... more
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      IntermedialityGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariIntermedialidadIntermédialité
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In the beginning of the 19th century, thematic cartography was enriched with subjects related to the human world. In particular, the enthusiasm for statistics put on the foreground several topics drawn from what we would call today... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCartographyHistory of Cartography
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      Human GeographyHistorical GeographyCartographyAtlas
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This paper presents a complete study and comparison of the efficiency of three types of packaging system: active packaging, modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and combinations of both. To choose the best option, we must take into account... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSHELF LIFEActive PackagingMap
Samsun il merkezi, son 25 yılda konut ihtiyacının artması nedeniyle hızla yapılaşmaya açılmıştır. Nüfus artışının etkisiyle yapılaşma, kentin güney sırtlarına doğru ilerlemiştir. Bu bölgede, ilgili kamu kurumlarının gözlemlediği ve... more
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Vous pouvez faire des transformations ou tout autre traitement avec cha-cune des valeurs lues dans l'array source. Les résultats obtenus pour chaque élément de l'array source parcourue par le callBack sera PUSHÉ dans l'array de retrour.... more
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In this work we present a pedestrian navigation system for indoor environments based on the dead reckoning positioning method, 2D barcodes, and data from accelerometers and magnetometers. All the sensing and computing technologies of our... more
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      Mobile Human Computer InteractionMapAccelerometerCompass
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      IndividuationCollective UnconsciousDiagramMap
Clustering is needed in various applications such as biometric person authentication, speech coding and recognition, image compression and information retrieval. Hundreds of clustering methods have been proposed for the task in various... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInformation RetrievalComputational ComplexitySpeaker Recognition
Osteoporosis is a major health problem in both elderly women and men. Epidemiological evidence has shown an association between tea consumption and the prevention of age-related bone loss in elderly women and men. Ingestion of green tea... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionMolecular BiologyMetabolism
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      Dispute ResolutionArbitrationPoliticsLaw of the Sea