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In 1314, the Battle of Bannockburn gave Scotland its independence. On 6 April 1320, the Scottish ruler, Robert Bruce, and fifty signatories sent a declaration of independence to Pope John XXII. This is the Declaration of Arbroath, written... more
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      Celts (Archaeology)CimmeriansCeltsAncient Celts
Данная работа подробно исследует интересный и вместе с тем сложный вопрос происхождения крымских татар. Автор рассматривает участие в их этногенезе тавров, скифов и киммерийцев. Здесь представлены результаты исследования, опубликованные в... more
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      CimmeriansScythiansCimmerians, Herodotus, Scythians, Pontic area, Black Sea area, Caucaaus, Near East, Anatolia, nomads, steppe peoplesскифы
Сборник научных трудов посвящен 60-летию со дня рождения Сергея Анато- льевича Скорого – известного украинского археолога, доктора исторических наук, профессора, заведующего отделом археологии раннего железного века Института археологии... more
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      ArchaeologyScythian archaeologyEarly Iron AgeBlack Sea Region Archaeology
This article discusses the work of authors who in one way or another examined the participation of women early nomads of the Southern Urals in hostilities
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      Eurasian NomadsAmazoniaAmazonian EthnologyAmazonas
The excavations carried out lately at Yassıhöyük/Gordion, Boğazköy/Büyükkaya, Kaman-Kalehöyük, Çadırhöyük, Porsuk and Liman Tepe and also the survey at Hydas and Hisarlık Tepesi/Troya VIIb2 and Tel-el Cüdeyde excavations of which findings... more
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      Historical GeographyNear Eastern ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Studies
В представленной монографии представлены данные по изучению памятников ранних кочевников в областях Западного Казахстана раннего железного века. Основной материал представленный в монографии это палеоантропологические материалы. Они... more
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      PaleopathologyEurasian NomadsNomadic PeoplesNomadism
Öz: İskitlerin siyasi tarihlerine ilişkin en çok bilgi veren antik yazar, Herodotos'tur. Eserinde, Hellen Dünyası'na ait olmayan " öteki halklar " arasında en çok Mısırlılara; sonra da İskitlere değinmiştir. Ancak Herodotos'un ge-rek... more
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      Ancient HistoryAnatolian ArchaeologyAnatolian HistoryCaucasus
Работа посвящена публикации материалов, полученных в результате археологических исследований курганов у с. Буторы Григориопольского района на левобережье Нижнего Поднестровья. Ценность этих источников заключена в широте диапазона охвата... more
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologyBronze Age (Archaeology)Early Bronze Age (Archaeology)Scythian archaeology
Goryachev A.A., Egorova T.A., Yatsenko S.A. THE BONE PLATE WITH ENGRAVING COMPOSITION FROM THE EARLY IRON AGE SETTLEMENT KYZYLBULAK-IV IN THE UPPER PART OF TURGEN GORGE The plate of original 13–15sm length made of horse`s left scapula... more
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      Iranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesNomadic Art
Given the colorful and almost comprehensive variety of seventh century BCE Near Eastern states mentioned by Herodotus, his omission of the kingdom of Urartu is somewhat puzzling. The question of Herodotus' apparent ignorance of the... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassicsAssyrian archaeology
One of the features of Scythian archaic blade weaponry is the use of bronze, often in the combination with iron. This technologe of Early Scythian bimetallic akinakai goes back to “Cimmerian scheme”. Within the framework of that scheme... more
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      Eurasian NomadsIron Age (Archaeology)Scythian archaeologyAncient Warfare
Öz: Bu çalışmadaki amacımız, M.Ö. 5. yüzyılda yaşamış olan Halikarnassos’lu tarihçi Herodotos’un eserindeki bir anlatımı (Hdt. 4, 11-12) tenkit etmek suretiyle, aşağıdaki şu sorulara cevap aramaktır: Kimmerler; İskitler kendi yurtlarına... more
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      Ancient HistoryAnatolian StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyAnatolian History
ON SARMATIAN-ALANIAN SUBJECT OF WALL PAINTING IN THE ‘CRYPT OF ANTHESTERIOS’ IN PANTICAPAEUN According to the generally accepted opinion, the wall painting in the ‘Crypt of Anthesterios’ in Panticapaeum (the 3rd quarter of the 1st c.... more
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      ReligionIranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesNomadic Art
Rjabchikov, Sergei V., 2017. Skify, sarmaty, meoty, skandinavy i slavyane (The Scythians, Sarmatians, Meotians, Scandinavians and Slavs; in Russian). Hermonassa, 3, pp. 3-12. Keywords: Scythia, Scythian, Sarmatian, Meotian, Slavonic,... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreRussian Studies
One of the features of Scythian archaic blade weaponry is the use of bronze, often in the combination with iron. This technologe of Early Scythian bimetallic akinakai goes back to “Cimmerian scheme”. Within the framework of that scheme... more
