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2020, BizEcons Quarterly
10 pages
1 file
Fear abounds regarding the 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic and the consequences. There are 3 400 confirmed deaths as of March 7, 2020. This figure is expected to surge when indirect costs due to lost productivity and comorbidities are taken into consideration. The economic implications are thus detrimental not only to public health systems but to trade and travel, food and agriculture industries, various market types and retail chains, among others. Among the suggested policy solutions are: proactive management approaches, health policy framework addressing many of the social determinants of health, education and health literacy, national and international shifts in investments, public and private partnerships and the establishment of the World Technical Council on Coronavirus. Effective implementation of these policy solutions will require full support of all stakeholders, including governments, health professionals, the media, non-governmental organizations, communities, and individuals.
Neste texto, pretendemos analisar um corte específico desta história das religiões na China, durante o período Tang 唐朝 (618-907 E.C.), quando o império vivenciou um momento complexo de transformação. No início da dinastia, a aceitação da presença de cultos estrangeiros no país construiu um ambiente de liberdade e diversidade religiosa, que transformou o país em um modelo de tolerância e integração. Contudo, entre 842 e 845, uma série de questões políticas, econômicas e ideológicas levou a uma perseguição sistemática de diversas denominações, modificando radicalmente esse panorama. Como pretendemos demonstrar, os motivos para tal situação não podem ser encontrados, diretamente, em qualquer tipo de hostilidade do pensamento chinês em relação à concepção de ‘religião’, mas, sim, na maneira como estas eram praticadas e difundidas. Por fim, faremos uma apresentação rápida e referenciada das religiosidades envolvidas na questão, sem adentrar seus conceitos ou teorias (dado o escopo e espaço do texto), de modo a construir um panorama geral da situação e seus problemas fundamentais.
O miejsce książki w historii sztuki, cz. 3. Sztuka książki około 1900. W 150 rocznicę urodzin Stanisława Wyspiańskiego, 2022
Is It God's Word?, 1926
Is It God’s Word? Joseph Wheless researched and produced two powerful Theological Works, ‘Forgery in Christianity’ and ‘Is It God’s Word?, that exposed the roots of the religious forces that has corrupted and destroyed the United States of America, and cast this nation into endless war and disgrace. I have uploaded his ‘Forgery in Christianity’ See: And I am now sending his other powerful book, ‘Is It God’s Word?’ that explains the facts of the creation, and Pagan roots, of the Christian Bible. These two books should be printed out and be a basic reference in every Theological library. It took Christianity over a hundred years of dishonest labor to remove these two books, and thousands more of like nature, that contain irrefutable facts that Christian Scholars could not/cannot refute. Christianity has had over two thousand years to try to bring peace and understanding to the world, and it has failed miserably. The world must do away with superstition, and rely on Facts, Reason, and Common Since. Emmett F. Fields
The authors build linguistic matrices only for those linguistic variables which yield a linguistic continuum or an ordered linguistic set. Most of the properties enjoyed by real and complex matrices are satisfied by these linguistic matrices. However, we see when we try to define operations on linguistic matrices that they behave in different ways. The possible operations defined on linguistic matrices are only the maximum and minimum. Further, we have different identities for min and max operations on these matrices for linguistic variable and its associated linguistic words.
Siklus pendanaan berkaitan dengan transaksi mengenai penghimpunan dana dari pihak ketiga baik sebagai setoran modal melalui penjualan saham maupun sebagai utang jangka panjang misalnya dengan pengeluaran obligasi perusahaan. Dokumen dan catatan Dokumen dan catatan yang dipakai meliputi:
International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), 2024
AI in fraud detection and financial risk management has taken this role of prevention and combating fraud closely related to organizations and the losses they incur a next level. This paper aims to discuss the use of artificial intelligence models in the process of detecting frauds and preventing and reducing financial risks in such markets as banking, insurance, and fintech. Today, through machine learning algorithms, deep learning techniques, and data analysis, the AI improves the speed, accuracy and effectiveness of fraud detection. This paper discusses the current AI models and business use incorporating the success story and the business outcomes which has encountered sometime to have the best result. Furthermore, the paper examines other important issues of AI application management such as data security and liberation, and complete fairness control. Using examples as well as statistical data in this AI for business article, we show how corporations have managed to minimize their risks while lowering their expenses with the use of artificial intelligence technology. This research outlines ideas on how organizations can implement AI into fraud detection systems and what can be done in future to enhance the solutions. This paper adds to the emerging body of knowledge on AI's impact on finance and security, and demonstrates AI's ability to influence the future of the industry.
