Recent papers in Asanga
Mahāyāna Buddhism, hostile to any kind of conceptual construction (vikalpa), which is blamed for operating artificial delimitations within a homogenous and amorphous reality, presents its own doctrine not as a “truth” but rather as... more
Un tratado en el que, basándose en el Capítulo sobre la moralidad ética, de Niveles del bodhisatva, de Asanga, Tsong Khapa analiza en detalle la naturaleza y características de los votos de la liberación individual y del bodhisatva, en el... more
I examine the consistency between contemporary environmentalist ideals and Buddhist philosophy, focusing, first, on the problem of value in nature. I argue that the teachings found in the Pāli canon cannot easily be reconciled with a... more
MA Dissertation. Historiographical Review on Nalanda Mahavihara and the importance of "Nalanda Tradition" of Tibetan Buddhism.
The Pātañjalayogaśāstra concludes with a description of the pinnacle of yoga practice: a state of samādhi called dharmamegha, cloud of dharma. Yet despite the structural importance of dharmamegha in the soteriology of Pātañjala yoga, the... more
This volume gathers together six studies published in several journals, between 2013 and 2018, as individual papers. They were not conceived to form a whole but rather as independent articles. Nevertheless, in the present volume, we... more
Indian Buddhist commentary on the Prajñāpāramitā preserved in Sanskrit and
After being engendered through the appropriating activity (upadana) of the mind (manas), applied to the universal experience of the storehouse consciousness (alayavijñana), the individual experience is constituted through the conjoint... more
O MAHAYANA-UTTARATANTRA-SHASTRA, ou mais simplesmente UTTARATANTRA (sânscrito) (Tib.: Gyud Lama), é um texto fundamental da tradição budista Mahayana, que versa sobre o último ciclo de ensinamentos "definitivos" do Buda. A compilação... more
Una composición en la que se presentan distintas visiones del reino de la realidad, comenzando con las dos del Sutra Mahayana, las de Nagarjuna y Asanga-Vasubandhu; las dos Hinayana, las de Oyentes y realizadores solitarios, y varias no... more
Xuanzang (602–664) is famous for his legendary life, his important translation works, and also his Discourse on the Realisation of Consciousness-Only (Vijñapti-mātratā-siddhi, 成唯識論). This text, which is considered as a synthesis of... more
Pentru Vijnanavāda, întreaga manifestare a Universului reprezintă un „vis cosmic” ce are drept subiect realitatea ultimă. Afectat de ignoranţă, absolutul se înfăţişează sub forma unei conştiinţe cosmice şi începe a proiecta Universul.... more
An HTML5 critical edition, in three browser windows, of the Madhyāntavibhāgakārikā document. A POS entagged Lexicon, and an Interlingua are companions.
In Yogācara Buddhism, human being is not a simple occurrence within the Cosmos but rather an important wheel of the Cosmic mechanism. The Universe is driven by the Karmic force which is engendered by human afflicted (klista) experience.... more
According to Vijnanavada, the idealist school of Buddhism, individual being represents an erroneous limited projection of the universal consciousness, of the storehouse consciousness (alayavijnana). The sphere of human experience does not... more
Abstract The thesis focuses on the relationship between Sanskrit classical grammar, Abhidharma, and the debates between Madhyamaka and Yogācāra. In particular, it shows how the kāraka system, and the idea of lakṣaṇa, influence... more
В книге представлена четвертая глава сочинения «Украшение из постижений» — основного текста индо-тибетского буддизма по учению о пути махаяны. В работе обсуждаются вопросы познания, психологии познания и буддийской сотериологии с точки... more
After being engendered through the appropriating activity (upadana) of the mind (manas), applied to the universal experience of the storehouse consciousness (alayavijnana), the individual experience is constituted through the conjoint... more
The thesis focuses on the relationship between Sanskrit classical grammar, Ahludharma, and the debates between Madhyamaka and Yogacara. In particular, it shows how the karaka system, and the idea of laksana, influence philosophical... more
В книге представлены пятая, шестая и седьмая главы сочинения "Украшение из постижений" - основного текста индо-тибетского буддизма по учению о пути махаяны. В работе обсуждаются вопросы познания, психологии познания, буддийской философии... more
The article consists of the last two chapters of The Discrimination between Middle and Extremes (Madhyāntavibhāga), of Asanga, one of the main texts of the Vijñānavāda school of Buddhism. The fourth chapter discusses on the application... more
This article constitutes one of a series presenting a critical edition of the Tibetan text and Japanese translation of the *Buddhānusmṛtivṛtti ascribed to Asaṅga and the *Buddhānusmṛtiṭīkā ascribed to Vasubandhu and is a continuance of my... more
The Discrimination between Middle and Extremes is one of the major Mahāyāna Buddhist texts, usually ascribed to the Vijñānavāda tradition. The second chapter deals with soteriological matters, being an analytical exposition of the path.... more
Volumul cuprinde trei dintre cele mai importante scrieri primare ale şcolii: Asanga, Madhyantavibhaga (Discriminarea între mijloc şi extreme) Vasubandhu, Vijnaptimatratasiddhi (Stabilirea existenţei unice a ideaţiilor) Vasubandhu,... more
This is chapter 12 of “A Buddha Land in This World” (Punctum, 2022). It argues that expected consequences are not a kind of consequences, but a kind of beliefs (i.e. expectations) about the future, and that virtually all varieties of... more
"The Discrimination between Middle and Extremes is one of the major Mahāyāna Buddhist texts, usually ascribed to the Vijñānavāda tradition, but having the particularity that the passing from the Prajñāpāramitā tradition to the classical... more