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      Eurasian NomadsArchaeology of CaucasusIron Age (Archaeology)Scythian archaeology
The article is based upon the thesis of the existence of intense relations between the Northern Black Sea and Macedonia towards the end of the 2nd and the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, confirmed with various traditions related to... more
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      Scythian archaeologyHistory of Ancient MacedoniaIndo-AryanPaeonia
Initially written in Greek and published in the Greek monthly ‘Trito Mati’ – ‘Third Eye’ (February 1992), before my adhesion to Islam, under author’s name ‘Cosmas Megalommatis’, successively translated by me in French and published in... more
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      British LiteratureCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGerman Studies
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      Historical GeographyArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyAnatolian Studies
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      Historical GeographyNear Eastern ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Studies
The article presents a portrait of Addac (Attaces), the little known first Alani chief, who ruled in south part of Roman Spain at the beginning of the fifth century AD.
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      Roman HistoryEurasian NomadsLate Roman EmpireRoman Empire
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      Ukrainian StudiesScythian archaeologyAncient jewelleryToreutics
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeology
The life to Earth came from the Universe: the part is alive due to the Entire, this world is alive thanks to the Whole. The first tribe of our Earth w ere Scythians, people from the Moon; their selenic language was the root to earthly... more
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      LanguagesAncient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient History
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      Scythian archaeologyScythiansScythian HistoryScythian and other Eurasian Nomadic Horse Warrior Cultures
Yu. B. Polidovych Horse Bridle Decorations from Tovsta Mohyla Kurgan: Searching for Regularities The paper is devoted to the analysis of horse bridles from Tovsta Mohyla kurgan of the 4th century BC. The barrow was excavated by the... more
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      Scythian archaeologyScythiansScythian HistoryScythian and other Eurasian Nomadic Horse Warrior Cultures
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      Historical GeographyArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
The beginning of the Early Iron Age in the north- ern Black Sea area is a period of major changes in almost every sphere of life. In spite of extraordinary research background, this topic includes a number of yet unsolved... more
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      Early Iron AgeBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyCimmerians, Herodotus, Scythians, Pontic area, Black Sea area, Caucaaus, Near East, Anatolia, nomads, steppe peoplesCimmerians Scythians Sarmatians
The article portrays late ancient figure of Sangiban, Alan king from the region around Aurelianum. This nomad chieftain joined the anti-Hunnic coalition (composed mostly of Romans and Germans under the command of the Roman general Aetius)... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryLate Roman EmpireRoman Empire
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeology
В монографии исследуются древности Украинской Лесостепи: похоронный ритуал киммерийцев, их яркий вещевой комплекс, хронология памятников. Рассматривается одна из актуальных проблем истории предскифского времени - взаимоотношения... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Iron AgeLate Bronze Age, Early Iron AgeCimmerians
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      Anatolian StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyBlack Sea regionScythian archaeology
Akalan, situated 2 km south of Yeniköy in the village of Çatmaoluk near the town of İlkadım, is a fortress-type settlement established on the steep slope o a plateau. At Akalan arcaheogeophysical research was carried out in 2002 and 2003... more
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      Historical GeographyHistorical ArchaeologyAnatolian StudiesAnatolian Archaeology
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryNear Eastern StudiesArmenian Studies
The aim of this paper is to collect and to translate into Spanish a selection of Neo-Assyrian texts concerning Cimmerians and Scythians. Much older than Herodotus' work, for a long time our main source on theses peoples, they constitute... more
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      CimmeriansCimmerians Scythians Sarmatians
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMigrationJ. R. R. Tolkien
К изил-обинсьКа ультура у західному Криму УДК 903(477.75)"6383" ББК Т4(4Укр7-6Крм)273.115киз К 772 Кравченко Е.А. Кизил-кобинська культура у Західному Криму. -Київ: ІА НАН України, 201? -276 с., 196 рис.