Revue de Philosophie Ancienne, 2022
La première question que cette étude examine est celle du rôle que le Socrate de Platon et le Socrate de Xénophon reconnaissent à l’askêsis dans la genèse de la vertu. La question de l’askêsis débouche à son tour sur une autre question, celle de l’exemplarité de Socrate. Dans la mesure où celui qui s’exerce à la vertu a besoin d’un modèle, il faut également examiner si Platon et Xénophon proposent Socrate comme un modèle digne d’être imité. L’étude qui suit s’inspire de l’approche que j’ai coutume d’appeler l’« exégèse comparative », laquelle consiste à confronter l’une à l’autre, sur un même thème socratique, les positions défendues respectivement par le Socrate de Xénophon et par le Socrate de Platon, afin de mettre en lumière les différences entre leurs positions respectives, la portée de ces différences et, surtout, les raisons qui les sous-tendent. La question du rôle de l’askêsis dans la genèse de la vertu se prête particulièrement bien à l’exégèse comparative dans la mesure où la question de départ est clairement formulée, en des termes très voisins, dès les premières lignes du Ménon et au début d’un chapitre des Mémorables (III 9). The first question that this study examines is the role that Plato's Socrates and Xenophon's Socrates recognize for askêsis in the genesis of virtue. The question of askêsis leads in turn to another question, that of Socrates' exemplarity. Insofar as one who practices virtue needs a model, it is also necessary to examine whether Plato and Xenophon propose Socrates as a model worthy of imitation. The following study is based on what I call "comparative exegesis", which consists in comparing the positions of Xenophon's Socrates and Plato's Socrates on the same Socratic theme, in order to highlight the differences between their respective positions, the extent of these differences and, above all, the reasons behind them. The question of the role of askêsis in the genesis of virtue lends itself particularly well to comparative exegesis insofar as the initial question is clearly formulated, in very similar terms, in the first lines of the Meno and at the beginning of a chapter of the Memorabilia (III 9).
DỰ THẢO BÁO CÁO ĐÁNH GIÁ TÁC ĐỘNG CỦA CHÍNH SÁCH Dự án Luật sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Luật Trọng tài thương mại. Nguồn: Hội luật gia Việt nam ngày 20/09/2023
L'Anticapitaliste Revue, 2023
Le 19 septembre 1871, alors que la Première Internationale tenait sa conférence à Londres, Karl Marx demandait la parole et proposait aux délégués d'adopter « la proposition no 3 », qui recommandait « la fondation de sections de femmes parmi les ouvrières ». Le compte-rendu-en français !-de la conférence de la Première Internationale, tenue du 16 au 23 septembre 1871 dans la maison qu'occupaient alors Karl et Jenny Marx à Londres 1 , a enregistré un débat instructif sur la possibilité de créer des sections féminines au sein de l'Internationale. La question fut posée le 19 septembre, lors de l'ouverture des travaux qui, comme chaque jour, commençaient en début d'après-midi pour se prolonger tard dans la nuit. Au nom du conseil général, c'est-à-dire de l'exécutif permanent de l'Internationale, Marx mit au vote une proposition, qui autorisait la création de sections purement féminines. Si le compterendu de séance indique que la proposition de Marx fut adoptée à l'unanimité, ce qui signifie en fait que personne ne vota contre, il montre aussi que l'initiative se heurta à de fortes réticences, puisque plusieurs délégués la critiquèrent et annoncèrent leur volonté de s'abstenir. La proposition de Marx allait en effet au-delà de la simple ouverture de l'Internationale à des sections féminines, mais posait d'abord et avant tout la capacité du mouvement ouvrier à intégrer les revendications spécifiques à la lutte des femmes.
The indigenous healers adopt a holistic approach in considering the factors that led up to the disease. The treatment is tailored in such a way that addresses the needs of the physical bodies, their psyches, their families and the community. This approach is based on the conviction that all beings and elements of nature are interconnected and affect each other in profound and subtle ways. Disease provides a valuable clue to what needs to change in our lives. It needs to be approached with love instead of fear, the body engages in that language in order to make us aware of the disharmony that exists in our whole being. It brings about transformation and growth. Rudolph Ballentine puts it beautifully, “Sickness and Health become a major way you learn from life. Although dysfunction and disease point to what you need to work on; they also hold the seeds of your enfoldment…, illness is an opportunity for growth and transformation”. Spiritual healing is fundamental to all kinds of healing. When the spirit is nurtured, the physical being flourishes and a serene state is achieved. The spirit is immortal and contains all the files of our lives, forms the template of our core being. Ignoring its presence is detrimental to our health. The understanding of the relationship of the body, mind and spirit is crucial to all healers for it is the doorway to holistic healing. When the spirit incarnates, it receives a body. The purpose of the body is to serve as a vehicle so that the spirit can experience and explore itself further so that it remembers its true nature, which is the nature of the Divine. The body, once it tastes the pleasures of this world, chooses to suffer amnesia, and immediately a disharmonious relationship is created. The dis-ease drains our life energy; we lose the rhythm of nature; thus, the signs and symptoms of the dis-ease manifest in the physical while the roots are strongly anchored at an emotional level.
Jurnal Public Policy, 2024
L'occhio di Hammurabi, 2024
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2013
Proceedings of the 11th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference, 2018
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences