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Step 1: configure IIS, Skype and other software (optional) If you have a Professional or Server version of Windows, you may already have IIS installed. If you would prefer Apache, either remove IIS as a Windows component or disable its services. Apache listens for requests on TCP/IP port 80. The default installation of Skype also listens on this port and will cause conflicts. To switch it off, start Skype and choose Tools > Options > Advanced > Connection. Ensure you untick "Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections". Step 2: download the files We are going to use the unofficial Windows binary from Apache Lounge. This version has performance and stability improvements over the official Apache distribution, although I am yet to notice a significant difference. However, it is provided as a manually installable ZIP file You should also download and install the Windows C++ runtime from You may have this installed already, but there is no harm installing it again.
Otolaryngology online, 2013
As a person who is passionate in academic transmission of knowledge I found it really important to have a repository where scholarly publications could be archived and easily retrieved. My Institution / University does not have any such archiving facilities. I sought the advice of my teacher (who else other than google) which gave me some options of softwares which could be installed in a website. After a thorough research I found Eprint software fitted the billing to the core. On top of it it came free as it was open source. As with all open source software this software too lacked documentation. None of the manuals I saw in the internet was complete. Even the ones I had access to assumed that I had a basic fundamental knowledge of server management. I had to struggle for nearly 3 months before I hit “Eureka”. Now I have embarked on creating an installation manual for the software which does not assume that the reader has basic knowledge of server management. The codes and illustrations in this book were taken from my own installation. I could have fallen here and there while taking my baby steps towards completing this project. I hope readers would appreciate this and forgive me for any errors if any in this manuscript.
Printed and bound in the United States of America 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
No Direito Administrativo Angolano nos procedimentos de contratação pública tendentes à celebração de um contrato de concessão deve ser adoptado ou o Concurso Público ou o Concurso Limitado por Prévia Qualificação, independentemente do valor base do investimento estimado. A Lei dos Contratos Públicos prevê algumas formas do concedente fazer cessar um contrato de concessão antes do fim do prazo, dentre elas mo resgate. Estas formas variam conforme o seu fundamento e podem ser utilizadas pelos concedestes, de forma unilateral e sem recurso à via judicial.
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings
in the state Indiana. He has done his under graduation in KLUniversity, Vijayawada, India. He is an outstanding student and favorite for all of his professors. He is an active participant in both co curricular and extra curricular activities. He is an avid reader and an interpreter. He learns the subject in depth and tries to work hands on whatever he learns. He is currently doing his research in packaging technology under Professor Akram Hossain in Purdue University, Calumet. After seeing his insight, the Professor offered him a Teaching Assistant position in the laboratory for guiding the students in the subject of Mechatronics.
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2006
Th e use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specifi c statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Product liability: Th e publishers cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information about dosage and application contained in this book. In every individual case the user must check such information by consulting the relevant literature.
Biblical Archaeology Review, 2021
Wachsmann, S., 2021. Response: Noah’s Box. Biblical Archaeology Review 47(4): 8.
Vă puteţi imagina un profesor care să pună în discuţie însăşi autoritatea poziţiei de profesor? Şi totuşi, onestă este atitudinea socratică, aceea de căutător al adevărului: "ştiu că nu ştiu". Din contră, profesorul clasic se vrea o autoritate absolută, o entitate perfectă. El deţine adevărul şi controlează clasa. Însă, tot din acest motiv el este (mai mult sau mai puţin conştient) interesat să inhibe pornirea firească a elevilor/studenţilor de a pune întrebări. Întrebările i-ar putea clătina autoritatea. Ridiculizarea elevului/studentului care pune întrebări ("nici atâta nu ştii?"), ameninţarea celui care ar îndrăzni să aibă cea mai mică observaţie, penalizarea drastică a erorilor ignorând potenţialul laturilor pozitive sau chiar inducerea unei stări generale de apatie la cursuri sunt "tehnici" eficiente pentru profesorul "perfect", autoritar.
Topkapı’dan Sâdâbâd’a: 15. Yüzyıldan 18. Yüzyıla Osmanlı Sultanının Sarayında ve İnzivasında Mekânsal Dönüşüm, 2022
مؤتمرأمن السياحة والآثار في فلسطين - جامعة الاستقلال, 2022
Marine Biology Research, 2013
Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational …, 2000
Media Informatika (Bandung), 2021
Current Science, 2015
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 2019
CM Documents - ICES, 1995
Discrete Mathematics, 2010