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Tissue augmentation with autologous elements is considered the ideal choice for transplantation and volume augmentation surgery. It is well recognized that the ideal graft tissue should offer the standard features of being readily... more
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      Autologous Fat TransferBreast Augmentation
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      SurgeryPlastic SurgeryTreatment OutcomeMedicine
Il est évident que la chirurgie esthétique a profité à de nombreuses personnes qui, en raison d'une maladie, d'un accident ou d'une blessure, ont subi un type de déformation physique qui affecte leur qualité de vie. Mais au-delà de... more
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      Breast AugmentationChirurgieChirurgie esthétiqueChirurgie plastique
We read with interest the article by Blanco et al regarding serratus plane block [1] and agree that this is a novel technique. This technique was first described by Fajardo et al at the ESRA Spain Congress 2012 and published in September... more
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      Chronic PainBreast CancerBreast surgeryBreast Cancer Recurrence Preventiion
We read with interest the article by Blanco et al regarding serratus plane block [1] and agree that this is a novel technique. This technique was first described by Fajardo et al at the ESRA Spain Congress 2012 and published in September... more
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      Regional AnesthesiaBreast Cancer ResearchBreast AugmentationINTERCOSTAL NERVE BLOCK
Natural and augmented breasts differ in size and shape. Natural breasts are characterized by concave-to-straight upper-pole contours while augmented breasts are fuller and therefore may have convex upper-pole contours, irrespective of... more
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      Plastic SurgeryPeak shiftBreast AugmentationSupernormal Stimuli
This paper argues that silicone supports contemporary fantasies of a body that is intact and sealed, and does so through an analysis of Amber Hawk Swanson’s performance art involving a silicone sex doll replica of the artist (2007) and... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural StudiesPsychoanalysisFeminist Theory
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      AnaestheticsDeathBreast ImplantsCitizenship
In this work of autoethnographic research-creation, I think with my augmented breasts-beyond the medical archive and away from the clinic-as an embodied inquiry into trans geographies of sex work in the island world of... more
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      Transgender StudiesSex WorkNewfoundland and LabradorBreast Augmentation
En el mundo existe un crecimiento vertiginoso de la cirugía estética y Venezuela no escapa a esta realidad, la mamoplastia de aumento se encuentra entre las primeras opciones de las mujeres venezolanas, sumado a esto, parece que todos han... more
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      Social PsychologyPhenomenologyCosmetic surgeryFenomenología
Considerando el auge de la cirugía plástica en la población femenina venezolana, la ausencia de estadísticas y estudios sobre el tema, así como también el hecho de que el país se ha convertido en un importante destino de turismo estético,... more
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      Cosmetic surgeryBreast AugmentationImagen corporal
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    • Breast Augmentation
Aim: Simultaneous augmentation mastopexy is a challenging operation for esthetic plastic surgeons. Complication and revision rates following augmentation mammoplasty or mastopexy are less commonly seen when these two procedures are... more
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      Plastic SurgeryBreast surgeryPlastic and Reconstructive SurgeryBreast Augmentation
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      Plastic SurgeryCosmetic surgeryLIposuction - AbdominoplastyRhinoplasty
In this article, the author discusses similarities and differences between Pharaonic circumcision and reinfibulation and breast augmentation under systems of male dominance and female subordination. Despite the medical problems... more
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      MulticulturalismImmigrationFemale CircumcisionMale Circumcision
Cosmetic surgery is a highly gendered medical practice in which the majority of patients are women and surgeons are men, and the manner in which surgical stories are told differs depending on one’s location at the operating table.... more
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      Cultural StudiesFeminist TheoryPopular CultureImages of Women in Popular Media
Background The authors present a new type of dual-plane mammaplasty and preliminary results obtained with it. The technique is aimed at improving the final natural appearance of breasts without adding additional risks of dislocation.... more
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      Breast ImplantsEstheticsFollow-up studiesDislocations
Explantation following aesthetic mammoplasty without implant replacement is quite uncommon and often leaves the patient worse off than prior to mammoplasty. A case is presented here in which patient’s own tissue was used as an inferior... more
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    • Breast Augmentation
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      Plastic SurgeryCosmetic surgeryLiposuctionRhinoplasty
There are different ways of achieving breast augmentation. The best ways of achieving that include breast implants. Breast implant is regarded augmentation mammoplasty. Two major implant types include saline and silicone. The other type... more
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      Health SciencesCancerCancer BiologyHealth
Breast Asymmetry Correction Our bodies are not symmetrical and therefore it is quite normal for a woman to have two slightly different sized or shaped breasts. There are times however, where the difference in size and shape of the breasts... more
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      Health SciencesSocial StratificationMedicineSocial Inequality
Thinking about having breast done? Well, like searching for a something to buy, any type of surgery requires cautious consideration, research and basic knowledge of what's involved before taking the first appointment with a surgeon.... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesBreast ReductionBreast Augmentation
PURPOSE: With concerns about the high rate of breast implant complications, surgeons and patients increasingly seek alternative options. A general belief that fat transfer provides less volume than many patients may need for augmentation... more
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      Plastic SurgeryPlastic and Reconstructive SurgeryAutologous Fat TransferBreast Augmentation
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      Plastic SurgeryCosmetic Surgery as ArtBreast ReductionBreast Augmentation
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      Plastic SurgeryCosmetic surgeryLIposuction - AbdominoplastyRhinoplasty
No high-level evidences about the best technique or the best implant to use for obtaining the best outcomes in aesthetic breast augmentation, with low complications and re-interventions rates exist from available literature. In this paper... more
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    • Breast Augmentation
The word 'makeover' is dotted through popular culture and is applied to a range of activities including home renovation, gardening, urban renewal, and business invigoration. Makeover culture is part of a socio-cultural paradigm that... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesAnaestheticsDeath
The internet is a knowledge technology and market place, ingrained in everyday social life, which provides an avenue to examine social and gendered relationships. This paper examines a particular gendered arrangement, how breast... more
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      Health PsychologyCritical PsychologyCritical Social PsychologyPublic Health
The inframammary approach in breast augmentation, still the most popular technique among plastic surgeons, has always been hampered by the undesirable appearance of its scar. The present paper describes a modified approach to inframammary... more
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      Plastic SurgeryBreast AugmentationBreast Augmentation Surgery
In an increasingly visual society, beauty may seem only skin deep. This chapter considers the ethics of cosmetic surgery through the lens of posthumanism, a stance that suggests that defects of the body can be overcome through technology.... more
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      MarketingHealth SciencesMedical SciencesSurgery
Silicone implants are frequently used for breast augmentation and reconstruction. However, late complication, such as capsular contracture, remain the most important side effect. In this study we compare different methods for reducing the... more
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      SurgeryMedicineApplied SciencesBreast Augmentation
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    • Breast Augmentation
If you’re thinking about reaping the benefits of a tummy tuck, you’re clearly not alone: according to recent figures released by the Harris Poll, interest in medical aesthetic treatments is at an all-time high in the UK – and the most... more
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      Plastic SurgeryHealthCosmetic surgeryRhinoplasty
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      Plastic SurgeryCosmetic surgeryLIposuction - AbdominoplastyRhinoplasty