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Interrelationships between peat and water were studied using a hydropedological modelling approach for adjacent relatively intact and degraded peatland in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The easy to observe degree of peat humification... more
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      GeologySoutheast AsiaCatenaSoil sciences
(Symboliek, kennis en beheer van bodem-en landhulpbronnen in inheemse gemeenschappen: etnopedologie op wereld-, regionaal en lokaal niveau)
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      Social TheoryGeologyKnowledge SystemsSoil Erosion
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      GeologyAgricultural PolicyLand Use ChangeSoil Erosion
Primary production on semiarid floodplains supports a diverse local and regional fauna. Reduced flooding from water resource development (WRD) may affect floodplain production by decreasing water and nutrient supply.We investigated the... more
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      GeologyPhosphorusPlant growthPastoralism
New evidence is provided for the aeolian origin of the upper unit of the Boa Vista Formation, found in the eastern part of the Brazilian state of Roraima and in neighboring Guyana. This unit has two geomorphologicallyrsedimentologically... more
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      GeologyLate PleistoceneGrain sizeCatena
Bedrock surfaces in the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas, exposed by spillway construction and which had not previously been subjected to surface weathering environments, developed 15–20 cm thick soil covers in less than three decades. All... more
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      GeologyChemical WeatheringCatenaSoil sciences
Erosion rates have been estimated for two badland areas in the Ebro Basin ("El Barranco" and "La Charca" plots) using direct measurement techniques. These measurements were made by means of erosion pins and a microtopographic profile... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
An 8 Richter Scale (RS) earthquake struck West Sumatra on Wednesday, 30 September 2009, at 17.16 pm which led to huge number of landslides. Hence a comprehensive landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) should be produced in order to reduce... more
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      GeologyIndonesian StudiesIndonesiaEnvironmental Remote Sensing
A substantial part of eroded material can be deposited along the runoff pathway. This deposition process may alter the composition of the transported material. Topography-and vegetation-induced deposition processes were examined under... more
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      GeologyDepositionCatenaSpecific surface area
This paper reviews the facies and microfacies of the main types of slope deposits. Lamination and sorting, when preserved, are good evidence for overland flow. Features due to deformation Ž . folds, boudins, coatings and tails due to the... more
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      GeologyDebris FlowCatenaSoil sciences
Estimating catchment scale soil loss based on rainfall simulators is often hampered by the difficulty to scale up simulator results. Our objective was to develop and test a method for estimating catchment scale soil loss based on observed... more
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      GeologyGully ErosionErosionScaling up
We have selected seven profiles located in a diapiric formation in the North of Spain. The profiles have been analyzed for the mineralogy and the chemical composition of original materials, soils developed above them and clay fractions.... more
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      Civil EngineeringArchaeologyGeologyGeochemistry
Due to their significant influence on infiltration/runoff partitioning and soil erosion, hydrological soil surface characteristics (SSC) have to be known in a spatially distributed manner. This paper proposes a new approach based on... more
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      GeologyRemote SensingImage segmentationSoil Erosion
Lakes are excellent repositories of air-borne and especially stream-borne materials. It has long been recognised that lake sediments contain a strong record of catchment soils via the inputs of minerogenic and chemical erosional products.... more
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      GeologyPalynologyLand Use ChangeErosion
Several selective dissolution methods were used to differentiate Al forms in 12 soils formed from volcanic materials (64 andic, vitric and organic horizons) in Iceland, Azores (Portugal), Tenerife (Spain) and Italy. The soils differ in... more
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      GeologyLand UseCatenaSoil sciences
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
Ž Results of a traditional sedimentation technique for grain-size analysis the sieve-pipette . method were compared with those of a laser diffraction grain-size analyser, the Coulter LS-100. Milled quartz samples and silty soil samples... more
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      GeologyClay MineralsGrain sizeCatena
The floodplain of the Morava River in Strážnické Pomoraví, south-east Moravia, Czech Republic contains a very valuable record of regional environmental change, which goes back to several thousand years. Its interpretation has been limited... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryClay MineralsEnvironmental Change
Numerous villages in the European loess belt are confronted with floods caused by runoff from agricultural land. Seventy-nine percent of the municipalities in central Belgium experienced at least one muddy flood during the last decade. Of... more
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      GeologyUrban SprawlLogistic RegressionLand Consolidation
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      GeologySoutheast AsiaCatenaSoil sciences
Surface runoff and seed trapping efficiency of shrubs in a regenerating semiarid woodland in northern Ethiopia. Catena 65, 61-70.
