Conference Presentations by Jolanta N Sujecka
The Croatian Zionist magazine "Židov" and Bosnian Sephardic
Papers by Jolanta N Sujecka
Colloquia Humanistica
The 11th issue of Colloquia Humanistica (2022) contains a thematic block titled The Sense of an E... more The 11th issue of Colloquia Humanistica (2022) contains a thematic block titled The Sense of an Ending and the Imagination of the End: Apocalypse, Disaster and Messianic Time. In the Discussions, Book Reviews, Presentations section, we publish two reviews of outstanding publications. Izabela Olszewska presents Tomasz Kamusella’s book Words in Space and Time: A Historical Atlas of Language Politics in Modern Central Europe (published by Central European University Press). Ivana Hadjievska reviews a multiple-author monograph Cultures and Politics of Remembrance: Southeast European and Balkan Perspectives, on the politics of memory from the viewpoint of Southeast Europe and the Balkans, prepared by Naum Trajanovski, Petar Todorov, Biljana Volchevska and Ljupcho S. Risteski, and published in Skopje by forum ZFD (2021).
John Benjamins Publishing Company eBooks, Jan 15, 2023
IS PAN, sygn. 26.29324, 2002
„Żaden region w Europie nie przyciąga tak wiele uwagi, ani w sensie pozytywnym, ani negatywnym, j... more „Żaden region w Europie nie przyciąga tak wiele uwagi, ani w sensie pozytywnym, ani negatywnym, jak Bałkany. Dlaczego? Przyjrzawszy się historii i kulturze regionu, nieodwołalnie dochodzimy do absurdalnego wniosku o tym, że podobieństwa dzielą. Narody myślące podobnie za wszelką cenę usiłują być różne. Takie właśnie są Bałkany. […] Co więcej, Bałkany (zwłaszcza tzw. Bałkany Zachodnie) wciąż stanowią poligon, na którym możemy obserwować na bieżąco działanie procesów konwergencyjnych w sferze mentalności i struktur językowych, przy pomocy których kategoryzuje się pojęcia” (Z „Wprowadzenia”). „Nowe treści, będące efektem badań naukowych autorek, to przede wszystkim całościowe opracowanie fonetyki bałkańskiej, znacznie odbiegające od fragmentarycznych ujęć klasycznych i przynoszące inną klasyfikację regionów i nieprezentowane dotąd szczegóły; wyjaśnienie pojęcia „Bałkany historyczne” i „Bałkany kulturowo-mentalne”; sformułowanie ich cech dystynktywnych i zestawienie ich zasięgów z „Bałkanami językowymi”. Dajemy też propozycję metodologii przydatnej w opisie różnych zjawisk arealnych, wynikającą bezpośrednio ze specyficznego charakteru konwergencji w ramach ligi językowej” („Od Autorek”).“No other European region attracts this much attention, both positive and negative, as the Balkans. Why so? Looking into the history and culture of the region, we inevitably come to the absurd conclusion that similarities divide. Nations which think alike do all they can to be different. That is the Balkans for you. […] What is more, the Balkans, especially so-called Western Balkans, still constitute a testing ground which allows us to observe in real life the operation of processes of convergence in the realms of mentality and the language structures used to categorise notions” (from the introductory chapter) “The book presents new material originating from the authors’ own research – above all: a comprehensive study of Balkan phonetics, which differs substantially from the fragmentary classic approaches and introduces a new classification of regions as well as a number of hitherto unpresented details; a explication of the notions of “historical Balkans” and “cultural and mental Balkans” as well as a juxtaposition of their ranges with the “linguistic Balkans”. We also propose a methodology useful for description of all sorts of areal phenomena, a methodology resulting directly from the peculiar character of convergences within a language league” (from the Authors’ introductory comments)
Colloquia Humanistica, 2016
Introductory CommentsThe fifth yearly volume of the Colloquia Humanistica comprises a thematic se... more Introductory CommentsThe fifth yearly volume of the Colloquia Humanistica comprises a thematic section on Nation, Natsiya, Ethnie. The subject it discusses has thus far received little attention as a research problem in the Slavia Orthodoxa, the Slavia Romana, the Balkans but also in Central and Eastern Europe. Uwagi wstępnePiąty numer rocznika "Colloquia Humanistica" przedstawia dział tematyczny, poświęcony kategoriom narodu, nacji i etni. Temat ten, w takiej perspektywie, którą proponujemy, nie spotkał się dotąd z należytym namysłem badawczym w sferze Slavia Otrhodoxa, Slavia Romana i na Bałkanach, jak też w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej.
