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      Classical ArchaeologyArt HistoryReception StudiesArt Theory
In 1909 F.T. Marinetti’s ‘Founding and Manifesto of Futurism’ declared “a roaring car that seems to ride on grapeshot is more beautiful than the Victory of Samothrace,” a statement indicative of the Futurist movement’s aversion to... more
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      Umberto BoccioniItalian FuturismClassicism In Art
From the catalogue to "The Classical Now"
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      AestheticsClassicsArt HistoryReception Studies
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      Classical MythologyFrench ClassicismClassicism In Art
During the last two centuries before the Renaissance of the arts in Italy in the 15th century, different waves of classical trends marked the artistic creation of both Byzantine and western worlds. Between 1220 and 1260 in particular, a... more
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      Art HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval StudiesHistory of Perspective in Painting
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      Pacific Island StudiesThe OtherClassicism In ArtNative Oceanian/Indigenous Pacific Art and Design
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryJohann Wolfgang von GoetheHistory of Archeology
Il contributo, attraverso l'analisi delle opere acquistate dal Comune di Roma all'Esposizione Internazionale di Belle Arti del 1883, propone una riflessione sulla fortuna della ripresa dell'antico nell'arte italiana post-unitaria... more
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      SculptureOttocentoClassicism In ArtOttocento italiano
Entretien, Christiane Chauviré et Théo Bélaud
ERRATA : dans la note 55 de ce texte, la citation de Mann est extraite du Docteur Faustus (même pagination) et non, bien sûr, de Confessions d'un apolitique.
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      Thomas MannHanslickWittgensteinLater Wittgenstein
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      Cultural HistoryClassicsCultural HeritageHistory and Classical tradition studies
After an introduction into the history of book illustrations from the second half of the 18th century to the late 19th century follows a sketch of the evolution of illustrations for Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s novel “The Sorrows of Young... more
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      History of the BookJohann Wolfgang von GoetheGoethe StudiesWeimar Classicism (Literature)
Full article published in Source: Notes in the History of Art 36 no 2 (Winter 2017): 88-98.
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Giorgio Vasari (1511-74) as an artist and art historian of Italian Mannerism viewed himself as huomo buono et docto in buon letter (a fine and learned man). 1 In choosing to practice various arts such as writing treatises, collecting... more
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      IconographyRenaissance HumanismItalian Renaissance ArtIconology
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      Italian Renaissance ArtEugene DelacroixEmulation16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish Art
Os presentes exposição e breve artigo pretendem traçar uma trajetória dos procedimentos de atribuição de materialidade a signos estéticos/poéticos, algo de grande relevância para o modernismo de inspiração libertária e materialista... more
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      EsteticaHaroldo de CamposPoesia ConcretaClassicism In Art
Il contributo ricostruisce, con un focus sugli interventi pittorici e plastici, la fase otto-novecentesca della parrocchiale di San Silvestro e del Museo Arte Sacra di Meride, interpretata a partire dal rimando al paradigma veliano.
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      Contemporary ArtSacred ArtArte ContemporaneaRealismo
Andrea Mantegna, renowned today as a painter and print-maker, was praised in his own day for skills in sculptural relief. Two bronze works are attributed to him (one a self-portrait bust), and he designed objects such as a decorative tent... more
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      Print CultureRenaissance StudiesHistory of SculptureItalian Renaissance Art
Literary historians have often claimed that the 20th century was the century of the avant-gardes. Like all clichés, however, this one too has its limits, which are all too easy to point out. The title of this essay could suggest that it... more
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      European StudiesComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureEnglish Literature
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheHistoriography (in Art History)GoetheGerman Classicisms
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      Art HistoryReception StudiesContemporary ArtHistory of Sculpture
Contemporary art and architectural works inspired by the concepts of Classic, Anti-Classic and Liquid Architecture have been analized. For the dialectic relationship between Classic and Anti-Classic, the fundamental texts by Giulio Carlo... more
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      ArchitectureAnticlassicismArt Theory and CriticismLiquidity
While recent studies on Italian Fascism have considered the regime's colonial project in Libya and Ethiopia, it is also necessary to analyze racism and its construction in the peninsula. The official magazine La difesa della razza... more
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      Race and RacismPrimitivism (Art History)Italian fascismClassicism
L'articolo prende in esame due luoghi in cui operò il pittore Giovanni Battista Ronchelli (Casalzuigno, Villa Porta Bozzolo, e Como, palazzo Giovio) mettendo in evidenza gli influssi del classicismo romano. Ospitato nel volume Giovanni... more
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      Art HistoryClassicism In Art
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      IconographyRenaissance HumanismItalian Renaissance ArtIconology
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      17th Century French Baroque Artist Nicolas PoussinPaul of TarsusCatacombs of RomeLandscape painting
Bereits unmittelbar nach seiner Fertigstellung erfuhr das Gemälde »Blick in Griechenlands Blüte« von Karl Friedrich Schinkel großes Publikumsinteresse. Einerseits stellte die dargestellte Szene eines sich im Bau befindlichen Tempels ein... more
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      Reception StudiesClassical Reception StudiesReception of AntiquityKarl Friedrich Schinkel
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      Interior DesignJohann Wolfgang von GoetheGerman ClassicismsWeimar Classicism (Literature)
В статье рассматривается возникновение классицизма в античную эпоху. Сначала даётся краткий ретроспективный обзор понятия «классики» до эпохи Возрождения, затем история возникновения этого понятия у Авла Геллия и Цицерона. Далее мы... more
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      Ancient HistoryAestheticsClassicsRenaissance Humanism
Recensione dei volumi "Maratti e l'Europa" e "Maratti e la sua fortuna" (Campisano Editore), pubblicata su "Alias", inserto domenicale de "Il manifesto".
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      Baroque art and architectureClassicismClassicism In ArtCarlo Maratta
Book Review.
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      FeminismFeminist Art HistoryReception of AntiquityFeminism and Gender Studies
Après la première journée d'étude consacrée aux portraits du Régent qui s'est tenue en septembre 2015, les organisateurs souhaitent creuser la question du politique au temps de Philippe II d'Orléans en ouvrant plus largement la réflexion... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureInterior Design (Architecture)Modern Architecture
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyClassical ArtRoman ArtByzantine art
Antoine Le Pautre (1621-1679) demeure l’une des dernières grandes figures de l’architecture du Grand Siècle qui n’ait pas fait l’objet récemment d’une monographie. Il faut dire que la personnalité de cette artiste a quelque chose de... more
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      French HistoryArchitecture17th-Century StudiesFrench art
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      MythologyGeorgio de ChiricoAlberto SavinioClassicism In Art