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      Classical ArchaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyEarly Iron AgeAncient Greek Colonies of the Northern Black Sea Shore
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      Ukrainian StudiesAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Scythian archaeologyBlack Sea Studies
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkrainian intelligentsiaAncient Greek HistoryScythian archaeology
Литературные истоки происхождения греческой легенды о происхождении скифов у Геродота (IV, 8-10)
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistoryUkrainian HistoryScythians
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
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      Ancient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryGreek religion (Classics)Scythian archaeology
Professor Aleksandr Leskov is known in Ukrainian and Russian archaeology as " Sasha the Golden Hand. " Indeed, gold jewelry and toreutic from his excavations in the Crimea and south Ukrainian steppes constitute a significant part of the... more
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      Eurasian NomadsPrehistory of Ukraine (Prehistoric Archaeology)Caucasian Culture (Adyghe, Abkhaz, Ubyh)Scythian archaeology
New palaeoethnobotanic materials from Tsyrkuny hillfort (Fig. 1) dated to Early Iron Age are introduced to the scholarly circulation. The excavation at the site was carried out by Tsyrkuny archaeological expedition under the direction of... more
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      ArchaeologyScythian archaeologyEarly Iron AgeLate Bronze Age, Early Iron Age
В научной работе автор исследует роль киммерийцев и скифов в этногенезе крымских татар.

In this scientific paper the author explores the role that Cimmerians and Scythians played in forming the ethnos of Crimean Tatars.
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      CimmeriansScythiansCimmerians, Herodotus, Scythians, Pontic area, Black Sea area, Caucaaus, Near East, Anatolia, nomads, steppe peoplesCimmerians Scythians Sarmatians
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      ArchaeologyEurasian NomadsSarmatiansScythian, Sarmatian, Meotian and Slavonic cultures
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      BotanyArt HistoryEurasian NomadsScythian archaeology
he basis of this article is the archaeological material from excavations of 2006-2011 of Uch-Bash settlement and survey in Inkerman valley near Sebastopol, provided by Inkerman expedition (Institute of Archaeology of NAS of Ukraine and... more
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      Early Iron AgeArchaeology, Classical archaeology, Greek and Roman history, Greek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily), Material Culture Studies, Funerary ArchaeologyCimmerians, Herodotus, Scythians, Pontic area, Black Sea area, Caucaaus, Near East, Anatolia, nomads, steppe peoplesCimmerians Scythians Sarmatians
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      Ancient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Greek NumismaticsScythian archaeologyBlack Sea Studies
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      Eurasian NomadsNomadic PeoplesCultural Anthropology, Anthropology of Nomadic Societies; Oral CulturesSarmatians
Tatuajes indoiranios. Realizado por los alumnos Luisa Navarro Perdomo, Alejandra López Vidal, Adrian Gutiérrez Morón y Laura Maderuelo Hernández. Aquí os dejo los magníficos vídeos realizados para la clase de prácticas de Historia... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyExperimental Archaeology