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Tumulus as Sema. Space, politicsCulture and Religion in the First Millennium B.C.Ed. by Henry, Olivier / Kelp, Ute, 2016
This volume presents the proceedings of an international conference entitled Tumulİstanbul 2009, which was held at the Research Center for Anatolian Civilization (Istanbul) from June 1 to June 3, 2009. We are grateful to the supporting institutions that made this event possible, namely Topoi Excellence Cluster, the Koç University and the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut at Istanbul.
Ege Arkeoloji Dergisi, 2021
Parion, one of the most important port cities of Troad, possesses great importance to Anatolian archaeology with its necropolis. Excavated continuously since 2005, a small portion of the cities southern necropolis, named Tavşandere, became the leading information provider for the understanding of the organisation of the cities burial grounds, funerary customs and grave typology. However, a small rescue excavation conducted nearly a kilometre south of the Tavşandere tends to change this situation. This rescue excavation that took place within a small-scale area revealed two cist graves and one sarcophagus. Especially one of the cist graves attracted attention with its very rich inventory of jewellery. This new burial ground possesses the potential to change our state-of-the-art knowledge on the size, topography and organisation of Parion’s southern necropolis. Evaluated under two publications this new burial ground from the hinterland of Parion still did not find its deserved place within the funerary archaeology of the Troad. This paper aims to re-evaluate this new burial ground, its topography, organisation and finds with some updated knowledge, new points of view and more in-detail comparanda. To do so, the topography, grave typology and most importantly the find repertories of this burial ground will be re-examined, compared with parallels and evaluated with the other burial grounds of the region.
tmo 48 Failaka, Fouilles françaises 1984 céramique du temple-tour et épigraphie, sous la dir. d'Y. calvet et m. pic, édition bilingue français-anglais, trad. par e. Willcox, 2008, 204 p. (isBn 978-2-903264-98-7) tmo 49 Archaeozoology of the Near East VIII (Actes des huitièmes Rencontres internationales d'Archéozoologie de l'Asie du Sud-ouest et des régions adjacentes, Lyon, 28 juin-1 er juillet 2006 / Proceedings of the eighth international Symposium on the Archaeozoology of southwestern Asia end adjacent areas, Lyon, June 28th-July 1st 2006), ed. by e. Vila, l. gourichon, A.m. choyke and h. Buitenhuis, 2008, 648 p., 2 volumes. (isBn 978-2-35668-005-1) tmo 50 Actes de vente dans le monde grec. témoignages épigraphiques des ventes immobilières, J. game, 2008, 210 p. (isBn 978-2-35668-004-4) tmo 51 Amphores vinaires de Narbonnaise. Production et grand commerce. Création d'une base de données géochimiques des ateliers, F. laubenheimer et A. schmitt, 2009, 204 p. (isBn 978-2-35668-007-5) tmo 52 Fronts de scène et lieux de culte dans le théâtre antique, recueil édité par J.-c. moretti, 2009, 240 p. (isBn 978-2-35668-010-5) tmo 53 Espace ecclésial et liturgie au moyen Âge, sous la dir. d'A. Baud, 2010, 382 p. (isBn 978-2-35668-011-2) tmo 54 Espace civil, espace religieux en Égée durant la période mycénienne. Approches épigraphique, linguistique et archéologique, éd. par i. Boehm et s. müller, 2010, 240 p. (isBn 978-2-35668-012-9) tmo 55 Entre nomades et sédentaires. Prospections en Syrie du Nord et en Jordanie du Sud, sous la dir. de p.-l. gatier, B. geyer et m.-o. rousset, 2010, 288 p. (isBn 978-2-35668-014-3) tmo 56 Regards croisés sur l'étude archéologique des paysages anciens. Nouvelles recherches dans le Bassin méditerranéen, en Asie centrale et au Proche et au moyen-orient. Actes des rencontres internationales « Broadening Horizons / Élargir les horizons », éd. par h. Alarashi, m.-l.
The Archaeology of Anatolia Volume III: Recent Discoveries (2017-2018), 2019
There are a great number of pieces, including tomb findings, brought from Uzgur Village in Tire Museum. The most important of these is the group, consisting of 9 ceramic, 17 glass and 3 bronze pieces, found in the tomb chamber on 10.1.1981 in Uzgur Village, Tire, in the garden o f a house which belonged to a person whose name was İbrahim Gülmez. This tomb group is important regarding the richness and the variety o f the pieces it includes and the typology and the chronology o f the contemporary forms. With the data gathered from the group, as the 17 glass pieces, whose storage and protection for a long period were quite difficult, indicate, and other dated parallel examples support, the date to be suggested is the end o f the 2nd century-the beginning o f the 3rd century A.D. The existance o f two bowls o f the same form and size, two one-handled mugs o f the same form and two oil lamps o f the same size and technique among the ceramics, and the presence o f bottles o f the same form and size among the glass pieces show that they have been bought concurrently as tomb gifts with the purpose o f putting into the tomb during the funeral. The results it gives are important not only chronologically and typologically, but also for this unexploited area.
Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 17 (2013): 41-52, 2013
Linguistique et Langues Africaines 9(2), 2024
Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 2023
Studia litterarum, 2023
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Economics & Finance, 2018
International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology, 2012
Special issue: Legacies of medieval dance of postmedieval, 2023
What is Criminology?, 2011, 2022
Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 2018
Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 2017
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 2020
Engineering in Life Sciences, 2021
Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2013
Pharmaceutics, 2023
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2020
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2012