Recent papers in Biopiracy
La bioprospection peut être définie comme l’inventaire et l’évaluation des éléments constitutifs de la diversité biologique ou biodiversité d’un écosystème particulier. Cette démarche présente un intérêt scientifique certain pour la... more
1 Biopiracy threat to traditional crops, New Agriculturalist, quality, reputation, or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographic indication". 2 Generally speaking, geographical... more
The European Community regulations on genetically modified organisms and novel foods come from a very wide range of origins, however it is possible to identify four primary sources of law: the European Community Treaty, international law,... more
O que é e como se faz a biopirataria. Instrumentos legais internacionais e no Brasil. Direitos. Exemplos.
- by David L. Hathaway
- Biopiracy, Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights, Political ecology, NGOs, sustainable development, biodiversity, agroecology, amazonia, brazil, global change, environmental actors, protect areas, nature conservation., Access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing
Table of Contents, Preface and Introduction to Shela Sheikh and Uriel Orlow, eds., Uriel Orlow: Theatrum Botanicum (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2018) Book description: Uriel Orlow: Theatrum Botanicum Edited by Shela Sheikh and Uriel... more
Within the frame of the so called “digital era”, the boundary between the biological and digital domains is less clear, raising fundamental challenges and questions for society and public policy. In this chapter we discuss on how fast... more
As a biologically mega-diverse country with rich associated TK, Nigeria has had its own fair share of biopiracy. However, a unique feature of the reported instances of biopiracy in Nigeria is the fact that most of the misappropriations of... more
Este libro, como una parábola, cuenta una historia única y repetida, particular y universal. La reconstrucción acerca de cómo la Stevia pasó del uso indígena al comercio global ofrece una perspectiva extraordinaria para analizar cómo se... more
This chapter deals with the international protection and promotion of indigenous traditional knowledge (TK) associated with agriculture, with a special focus on biodiversity-related knowledge. Interest in this knowledge has intensified... more
Biopiracy is a politicized term for the appropriation of biological resources and knowledge of those resources for purposes that do not meet the approval or have the consent of groups or individuals who have some prior claim to the... more
Since 2019, media outlets including the New York Times, Business Insider, and Fortune began identifying a "gold rush" in psychedelic medicine as venture capital flocked to invest in psychedelic start-ups. Although most psychedelics remain... more
The passage from a plant that was outside capitalism to a highly technical global commodity is far from simple or transparent. However, commercialization analyzes have been reduced mostly at the time of manufacturing. This centrality has... more
Żywność genetycznie zmodyfi kowana oraz technologia stosowana przy jej produkcji niewątpliwie stanowią przedmiot kontrowersji oraz wywołanej nimi debaty społecznej. Proces społecznej akceptacji nowych rozwiązań technologicznych... more
The present study proposes an analysis of the accumulation of capital based on a novel theory of exploitation with axis in the value-knowledge. From the theoretical approach of cognitive materialism, we reconstruct the flows of knowledge... more
La présente opposition à pour objet le brevet EP2443126 « Simalikalactone E et son utilisation comme médicament » délivrée par l’Office Européen des Brevets (OEB). L’opposition est formée contre le brevet dans son ensemble.... more
Sommario: 1. Premessa. 2. La centralità delle (vecchie e nuove) forme di ruralità nei processi di "glocalizzazione "; 3. La nozione di "contadino" e la titolarità dei diritti sanciti dalla Dichiarazione delle Nazioni Unite del 17 dicembre... more
In this wide-ranging history of the African diaspora and slavery in Arabia in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Matthew S. Hopper examines the interconnected themes of enslavement, globalization, and empire and challenges... more
Récit des relations ambivalentes entre chercheurs et peuples autochtones en Guyane française.
Traditional healing methods of the indigenous groups have always been looked upon with skepticism by the society in general, due to the obvious scientific logic of medicinal cure that is defied through these methods, purely based on... more
Die in Brasilien im Rahmen der Umsetzung des internationalen Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt stattfindenden Verhandlungen und Diskussionen zu dem Thema Access and Benefit Sharing werden in dieser Arbeit einer... more
Edited by Shela Sheikh and Uriel Orlow Contributions by Sita Balani, Melanie Boehi, Clelia Coussonet, Karen Flint, Jason T. W. Irving, Nomusa Makhubu, Bettina Malcomess, Karin van Marle, Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll This... more
A review of the efficacy of biodiversity protection laws of India in the context of biopiracy engaged in by Monsanto/Mahyco and their collaborators in promoting and securing statutory clearances for B.t. Brinjal in India.
This text discusses the patenting and propertization of biological resources and traditional knowledge. This comes in many guises: some talk of ‘biopiracy’ while others prefer the term ‘bioprospecting’ or ‘biodiscovery’. The choice of... more
India is home to great traditions. Traditions which have been mocked over the years and looked down upon by its own natives with the advent of westernization. It is often misconstrued that the source of any tradition is superstition. With... more
Sabemos que la bioprospección y la biopiratería son prácticas antiguas que afectan fuertemente a los países de América Latina al poner su biodiversidad a disposición de grandes corporaciones situadas en países industrializados. Y también... more
At the World Sustainable Development Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the reduction of biodiversity was highlighted as an important problem, and in this context, the Convention on Biodiversity (BCS) was signed. One of the most important... more
Traditional Knowledge is not something new or innovative but the distillation of practices or knowledge in the society. India has experienced various initiatives regarding the protection of traditional knowledge under intellectual... more
The drastic change in intellectual property system and laws has raised an alarm, particularly in developing countries that have not traditionally practiced plant or animal patenting. Unabated biopiracy stimulated hot debates between... more
In der westlichen Welt herrschen Vorstellungen über die Beziehung von Wissen und Eigentum, die häufig als universal angenommen werden. Doch ein Blick in andere Länder und Kulturen zeigt schnell, dass es nicht nur ganz andere Vorstellungen... more
Background: Just as developing states are blessed with natural resources capable of transforming their economies into a positive direction, the imposed World Trade Organisation's (WTO) mores continue to relegate them to the status of... more
I edited this report written by John Madeley for ActionAid on biopiracy, with cases including patents on basmati rice and the hoodia succulent plant from Southern Africa.
Bioprospecting is a popular venture in Latin America due to the region's high concentration of the world's biodiversity. This activity has an impact on the native peoples living in areas with potentially profitable plants. They can lose... more
Within the frame of the so called “digital era”, the boundary between the biological and digital domains is less clear, raising fundamental challenges and questions for society and public policy. In this chapter we discuss on how fast... more
An ethnographic account of a bioprospecting encounter (pre-proof)
This article tries to demonstrate that the traditional peoples and Brazil have been targets of biopiracy of natural environmental resources and their associated traditional knowledge, without being benefited with the resources obtained... more
The drastic change in intellectual property system and laws has raised an alarm, particularly in developing countries that have not traditionally practiced plant or animal patenting. Unabated biopiracy stimulated hot debates between... more