Best to not ever take opiates if you can avoid it.
- Dopamine is the compulsion chemical, not the pleasure chemical. It turns thoughts into beliefs into actions. This is why people who take too many dopamine recreational drugs who get leaky dopaminE vesicles tend to easily believe any thought that occurs to them and do all kinds of psychotic things. A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick had some great portrayals of what this looks like.
- Opioid are the pleasure chemicals and that's why exogenous opioids destroy people. There's nothing that an opioid high can't fix, because that's literally how the brain is wired. Once the opioid receptors are activated, the brain is literally done trying to do anything else because the ultimate aim, at least the way the brain is wired, has been achieved.
- It's physically addictive. That's why it's so hard to get off of. It's not just to get that euphoric feeling because, after a while, it's because you lose dopamine receptors after using heroin, so since you don't get as much dopamine, then you feel like shit, then you flood your dopamine receptors again to not feel like shit, which shuts more of them down, because your brain is like, "Hey I don't need as many of these if I'm getting all this dopamine", until eventually, you have no dopamine receptors and you OD.
- You understand the honeymoon phase, you understand what it's like to have cravings for the opiate effect, but you don't understand how it feels to be doing opiates simply not to get sick, not even getting effects anymore. You'll stop feeling Kratom, you'll try to do 30g at once and simply get sick. You don't understand what physical dependency truly entails, you don't understand what it's like to see your life going down the drain. As someone who's also been addicted to benzos and alcohol, opiate addiction is a lot more twisted, and you don't want to understand.
- That is indeed a great way to try and help you stick to your goal. The thing is people don't realize how quick opiates sneak up on you. It doesn't take long for withdrawals to happen, and although they might not be the worst at first, it's knowing that just one pill will take away all the pain in an instant. It really is a slippery slope. You see to be doing everything you can to not become addicted, so I wish you luck. Just remember, before you know it opiates can turn you into a person you never thought you'd be.
- There is no such thing as ‘happiness’ when you are deep in the grips of opiate addiction. I truly cannot even remember a single time when I actually smiled during the 8 years I was using opiates every day (hydros, then oxy’s, then heroin). Sure, there are those fleeting moments of glee when we are in withdrawal and finally get our hands on the dope that our body is screaming for in the inside, but those moments come and go almost quicker than we can make a Reddit post about them.
- When you take opiates you are just borrowing happiness from tomorrow. You will pay for it eventually.
- Opiates slow down the Central Nervous System. Your heart is part of the CNS. Your heart beats slower and slower which also slows your breathing. This also means less oxygen. Your breathing slows down so much your heart stops beating. The death is essentially painless, supposedly. You're usually nodding off or passed out by the time you reach this point.
- Nobody ever came out of a heroin habit (and lived to tell about it) and say wow I really gained/learned a lot from that. You will forever be cursed with the idea of getting high. Everyday it will pop in your head. Like a mosquito buzzing in your ear. And lots of things in life will become less exciting. Everything that gives you pleasure will give you less pleasure. Because you have already given your brain the most pleasure it’s ever gotten. If you think you are in a bad place now, you will look back and realize it wasn’t bad at all compared to what you have turned your life into now. If you really want to get addicted to a comforting feeling you would be better off doing kratom. That’s all you need to to have a warm blanket feeling. But I don’t recommend it. It does lose it’s magic and is hard to get off. But atleast it’s somewhat sustainable and won’t ruin your life. Still bad. But Heroin is off the table. Pretend it doesn’t exist. It will take you and push you down lower than you can even imagine. It’s insane how fucked it gets.
- Ophelia - Medication and support for opioid withdrawal, in the privacy of your home. (HN)
- Is it possible to make an opioid that is also a psychedelic? (2020)
- I am a heroin user. I do not have a drug problem (2021) (HN)
- Decided to try heroin - here’s what happened (2021)
- My experience of losing a friend to heroin (2020) (HN)
- Americans Invented Modern Life. Now We’re Using Opioids to Escape It. (2018) (Tweet)