Conferència a càrrec de Jolanta Sujecka de la Universitat de Varsòvia sobre la identitat lingüíst... more Conferència a càrrec de Jolanta Sujecka de la Universitat de Varsòvia sobre la identitat lingüística de la Macedònia del nor
Colloquia Humanistica, 2017
Introductory CommentsThe sixth issue (not just in the Thematic Section) is devoted to the borders... more Introductory CommentsThe sixth issue (not just in the Thematic Section) is devoted to the borders of civilization in our memory, in culture, in art, in literature, in the arrangement of political objectives. Both their demarcation and their crossing is a matter of the objectives we can and want to set ourselves in the context of the order that exists and into which we try to fit, transforming it or levelling.The value of this survey of “images of borders” is its setting in such varied material, owing to which the theoretical speculations gain a representative illustration and, at the same time, a guarantee of being rooted, even if it is only a “contact zone”. WprowadzenieSzósty numer (nie tylko sekcja tematyczna) jest poświęcony kwestii granic cywilizacji w naszej pamięci, kulturze, sztuce, literaturze, w definiowaniu celów politycznych. Zarówno ich wyznaczanie, jak i przekraczanie, jest kwestią celów, jakie możemy i chcemy postawić sobie w kontekście istniejącego ładu, w który sta...
Studia Litteraria Polono-Slavica, 2008
Colloquia Humanistica, 2015
Introductory CommentsThe second issue of the annual journal “Colloquia Humanistica”, published in... more Introductory CommentsThe second issue of the annual journal “Colloquia Humanistica”, published in the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, is a continuation of the themes presented in the first volume. The former issue focused on the problem of continuity and discontinuity shown on the Balkan and Macedonian example; this one presents a thematic section on minor languages, minor literatures and minor cultures. This time we did not choose any concrete region to serve as exemplification for the study of the problem, as we did in the former issue. Instead, we decided to present the complex and often paradoxical phenomenon of minority in a global context composed as a mosaic of diverse cases, not only from the European, but also from the American and African reality.
Colloquia Humanistica, 2015
Introductory CommentsNeighbourhood as a Cultural and Social Problem, the central theme of the fou... more Introductory CommentsNeighbourhood as a Cultural and Social Problem, the central theme of the fourth volume of the annual Colloquia Humanistica, seems to be a subject of importance in all cultural contexts. This universality does indeed find its multidimensional exemplification in our current issue, which draws on cases from throughout Europe and the globe. An unexpected context for the theme of Colloquia Humanistica’s fourth issue is the pair of notions, well rooted in the world of Balkan Sephardic Jews, of baška and barabar. Baška is synonymous with maintaining the distinctiveness of one’s community in the face of assimilationist temptations. Barabar denotes integration with the outside world. In the multicultural world of the Balkans, however, both these notions constituted and indivisible pair, the meaning of one completing the sense of the other, so that together, they taught the members of the community a valuable lesson about the strength to be derived from a wise integration...
Sprawy Narodowościowe, 2005
Wśród krajów Północy. Kultura Pierwszej Rzeczypospolitej wobec narodów germańskich, słowiańskich i naddunajskich: mapa spotkań, przestrzenie dialogu. Tom I, 2015
Colloquia Humanistica
Introductory CommentsThe 10th, jubilee issue of Colloquia Humanistica (2021) contains a thematic ... more Introductory CommentsThe 10th, jubilee issue of Colloquia Humanistica (2021) contains a thematic section: Heritage and the Post-Socialist City: Cultural and Social Perspectives. Alongside this section devoted to cities and towns of Central and Eastern Europe, in the issue’s Materials section we publish the first Polish poetic translation, authored by Małgorzata Borowska, of the second poem by Grigor Prličev (1830/31–1893), Skanderbeg (1862, Σκενδέρμπεης). The translation is accompanied by two papers/commentaries in English, for a wider audience prepared by Małgorzata Borowska and Jolanta Sujecka. The Discussions, Presentations, Book Reviews, section features three reviews, including a presentation of the monograph “Et les Juifs bulgares furent sauvés”: Une histoire des saviors sur la Shoah en Bulgarie by Nadège Ragaru.Uwagi wstępneDziesiąty, jubileuszowy numer „Colloquia Humanistica” (2021) zawiera blok tematyczny zatytułowany: Heritage and the Post-Socialist City: Social and Cultur...
Colloquia Humanistica
Introductory CommentsThe ninth issue of Colloquia Humanistica (2020) contains a thematic section ... more Introductory CommentsThe ninth issue of Colloquia Humanistica (2020) contains a thematic section entitled Sephardim, Ashkenazim and Non-Jewish Peoples: Encounters Across Europe, but in fact the whole issue is devoted to Jewish topics.In the Materials, Sources, Archives section, this time we present four papers which deal with relevant religious texts, literature, biography and, finally, historical documents. In the Discussion. Presentations. Book Reviews segment we offer readers two reviews of interesting books, and also one paper which, through the scholar’s personal biography, reflects on how snippets of the Jewish past tend to linger on in the form of absent presences. Uwagi wstępneDziewiąty numer „Colloquia Humanistica” (2020) zawiera blok tematyczny zatytułowany: Sephardim, Ashkenazim and Non-Jewish Peoples. Encounters Across Europe, jakkolwiek cały rocznik jest poświęcony tematyce żydowskiej.W dziale Materials, Sources, Archives tym razem publikujemy cztery artykuły, które pre...
Conference Presentations by Jolanta N Sujecka
Papers by Jolanta N Sujecka