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      GeologyErosionOlea europaeaCatena
Dust rains were observed in Palma de Mallorca (Island of Mallorca, Western Mediterranean) on 253 days in the 22-year period from 1982 to 2003. These and other data from the Western Mediterranean show that dust rains are on the increase.... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
Red Mediterranean soils in Lebanon occur at various altitudes. Information on these soils is rather limited. This study characterizes six profiles from locations ranging in elevation between 25 m to 2000 m and relates their properties to... more
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      GeologyX-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) SpectroscopyCatenaSoil sciences
Step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA) method Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) Geographical information system (GIS) Remote sensing Iran In recent years, Iran has experienced many landslides due to high tectonic... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
It has been recognised that volcanic soils, particularly Andosols, can store large amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC). This study investigates the factors controlling the regional and vertical distributions of SOC in soils of volcanic... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
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      GeologyPopulusLand UseSoil Remediation
The isolated Easter Island (Rapa Nui) is an outstanding example of land degradation caused by land use in a sensitive ecosystem. The focus of the investigation was placed on Poike peninsula, the most eastern part of Rapa Nui. While Poike... more
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      GeologyCultural EvolutionDesertificationLand Use History
Soil aggregation determines soil structure and hence influences soil physical, chemical and biological processes. To express soil aggregate stability a variety of indices are discussed in literature. However, the available measures are... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
Weathering and soil features in the upland landscapes developed on granitic terrains of the Sila Grande Massif (Calabria, South Italy) have been studied in this work. The attempt to link field scale and micromorphological observations in... more
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      GeologyOptical microscopyCatenaSoil sciences
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      GeologyPedologySoil ScienceCatena
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
Efficient, cost effective and easy to use tools are needed for site specific management of soils for increasing the crop productivity. Currently nutrient management recommendations for rice in the study are typically uniform without... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
An examination of suspended sediment storage within a 35 km stretch of the main channel of the River Exe, Devon, UK, has been undertaken and some results are presented in this paper. Methodological problems associated with a field... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciencesSuspended Sediment
This paper investigates the predictability of the soil erodibility factor (K) in the revised universal soil loss equation from soil clay content (C), the Naperian logarithm of the geometric mean particle size (D c) and organic matter... more
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      GeologySoil ScienceFuzzy LogicSoil Erosion
... example, where aeolian sands cover the soil uniformly, no vegetation banding occurs on the Niger plateaux (d'Herbès and Valentin, 1997). ... The occurrence of crusted surfaces in the interbands have been noted in most studies... more
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      GeologyClimate ChangeArid Land EcologySoil Erosion
On the 4th August 1978, a major flash flood occurred on the Allt Mor, a mountain torrent within the Cairngorm massif, Scotland. This paper assesses the flood's immediate geomorphic impact as well as its longer term geomorphic significance... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
Statistical learning theory is the basis of support vector machine (SVM) technique. This technique in natural hazard assessment is getting extremely popular these days. It contains a training stage related to the input and desire output... more
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    • Catena
Awash River Basin is one of the twelve basins of Ethiopia which is highly utilized and the first basin to be introduced to modern agriculture. A study was conducted on water allocation modeling of Awash River Basin, Ethiopia, using... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
This paper presents two new definitions of sediment and water flux connectivity (from source through slopes to channels/sinks) with examples of applications to sediment fluxes. The two indices of connectivity are operatively defined, one... more
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      GeologySoil ErosionLand UseCatena
Although Ethiopia has a large potential to develop surface irrigation, only 5% of the 30 to 70 million hectares (ha) potentially available has been developed. To examine the underlying causes of this lack of irrigation development, this... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
Assessing the impacts of climatic and, in particular, land use changes on rates of soil erosion by water is the objective of many national and international research projects. However, over the last decades, most research dealing with... more
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      GeologyClimate ChangeEnvironmental ChangeLand Use Change
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
Gully erosion attracts increasing attention from scientists as reflected by two recent international meetings [Poesen and Valentin (Eds.), Catena 50 (2-4), 87-564; Li et al., 2004. Gully Erosion Under Global Change. Sichuan Science... more
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      GeologyClimate ChangeEnvironmental ChangeLand Use Change
The effect of rock fragment content on fine soil bulk density is investigated and a relation is proposed. Such a relation is an extension of an algorithm that allows the estimate of soil bulk density when rock fragments are not present. A... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciencesSoil Bulk Density
Soils chronosequences are valuable tools for investigating rates and directions of soil and landscape evolution. Post-incisive chronosequences are the most common type of chronosequence. They are found in many landscapes, including sand... more
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      GeologyPedogenesisLandscape EvolutionNon Linear Dynamics
This paper focuses on analysing tillage as a mechanism for the transformation of soil spatial variability, soil morphology, superficial soil properties and development of soil -landscape relationships in agricultural lands. A new... more
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      GeologyLandscape EvolutionConceptual ModelCatena
In this study we investigated the quantitative and qualitative aspects of soil organic matter (SOM) losses caused by water erosion within a small catchment in Northern Laos, under steep slopes and slash and burn agriculture. The soils in... more
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      GeologySoil ErosionParticulate organic matterSoil organic matter
Application of models to identify soil erosion processes, estimate sediment accumulations into lakes, technically design best management practices, and monitor and evaluate different management scenarios in the Ethiopian highlands has... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
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      GeologyNorthern ThailandShifting CultivationCatena
Banded landscapes are comprised of alternating bands of vegetation and bare ground aligned Ž . along the contours in arid and semi-arid regions 50-750 mm rainfall , on very gentle and uniform Ž . slopes 0.2-2% . Vegetated bands can be... more
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      GeologyClimate ChangeArid Land EcologySoil Erosion